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<will[m]> is there any reason why whenever i do a `make package/mypackage/compile` it recompiles all that package's dependencies like openssl etc?
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<will[m]> i just want to change one line in my source file and test the output, and it takes like 10 minutes every time
<champtar> will[m]: first you can use -j $numcore
<champtar> then if it really recompiles everything that means files timestamp changed (ie normal make behavior)
<champtar> did you by any chance had wrong time (in the future) set on your computer when you did the git checkout
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<mangix> stintel: neither can the buildbot. It's a strange error too.
<mangix> maybe an update to 1.12 fixes it.
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: is there a PR to update the binutils?
<mangix> not that I know of?
<mangix> I use 2.37 FWIW
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<aparcar[m]> I figured
<ea8500> Hello everyone. I wanted to share what I found when using the Linksys ea8500 router. In June 2021 I purchased a Linksys ea8500 router, from the first moment I noticed poor performance on the 2.4 GHz wifi, I found that it improved if I placed option ieee80211w '0' in the wifi-iface in the /etc/config/wireless file. But still the performance was poor and unstable. After a lot of searching I found this post
<ea8500> which mentions a similar problem and the difference between using the stock firmware and the Candela Technologies modified firmware. In the tests they obtained better results with the stock firmware, so I decided to try it, and it was a success! the ath10k-firmware-qca99x0 firmware works optimally on my Linksys ea8500 router, while the default one (ath10k-firmware-qca99x0-ct), does not.
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<mangix> ea8500: note that it is possible to mix and match drivers and firmware
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<mangix> will[m]: use ccache
<will[m]> <champtar> "did you by any chance had..." <- I'm using the open wrt SDK docker image and just keeping it open in between runs. Every time I try having the SDK or build route on my laptop directly it gets corrupted and I need to repull it, so I'm trying to snapshot something repeatable that I can reset when necessary.
<will[m]> <mangix> "will: use ccache" <- Will check that out, thank you
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: so layerscape failed. restool succeeded but tfa-layerscape failed. I can't reproduce locally.
<mangix> the only difference is I use binutils 2.37 locally. Maybe that's enough to fix.
<aparcar[m]> mangix: here is another run with 2.37
<aparcar[m]> and gcc11
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: reproduced. that gcc11 patch of mine is needed.
<aparcar[m]> mangix: which one?
<aparcar[m]> i'm losing track
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<mangix> i think it's some issue during prepare where the gcc11 patch remained even after being deleted
<mangix> aparcar[m]: force pushed. please repull
<mangix> this should finally be fixed.
<mangix> The restool commit works and fixes compilation. You could push it if you want.
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: should be done in a few hours
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<nitroshift> morning guys
<Tusker> morning nitroshift
<nitroshift> hey Tusker
<mangix> aparcar[m]: build succeeded
<nitroshift> mangix, morning
<nitroshift> iproute2 patch solved connectivity on before-broken ports
<nitroshift> still random mac though
<mangix> nitroshift: right. the MAC thing needs solving in a different way
<nitroshift> yes
<mangix> I was just wondering about connectivity
<nitroshift> all ports are working now
<nitroshift> down where?
<mangix> or just add lan_mac=$label_mac to that section
<nitroshift> already done that, no joy
<mangix> the thing is, the MAC address of eth0 and eth1 don't really matter
<nitroshift> thing is that eth0 and all related ports have the correct mac
<mangix> lan1-4 and wan do
<mangix> as long as those are fine, eth0 and eth1 are not a concern
<nitroshift> lan1 and lan3 also have the correct mac address
<mangix> so lan 2 and 4 have the random MAC?
<nitroshift> only lan2 and lan4 which are connected to eth1 (introduced by the dsa multi-cpu patch)
<nitroshift> mangix, correct
<mangix> hmm that's no good
<nitroshift> well, eth1 isn't defined anywhere in the target tree, nor linked to, it doesn't know where to get the mac address from
<mangix> would have to check to see how the turris people handle this
<nitroshift> mangix, good idea
<nitroshift> brb
<aparcar[m]> mangix: which one?
