<neggles> all that should be needed is to put "compatible = "denx,uimage";" in the sort of "shadow firmware" partition
<neggles> i left the split ones in there to make it more obvious where u-boot expects things to be & so i could replace just the fdt for testing :P
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<hurricos> I got it workig
<hurricos> working*
<hurricos> no worries
<hurricos> using the same method, though I did need to manually enable CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_UIMAGE_FW
<hurricos> also my compatible was on an image partition which was separate from the dtb
<hurricos> yeah, see, you leave an explicit split between kernel and rootfs
<hurricos> I expect kernel to grow so I don't want to reserve
<neggles> hurricos: look at the partition at the bottom
<neggles> but also yeah i just figured 16?MB would be enough
<hurricos> Yeah, I noticed the partitions at the bottom
<hurricos> but won't the kernel / rootfs partitions take precedence?
<hurricos> oh wait
<neggles> not if it's tagged with denx,uimage like it's meant to be
<hurricos> well
<hurricos> they agree
<hurricos> because of the finicking you di on p1020.mk I reckon
<neggles> there's no real reason the fixed kernel size has to be there, i just wanted to limit how big of a cp.b i had to do in alternate bootcmd
<hurricos> yeah, I don't even bother with cp.b
<neggles> and make it easier to swap out the kernel image during dev
<hurricos> it's NOR
<hurricos> I execute in place :d
<neggles> that's how the original factory bootcmd worked too
<hurricos> ar
<hurricos> yar8
<neggles> just wasn't sure it'd work
<neggles> since original bootcmd also copied initramfs out first
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<neggles> but yeah you could delete the rootfs partition from the list, change the .mk to not pad the kernel out
<neggles> add the `compatible = "denx,uimage"` to `firmware`
<neggles> and away you go
<hurricos> for the auto partitioning, you just have to make a denx,uimage compatible partition at where the kernel starts (I made one called `image`), then enable CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_UIMAGE_FW
<neggles> is CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_UIMAGE_FW even necessary?
<hurricos> I then enclose everything with `firmware` for flashing (so I can add the tiny dtb somewhere consistent)
<hurricos> yes, it is
<hurricos> otherwise denx,uimage won't be touched
<hurricos> see drivers/mtd/mtdsplit_uimage.c
<hurricos> or err
<hurricos> drivers/mtd/mtdsplit/mtdsplit_uimage.c
<hurricos> I think
<neggles> yeah hence having dtb @ 0 and actual kernel/etc @ 0x40000
<hurricos> it registers against only specific copmatibles
<hurricos> and only ever gets compiled in if you have that kernel option selected
<neggles> can you pass the DTB direct from NOR as well?
<hurricos> yes
<hurricos> because it gets relocated anyways
<neggles> nice
<neggles> can reclaim some ram then
<hurricos> to somewhere under 1000000, whence the next problem
<hurricos> another limit at 16MiB
<neggles> ahhhh yeah I think that was the reason I capped the kernel at 16MiB
<neggles> something i found disassembling uboot in ghidra
<hurricos> I'm testing something to see if I can get 17MiB working, but testing is challenging since there's no md
<hurricos> yes, CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ. I have the source
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<hurricos> it's 16 << 20
<neggles> `setenv bootm_mapsize 0xblah`
<neggles> might bypass
<hurricos> You'd think, but no
<hurricos> I set both bootm_mapsize and bootm_size
<hurricos> 31MB fails
<neggles> oh wait this u-boot is too old for bootm_mapsize
<hurricos> no, it has it
<hurricos> it even grabs the env variable
<neggles> h-uh
<hurricos> no, you're right
<hurricos> only does getenv_bootm_size :S
<neggles> yeah i remember seeing it check bootm_size
<hurricos> but that's just where it WANTS to relocate
<neggles> and checking the 2009.whatever u-boot sources, it just assumes bootm_mapsize == bootm_size
<neggles> they didn't split it out till later
<hurricos> it's not where it MUST relocate
<hurricos> (the fdt)
<neggles> afaik bootm_mapsize dictates how much data it maps to bootm_start
<neggles> before handing over execution
<hurricos> so I'm basically testing whether the kernel, which defaults to its own specific value of map size (64M), will work
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<neggles> right
<hurricos> because all it has to do is
<hurricos> 1) move the data into memory
<hurricos> 2) put the fdt somewhere
<hurricos> 3) set the registers on cpu0
<hurricos> 4) jump
<hurricos> that's ALL it has to do on mpc85xx
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<neggles> doesn't the kernel assume that u-boot has done the copy/reloc for it as part of bootm?
