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<aparcar[m]> mangix layerscape still broken
<mangix> aparcar[m]: that's not right...
<aparcar[m]> mangix: ?
<aparcar[m]> The ci build doesn't pass
<mangix> layerscape all compiles locally
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<Tusker> stintel: awake? :)
<mangix> aparcar[m]: just completed. It compiles fine. Something is wrong with that CI instance
<Tusker> stintel: ok, i will add those and retest
<mangix> aparcar[m]: as for that bcm failure, I'd just leave it broken. It's only one target.
<mangix> sorry, one device
<mangix> whoever wants to can fix it.
<aparcar[m]> Bueno
<aparcar[m]> mangix: I'll wait for this other target to work before merging
<Tusker> aparcar[m]: mac is working OK now, or need any other changes ?
<aparcar[m]> Tusker: err did you test mangix PR.
<Tusker> which PR sorry ?
<Tusker> stintel: for when you get back online - I tried adding the phy nodes as suggested but it ends up like - https://pastebin.com/UQCXW6yy the DTS for that log is https://pastebin.com/xkX6M4S6
<Tusker> aparcar[m]: did you want me to test building with that PR on the mac or on my linux PC ?
<Tusker> not sure I have any bcm devices hanging around... checking stash...
<aparcar[m]> Tusker: oh hah. No Mac as in network hardware address
<Tusker> gitlab-runner macosx :) anyway, will see if I have a bcm63xx device anyway
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<grid> mangix: for that PR i think you need to make it a volatile pointer to get gcc to not complain in memcpy
<grid> not positive though
<Tusker> nope, looks like only a bcm3383g
<grid> i don't know if a cast is sufficient or if you need to define a new variable to hold the address 0xBEBFF377 before passing to memcpy
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: volatile pointer?
<mangix> ...
<mangix> having to use volatile pointer means the original code is horrible. but w/e.
<mangix> error: passing argument 2 of 'memcpy' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Werror=discarded-qualifiers]
<mangix> volatile is discarded
<mangix> error: passing argument 2 of 'memcpy' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type
<grid> mangix: something like this maybe https://godbolt.org/z/fEsY4cG3r
<grid> no idea if it works but it compiles on gcc 11.2
<mangix> grid: I updated the PR. tell me what you think.
<mangix> grid: too many variables
<mangix> to work around stupid issue
<mangix> I removed the temporary variable. It better work now.
<mangix> aparcar[m]: please recheck. I'm pretty much done with this garbage
<grid> i think the use of memcpy() there prevents an unaligned access
<mangix> how so?
<grid> 0xBEBFF377 isn't on a 4 byte boundary
<grid> memcpy() handles that behind the scenes
<grid> not sure if there's a way around a temporary variable. besides, it's almost cleaner to give 0xBEBFF377 a variable name, else it's just a magic number
<grid> s/almost//
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<mangix> grid: it's apparently a memory address.
<mangix> in any case, who cares about alignment. as long as it works.
<grid> ok
<grid> well it won't work
<mangix> well, let's see what the guy with the device says
<aparcar[m]> mangix: how is it so complicated to get a variable from a pointer?
<mangix> You tell me.
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<digitalcircuit> mrkiko: I've actually been out on a trip for the past 10 days or so, no update on the IPQ806x bug hunt so far. Thanks for checking in though! I hope to return to The Case of the Unexpected Reset in the near future (I just got home today).
<aparcar[m]> mangix: not my expertise, sorry
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<mangix> nitroshift: out of curiousity, when you were testing DSA, did you have only one commit?
<nitroshift> hey mangix
<nitroshift> i took only the generic patches out of PR
<mangix> which PR?
<mangix> nitroshift: note that the first two commits are needed. not just the first.
<nitroshift> mangix, i used the commits of 18/09
<nitroshift> though the mdio patch doen't apply to mvebu
<nitroshift> *doesn't
<nitroshift> the 19/09 commits refer to ipq target
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<nitroshift> mangix, it fails to read the mac address of eth1
<nitroshift> my guess is that eth1 isn't defined anywhere in the device tree
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<nitroshift> mangix, i would define eth1 as second cpu port and link the wan port to it (would it even work?)
<nitroshift> let me come up with a patch
<Tusker> nitroshift: do you know how to enable debugging of dsa switch bring up ?
<nitroshift> Tusker, no
<Tusker> ok:) I will keep struggling then
<aparcar[m]> mangix: ping
<mangix> nitroshift: i already gave you a patch like that. the point is, both patches, the multicpu dsa and the iproute one are needed
<mangix> aparcar[m]: pong
<nitroshift> mangix, the patch you gave me only enables second cpu port
<aparcar[m]> mangix: can you test the latest suggestion on mac?