<aparcar[m]> oh sweet
<aparcar[m]> thanks, will merge after dinner
<mangix> cool
<nitroshift> back
<rsalvaterra> Seems like we're clear for the GCC 11 bump… :);a=commit;h=f9050f1c435bfc8593eeb689ebde5fd04ff41e66
<mangix> mhmm
<mangix> hauke should be merging the musl 1.2 stuff soon
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<rsalvaterra> Finally! ;)
<jow> will[m]: do you use the SDK? If so, try disabling menuconfig [*] Advanced configuration options (for developers) ---> [ ] Automatic removal of build directories
<aparcar[m]> I'll go ahead and merge gcc11 once I gave it a final runtime test
<aparcar[m]> jow: good seeing you here!
<Tusker> I am trying to get the DSA switch configured within the DTS for the WatchGuard xtm33 I am porting. the switch detects on the mdio on 0x11 and 0x10, and there seems to be a phy on 0x1f (with a status of down) on the same mdio bus, and it returns a reasonable status like 1000mbit. there are two ethernet devices which look like they should connect to those two 0x10 and 0x11 (which is looks like in the factory boot logs), but I can't figure out wha
<Tusker> any ideas anyone? :)
<aparcar[m]> mangix: merged, thanks again for you help
<mangix> cool. may the unexpecterd failures in the packages feed begin :)
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<mangix> should just be 1 or 2 packages
<mangix> ah yes, libuwsc will break
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<Kali_> I got a question: How do i pass custom variables into ubus object callbacks?
<Kali_> (without using global variables)
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<rsalvaterra> Yikes. I think I'm going to have a 500 Mb/s internet connection soon. I don't have a router capable of (cake) shaping at that speed. :|
<rsalvaterra> #firstworldproblems
<mangix> Don’t use cake. Problem solved
<rsalvaterra> Maybe the Omnia… but it will be begging for mercy, for sure.
<stintel> rsalvaterra: get an m300 ;)
<Tusker> OK, so the mdio tool can see the marvell ports, but it can't see it when specifying in dts -
<mangix> Is cake even compatible with HBM?
<SwedeMike> rsalvaterra: I have WRT1200AC, and it can do FQ_CODEL at those speeds. Can't do cake though. I ended up using FQ_CODEL and it works fine
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Yes, it is. I fixed it. ;)
<SwedeMike> rsalvaterra: so omnia would be fine as well
<mangix> SwedeMike: Omnia has a higher clocked CPU
<SwedeMike> yes.
<SwedeMike> so if my 1.2GHz WRT1200AC can do it, the higher clocked omnia should too
<mangix> Anyway, radical idea: reimplement cake in terms of XDP.
* mangix hides
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Oh, wait! Cake. I read "Omnia compative with HBM", sorry.
* rsalvaterra needs coffee
<rsalvaterra> *compatible
<lemmi> rsalvaterra: how are you using cake? with ingress shaping?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: eBPF cake… that would be interesting.
<rsalvaterra> lemmi: Both ingress and egress.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: would also be unusable with HBM
<mangix> It’s interesting in that OpenWrt is transitioning to nftables yet upstream wants to replace it with eBPF
<rsalvaterra> mangix: True, but I don't think HBM isn't that much faster than traditional software buffers.
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Ah, yes… firewall4/nftables… I believe the real future is bpftables, but it will take quite some time to be ready.
<rsalvaterra> Fun fact: the plan is for bpftables to use the exact same iptables syntax.
<karlp> mrkiko: not even looking at it, only concern with trying to get both ethernet ports link detection working.
<mangix> eBPF is only compiled with clang I believe. Wonder if it’s possible to use a clang toolchain in OpenWrt. My guess is no.
<lemmi> rsalvaterra: last time i checked, ingress shaping was done through
<mangix> Clang gets built weird. It uses a monorepo structure.
<Kali_> well
<lemmi> rsalvaterra: last time i checked, ingress shaping was done through ifb device. that causes the packet to pass through the router multiple times
<lemmi> rsalvaterra: i suggest disabling ingress shaping. what i do is mark packets from wan and the have 2 DRR qdiscs on my lan interface. one for lan traffic, one for traffic coming from the internet.