<hurricos> Yes, and that works fine
<hurricos> as far as I can tell
<hurricos> u-boot happily takes a 31MB kernel
<hurricos> and moves it to 0
<neggles> interesting, I thought it only copied bootm_size bytes
<hurricos> err
<neggles> and you'd end up with half a kernel if you fed it a 31mb one
<hurricos> well let me set bootm_size lower than 48MB and re-test
<hurricos> see if it complains
<hurricos> it should, u-boot does memory allocation
<hurricos> (mbl)
<hurricos> (lmb*)
<neggles> though i guess if you can set bootm_size to 48mb and the kernel doesn't leave that 48mb locked forever that works fine
<neggles> just a bit slow on the initial copy
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<neggles> ...not that it wasn't already
<hurricos> well, I'm working with initramfs for just now
<hurricos> so it's too fast to time :^)
<hurricos> :grimacing: it's happy even when bootm_size is 0x1000000
<hurricos> ...
<hurricos> maybe I could just cp.b
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<hurricos> cp.b works ...
<neggles> my boot command at the moment just does cp.b 0xstartofflash 0x6000000 0x40000; cp.b 0xstartofflash+0x40000 0x1000000 0xwhatever16mibis; bootm 0x1000000 - 0x6000000
<hurricos> I reckon the fdt setup is failing to deal with some important stuff.
<hurricos> Let me try a 17MB kernel
<neggles> iirc the fdt needs to be in ram at least so u-boot can modify it
<neggles> not sure what it actually modifies other than complaining that it can't find the L2 cache which is fine
<neggles> oh it tries to set cmdline in chosen that's right
<hurricos> yeah, the problem I'm encountering is when I dissect the fdt steps
<hurricos> becuase bootm it fails when it can't relocate the fdt below 0x1000000
<hurricos> I figure as with the ws-ap3825i, I can just do the fdt manipulation steps on my own
<hurricos> but I still run into the fdt complaining it doesn't have space
<hurricos> which makes sense fwiw
<hurricos> insofar as the fdt is not lower than the u-boot CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ
<hurricos> so it can't increase in size ... unless perhaps I fdt resize forcefully / manually, let me try that
<hurricos> it needs to resize to add its own location into itself
<hurricos> so that the kernel does not allocate memory over it
<hurricos> so the kernel can actually read it on boot
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<hurricos> ok whatever I did made the fdt reserve memory OK
<hurricos> I never checked `fdt rsvmem print`
<hurricos> so I'm not sure if the theory I posited above was actually realistic
<hurricos> oh ok I just did some major hack and now it no longer complains about being out of memory shit
<hurricos> I have to copy paste my screen buffer so I don't forget this in case it actually works
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<Namidairo> something something picocom -x
<hurricos> C-a : log
<hurricos> I just forget to do it ahead of time
<hurricos> I did a C-a h and have a hardcopy.0 so it's close neough
<hurricos> also it didn't work
<Namidairo> those are good too
<Namidairo> unless they aren't.
<neggles> so i have, `cp.b 0xec000000 0x6000000 0x40000; fdt addr 0x6000000; cp.b 0xec040000 0x1000000 0xbc0000; bootm 0x1000000 - 0x6000000`
<neggles> as my actual boot command
<hurricos> I know, I know
<hurricos> I'm trying to bust out the largest kernel I can
<neggles> i mean
<hurricos> see if I can break out over the mapsize
<hurricos> the initramfs kernel is 12.7MiB as-is
<hurricos> by kernel 5.15 it may well be over 16MiB
<hurricos> or 6.1
<hurricos> right?
<neggles> you could theoretically `cp.b 0xec040000 0x1000000 0x5000000`
<neggles> and load an 80MB kernel
<hurricos> no
<hurricos> because as far as I've gotten the kernel won't actually boot
<hurricos> if it's >= 16MiB
<hurricos> either because there's some part if the boot procedure that U-boot is flaking out over due to the kernel being larger than CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ
<hurricos> or because of some memory map thing that I don't quite understand in the kernel
<neggles> I vaguely recall it clamping bootm_size to a max of 16mib, and I assumed that dictates how much address/memory space the kernel has to work with during its initial setup
<hurricos> the latter doesn't make sense fwiw
<hurricos> because the kernel doesn't have any way to be communicated that information
<hurricos> everything that the kernel gets is in RAM and in the cpu0 registers
<neggles> (and the device tree)
<hurricos> let me see if I can find the spec sheet that shows which registers ...
