<philipp64> I'm looking at target/linux/ath79/Makefile and squashfs is definitely in the FEATURES... so why isn't one being built?
<mangix> philipp64: maybe too big
<mangix> initramfs-kernel.bin is for booting the firmware without flashing
<philipp64> hmm...
<philipp64> -rw-r--r--@ 1 philipp staff 15108224 Sep 22 23:45 Downloads/openwrt-r17111+419-af56075a8f-ath79-generic-tplink_archer-a7-v5-initramfs-kernel.bin
<philipp64> Wouldn't "make world" complain in that case?
<mangix> no idea
<mangix> would have to check logs
<philipp64> Hmm... need to figure out what's big that I can live without if that's the case...
<philipp64> mangix: doing a "make -j1 world V=s" to see if anything is obvious...
<philipp64> should be done in about a year...
<mangix> hahaha
<mangix> just do make -j 12 &> err.txt
<mangix> and grep the output
<philipp64> hmm.... https://pastebin.com/srZtqNkC
<philipp64> file-system partition too big (more than 13041664 bytes): Success
<philipp64> how big can an archer squashfs be?
<mangix> 13041664 bytes?
<mangix> actually hmm
<mangix> I think I've done 15MB files before
<mangix> but that's cutting it close
<mangix> aka barely any overlayfs space
<philipp64> and 1MB or so is for Perl, which is required for iptgeoip
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<slh> a default OpenWrt image weighs just over 6 MB at the moment, leaving you a good ~5 MB for custom additions
<slh> so ~1 MB for perl by itself shouldn't be ab issue - but presumably you somehow include two ssl/ tls providers into one image (wolfssl and openssl), just standardizing on one easily saves you 1 MB
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<philipp64> dropping less-wide, bash, Perl, iptgeoip (sniff), macchanger... snmp*
<philipp64> sigh... "file-system partition too big (more than 13075947 bytes): Success"
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<philipp64> Not building wolfssl...
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<aparcar[m]> philipp64: just for testing you may wonna try asu.aparcar.org and juggle around custom package selections
<philipp64> what's that?
<aparcar[m]> philipp64: it's an api + frontend to build images based on whatever packages you want them to inlcude
<philipp64> dropping vim
<philipp64> syslog-ng is surprisingly big.
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<mangix> philipp64: I was thinking of putting nvim in the packages. No idea how big it is.
<mangix> also, wolfssl sucks
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<Mike_S> hello all, just to report a bug about "core" components, it is actually not working the "parental control" on v21.02.0 (and earlier) as described here https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/firewall/fw3_configurations/fw3_parent_controls
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<Mike_S> to be more specific the "Time restriction of internet access" section of that page is not working at all. There is also some "patch" in the forum involving reordering firewall rules, but that also is not working always
<Mike_S> It is very impacting since it is impossible to limit access to the network by time, and this was already not working in v19.x and maybeearlier. Thanks and bye
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<rsalvaterra> I wasn't expecting wc to use SIMD. Nice!
<mangix> rsalvaterra: rust tools
<rsalvaterra> mangix: This, you mean? https://github.com/uutils/coreutils
<mangix> mhmm
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I'm not sold yet… MIT vs GPLv3… and what are the runtime requirements of rust applications?
<mangix> I...don't think there are any. The binaries are just big.
<mangix> most stuff is statically linked AFAIK
<rsalvaterra> No "librust" akin to libc? :P
<mangix> I don't think so
<mangix> I mean I'm pretty sure it depends on libc, but so does everything
<rsalvaterra> I had the (probably completely wrong) idea that rust has transpiled to C or something like that.
<rsalvaterra> *was
<mangix> no it compiles to LLVM bytecode
<mangix> which then gets compiled to native
<rsalvaterra> Ok, so there's a specific rust compiler frontend.
<mangix> right. it and clang are both frontends for LLVM
<jow> I really dislike the new static compilation fad
<jow> and putting that stuff into containers then to make matters worse
<rsalvaterra> jow: That makes two of us. :/
<mangix> jow: OTOH, smaller binaries with LTO
<jow> because managing dependencies is hard, so jsut build statically, put into containers and orchestrate those
<jow> bam dependency hell again, just ten layers higher
<jow> now you need to manage your containers, the os in those containers and the orchestrator
<jow> and since that is not really possible you just throw it away and start over if needed
<rsalvaterra> mangix: LTO isn't magic.