<lemmi> that way i don't rely on ifb devices, performance is much better this way
<Kali_> mangix: i think you can pre-compile it with a clang cross-compiler into .(s)o files and use buildroot to link them.. i think, i might be speaking out of my ass here
<rsalvaterra> lemmi: There's no other way to do ingress shaping. To decide what to do with a packet, you need to receive it first, hence the ifb. :)
<rsalvaterra> XDP could potentially accelerate that process, I think.
<mangix> Kali_: I mean more like adding toolchain/clang or llvm.
<Kali_> yeah that would require a lot more work
<mangix> One benefit if that is faster compilation. LLVM uses CMake
<lemmi> rsalvaterra: i just explained how it works
<lemmi> rsalvaterra: firewall mark on ingress, extra qdisc for downstream links that do shaping on egress
<mangix> So regarding bufferbloat. Why not just set all user configurable buffering to low levels?
<SwedeMike> hard to control the ISP upstream router egress buffer size
<mangix> You mean modem?
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<SwedeMike> mangix: because it depends on the application if big buffers are good or not, thus non consensus on what the buffer depth should be
<lemmi> mangix: yeah.. it's about the buffers you don't control
<SwedeMike> mangix: no, I mean the egress buffer of the BNG or whatever they might call their router.
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<SwedeMike> CMTS etc
<mangix> Hrm unfortunate
<SwedeMike> that's what ingress shaping tries to solve, to minimize the hits to the ISP FIFO
<mangix> Anyway, I’ll be using HWNAT. Don’t need cake :)
<SwedeMike> s/don't need/can't use/
<mangix> lol. FWIW DOCSIS 3.1 modems use pie.
<lemmi> mangix: in essence you want to be the chokepoint. if everything else is faster, their buffers wont fill
<SwedeMike> actually both my previous DOCSIS access and my current FTTH aren't bloated, they have 10ms FIFO so it's not strictly needed to do ingress shaping
<SwedeMike> but I do it anyway, because I'm a nerd who likes AQM
<mangix> This pali guy is comedy gold.
<mangix> Hmmm should I bite?
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<stintel> testing 5.10 on octeon since today
<stintel> I'll probably make that the default in a couple of weeks if I don't hit issues
<stintel> and after that I'm retiring my octeon hw
<stintel> now strace doesn't build all of a sudden
<mangix> stintel: —without-selinux needed probablt
<stintel> looks more like an autoconf problem
<stintel> Makefile:9303: *** missing separator. Stop.
<stintel> on that line there is:
<mangix> Seen that before. Forgot where.
<mangix> Oh look. libtool update is causing armageddon on the buildbots.
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<stintel> sent out a fix for strace to ml
<stintel> on one hand I wonder why it only pops up now, on the other hand I can't be arsed, strace is one of those annoying packages that often breaks
<mangix> stintel: one of the tools updates?
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<mangix> Probably the autoconf macros
<stintel> yes, probably, but disabling autoreconf is imo preferred anyway
<stintel> it also decreases build time so double win
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<stintel> ugh fw3/ipset is totally broken. claiming ipset family doesn't match rule family while both are set to ipv4
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Huh? What are you trying to do?
<stintel> rsalvaterra: nothing, working config completely broken after sysupgrade
<stintel> my monitoring is going berserk
<rsalvaterra> Hm… strange. I'm asking because I use ipsets all the time at the office.
<karlp> hrm, swconfig knows the port goes up and down, but "ip l" just stays at lower_up permanently.
<mrkiko> karlp: did you solve the 5 seconds mistery?
<stintel> rsalvaterra: are you running master though in the office ?
<karlp> mrkiko: nope, like I said, not even looking at that, only affects some rebuilds and reflashes, not interesting to me.
<karlp> getting two ethernet ports with working link detection is the only goal
<karlp> and it's so far proving to be a mega time suck :)
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<stintel> oh dear, nice copy-paste error I made :(
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<Slimey> heh
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<rsalvaterra> stintel: More or less… it's master from a long time ago, still at 5.4. :)
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<Slimey> stintel see my dm? any ideas?
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<stintel> Slimey: not sure what to answer .. just follow your gut ?