<hurricos> device tree is in RAM :^)
<neggles> but if the mmu is set up to only give the kernel CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ of address initially
<hurricos> specifically it's wherever you (or the bootm command) does `fdt move` to.
<hurricos> ahhh mmu
<hurricos> there we go
<neggles> and the kernel tries to read past that before it gets to the bit where it's remapped things
<hurricos> so there's some mmu setup stuff in u-boot that is done by touching MSRs
<hurricos> for the WS-AP3825i
<hurricos> I gotta find that
<hurricos> that said
<hurricos> mmu should give me the whole ram as it already does in u-boot
<neggles> afaik it should be making a mapping from the first param of bootm to the kernel's load address that's BOOTMAPSZ long
<neggles> ie if you bootm 0x1000000 it'll map 0x1000000 -> (0x1000000 + BOOTMAPSZ) to 0x0
<hurricos> let me find the registers. I am very certain I had a freescale PDF about what gets set in those first 6 registers
<neggles> since the kernel's load address is 0x0
<hurricos> which confuses me as freescale doesn't write u-boot
<hurricos> I should just read the bootm_loados source
<neggles> specifically void ft_board_setup(void *blob, bd_t *bd)
<neggles> that implies changing bootm_size should work...
<hurricos> nah, that's the fdt setup
<neggles> ah
<hurricos> specifically common/cmd_bootm.c
<neggles> ooh vendor tarball?
<hurricos> Yeah. I told you, I had the source.
<neggles> I missed that bit
<hurricos> requested a while ago
<hurricos> oh
<hurricos> sorry :D
<neggles> saw you'd requested it, didn't know you'd gotten it :P
<neggles> oh dear they patched cmd_bootm
<neggles> oh just an ifdef
<hurricos> this board supports lzma
<neggles> yeah
<hurricos> each compression is implemented specially
<hurricos> I will punch walls if I find that gunzip is failing because gunzip and not because of some well-defined restriction
<neggles> ummm lib_ppc/bootm.c line 148ish
<hurricos> ah, so you think
<neggles> size = min(size, CONFIG_SYS_LINUX_LOWMEM_MAX_SIZE);
<hurricos> actually it's all still cmd_bootm
<hurricos> nah, gunzip is crashing at 8MiB
<neggles> this is what bootm runs
<hurricos> not 16
<neggles> oh yeah no i meant for an uncompressed kernel
<hurricos> also
<hurricos> it doesn't actually use bootm.c
<hurricos> lol
<neggles> oh?
<hurricos> that's just in the tree
<neggles> does do_bootm_linux not call out to that
<hurricos> bootm_load_os
<hurricos> common/cmd_bootm.c::bootm_load_os is literally what is run when you do bootm loados
<neggles> that's one of the subcommands
<hurricos> it likely does other stuff later but when it comes to loading your thing into memory
<hurricos> that's what runs
<neggles> that's where the extraction happens yeah
<hurricos> and its's not going to necessarily stop at 16MiB a faict
<hurricos> actually, you could do better
<hurricos> tftpboot 0x0 initramfs.bin
<neggles> correct, but do_bootm_linux is where it sets up the MMU and actually starts executing things
<hurricos> interrupts off first
<neggles> bootm_load_os is what fails on the big gzip images ofc
<neggles> based on running the subcommands manually anyway
<neggles> ah
<neggles> uint unc_len = CONFIG_SYS_BOOTM_LEN;
<neggles> that's gunzip's output buffer size
<hurricos> OK, so yeah, MMU's opinion matters ... right, bootm go
<hurricos> ah ok
<hurricos> do_bootm_linux
<hurricos> yeah
<hurricos> it's extern
<neggles> yup
<neggles> arch-specific
<hurricos> (lib_ppc/bootm.c)
<hurricos> right ok
<hurricos> so let's see
<neggles> and it won't allocate more than CONFIG_SYS_LINUX_LOWMEM_MAX_SIZE
<hurricos> might be able to you know
<neggles> which i bet is 16MiB
<hurricos> find where that bit of machine code is
<hurricos> and uh
<hurricos> hehem
<hurricos> modify it
<neggles> change CONFIG_SYS_LINUX_LOWMEM_MAX_SIZE and CONFIG_SYS_BOOTM_LEN in what i assume is .rodata
<hurricos> are you good with r2?
<neggles> i have been using ghidra for things
<hurricos> :D
<neggles> i can probably find where that is
<hurricos> you have the dump already?
<neggles> yup
<hurricos> the other nicer solution would really be to ah
<neggles> first thing i do on anything is dump flash
<hurricos> figure out how to poke the registers directly
<neggles> wellllll
<neggles> if you can work out where it's put that value in RAM...