<nitroshift> mangix, what i mean is https://pastebin.com/BvWMjXQj
<mangix> nitroshift: I know what you mean, but locally without that iproute patch, all even ports were not working for me.
<nitroshift> mangix, same here
<mangix> the wrong MAC thing can be worked around
<nitroshift> let me check again what patches i applied
<mangix> but the even ports not working indicates the iproute patch was missing
<mangix> aparcar[m]: that patch is all sorts of insanity
<mangix> then again, so are DTS less platforms
<nitroshift> mangix, my bad: left the iproute patch out :|
<nitroshift> mangix, so now all ports work ok for you?
<mangix> nitroshift: I believe so. The thing is, they all initially worked and then they stopped. I think what happened was I removed the iproute patch while doing some cleaning on my branch.
<nitroshift> mangix, i'll fire up a build with the iproute patch included and run-test it
<mangix> aparcar[m]: migrated to that suggestion. compiles.
<mangix> that looks like it avoids any unaligned read concerns
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<mangix> danitool: welcome back
<danitool> hi mangix
<nitroshift> mangix, i will have the results tomorrow, device is remote, can only test this afternoon
<mangix> danitool: can you check https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4575 again?
<danitool> ok
<rsalvaterra> I don't know what to think of this… https://openvpn.net/blog/openvpn-data-channel-offload/
<mangix> rsalvaterra: I am completely against it.
<rsalvaterra> Looks like people start noticing WireGuard is fast and now want a piece of the action too… but (even a small part of) OpenVPN in the kernel… I don't know.
<rsalvaterra> *started
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Yeah, that was my gut reaction too. :)
<mangix> rsalvaterra: the negative aspect of wireguard. Everyone wants a piece of the pie
<rsalvaterra> Well, too bad… WireGuard got there first, deal with it. B)
<rsalvaterra> And it's *simple*.
<mangix> right. The OpenVPN module should be judged based on lines of code honestly.
<mangix> the ksmbd stuff was quite funny.
<rsalvaterra> Don't get me started on ksmbd…
<mangix> rsalvaterra: I hereby get you started.
<mangix> :)
<mangix> oh openvpn module is here: https://github.com/OpenVPN/ovpn-dco
<rsalvaterra> I just checked the contents or drivers/net/ovpn-dco and was like "lol, no".
* rsalvaterra is going to clone it to get a better idea…
<nitroshift> mangix, flashing now
<mangix> :)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: 5821 LOC vs WireGuard's 6033 LOC…
<rsalvaterra> … but no AEAD support yet.
<mangix> that's a bad sign :)
<mangix> wireguard was initially smaller
<nitroshift> mangix, https://pastebin.com/jphRpyYs
<mangix> nitroshift: expected
<rsalvaterra> mangix: My only (admittedly minor) peeve with WireGuard is the lack of TCP support, for traversing fascist firewalls.
<mangix> nitroshift: the question is whether the even ethernet ports work
<nitroshift> don't know whether even ports work until i get home to plug a cable in them
<mangix> with ifconfig, do the even ones have a different mac address?
<rsalvaterra> ifconfig? What year is this?
<nitroshift> mangix, yes
<nitroshift> random too
<mangix> hmmm that's not good. Although I'm pretty sure it can be worked around.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: easier than ip
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I never learned ifconfig, I jumped straight into ip, when I started playing with the terminal. :)
<mangix> whereas I started with ipconfig :)
<nitroshift> mangix, looking through the PR patches, i see no mention of eth2 as defined in the armada-385-linksys.dtsi, only eth1
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Oh, I used both ipconfig and ifconfig, but only to see my IP address. :P
<nitroshift> as a use case, i wonder whether changing eth1 to eth2 would set the correct port details
<mangix> nitroshift: remember the patch I sent you?
<nitroshift> the one that enables second cpu port?
<mangix> yeah
<nitroshift> i'm looking at it
<nitroshift> ethernet = <&eth0>;
<nitroshift> that is correct
<nitroshift> but in armada-385-linksys.dtsi we have second cpu port set as eth2
<nitroshift> the multi-cpu dsa patches mention only eth0 and eth1, nothing about eth2
<nitroshift> that's why i was thinking to change eth1 to eth2
<mangix> nitroshift: linksys routers do not use eth2. just eth0 and eth1
<mangix> eth2 is not connected to the switch
<mangix> turris omnia is the biggest user of eth2 AFAIK
<rsalvaterra> Correct, the Omnia's eth2 is the WAN port.
<aparcar[m]> mangix: thanks for bearing with it
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: do you have one of the fancy omnia routers?
