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<Namidairo> weird, this stock dtb has "llllw" for a 4 port switch, and a 1gb memory node for a 256mb device
<stintel> stock dtb of firebox m200 or m300 has a reference to a vitesse switch while it's a broadcom
<stintel> don't blindly trust stock dt{b,s}
<Namidairo> I guess I'll see what port 5 is when I boot the image
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<Slimey> hehe
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<russm> with the SDK, is there a way to install .ipk packages for deps of something I'm porting, or is building from source the only (suported) way?
<russm> specifically, I'm porting something that depends on openssl. as far as I can tell the only way to get openssl in the unpacked SDK is to build it there
<russm> which also builds all the dependencies, including the kernel
<aparcar[m]> mangix do you compile on a intel or a M1 Mac?
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<Namidairo> it took me 3 tries to get the ground pin to adhere properly without the solder joint breaking :(
<Namidairo> now to never ever remove the cables out of fear it will break again
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: AMD
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: and Mac?
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<mangix> no
<mangix> I only have an iPhone. No other Apple hardware
<PaulFertser> Namidairo: ground pin is usually trickier than the others due to heat dissipation. Probably you should just ramp up the temperature a bit, what was it set to?
<PaulFertser> Namidairo: flux is important too. E.g. fake rma-223 seems to be only good for very clean (out of the factory) parts.
<Namidairo> implying I have a temperature controlled iron
<Namidairo> i just sat it on the pad for longer this time around
<Namidairo> well, on the hole
<PaulFertser> Namidairo: 25$ for a portable very handy iron running free firmware on RISC-V:
<Namidairo> I remember seeing that
<PaulFertser> The tips are compatible with TS100 so you can get original miniware tips from banggood or wherever if you need other shapes.
<PaulFertser> TS-BC2 is adequate for most purposes (including drag soldering and 0402 components), and I also got TS-I for space-constrained places, happy with both.
<PaulFertser> (I have TS100, not Pinecil)
<aparcar[m]> mangix: oh okay, I thought you're compiling on Macs from time to time
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<aparcar> nbd: do you use an intel Mac too?
<PaulFertser> aparcar: (curiosity) did you share the failure log somewhere
<nbd> aparcar: yes
<nbd> still waiting for my m1
<aparcar> nbd: any interest on using this arm64 at some point?
<aparcar> oh okay
<aparcar> I could have brought you one from Hawaii ;)
<aparcar> PaulFertser: one sec I'll post them in a sec
<aparcar> PaulFertser:
<aparcar> I suspect that some endian.h stuff is missing? nbd?
<aparcar> I already applied these patches to make things work minimally
<PaulFertser> aparcar: apk-tools sounds like something not really needed though
<PaulFertser> That's just to talk to android devices
<aparcar> PaulFertser: depends, ich you're working on a OPKG alternative is becomes quite needed
<PaulFertser> Hm
<jow> PaulFertser: apk-tools -> apk package manager
<jow> not android debug tools
<aparcar> the naming of APK is a bit poorly chosen by Android
<PaulFertser> Got confused, sorry, and it had that "adb.c" file mentioned :)
<PaulFertser> aparcar: I see some other packages fix what seems to be a similar issue, e.g. utils/bluez/patches/202-fix-endianness.patch
<aparcar> PaulFertser: I'll have a look thanks
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<karlp> apk-tools and android 1 are both 2008, wouldn't really say "poorly chosen by android" jsut unfortunate overlap
<aparcar> karlp: oh didn't know it's such a close overlap
<aparcar> well unfortunate indeed
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<rmilecki> hauke: thanks for that bcm4908 compilation fix!
<Namidairo> does uboot-envtools not work in initramfs images
<Namidairo> oh wait it's just called fw_printenv/fw_printsys
<stintel> anyone familiar with this message: Wed Dec 1 12:31:44 2021 kern.err kernel: [ 1975.463527] mv88e6085 0x0000000ffe4fc000:10: ATU full violation for a0:42:3f:34:3c:d1 portvec 0 spid 0
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<mrkiko> On a non-clean build environment, to build successfully I need to revert the commit that updates ca-certificates, otherwise I get a Python error. Is this known?
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<mrkiko> TypeError: argument 'data': 'bytearray' object cannot be converted to 'PyBytes'
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<jow> sigh, Python's exceptional compatibility strikes again
<jow> probably a python2 vs. python3 thing
<jow> mrkiko: there's an open flyspray bug report
<mrkiko> jow: File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cryptography/x509/", line 443, in load_der_x509_certificate
<mrkiko> jow: thanks!
