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<aparcar[m]> mangix: you know things about libressl?
<mangix> mangix: sure
<aparcar[m]> so it doesn't recognize EC keys, RSA works just fine
<aparcar[m]> any ideas?
<aparcar[m]> we don't seem to pass it any "special" disabling flags
<aparcar[m]> ERROR: Failed to load signing key: /home/user/src/openwrt/openwrt/private-key.pem: cryptographic key format not recognized
<aparcar[m]> which is a EC key
<aparcar[m]> -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
<mangix> how are you passing it?
<aparcar[m]> I'm trying to get apk to read it
<aparcar[m]> so building it again openssl seem to work just fine
<aparcar[m]> it's passed via the path
<mangix> so apk using openssl vs libressl is the issue?
<aparcar[m]> I think yes
<aparcar[m]> libssl.so.1.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1 (0x00007f3f9fbab000) works fine
<aparcar[m]> actually I'm clueless https://paste.debian.net/1211932/
<aparcar[m]> mangix: if you have any pointers please let me know
<mangix> aparcar[m]: libapk in hostpkg links to your host one
<mangix> not the one in hostpkg
<mangix> libz location is also wrong
<mangix> why is it in sbin when it's not even static?
<aparcar[m]> mangix: year more cleanup is required
<aparcar[m]> I'll try to fix the linking
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<aparcar[m]> good pointer, thanks!
<aparcar[m]> fine, now it doesn't find the keys anymore
<aparcar[m]> *libs...
<mangix> -Wl,rpath, is probably needed.
<aparcar[m]> libapk.so.2.99.0 => /home/user/src/openwrt/openwrt/staging_dir/hostpkg/lib/libapk.so.2.99.0 (0x00007f7d83fe9000)
<aparcar[m]> looks better
<aparcar[m]> so much magic
<mangix> what you just saw is an issue with a lot of host packages honestly.
<aparcar[m]> thanks for the pointer that might do the trick already
<aparcar[m]> doesn't that defeat the whole purpose
<mangix> ?
<aparcar[m]> building host packages which then end up being linked again host libs
<Tusker> hmm... what has changed between 21.02 and master that could impact mpc85xx targets ? any ideas ?
<mangix> sort of. hostpkg binaries should most definitely be linking to hostpkg libraries. but the whole point is to fix some package that depends on a hostpkg. if it works it works.
<Tusker> oh, it could be the fdt locator config@ vs config- change... hmmmm
<mangix> aparcar[m]: btw are you working on https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4294 ? Why would it install to hostpklg?
<mangix> oh i see
<aparcar[m]> see what?
<mangix> I thought you placed it in tools/
<mangix> anyway, I recommend making https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4287 a dependency and switching to meson.
<mangix> libapk should also be linked statically.
<mangix> nothing else uses it
<aparcar[m]> i'll see how to compile it statically
<aparcar[m]> why isn't your meson thing merged yet?
<mangix> beats me. It's ready to go.
<aparcar[m]> building apk statically seems broken at this point https://paste.debian.net/1211934/, will look into this later
<mangix> aparcar[m]: switch to meson. It'll fix it (probably...)
<mangix> aparcar[m]: that HOST_BUILD_DEPENDS is totally wrong. HOST_BUILD_DEPENDS is for packages in hostpkg, not tools/
<aparcar[m]> but apk isn't in tools?
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<mangix> yes but tools get installed no matter what
<mangix> if libressl and zlib were under packages, it would make sense
<mangix> btw I just pulled it. Doesn't work
<mangix> /home/mangix/devstuff/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/fakeroot: line 182: apk: command not found
<mangix> make package/apk/compile V=s
<aparcar[m]> I pushed again, sould be fixed I hope
<aparcar[m]> afk briefly
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<mangix> make package/apk/host/compile V=s --> make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'package/apk/host/compile'. Stop.
<mangix> hmmm
<aparcar[m]> mangix: works for me...
<mangix> I think it's conflicting with the one in packages
<aparcar[m]> Oh yes do a reload
<mangix> reload?
<mangix> anyway, worked.
<mangix> libapk.so.2 => /home/mangix/devstuff/openwrt/staging_dir/hostpkg/lib/libapk.so.2 (0x00007f5d2e717000)
<mangix> worked with no config, cool.
<mangix> libapk.so.2 => not found <-- evil laugh
<mangix> hmm I see. libapk must be sharesd
<mangix> *shared
<mangix> -Wl,-rpath=$(STAGING_DIR_HOSTPKG)/lib should probably be placed in meson.mk honestly.