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: I had two, actually, but I sold one of them. :)
<mangix> I have an Omnia and a MOX. Both are unused currently.
<aparcar[m]> Which models? I'm thinking of investing
<rsalvaterra> Revision CZ11NIC13, the original one, from the Indiegogo campaign.
<mangix> same here
<rsalvaterra> The MOX didn't convince me at all… :/
<mangix> rsalvaterra: funny. I didn't like it either. I just said https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/574/takemymoney.jpg
<rsalvaterra> xD
<mangix> funny enough, the original was a reference to Apple
<rsalvaterra> A reference to Apple…?
<rsalvaterra> Tell me more.
<mangix> It's an episode of Futurama. New iPhone came out. The genius was explaining it. Then he hit him with that.
<rsalvaterra> Oh, you mean the meme! :)
<nitroshift> mangix, what is eth2 connected to? one end is cpu, but the other end?
<rsalvaterra> I thought you were talking about the Omnia. ;)
<mangix> lol no
<mangix> nitroshift: I think you're confused. All eth interfaces are CPU ports. eth0 and eth1 are connected to the switch. eth2 is just a standalone one.
<nitroshift> i AM confused
<rsalvaterra> Nice to see David Miller again… :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgB7JpSL5cs
<stintel> Tusker: I guess you need to do more trial and error
<mangix> nitroshift: the SoC supports 3 CPU ports, but the linksys routers only have two wired.
<nitroshift> NOW i get it
<nitroshift> thanks, mangix
<mangix> what's funny is I was looking for the original PDF. I couldn't find it.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: I liked davem's talk on struct packing 4 years ago
<mangix> I actually tried backporting it to OpenWrt at the time.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: i just noticed that's dwmw2_gone
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Yep, I also noticed that. :)
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: i just looked up that meme on youtube. first result is a Portuguese translation. first thing i notice is that legal = neat.
<rsalvaterra> mangix: That's Brazilian. Not Portuguese from Portugal. :P
<mangix> close enough :)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I'll pretend you didn't say that. :P
<mangix> hehe
<mangix> is it just brazillians that pronounce R as an H?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Brazil is a big country, there are lots of different accents… Heck, Portugal is a small country and we also have lots of different accents, depending on the region. :)
<mangix> I mostly now of the jui-jitsu guys like Rickson Gracie whose first name is pronounced Hickson
<mangix> *know
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Oh, yes, that 'r' at the beginning (as well as 'rr' in the middle of a word) might sound like 'h', depending on the pronouciation.
<danitool> mangix: I get a kernel panic with your new patch, because the used address (0xbebff377) for ioremap isn't correct
<rsalvaterra> mangix: It should actually sound more similar to the 'ch' in 'Bach' or 'achtung'. :)
<danitool> we should use 0x1ebff377 instead
<mangix> danitool: joy...
<mangix> danitool: pushed
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: The LED situation is… interesting.
<mangix> explain
<rsalvaterra> Did you see Andew Lunn's email?
<mangix> oh that
<mangix> sounded bogus when I read it
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<rsalvaterra> I think the Omnia has part of the blame, since it can do hardware triggering offload… ;)
<mangix> meh. it just means things will need to remain out of tree
<rsalvaterra> mangix: No, it means no hacks, like it should be. That's how the kernel progresses, with solutions to satisfy all use cases.
<rsalvaterra> Yes, they take more time.
<mangix> call me skeptical. The whole 2 port DSA thing was just upstream being indecisive.
<rsalvaterra> I those situations, we have to keep pressing. We have real use cases that need to be addressed.
<rsalvaterra> *In
<rsalvaterra> However, pressing != rushing.
<mangix> these mass disconnects
<danitool> mangix: BTW are you able to compile with gcc11 using the 0x1ebff377 address?
<mangix> gotta love matrix
<mangix> danitool: wow same error
<mangix> error: '__builtin_memcpy' may read 6 bytes from a region of size 0 [-Werror=stringop-overread]
<danitool> indeed, the same for me
<danitool> with gcc10 all went fine
<mangix> so uhh, why is this so hard to fix?
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Could it be a GCC bug? https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=99578
<mangix> they want a volatile pointer...
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<mangix> ORLY
<mangix> volatile void __iomem *mmio; fails. void __iomem *volatile mmio; succeeds
<mangix> C seriously needs the auto specifier
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: ugh I just started the CI
<rsalvaterra> mangix: void __iomem volatile *mmio; no?
<mangix> aparcar[m]: the good news is, this is finally fixed.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: no. it has to be after the pointer
<mangix> the pointer is volatile,, not the data it points to
<rsalvaterra> Oh, nevermind. :)
<mangix> now if you had the auto specifier, volatile auto works correctly.