<jow> ... or so I thought. I swear I've seen a ca-certificates related error rport scrolling by today but can't find it anymore
<jow> the sad thing is that all this trouble is caused by uneeded code that was just added to print a warning
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<jow> nbd: can you please revisit the hostapd bumps in 21.02? There's many reports about completely broken wireless after upgrading hostapd-common
<jow> either add a propery version dependency constraint (EXTRA_DEPENDS:=(>= whatever-version-added-new-options)
<nbd> why do people upgrade hostapd-common without the other stuff?
<jow> or at least check at runtime if the proprietary options we patched into hostapd are actually available
<jow> because they click "upgrade" in the gui and hostapd-common << wpad-*
<jow> root cause appears to be
<jow> could we add a new `-vxxx` feature indicator and simply guard those usages with `if hostapd -vxxx; then ...; fi` ?
<jow> might also help with testing vanilla versions
<nbd> if they click upgrade, why doesn't it upgrade wpad as well?
<jow> we do not support mass updates
<jow> only package by package
<nbd> oh
<jow> Arguably this could be changed (though I think the [extended] package ecosystemis still not mature enough for that)
<jow> but it won't solve the issue for existing 21.02.1 installations
<jow> neither would adding adding version dependency constraints (since the yet installed wpad-whatever does not have thme)
<jow> and we can't depend on specific wpad versions from hostapd-common easily due to the many different falvors
<nbd> running a mix of old+new packages definitely isn't a good idea. even if the config options are processed, it will likely break in other subtle ways if netifd + hostapd isn't upgraded as well
<jow> only the inverse would be possible (wpad-* depending on hostapd-common >= ...)
<jow> and that would also properly prevent such situations
<nbd> because the update solves some long standing race conditions with adding wlan devices to bridges
<nbd> not sure how to encode that into version dependencies that prevent all stupid cases of incomplete updates
<jow> hostapd-common Depends: wpad-foo (>= 2021-11-15) | wpad-bar (>= 2021-11-15) | wpad-basic (>= 2021-11-15) ..., netifd (>= 2021-11-15)
<jow> opkg will either refuse the upgrade or upgrade the other packagesd before upgrading hostapd-common
<nbd> but wpad-* depends on hostapd-common
<nbd> we'd have circular dependencies then
<jow> then at least for the future, wpad-* should depend on a specific minimum version of hostapd-common
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<jow> using something like EXTRA_DEPENDS:=hostapd-common (>= $(PKG_SOURCE_DATE))
<nbd> i think i'd probably use = instead of >=
<nbd> does that cause them to be updated together if you click upgrade in luci?
<jow> either that or it is refused, not sure offhand what opkg will do
<jow> but either is fine
<nbd> and is it fine if the same dependency appears multiple times (one time with version one time without)?
<jow> but as I said, it will nto fix the issue at hand but will prevent similar instances in the future
<jow> I used to do the same in luci (having both DEPENDS:=+libuci-lua and EXTRA_DEPENDS:=libuci-lua (>= 2018-01-01)) and it worked fine
<nbd> ok
<jow> since dependencies are ANDed
<jow> I agree that a mixture of new hostapd and old netifd is not ideal but at least it should work long enough that people upgrade all packages eventually
<jow> and if there's really show stupper dependencies one could still add netifd (>= ...) to EXTRA_DEPENDS for the rare cases where we absolutely require a new version (e.g. due to a new api)
<jow> *show stopper
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<nbd> jow: something like this?
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<jow> yep
<jow> (still verify the CONTROL file in the final .ipk archives, but it looks correct to me)
<nbd> looks fine in control too
<jow> great
<jow> we really should consider adding versioned libc depends too eventually (Depends: ..., libc (>= xxx))
<jow> then we can bump the minimum version whenever we do incompatible musl updates (like the recent one that introduced new time64 symbols that binaries will start to rely upon)
<jow> or rather started to rely upon immediately, being unable to run using older versions
<jow> anyhow, one thing at a time
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<ldir> " TypeError: argument 'data': 'bytearray' object cannot be converted to 'PyBytes'" hmmmm ca-certificates bump not great. Solved the missing python crypto package - still explodes.
<jow> (the comments)
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