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<Tusker> nope, nothing to do with that config@ to config- change... maybe gcc-10 or something
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: you're building it with meson already?
<mangix> yeah
<mangix> enjoy
<mangix> wait a minute...
<aparcar[m]> mangix: I'll check that that k you
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<slh> hauke: mac80211_update-to-backports-5.10.64 and the musl patch series are working fine for me on ipq8065/ nbg6817, ipq8064/ g10 and ipq40xx/ map-ac2200 - built tested (only) on lantiq/xrx200, ath79, ath79-tiny, ipq807x and realtek
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: updated again... The install section was totally wrong.
<aparcar[m]> thanks
<aparcar[m]> link?
<mangix> not bothering with an InstallDev section
<mangix> no point
<aparcar[m]> looks simpler
<aparcar[m]> mangix: please run make tools/pkgconf/clean. It crashes here
<aparcar[m]> > ninja: fatal: chdir to '/home/user/src/openwrt/openwrt/build_dir/host/pkgconf-1.8.0/openwrt-build' - No such file or directory
<aparcar[m]> the folder is previously removed by something else
<mangix> oh
<mangix> the clean operation should probably be set to no-op
<mangix> Could not delete /home/mangix/devstuff/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/pkgconf <-- that's because pkgconf is renamed
<aparcar[m]> mangix: well can we fix this?
<aparcar[m]> the same with mm-macros works once but twice fails
<mangix> that's strange.... Host/Uninstall/Meson is called twice
<mangix> wait a minute... what's with this clean section?
<aparcar[m]> mangix: keep me posted :)
<mangix> Should a second clean call succeed or fail?
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<aparcar[m]> Succeed
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: fixed and pushed to the meson PR. Please repull
<mangix> hmmm why is mm-common even in the codebase?
<aparcar[m]> Duuno
<mangix> it says tools/libtool depends on it. I call bullshit.
<mangix> The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries. It is only a required dependency for building the C++ bindings from the gnome.org version control repository. An installation of mm-common is not required for building tarball releases, unless configured to use maintainer-mode.
<mangix> says nothing about libtool, which is unrelated to GNOME
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<mangix> ah hah
<mangix> libsigc++ is not in the codebase anymore
<mangix> aparcar[m]: removed mm-macros from the meson PR. I will remove them in a different commit.
<mangix> erm, different PR
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<aparcar[m]> send PRs pls
<aparcar[m]> and ping me
<Tusker> ok, p2020rdb doesn't like gcc-10 it seems - hangs during kernel 1st stages (no console output yet)
<Tusker> so, 21.02 works because it's still at 8.4, trying gcc 9 now to see if that is a better option - doing a fresh build in case some things are half built by gcc10 etc
<mangix> should be
<mangix> -fcommon came with gcc10
<Tusker> is there a flag I should try with gcc10 with p2020rdb ? or just stick with gcc9 ?
<mangix> -fno-common
<mangix> sorry, the complete opposite
<mangix> -fcommon
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<Tusker> OK, will try -fcommon with gcc10 first, with a fresh build for all packages
<Tusker> if -fcommon solves it, is it possible to add that as a default option for the target ?
<mangix> wait.... what's failing to compile?
<Tusker> it compiles fine, it fails to run the kernel
<Tusker> 21.02 branch works without modification
<mangix> ...
<Tusker> master branch works by changing gcc to 8.4.0
<mangix> that sounds like hilariously bad behavior
<Tusker> is it worth trying -fcommon, or is it totally unrelated ?
<mangix> depends on the code
<mangix> but
<mangix> if that was the issue, the code wouldn't compile either way
<mangix> basically, -fno-common
<mangix> doesn't allow two c files to have identical variable names
<mangix> (sort of)
<Tusker> ok, so should break compiling, rather than runtime...
<mangix> yeah runtime sounds unrelated
<Tusker> trying gcc9 build instead then from a fresh directory
<mangix> try using O2 instead of Os
<Tusker> oh ok, let's see
<mangix> that sounds more likely
<mangix> there was a kernel config for it AFAIK
<Tusker> so don't do : CONFIG_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION="-O2 -pipe -mcpu=8540" ?
<aparcar[m]> ideally with this you set targets and config options and show in your PRs that stuff doesn't crash
<aparcar[m]> not fully tested but I'm on it
<Tusker> aparcar[m]: any changes you need to the mac builder btw ?