<mangix> once you see enough C++, C looks horrible
<rsalvaterra> Funny, it's the exact opposite to me. :P
* rsalvaterra hates C++ with a passion.
<mangix> I dare you to convince me const char * const is better than const auto
<mangix> or char *volatile is better than volatile void
<rsalvaterra> C had auto… with completely different semantics. ;)
* rsalvaterra had to look up what C++ auto is, nowadays.
<mangix> in C, const int a = 5; a = 6; is a compile error. const char *b = "5"; b = "6" succeeds
<rsalvaterra> My C++ knowledge is pretty much C++98.
<mangix> which is extremely confusin
<mangix> g
<mangix> const auto a = 5; a; = 6 fails. const auto b = "5"; b = "6" fails
<mangix> it's much more readable.
<mrkiko> aparcar[m]: any chance for wifi customization to be merged?
<aparcar[m]> please learn2ci at some point :)
<aparcar[m]> mrkiko: sure but there is no clean implementation right now. Ideally you could control it from buildroot but also imagebuileer
<mrkiko> aparcar[m]: thanks! So the problem is coming up with an implementation which would allow both.
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<aparcar[m]> mrkiko: I got some ideas but not sure what's the cleanest way. Biggest issues that eventually people come and want to see their special corner case covered which would be impossible to cover. So maybe not open this can of worms at all
<aparcar[m]> you can always try asu.aparcar.org/ and add some custom uci commands
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: it'll succeed. you should look into layerscape again
<aparcar[m]> i pulled your PR but it crashed at some point
<aparcar[m]> what do you want me to look at?
<mangix> merging or testing it. it works absolutely fine here
<mangix> it's somewhat concerning the CI doesn't do make V=s on failure
<aparcar[m]> Uhm k
<aparcar[m]> mangix: it does run make target/install V=s
<mangix> that's weird since on the layerscape run I never saw the actual failures, just that they failed.
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: dd: failed to open '/home/runner/work/openwrt/openwrt/staging_dir/target-aarch64_generic_musl/image/fsl_ls1012a-frdm-bl2.pbl': No such file or directory
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: the reason is the restool failure. But nothing shows why it failed.
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<aparcar[m]> mhh I'll look at that later
<Tusker> stintel: i have been doing trial and error... randomly configuring it seems not very productive... it really could be any combination of phy, non-phy etc... how did you figure it out for the m300 ?
<stintel> Tusker: I guess I got lucky
<stintel> at some point I tried packaging a tool to scan mdio buses
<stintel> but I failed
<stintel> let me see if I can find the tool
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<stintel> maybe you have more luck trying to package it for OpenWrt
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<Tusker> ha, I packaged it and it's in openwrt-packages already :)
<Tusker> https://pastebin.com/me8k9JF7 <- definitely useful when I was working on another port... but running into a brick wall with this one
<Tusker> factory seems to use wg_dsa.ko to init the switch - https://pastebin.com/kjiCfZz6 - I have requested the source code from WatchGuard... but so far no joy
<stintel> wait what :D
<stintel> lol
<stintel> *facepalm*
<Tusker> maybe worth bumping the version, the guy released 1.0.0 a few days ago
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<rsalvaterra> Has anyone else had issues with ubifs complaining for not being able to find zstd…? :/
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<stintel> sigh, that piece of crap cryptodev is still broken on x86/64 ?
<stintel> if it fails one more CI build I'm marking it broken
<rsalvaterra> Wait, cryptodev is still alive?
<rsalvaterra> Wasn't it killed by AF_ALG?
<stintel> there's a new release apparently, I'll check first if bumping that solves the problem
<rsalvaterra> Do we have anything relying on cryptodev, which doesn't support AF_ALG?
<rsalvaterra> Both OpenSSL and wolfSSL support AF_ALG, as far as I know.
<stintel> no idea, probably best to start a discussion about the subject on the ML
<stintel> 1.12 contains fixes for 5.9 and 5.11, not for 5.10 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<champtar> (I'm trying to have someone, anyone look at it :) )
<stintel> not too familiar with opkg tbh :(
<champtar> me neither, but it's a cherry-pick and only touch opkg_remove.c
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<stintel> preferably acked by one of the people who know its internals though
<stintel> I've never even looked at the code
<stintel> pinged someone to look at it
<stintel> but I have the feeling a lot of developers are MIA on IRC
<champtar> A bit sad we have a hard fork of opkg because this fix is from 2014 :)
<stintel> anyone knows if I can retrieve dhcp lease info via ubus?