<mangix> sure it is
<jow> mangix: LTO can't eliminate the fact that each application embeds the same common code if there's no shared runtime
<mangix> right
<rsalvaterra> mangix: No, it's interprocedural optimization beyond the object file boundary. Sure, it will help statically linked binaries, but you still have to include parts of the libraries with every single executable.
<mangix> but take the case that only one executable uses said library
<jow> chances are high that they all call resolvers, socket functions, higher level filesystem calls, algorithms (sorting), data structures (linked lists, hash tables, avl trees, ...)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I didn't say it doesn't have its use cases, but it's not a panacea.
<jow> that stuff that is higher leven than libc but part of the rust standard library or however they call it
<jow> *level
<mangix> jow: there's interest in reintroducing libtool 2.4.6: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4595
<rsalvaterra> On a more philosophical, I much prefer GPLv3 to any other license.
<rsalvaterra> *level
* mangix wonders how hard it would be to create toolchain/llvm...
<rsalvaterra> If I had a time machine, I'd go back to 1989, try to find Richard Stallman and tell him about the GPLv2 loopholes. :P
<jow> mangix: if someone tests the SDK this time...
<stintel> grid: any news on your M300? :)
<Borromini> rsalvaterra: hindsight is easy isn't it... it's the stuff you learn after often :P
<mangix> sigsegv.c:223:75: error: 'mcontext_t' has no member named 'uc_regs'; did you mean 'gregs'?
<mangix> great...
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<mangix> looks like llvm's libc is still not ready
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: you might like this, a libc written in C++: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc
<mangix> stintel: on a CI run, you can press Re-run all jons
<mangix> *jobs
<Lynx-> "When implementing a new C standard library (referred to as libc henceforth in this document) starting from scratch, it is unrealistic to expect that we will have the entire library available from day one. In such a scenario, a practical approach is to redirect calls to the unimplemented functions to the same functions from another fully functional libc implementation. "
<Lynx-> hmm :)
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Heresy!
<rsalvaterra> How can one even use a computer without grasping the concept of a hierarchical filesystem…?
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<Borromini> rsalvaterra: i hate it. And the cloud only makes that worse
<Borromini> we're forced to use the Google sh*t at work
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<olmari> So, until https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=4038 is resolved, or coordinated efforts to test and make it work, is latest stable the only way to use tplink wdr4900? :)
<olmari> sure, I could go look exact revision of master too, but meh, in general :)
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<olmari> okay it seems that 5.4 is stil the default choice and 5.10 is the avialable one in master and wdr4900, I shall try flashing in some 4-8-hours, depending what other folks does
<olmari> or more of I don't expect device to not to be reachable (bootable), bu tI do have recovery stuff near
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#334](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/2/builds/334) of `layerscape/armv7` completed successfully.
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<Habbie> with the wiki in 'please request registration' mode, I wonder if sticking it on github and taking PRs wouldn't be easier?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#284](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/35/builds/284) of `mvebu/cortexa72` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#284](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/57/builds/284) of `octeon/generic` completed successfully.
<dwmw2_gone> We should consider doing an OpenWRT miniconference at Plumbers next year
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#323](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/5/builds/323) of `mxs/generic` completed successfully.
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<olmari> err... how should I start to debug this? master, dircleaned and all.. Very end when buildroot generates indexses..... (full message at https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/OiNzIzYflwzuxvTPRYOylVcO)
<PaulFertser> olmari: guess with "strace -f" you can see what file descriptor it's talking about
<PaulFertser> New way matrix shows long messages via this bridge is much nicer.
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<olmari> How does it look? :)
<olmari> I'm instantly curious :D
<olmari> as an matrix user I can't say much about ircs side in regards... tho always good to make things work better for everyone, which is ultimate goal anyway
<olmari> ...build with strace -f running, shall see after doned what where :)
<PaulFertser> olmari: for long messages it now gives the beginning of the message text (reasonably long) and then the link to matrix server to view it in full.
<grid> stintel: it showed up a few days ago, i haven't done anything with it yet
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<grid> stintel: is the front panel uart just cisco-style pinout?