<aparcar[m]> lmt
<nitroshift> morning guys
<aparcar[m]> hi nitroshift
<mangix> aparcar[m]: sounds great
<aparcar[m]> try my latest staging commit, the config option needed some tuning
<aparcar[m]> mangix: works now, let's see some selinux https://github.com/aparcar/openwrt/runs/3618241753?check_suite_focus=true
<aparcar[m]> ideally do the same with your mm request et al so I can be somewhat sure nothing breaks
<aparcar[m]> Tusker: I think you have to add gcc etc to the path
<aparcar[m]> please try to build openwrt on the mac
<Tusker> let me see
<mangix> this ImmortalWrt thing looks interesting
<Tusker> aparcar[m]: do you execute source /Volumes/OpenWrt/env.sh in your script ?
<mangix> oh I see. 18.06 based.
<mangix> wonder why
<aparcar[m]> 4MB I'm guessing
<aparcar[m]> Tusker: oh right, one moment
<Tusker> i don't have env.sh created yet... but... what does your one call ?
<aparcar[m]> I don't know what it does
<aparcar[m]> I mean, it runs the build steps
<aparcar[m]> I don't know how these workers setup their env
<Tusker> ok, let me research gitlab-runner env.sh setup
<mangix> aparcar[m]: CONFIG_ALL build done with mm-macros removal.
<mangix> hahaha I like these ImmortalWrt guys
<Tusker> added environment = ['PATH=/usr/local/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin:/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:/usr/local/opt/coreutils/bin:/usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin']
<aparcar[m]> mangix: elaborate
<aparcar[m]> btw if you want to check their binaries see here https://downloads.asu.aparcar.org/immortalwrt/targets/
<mangix> this will never make it upstream but I love that they're doing this
<mangix> wow. they even backported ninja
<aparcar[m]> yea they backport all the things
<aparcar[m]> I wonder who uses it
<aparcar[m]> Tusker: python3 missing
<Tusker> OK
<aparcar[m]> mangix: this is another fork https://github.com/Lienol/openwrt
<aparcar[m]> wonder what they do, 2k stars is quite a bit for a random fork
<mangix> hahahahahahahahaha
<aparcar[m]> mangix: not that I really understand...
<mangix> it complains in dmesg if you're not overclocked
<mangix> that's just brilliant
<mangix> so they actually have a sponsor...
<mangix> i guess some people really need extra 18.06 support.
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<mangix> hmm OK interesting. So they have one packages repo that's compatible with even 18.06. That's pretty amazing.
<Tusker> aparcar[m]: OK, python3 is /usr/local/bin/python3 which is already in the PATH
<Tusker> nope -O2 also hangs on gcc-10
<aparcar[m]> mangix: why are the packages so interesting?
<aparcar[m]> mangix: why does it complain?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Spying the competition? :)
<Tusker> gcc-9 try with -Os
<mangix> aparcar[m]: the author of that PR is trying to say MOAR POWAH.
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: one of aparcar[m] 's GitHub actions references ImmortalWrt
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: I'm a fan of zstd when there has to be a trade-off between speed and compression ratio. For the kernel and likely the squashfs rootfs, the highest possible compression ratio achievable makes more sense.
<rsalvaterra> (Within the constraints of the target system, of course.)
<mangix> rsalvaterra: how's DSA progress? :)
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: morning
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Haven't tried again yet. Probably need guidance from Ansuel. :/
<aparcar[m]> mangix: well that's nice
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: Good evening, mate! ;)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Just read the updates on the C7 DSA pull, I guess I'm being bitten by that POWER_ON_STRAP, aren't I?
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: most likely. bug Ansuel to add support :)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Because if those initvals are really important for the switch to work, the qca8k driver should be able to get them from the device tree, right?
<mangix> no, most likely just a new device tree property needs to be added
<mangix> those two properties were added by Ansuel when I was trying to get it working
<mangix> another property needs to be introduced to add POWER_ON_STRAP
<mangix> or just hardcode it in the driver :P
<rsalvaterra> sgmii-rxclk-falling-edge and sgmii-disable-pll?
<mangix> yeah
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<mangix> both are useless for your unit since you have no SGMII
<rsalvaterra> Hardcoding seems to be a nice way to fix one device and break all others. :)
<mangix> :)
<mangix> I ported all devices with a similar switch config to the C7 to DSA in that PR.