<stintel> more specifically, can I lookup the MAC of an IP ?
<stintel> I guess not
<stintel> UBUS_METHOD only shows few
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<rsalvaterra> stintel: I think aparcar[m] has a cunning plan to migrate to Alpine's apk… :)
<champtar> stintel: mac is the oldest form of id for dhcp, but you can have id not linked to mac (I'm sure the terms are incorrect)
<stintel> well if apk is equally small and could allows us to drop a fork we otherwise have to maintain .. why not
<stintel> but again, I don't know anything about opkg or apk internals, so that's the last thing I'm saying about the subject
<stintel> champtar: just need to get the MAC for $IP, programatically, current code is reading /proc/net/arp but in some cases this causes duplicates, and the code doesn't handle that so I end up with "$mac$mac" 😂
<mrkiko> out of curiosity still - where does opkg originate from? And does someonw know why that hard fork actually happened?
<champtar> ip neigh get ?
<champtar> or netlink directly
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<champtar> mrkiko: yocto maintains it now but not sure it was maintained when the fork happened
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<mrkiko> champtar: so maybe some investigation work could be needed to investigate how much the two versions diverged...
<stintel> champtar: I'm leaning towards ip neigh, yes
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<karlp> mrkiko: there was a ML thread a few years back that went over some of the differences,and was proposing what it would take to remerge with upstream, could maybe try and dig that up?
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<mrkiko> karlp: thanks for the hint!!
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<karlp> hrm, I'm updating my dragino2 patch moving it from ar71xx back to ath79 modern world,
<PaulFertser> This says upstream opkg is unsuitable https://desiato.infradead.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2016-April/014993.html
<karlp> eth1 detects link up/down properly on cable pulls,
<karlp> but eth0 jsut always reports as up?
<karlp> there's no force_link in /etc/config/network, what else would cause that?
<karlp> (I've no idea anymore if hte old ar71xx code supported link detection on both ports or not)
<karlp> PaulFertser: that's also 2016, I think upstream went on a dieat as well, as yocto people were complaining, I thought there was a thread more recent than that one.
<PaulFertser> In "ip l" it's called either NO-CARRIER or LOWER_UP
<PaulFertser> And if this status is not right then it means MDIO communication regarding eth0 is not right.
<karlp> carrier says true regardless.
<karlp> ubuswas also looking at ubus call network.device status '{"name": "ethXX"}'
<karlp> but yeah, LOWER_UP no matter what on eth0.
<PaulFertser> With "ip" you get carrier status directly from the kernel. So if it's not correct the next step would be to check what phy eth0 is using and how it communicates with it (what mdio bus etc)
* karlp digs in the ar71xx code again
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<mrkiko> PaulFertser: thanks for the hint.
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<karlp> cute. sysupgrade -v -n results in a boot loop crashing ala https://paste.jvnv.net/view/cyCMS but if you just break into uboot, wait five seconds and reset, it happily boots up normally.
<mrkiko> karlp: did you check the kernel partition is large enough in ath79?
<karlp> how would that let it boot after a pause in uboot?
<karlp> if it's not big enough i tiw ould just never work...
<mrkiko> karlp: sorry, missed that part of the message
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<mrkiko> karlp: wow, very very strange
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<rsalvaterra> Can anyone more experienced with NAND chips tell me if the EN27LN1G08 and F59L1G81MB are mutually compatible?
<rsalvaterra> It certainly looks like it, but…
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<stintel> meh can't actually reproduce that cryptodev failure we're having in CI
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<mrkiko> karlp: any news! Was curious. Have you tried ocmpilingwith gcc 9 or something?
<mrkiko> sorry, gcc 10
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<stintel> oops, still learning gh cli tool
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: 403 | return __underlying_memcpy(p, q, size);
<aparcar[m]> mangix: still crashing
<mangix> aparcar[m]: k now that’s just your CI acting up. It compiles fine locally. danitool agrees.
<mangix> The layerscape PR is fine as well.
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<aparcar[m]> I'm not sure what to do
<aparcar[m]> if it works locally fine but the CI tries to imitate the buildbot
<aparcar[m]> so if it breaks the buildbot we didn't win a lot
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: false. your CI is broken.
<mangix> it's building the pre commit state for some reason
<mangix> maybe wrong branch?
<aparcar[m]> Mhh odd. Maybe github does some repo caching that broken
<aparcar[m]> I'll look into this. Thanks for fixing the issue
<mangix> aparcar[m]: oh hey. version update for tfp-layerscape seems to also fix GCC11. That patch is not needed.
<mangix> PR updated
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: ty
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: ugh I found the issue, it's building now let's see