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<olmari> hm.... now I wonder how I'd spot the exact place from the logs... apparently id doens't output for example "Generating index" anywhere, od I don't know how to use less
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<PaulFertser> olmari: try searching for Bad file descriptor or the corresponding error code like EBADF ?
<olmari> bingo :)
<olmari> PaulFertser: I still kinda have no idea hot wo decipher this :D I mean I see all the text, but all brrr for me, I have toadmit :)
<olmari> ofcourse I can upload log to somewhere too..
<olmari> I mean I don't know what to seek and so on, plenty waits and resumses and close(0) and(1) etc, but relations to everything..
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<PaulFertser> olmari: but probably you can see what file name it's trying to open that fails with that error.
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<olmari> I honestly can't be too sure :D I mean even likely it exists, but not in near vincinity of said error
<PaulFertser> olmari: you can search backwards from that point for 2792031.*open.*= 3
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<olmari> hm.. can't seem to get "open" anywhere related... 2792031 seems to beging with `[pid 2792030] clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLDstrace: Process 2792031 attached, child_tidptr=0x7f7dd98c1a10) = 2792031`
<PaulFertser> olmari: probably not open, might be connect or something. Search for "= 3' alone
<PaulFertser> olmari: and you can see what it "execve" right after that clone
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* olmari learned sucking at strace-fu, hard (:
<olmari> I mean I do see everything, but somewhow I feel deciphering anything... not even 123 nor ABC is there... :D
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<robimarko> Is anybody seeing these init errors?
<robimarko> [ 3.603693] Run /init as init process cp: can't preserve times of '/new_root/bin/uclient-fetch': Invalid argument cp: can't preserve times of '/new_root/bin': Invalid argument cp: can't preserve times of '/new_root/dev/pts': Invalid argument cp: can't preserve times of '/new_root/dev/urandom': Invalid argument cp: can't preserve times of '/new_root/dev/random': Invalid argument cp: can't preserve times of '/new_root/dev/tty1
<mangix> nope
<hauke> robimarko: this is related to the musl upgrade
<hauke> robimarko: please rebuild your toolchain
<mangix> ah yes. time_t ABI break
<robimarko> Ok, I rebased today and it obviously just rebuilt the musl then
<hauke> it only builds musl, but it will not rebuild evrrything else like all packages and the gcc libs
<hauke> which is needed
<robimarko> Ok, will rebuild everything then. Thanks
<olmari> PaulFertser: Following the child processes, maybe propably this?... (full message at https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/LYAtXhPqpmvlmVAeygNcAxRZ)
<PaulFertser> olmari: is there probably something special about FS this is all on? Like it's NFS or something?
<olmari> zfs
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<PaulFertser> olmari: those file descriptors were created with pipe() and then probably this EBADF is not the one that you see in the error.
<olmari> wouldn't million other things woe too if something well bad because of FS? not just some random "index generating" :)
<olmari> also, scripts/env is used, should that make difference
<PaulFertser> olmari: I think this particular find | sort process was not leading to that error.
<olmari> mm
<PaulFertser> Was the build working before for you? Something must have changed about your system I guess.
<olmari> generally yes, did build few ath79 targetrs some 2 weeks ago
<olmari> no such issues then
<olmari> wdr4900 (aka ppc85xx or so) I haven't built for too long time for any meaningful comparison, nonetheless "year ago" that worked too
<olmari> definately on zfs and env then too
<olmari> maybe this? I feel most fitting:... (full message at https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ZKxnUojGJeySSnlmUDiYhWpD)
<olmari> or I could paste the whole 2792030, plenty in that rabbit hole
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<PaulFertser> olmari: ok, you can try another way: export MKHASH=`pwd`/staging_dir/host/bin/mkhash
<PaulFertser> olmari: and then ./scripts/ipkg-make-index.sh bin/packages/
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<PaulFertser> olmari: if that gives you that error then it's just a shell script to trace with sh -x
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#292](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/25/builds/292) of `rockchip/armv8` failed.
<olmari> PaulFertser: Didn't see any errors and echo $? gave also 0
<PaulFertser> olmari: you can try redirecting the output to > /dev/null and see if anything appears on stderr.
<PaulFertser> olmari: but that's the command that generates the index that's problematic according to your first log.