<mangix> I looked at all dts files. Some devices have very strange configurations
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<rsalvaterra> The only other device I have is the Archer C6 v2… let me see if it's similar to the C7…
<mangix> without hardware available, this will be very hard to test
<mangix> nope
* mangix checks
<mangix> no ar8327 used
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Are you sure? https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=blob;f=target/linux/ath79/dts/qca9563_tplink_archer-x6-v2.dtsi;h=fc6206d891a92249eabad471934ccade3b1ff7f3;hb=HEAD
<mangix> actually...blockttron has a patchset for it
<mangix> oh
<mangix> I'm looking at v1
<rsalvaterra> :)
<mangix> rsalvaterra: I'm confident that's ar8337 and not 27
<mangix> despite what dts says
<rsalvaterra> It's a QCA8337N, yes.
<rsalvaterra> And no POWER_ON_STRAP on the C6 v2.
<mangix> and a situation Ansuel has probably not encountered, one CPU port
<rsalvaterra> PORT0 PAD MODE CTRL and PORT0_STATUS are initialised to the same value as your C7.
<mangix> which is interesting
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Uhh… that's probably the most common scenario…?
<Tusker> OK, gcc9 allows it to boot past initial kernel boot, but fails on illegal instruction (4) in busybox
<mangix> rsalvaterra: for ar83xx, no
<mangix> So this router has 1 CPU port connected to the switch and one dedicated WAN port
<rsalvaterra> Note that the C6 v2 also has a single CPU port.
<mangix> interesting
<mangix> DTS lies yet again
<rsalvaterra> Most ath79 routers I've seen are one-armed, a single eth connected to the switch and VLANs to separate LAN from WAN.
<mangix> well, I just have a C7v2 :)
<mangix> Anyway, do you want to test it?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: The very common Netgear WNDR3700 also has a dedicated eth for the WAN. :)
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Test what? The C6?
<mangix> yeah
<rsalvaterra> Hm… not sure. The C6 is a bitch to recover (no serial console and the TFTP is finicky).
<mangix> flash the bootloader
<rsalvaterra> With what? :)
<mangix> breed
<rsalvaterra> Hm… didn't know it supported the C6 v2.
<mangix> I'll check
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<mangix> wow this is strange
<Tusker> turning off all -O and trying with gcc9
<mangix> i remember flashing breed on an archer c7v4 but I don't see which binary would work
<mangix> yeah... I wouldn't bother trying breed
<nitroshift> rsalvaterra, mangix just to chime in re cpu ports: wrt3200acm also has one cpu port for wan and one for the switch
<mangix> uhhhh, no?
<rsalvaterra> nitroshift: Hm… I tought both CPU ports were connected to the switch, like on the Omnia…?
<mangix> they are
<rsalvaterra> So, the same as the C7 v2 and the Omnia. The WNDR3700, however, has a dedicated eth for the WAN port.
<nitroshift> mangix, yes, eth0 is switch, eth1 is wan: https://openwrt.org/toh/linksys/wrt3200acm#marvell_88e6352_wrt3200acm
<mangix> no it's not
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: do you feel like testing mangix stuff and merging it?
<mangix> LOL
<mangix> nitroshift: that's a switch setup. Both ports are part of the switch
<rsalvaterra> nitroshift: Look at the table, eth0 is connected to port 5, eth1 is connected to port 6. :)
<nitroshift> mangix, i see
<nitroshift> rsalvaterra, correct
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: Sure, as long as it's no DSA stuff… ;)
<mangix> nitroshift: I could be wrong, but I think that's how the swconfig driver sets it up. The DSA one sets it up in round robin
<nitroshift> i always was under the impression the 2 cpu ports were separate for wan / lan
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: seem line Adrian already jumped on it
<mangix> sorry, round robin with the 2 CPU DSA patch
<nitroshift> mangix, you're right, that page needs editing
<mangix> for what?
<nitroshift> mangix, it's not using swconfig any longer
<mangix> sure but that section looks accurate
<mangix> It says Switch Ports in big letters
<mangix> and it described the VLANs, not how the CPU ports are assigned
<mangix> *describes
<nitroshift> i got the dsa patches baked in, however, eth1 doesn't have the correct mac address
<mangix> what about lan1-4?
<nitroshift> same as eth1
<mangix> hrm? that doesn't sound right...
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I accepted it as gospel, but I need to ask the same question as Adrian… where does the @10 come from? :P
<nitroshift> mangix, [ 1.579276] mvneta f1034000.ethernet eth1: Using random mac address 3e:ab:a3:a0:27:37
<mangix> nitroshift: that's not as concerning as the lan members being assigned that bogus MAC address
<nitroshift> whereas eth0 is right: [ 1.569907] mvneta f1070000.ethernet eth0: Using hardware mac address 60:38:e0:xx:xx:xx
<nitroshift> brb, 5 minutes
<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: out of coruiosity, when you say Archer C6 V2 has a "finicky" tftp - what do you mean?