<stintel> rsalvaterra: yeah, this device was also still running 5.4 before the upgrade
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<will[m]> <jow> "will: do you use the SDK? If so,..." <- Ooh good catch I'll check that too
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<Slimey> k
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<hauke> aparcar[m]: thanks for the gcc11 update
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<hauke> Should we do the musl 1.2 update now or should we wait ~2 weeks?
<hauke> My board was crashing with random memory corruptions when I just updated to musl 1.2 without rebuilding the toolchain.
<hauke> I would prefer to do the musl 1.2 update now as everyone will anyway rebuild their toolchain
<karlp> :+1:
<olmari> Sounds highly logical do it now
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<stintel> hauke: it's been running fine on my exotic not-upstreamed-yet qoriq ppc64 target so that's a good sign ;)
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<aparcar[m]> hauke: please proceed. I can also run it through my CI to see if any builds break
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<will[m]> that worked thanks jow
<aparcar[m]> hauke: do you have a patch for musl?
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<stintel> anyone using a Zyxel NBG6817 with master? got a report that sysupgrade to snapshot from master doesn't boot
<dwfreed> still on 19.07, not brave enough to even go to 21.02
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<hauke> aparcar[m]: mangix: stintel: I pushed the musl 1.2 update
<hauke> thank you mangix for your work on it
<stintel> hauke: thanks for pushing it
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<rsalvaterra> OMFG, musl 1.2 was merged, I can finally delete my branch! :D
<Habbie> wow
<Habbie> in what openwrt release can we expect it? :)
<rsalvaterra> 22.x.
<Habbie> ok
<stintel> I'll give you a more smartass answer: the next one
<Habbie> oh, 21.02 is out
<Habbie> i missed that
<stintel> welcome in September 2021, Habbie ;)
<Habbie> i'm pretty sure september is not month 2!
<Habbie> so that brings me to another question
<stintel> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Habbie> if a user installs 21.02 today, they'll get the packages tree as it was 'at some point', right
<Habbie> if i update a package on master
<Habbie> should i also PR to the 21.02 tree?
<stintel> they'll get the openwr-21.02 branch of the packages tree
<stintel> if that's a non-breaking version bump yes
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> or in case of a CVE, maybe just add a patch then
<stintel> yeah
<Habbie> so like Debian
<stintel> I don't think we do hard version freezes, especially in the feeds
<stintel> it probably depends on the maintainer
<Habbie> i'm the maintainer in this case
<stintel> I rarely merge anything to the release branches because I simply don't run them
<stintel> and I prefer to not merge what I don't run
<Habbie> yes, fair
<rsalvaterra> stintel: And here's a cynical comment: your answer is the correct one since, given the current tendency, we don't know if the next release will be a 22.x. :P
* rsalvaterra braces for impact
<stintel> rsalvaterra: :)
<stintel> let's hope we can have a 22.<6
<stintel> anyway, I should bisect that fscking fw3/ipset issue
<stintel> I kind of have the feeling that nobody uses anything, how else can this issue have gone unnoticed :/
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Hm… maybe something changed in the meantime, in terms of configuration?
<stintel> no, absolutely not
<slh> stintel: I'm running master/ r17525-a46fa5c3a7 with DSA PR#4036 musl and mac80211 updates pulled in, no recent issues with sysupgrade
<slh> on my nbg6816
<slh> err, nbg6817
<stintel> slh: thanks
<slh> I usually update once a week or once every two weeks at most
<slh> depending on what happens in master
<stintel> I'll suggest my colleague tomorrow to try resetting with the button (if it has one?)
<stintel> maybe some config got hosed and reset would fix the thing being unreachalbe
<slh> the easiest way is to switch to the other (old) partition and upgrade from there
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<slh> but yes, the nbg6817 has a very reliable push-button tftp recovery (fetching from a tftp server on your client)
<stintel> I've 0 experience with this device so I'm kind of blind here\
<stintel> but thanks for confirming that it works for you
<slh> just serve the (OpenWrt- or OEM) factory image as ras.bin from
<slh> but toggling and booting into the alternative firmware partition is usually easier/ better, and then just sysupgrading from there
<slh> dual-firmware devices are really nice
<slh> e.g. nbg6817-dualboot --toggle-rootfs ; reboot
<rsalvaterra> stintel: What's your ipset configuration, what are you doing, exactly?