<olmari> no errors, just the generating index stuff
<olmari> also same error on same place when ran make -j1, so definately not something relating parallerism there (likely)
<olmari> nonetheseless I don't know what and why, nor should if be how critical and so on
<PaulFertser> Odd
<olmari> well... I'll take the device literally down and flash it (among other things I do with networking here), weäll generally se does it work after awhile =)
<olmari> relating to this nor anything at all
<mangix> olmari: ppc is super amazing </sarcasm>
<olmari> (:
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<olmari> Well, whatever that "index issue" is, it doesn't seem to affect WDR4900 at all... I mean the image itself etc
<olmari> brr.. the functionality of said image
<olmari> not that I really expected it at this point, but whatever :)
<olmari> obviously sometihng is funnily there, but yeah
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<philipp64> mangix: Not building wolflssl fortunately... figured out that lldpd pulls in libnetsnmp which is big...
<philipp64> What ath79 has AX or AC3000 and a decent amount of flash and DRAM?
<philipp64> also, can you force the speed on an Ethernet interface to 10mb/s?
<philipp64> I can't get SQM to properly shape, so that might be the best I can do...
<mangix> philipp64: no ath79 has ax
<philipp64> and "basic_rate" and "support_rates" don't seem to work, either...
<mangix> archer c7 has a replaceable mini pcie card
<philipp64> [ 1556.692276] ath10k_pci 0000:00:00.0: pdev param 0 not supported by firmware
<philipp64> I think I have an a7-v5... which is similar, right?
<mangix> no
<mangix> v5 does not have a mini pcie slot
<philipp64> ah.
<mangix> ax mini pcie cards are hard to come by
<philipp64> The stepkids (who are 14 and 17) haven't been respecting the house rules about using the home WiFi, so I've forced to put them on their own WAP... trying to limit their traffic to 10mb/s but can't figure out how to do so without setting the port on the household VLAN switch to 10mb/s...
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<mangix> philipp64: I think hostapd can be configured for max mbps
<mangix> you could also force 802.11g
<philipp64> got a sample config?
<mangix> nope
<mangix> forcing 802.11g is easy with luci though
<mangix> AFAIK the max becomes ~30mbps
<mangix> 11a for 5ghz is the same speed
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<rsalvaterra> philipp64: I use cake to limit the bandwidth.
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Limiting to lower rates is terrible for airtime.
<mangix> meh
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<mangix> Vim Diesel's vimtutor video is amazing
<philipp64> Here's my SQM but it's not working... https://pastebin.com/djyk1iJJ
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<hurricos> I have an Extreme Networks AP3825i: it's basically identical to an Aerohive AP 330. Anyone know how I might find the U-boot bootloader password?
<hurricos> this post[1] suggests someone already knows it ... it does look like the password is loaded from a filesystem in fact. [1] https://forum.openwrt.org/t/adding-openwrt-support-for-ws-ap3825i/101168/11
<hurricos> My only thought would be shorting pins on the flash to prevent it from loading.
<hurricos> Alternatively, some sort of hardware-reset.
<philipp64> rsalvaterra: I also tried "option basic_rate 11000 \n open support_rates 11000 \n" but that didn't work...
<philipp64> WiFi wouldn't even come up.
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<philipp64> And why do I need odhcpd? How do I turn it off?
<philipp64> I'm using a static config on 'wan'
<philipp64> well, if anyone has other ideas...
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<rsalvaterra> philipp64: Do you have IPv6?
<philipp64> No.
<philipp64> This is the US and residential. :-(
<rsalvaterra> Then you don't need odhcpd.
<rsalvaterra> Sorry, I'm not familiar with the US ISPs, thankfully. I just read the horror stories. :P
<rsalvaterra> Here in Portugal there are several ISPs offering IPv6 on residential accesses (not mine, unfortunately).
<hurricos> answered my question. From https://forum.openwrt.org/t/adding-openwrt-support-for-extreme-network-ap3935i/87234/2 the user/pass is admin/new2day
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<philipp64> okay... different question... anyone know how to add to/modify that blacklist of sites for family-dns?
<mangix> no idea what family-dns is
<mangix> that thing looks like it just pulls preconfigured lists
<mangix> I know adblock has support for editing the white/black list
<philipp64> yeah, was hoping for a local lookaside list but there doesn't seem to be support for that...
<mangix> seems adblock has builtin support for this one: https://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/index_en.php
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