<Habbie> oops
<rsalvaterra> mrkiko: I mean the timing for accepting a TFTP transfer is extremely tight.
<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: thanks
<mangix> rsalvaterra: there's always wifi sysupgrade :)
<mrkiko> well, ctually enabling wi-fi at boot shouldn't soo difficult. Still
<mrkiko> unfortunately not all devices have nice recovery methods
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I don't know why people fret about that… just check if the sha256sum matches before flashing. :)
<mangix> rsalvaterra: no I mean if testing DSA, WiFi is a must if you have no serial
<rsalvaterra> Oh, speaking of Wi-Fi enabled at boot…
<mangix> my testing of DSA involved serial
<Tusker> OK - https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/issues/1500 - that is what I am facing
<mangix> with the wires shorting something and breaking all operation of the router
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: I tested your Wi-Fi preconfiguration patch, but I think it's missing the openwrt_wifi_defaults file in the base-files package (the build fails complaining not being able to find it).
<mangix> I had to rotate all the connectors 90 degrees
<mangix> I will not question it
<mangix> probably bad soldering
<rsalvaterra> mangix: But for that I need aparcar[m]'s patch. :) I need to have Wi-Fi enabled at boot, after a complete wipe. ;)
<mangix> i don't think you need to wipe
<rsalvaterra> (That's the main reason I tested the WDR3600 before the C6.)
<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: yes, aparcar patch is great and I hope it gets merged. I remember I pointed out the build faiulure but I might be wrong
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<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: in the meantime, I solved it with http://ix.io/3z2f
<mangix> rsalvaterra: I just boot working commit, vi /etc/config/wireless -> enabled to 1. rm /etc/config/network -> sysupgrade
<mangix> after that just sysupgrade
<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: works for this router, donìt know if i'll work in general
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I'd need to change a bit more stuff, since I had the WDR3600 in production, but I see your point.
<mangix> I mean, alternative is soldering iron :)
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: yes rigjt I thought about this patch today. I'll check it out tomorrow
<mangix> nitroshift: ping
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<mangix> woooooooooooooooooow
<nitroshift> back
<nitroshift> mangix, pong
<nitroshift> i'll put it back
<mangix> there are 5 when where should be 6
<mangix> what the patch does, is it adds port@6 and removes port@5
<mangix> both must be present
<nitroshift> mangix, then port 5 shouldn't be removed at all
<mangix> port 5 is removed because DSA supports only one CPU port
<mangix> and port 6 is the only one that can be used as it connects to eth0
<stintel> for DSA, the cpu port has to have the label "cpu". how does that change in the multi-CPU-port patch ?
<mangix> not sure I follow
<nitroshift> mangix, since i have dsa multi-cpu support baked in, shouldn't i have port 5 too?
<mangix> yes. that's what I meant by that linksys patch needs to be redone
<nitroshift> stintel, that's defined in the device tree
<stintel> nitroshift: how
<nitroshift> look at the dts mangix linked above
<stintel> well there is only 1 port with label cpu ?
<stintel> that's how it's done for single-cpu-port
<stintel> 2 ports with label cpu then?
<stintel> that sounds ... wrong?
<nitroshift> stintel, that's what i want to know too
<Tusker> stintel: https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/issues/1500 - that is probably related to your issue too
<mangix> nitroshift: replace that patch with https://gist.github.com/neheb/207d6b8019966c219282beea2e10a5ad
<stintel> Tusker: interesting, thanks!
<mangix> stintel: not wrong at all
<stintel> 2 ports with the same label is 100% counterintuitive and imo wrong
<nitroshift> mangix, thanks, running the build now
<nitroshift> mangix, i'm curious if this fixes the bogus mac address too
<nitroshift> stintel, i would name the ports cpu0 and cpu1
<stintel> well in that case I only get probe error -22
<mangix> nitroshift: no
<mangix> drivers match on the label
<nitroshift> mangix, i know it doesn't wotk
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<nitroshift> mangix, i changed eth0 section and have set it as sgmii instead of rgmii-id, thoroughput was higher both wired and wifi
<nitroshift> reverted the change though
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<nitroshift> mangix, it (sort of) worked
<nitroshift> now i have bogus mac adress only on lan2 and lan 4
* nitroshift scratches his head
<nitroshift> and eth1
<mangix> LOL so it partially worked.
<nitroshift> yep
<mangix> *lan_mac
<nitroshift> just change wan_mac with lan_mac?
<nitroshift> leaving the wan_mac in place, obviously
<mangix> No. Add lan_mac similar to below.