<stintel> rsalvaterra: I'm trying to reproduce it in a VM as we speak, hold on for a bit
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<stintel> wait
<stintel> that's a different issue, the ipset is not created at all
<stintel> grmbl
<stintel> great, the ipset exists ...
<stintel> goddamnit
<stintel> see, as I said, fw3/ipset is completely broken
<rsalvaterra> Weird, I also have ipsets defined in /etc/config/firewall and they're created correctly.
<stintel> the ipset is there
<stintel> refresh the gist
<stintel> it is there, fw3 claims it's not
<stintel> I've been using this config for years
<stintel> didn't change a thing, only sysupgrade
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Wait, option ipset…?
<stintel> what where ?
<stintel> that's how you define a rule that matches an ipset ...
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I have this rule for blocking DoH here at home…
<stintel> I have that define in the ipset
<stintel> wait, no, but doesn't matter, this worked for years
<stintel> at least 3
<stintel> If specified, match traffic against the given ipset. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark. You can specify the direction as 'setname src' or 'setname dest'. The default if neither src nor dest are added is to assume src
<rsalvaterra> Right.
<stintel> but doesn't even matter
<stintel> fw3 claims the set is missing
<stintel> (I added src for shits and giggles no change)
<rsalvaterra> What happens when you manually delete the ipset an restart fw3?
<rsalvaterra> *and
<stintel> exactly the same, same fw3 error, yet ipset exists afterward
<stintel> I'm gonna revert to 5.4
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<rsalvaterra> I wonder how I'm not seeing that issue on my machines… :/
<stintel> did you upgrade recently ?
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<rsalvaterra> Linux rocket.lan 5.10.67 #0 SMP Mon Sep 20 09:19:45 2021 mips GNU/Linux
<rsalvaterra> Seems recent enough… :)
<stintel> yeah agreed
<stintel> must be my talent for exposing issues again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<wigyori> you're the one who orders -1 beer at the QA pub
<stintel> all I know is I sysupgraded my central VPN endpoint and everything went to shit because of iptables rules referencing ipsets not working
<rsalvaterra> wigyori: Oh, ordering -1 unsigned beers sounds just perfect. :D
<stintel> :D
<stintel> our poor livers tho
<rsalvaterra> It's for sharing, don't be greedy. :P
<stintel> that's why I said "our"
<wigyori> :D
<rsalvaterra> xD
<stintel> 5.4.145 same problem
<stintel> guess I'm going on a git bisect adventure
<stintel> fml
<rsalvaterra> I'm stockpiling kernel bumps. I think this is a new personal record. :P
<stintel> should probably squash that ;)
<rsalvaterra> stintel: It's better not to squash. Bisectibility, etc.… :)
<stintel> when I still did kernel bumps I'd just bump to the latest version in a single go
<stintel> but yes, you're right
<stintel> anyway
<stintel> 80 cpu threads to the bisectmobile
<rsalvaterra> And hauke merged the mac80211 backports. It's my turn to say fml. :P
<stintel> I'm gonna have to replace this box as I feel it's becoming slow 😂
<stintel> 2.3GHz seriously sucks though
<rsalvaterra> I have exactly 1/10th of those threads.
<stintel> very nice when some larger thing is compiling at effectively 80 threads
<stintel> but autoconf/configure/...
<stintel> horrendously slow
<rsalvaterra> At 3.6 GHz base frequency, though.
<stintel> I wish we could have AMP instead of SMP :P
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Some thing just can't be parelelised. You won't get a baby in one month by impregnating nine women.
<stintel> like a quadcore that goes all the way to 5GHz and then 2 20 core or so like this one
<stintel> LMAO
<stintel> you win the internet for todayu
<rsalvaterra> (However, *on average*, after nine months, you'll have a baby per month. That's pipelining. :P)
<rsalvaterra> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in package/kernel/mac80211/patches/ath9k/543-ath9k_entropy_from_adc.patch
<rsalvaterra> And this is where the fun begins…
* rsalvaterra weeps
<stintel> yeah, conflicts in patches is game over
<stintel> well, often
<rsalvaterra> How can I tell git to just override the conflicts by keeping only my changes?