<nitroshift> mangix, added simlar to wan_mac
<nitroshift> *similar
<nitroshift> that's what i meant in the first place, but got my words wrong :|
<nitroshift> mangix, just to make sure, we're talking about the wrt3200acm
<nitroshift> brb, need a cigarette (bad for my health, i know...)
* stintel quit 1y 1m ago!
<mangix> nitroshift: yes
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<mangix> This change is needed since Linksys didn't add a Mac address to eth1
<mangix> Alright. Setting a timer for how long it takes for this Nostradamus guy to get banned.
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<Tusker> stintel: OK, gcc-11 with -fcommon boots all the way to shell without any invalid instruction
<Tusker> whole bunch of "tpm: please compile with -fno-common"
<Tusker> Linux version 5.4.145 (tusker@signal) (gcc version 11.2.0 (OpenWrt GCC 11.2.0 r15812+1713-46b6ee7ffc)) #0 SMP Thu Sep 16 04:35:14 2021
<mangix> Funny
<stintel> Tusker: thanks a lot for the info, very helpful
<stintel> maybe that will also solve the usercopy problem I've been hitting
<nitroshift> mangix, flashing now, will reconnect after device comes back online
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<nitroshift> mangix, eth1, wan, lan2 and lan4 still have bogus mac address
<mangix> Unfortunate.
<nitroshift> yeah, but it's not a deal-breaker for me
<nitroshift> i remember that lan mac address was set with wan mac address + 1
<nitroshift> early when device was ported to openwrt
<nitroshift> will have a look at that when i will have more time
<nitroshift> thanks for your help!
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<rsalvaterra> What commit is that?
<mangix> My latest stuff is at https://github.com/neheb/openwrt/tree/mangix
<mangix> anyway, just change rgmii to tgmii-id
<mangix> erm rgmii-id
<mangix> id=internal delay
<mangix> I find it interesting that ag71xx claims it’s rgmii
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Ah, I was barking up the wrong branch, thanks. ;)
<mangix> btw I expect benchmarks from you
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<mangix> iperf3
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Do you also expect the Spanish inquisition? :)
<mangix> lol
<Tusker> rsalvaterra: I was just telling my son that he shouldn't expect a spanish inquisition, but he's 10... so hasn't watched Monty Python yet
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: A missing internal delay could explain why the system barely worked, indeed.
<rsalvaterra> mangix: And if I get the WDR3600 and C6 working, you should probably rename that pull request to "WIP: ath79 DSA". ;)
<mangix> We’ll see. Ansuel says he has ideas to automate the conversion. I’d rather not do this manually.
<mangix> Most of those conversions are bad anyway. The actual PR says Archer C7 but I also added devices with an identical switch config.
<Habbie> do you need any C7 testing?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: OMFG, your tree is gold.
<rsalvaterra> Have you actually got the EIP-93 block working?! o_O
<mangix> I have in the past. That commit doesn’t build with kernel 5.10 actually. Missing header for dev_err
<mangix> I had a Paragon NTFS kmod commit too. Got rod of it since I don’t use NTFS
<rsalvaterra> Ah, bummer… but at least it worked in the past.
<mangix> The only thing I used with it was cryptsetup benchmark.
<mangix> It wasn’t only 2-3x the speed of software
<mangix> sorry, was
<rsalvaterra> It's probably useless for our purposes, but it's nice to have the hardware completely supported.
<mangix> It’s very useless.
<rsalvaterra> :)
<rsalvaterra> I think I'll just add your repo as another remote. I have a lot of cherry-picking to do, I see.
<mangix> Btw that patch comes from ImmortalWrt. Their tree is full of stuff like this.
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<mangix> They even have a ramips patch that warns you in dmesg if you’re not overclocked.
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<rsalvaterra> Wait that doesn't make sense.
<rsalvaterra> Warning if you're *not* overclocked?
<rsalvaterra> Just how overclockable is the 1004Kc…?
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: The commit message said 1000mhz. Max I've ever done is 900. Some others have done 1200
<mangix> It's pointless though. it's still slow.
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<rsalvaterra> Yeah, better keep the 880 MHz. Not much of a difference.
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Heh… got a conflict cherry-picking from your branch, for no obvious reason. :P
<rsalvaterra> (Trivially fixed.)
<mrkiko> mangix: how does overclocking technically happens here?
<mrkiko> mangix: I mean how do you overclock it and what does happen?
<mrkiko> mangix: I'm more curious about the technical aspect than the practical
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<rsalvaterra> mrkiko: The clock frequency is derived from a PLL. You reprogram the PLL in order to set the frequency you want.
<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: and you can do this from inside Linux?
<rsalvaterra> mrkiko: Yes, if it's software-controlled. However, there are devices which don't like to be reprogrammed on the fly and crash.
<mrkiko> rsalvaterra: thanks! Was looking at immortalwrt right now
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<mrkiko> oh - it's like a parallel universe! They haven't dropped ar71xx! They also say - more devices supported. Would like some more infos on this but I guess it's definitely off-topic here.
<ldir> rsalvaterra: I notice .66 is out
<rsalvaterra> ldir: That was fast…!
<rsalvaterra> I'll take it, as usual. :)
<rsalvaterra> WTF, four reverts and a new release…? o_O
<rsalvaterra> Ok, they seem serious enough.
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<Uphantom> Hi dev, may I ask if is there any on going project with router ToTolink A720R,?
<Uphantom> Its chipset are Realtek8197DL+8192ER+8812AR
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<Uphantom> Please kindly advise, thank you
<rsalvaterra> Uphantom: Stay away from it. Nobody's touching Realtek SoCs, they're unsupported and undocumented.
<PaulFertser> Except those in the switches
<Uphantom> Oh no :( , poor me, I did buy it already. The router supports Imgp snooping/proxy, but it seems that imgp is not as good as usdpxy, as my iptv channel crash quite often compare to my previous openwrt router
<rsalvaterra> Tough luck, I'm afraid. Like PaulFertser, only (very few) switch SoCs are supported.
<rsalvaterra> *said
<rsalvaterra> I understand the appeal, though… they're cheap as chips.
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<mangix> mrkiko: overclocking ramips requires custom bootloader
<mangix> rsalvaterra: it's because I disable LEDs on my Archer device
<mangix> ImmortalWrt is 18.06 based. That's why they have ar71xx.
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* takimata snickers. "immortal"
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<hauke> DLange: thanks for testing
<hauke> stintel: mangix: Yesterday someone reported already problems with gcc 10 and powerPC: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/6d0cefcf426724c1b0a6a9481a6596e9616122a6
<hauke> slh: thanks for testing
<hauke> DLange: sorry wrong auto compeltion
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<stintel> hauke: see what Tusker wrote earlier today
<stintel> hauke: probably due to -fcommon or -fno-common
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<xdarklight> hauke: it took 2.5 weeks for me to get another "unexpected reboot" on my HH5A with https://pastebin.com/3Ff42vQM - unfortunately there's still zero output and then it reboots
<xdarklight> hauke: last manual reboot was on Sunday where I updated to latest git master. before that it ran one week without any unexpected reboot
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<hauke> stintel: the comment on github says it also works when selecting gcc 11
<hauke> xdarklight: thanks for testing
<hauke> xdarklight: I have no idea why it is crashing
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<aparcar[m]> mangix so now you hype people about immortalwrt?
<mangix> aparcar[m]: hmm?
<aparcar[m]> mangix: I just read immortal here more often than usual. anyway what are the inline comments here? https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4555 I don't get it
<mangix> aparcar[m]: oh. so adrian made comments but they don't show up on that link. They show up nowhere not.
<mangix> *now
<aparcar[m]> great
<mangix> that's what i meant by I hate their change
<aparcar[m]> so what now?
<mangix> I fixed the issue
<aparcar[m]> what was the issue?
<mangix> mm-macros was erased as -macros. vim's dw failed me was my comment.
<aparcar[m]> bueno
<aparcar[m]> okay I'll give it a spin and merge thing if they work out https://github.com/aparcar/openwrt/actions/runs/1243246499
<mangix> rsalvaterra: how did that dsa fix work out?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: No time yet. At the choir rehearsal, at the moment. 😅
<rsalvaterra> (Quassel is amazing, by the way, really happy with it.)
<slh> don't like it (at all) on the desktop, but for phones it's indeed pretty good
<rsalvaterra> I have an image ready, I'll try to flash it before going to bed.
<mangix> wow. just tested 19.07 ar71xx. it's actually slower than ath79
<mangix> my memory was the reverse
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Why should ath79 be slower? It should be just a change in configuration (device tree), nothing else.
<rsalvaterra> What's strange is there being a noticeable speed difference between ar71xx and ath79. 😉
<mangix> nah
<mangix> bugfixes
<rsalvaterra> Hm. It's possible, yes.
<mangix> what doesn't make sense is the qca8k speedup
<mangix> it's slower everywhere else
<rsalvaterra> Anyway, let's not exhume that corpse, ath79 is the future.