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<stintel> no idea, never crossed my mind
<rsalvaterra> If I can do that, maybe a refresh will fix it.
<rsalvaterra> stintel: That's because you never used CVS. And that's a good thing. :P
<stintel> I have
<dwfreed> there's a flag to resolve conflicts with your changes always
<stintel> but I've migrated away from it long ago
<dwfreed> not always ideal
<rsalvaterra> dwfreed: Yeah, I fully understand the implications, but in this case, it's a possible way out. :)
<rsalvaterra> git checkout --ours PATH/FILE
<rsalvaterra> I think this is it.
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<rsalvaterra> Nope, didn't work. Need to dig deeper…
<stintel> lol this box builds an OpenWrt image from scratch in the time my RISC-V box extracts a kernel tarball 😂
<rsalvaterra> Woohoo! I did it!
<stintel> gratz!
<rsalvaterra> It's the exact opposite.
<rsalvaterra> git checkout --theirs PATH/FILE
<stintel> haha, howchoo
<stintel> I like it
<stintel> choo choo
<dwfreed> "Note that during git rebase and git pull --rebase, ours and theirs may appear swapped; --ours gives the version from the branch the changes are rebased onto, while --theirs gives the version from the branch that holds your work that is being rebased."
<stintel> Imma leave that tab open for tomorrow
<dwfreed> which is why git checkout --theirs is the correct answer
<dwfreed> as counter-intuitive as it sounds
<rsalvaterra> dwfreed: There's probably a good reason for that, but I just took it as gospel. :)
* stintel head explodes
<dwfreed> it's explained in the next paragraph in the git-checkout manpage
<dwfreed> basically, during a rebase, you become the steward of the canonical history, and you're merging some contributor's changes
<dwfreed> so canonical history is ours, and the contributor's changes is theirs
<rsalvaterra> Whoa… So I took my version of the 543-ath9k_entropy_from_adc.patch, refreshed the patches again… and came out completely unchanged. Surprising.
<stintel> pffft, of course random package build breakage during bisect
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Yeah, we had this chat about bisectibility in the packages feed a while ago… :)
<stintel> I'm really close to doing a make clean after every build
<stintel> because shit is constantly breaking
<stintel> which is extremely frustrating
<mangix> rsalvaterra: Ansuel recently broke wake/suspend for qca8k :)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Oh…? Was that the reason for your lan{2,4} failures?
<mangix> nope
<mangix> that's the multicpu dsa patch
<mangix> which I'm done with at this point
<stintel> bah
<stintel> the breakage is due to things in packages feed being switched to meson
<mangix> stintel: elaborate
<stintel> read up
<mangix> I just see breakage
<rsalvaterra> mangix: stintel noticed a possible breakage in fw3 ipset handling.
<mangix> how is that related to meson?
<stintel> bisect was mentioned 6 times in the last 2h
<stintel> but that's horribly broken because going back 4 months in master half of packages breaks
<mangix> yes, I switched 44 packages to use tools/meson
* mangix wonders why core openwrt libraries don't use pkgconfig and are not versioned
<PaulFertser> I wonder how to find an owner of DGS-1210-10P Rev F1 to test if we can have a common dtsi with R1. But nobody's answering so far. Can't be so few people really have it?
<mangix> rsalvaterra: what's worse is all autotools packages on the buildbots don't build currrently
<mangix> why did cotequeiroz think it was a good idea to update libtool when it clearly breaks API
<mangix> aparcar[m]: does your CI have host libtool?
<stintel> great. bisecting went from major pita to impossible
<aparcar[m]> mangix: CI should have everything
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<stintel> sigh
<stintel> previous image of my VPN router was using 5.4.117 kernel. managed to build the commit that introduced that kernel version in master, yet the ipset problem persists
<stintel> what I also noticed, is that if I add entries to the ipset in firewall.user, the first attempt fails
<stintel> and that VPN router booted several times with that image without issues (due to hypervisor issues)
<mangix> aparcar[m]: can you remove libtool (any any dependencies) and try running it? currently the buildbot is not building packages that use libtool:
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<mangix> hrm anyone have a qca956x device?
<stintel> Zyxel XS1930-12HP is pretty expensive :/