<rsalvaterra> Who knows, maybe it will even be upstreamed, one day! 😉
<mangix> oh this is just for testing purposes. My memory was that there was a performance degradation from ar71xx to ath79. Numbers don't lie though.
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<rsalvaterra> I'm really curious to see how the WDR3600 behaves with the new image.
<rsalvaterra> But carrying all those changes, before being definitive, is a bit of a hassle.
<mangix> all those changes?
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<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: could you please test the wifiopt patch?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I have quite a few of my own too.
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: Sure, you added the missing file?
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: yas
* slh 382 files changed, 44627 insertions(+), 4758 deletions(-) at the moment (ipq807x, ipq806x-dsa, ipq40xx-k5.10, musl update, mac80211 update, the rest is trivial)
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: yeah it's annoying that everything is not upstreamed.
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: cool. one less package. I'm really waiting for the meson one though. I think dango is waiting for it as well. I could also finally merge this: https://github.com/neheb/packages/commit/c18b67c585f4d4b2fbe2e49398c1c6e33cc539dc
<stintel> meh, can't get the mv88e6085 to probe anymore on the m300 :/
<rsalvaterra> stintel: What have you done? :P
<stintel> been trying a bunch of stuff to see if there are really 2 ethernet interfaces connected to the switch
<stintel> always got probe failed -22 but now I even have that with the original working dts
<stintel> oh it's working again
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<stintel> maybe it was my debug patch
<mangix> rsalvaterra: what's strange is, I flashed ar71xx just once. Now ath79 refuses to work
<stintel> gah, now I accidentally flashed the prod m300
<stintel> and it corrupted the filesystem
<stintel> smells like HARDENED_USERCOPY enabled again
<rsalvaterra> mangix: I am the bearer of… good news.
<mangix> good
<rsalvaterra> I am the happy owner of a TL-WDR3600 with DSA. :)
<mangix> and I am the sad owner of an Archer C7v2 with non-working DSA, which worked yesterday
<mangix> this makes no sense
<rsalvaterra> CLOCKS: 680/450/225/28 MHz (CPU/RAM/AHB/SPI)
<mangix> do I blame windows?
<rsalvaterra> Oh, I hadn't noticed this line before.
<rsalvaterra> Windows is always to be blamed, if only on principle.
<stintel> also the m300 routes extremely slow between different vlans on the same physical interface
<stintel> but this is a disease I've seen on ar71xx also at least
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<mangix> rsalvaterra: get breed for that router
<stintel> Tusker: fyi, TARGET_CFLAGS+=-fcommon fixes the invalid instruction for chrony
<stintel> let's see if I can cook up a patch to add that always for ppc and gcc10 combo
<stintel> but first recover my main router :P
<Tusker> ah, so -fcommon and gcc10 is fine too, along with -fcommon and gcc11 ?
<stintel> I have not tried gcc11
<Tusker> gcc11 and -fcommon is fine for me, so it must be >=gcc10 requires -fcommon
<stintel> how do I attribute you if I push a fix for that ?
<Tusker> *shrug* Tested-By is fine for me
<Tusker> btw... what ethernet is on the m300 ? how did you do the DTS ?
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: *Sigh*… changing bootloaders makes me anxious… :P
<rsalvaterra> I wager that one's for the WDR3600, from the file name.
<mangix> yes it is
<mangix> i verified gpio and whatnot is identical
<rsalvaterra> Ok, good to know. I'm keeping pepe2k's, though, for the time being.
<stintel> oh, chrony just crashed again :(
<Tusker> what reason? maybe you need to disable SMP for now...
<rsalvaterra> mangix: The mtd-rw thingy is a nice touch. I remember I had to use a specific image with the bootloader mtd partition unlocked, at the time.
<rsalvaterra> The module parameter is just the cherry on top. :)
<slh> somehow I don't feel to great of having to use a translator plugin, I still have scars from the Xiaomi ax3600 webinterface running in chinese ;)
<mangix> rsalvaterra: either works
<stintel> Tusker: not going to do that
<stintel> it's 4c/8t, disabling SMP will completely nuke the performance
<stintel> might as well go back to my APU2 then
<Tusker> understand, but at least for triage purposes, if the problem goes away if SMP is disabled, then it might help you find out why it is failing
<stintel> I'll first do a build with global -fcommon
<stintel> I should probably sabotage sysupgrade on my main m300 to avoid accidentally flashing it instead of the dev one
<stintel> ah, or just disable the main one in the script I use to scp the sysupgrade image