<neggles> cp.b a couple bytes...
<neggles> assuming u-boot lets you
<neggles> that's interesting.
<neggles> CONFIG_SYS_LINUX_LOWMEM_MAX_SIZE is 0x30000000
<neggles> 80mb
<neggles> sorry, 768MB
<neggles> but the top end also has to be below the current stack pointer - 1k
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<neggles> we are missing some code from this tarball - look in ah_uboot_patch_042810, it references several files that are up one directory and across
<neggles> grr.
<neggles> hurricos: well it looks like the gunzip buffer length got hardcoded into the function call
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<neggles> so that, at least, is a one-byte patch
<hurricos> at that point, probably just use lzma :P
<hurricos> or one of the other available compressors
<Namidairo> that's assuming their lzma decompressor isn't broken
<hurricos> well, it's the mainline u-boot one
<hurricos> from '09, but
<Namidairo> *points at ramips*
<hurricos> ahhh
<neggles> in my u-boot dump at least, it's offset 0x1675c from the start of u-boot
<neggles> change 80 byte to f0 byte
<neggles> changes 0x800000 of space to 0xf00000
<neggles> wait no 0x1675f, 0x1675c is the first byte of 4 in the instrction, `lis r4 0xf0`
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<Namidairo> and quietly hope theres no integrity check
<neggles> it's u-boot 2009.11
<neggles> "what's an integrity check"
<neggles> though i guess the sbl could be crc checking the uboot
<neggles> might be easier to just take the config info out of this gpl tarball and build a current stable u-boot for the thing :P
<Namidairo> some might call it an upgrade
<neggles> it would sure as heck make life easier
<neggles> and the build system *does* have support for building u-boots...
<hurricos> God I love Freescale
<hurricos> you can just google https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/ and a subject
<hurricos> and you will find NXP's official PDF fully describing how you do that thing
<hurricos> for processors dating back to like 2000
<Namidairo> just gotta deal with the odd person going "oops I yanked power while writing"
<neggles> iirc the newer ones like the 3070 have dual uboots
<hurricos> hell even aerohive hiveap 370 has dual
<neggles> 330 doesn't but i got my 330 for seven and one half australian dollars
<hurricos> or rather
<hurricos> a minimal u-boot early on
<hurricos> then it picks between two other u-boots
<Namidairo> AUD$7.5?
<neggles> u-boot-as-SPL
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<neggles> yup
<hurricos> ya
<neggles> free postage too
<hurricos> freescale man
<hurricos> holy fuck
<hurricos> if every vendor were as well documented as Freescale
<hurricos> I mean stintel imagine if cavium were this well documented
<neggles> meanwhile, at Marve-
<hurricos> AH
<hurricos> NO
<hurricos> SAY NOT ITS NAME
<neggles> O C T E O N
* neggles sobs in MIPS
<neggles> ever since i inherited a USG-XG-8
<neggles> i keep finding octeons in things
<hurricos> I found the weirdest setup the other day after digging through fcc filings
<hurricos> apparently Xirrus uses CN7020 + BCM43460
<neggles> fun fact: overwhelming majority of palo alto firewalls are octeons
<hurricos> sorry
<hurricos> bcm43465
<hurricos> these https://www.ebay.com/itm/254591951537 are from parted out Xirrus APs
<hurricos> believe it or not
<Namidairo> it's $9 now, I feel cheated /s
<neggles> Namidairo: quantity discount!
<neggles> if you buy four they're $6.85
<neggles> maybe i paid like $8
<Namidairo> I really do not want any more 11n hardware at this point
<neggles> the radios are minipcie cards and the antenna looks like a starfish
<neggles> it is taking all the self-control i have to not buy two of those 4x4 MT7915 cards from asiarf to shove in this
<Namidairo> I reckon the mini pci-e card replacement would be more expensive than the whole unit
<neggles> you are entirely correct yes
<neggles> it was 1 in the morning
<neggles> I regret nothing
<Namidairo> you'd also be missing an antenna for a 4x4 card no
<neggles> 7915 will run in 3x3 mode
<neggles> and once the novelty wears off I can pull them out and put them in something useful :P
<neggles> ...mainline u-boot supports booting from NVMe...
<Namidairo> but how will there be any m2 slots left when I've filled them with $5 mtk cards
<neggles> eh it also won't fit an mpcie to m.2 adapter
<neggles> the heatsink for the mpcie is cast into the chassis
<hurricos> "Palo Alto is Octeon" is an anagram of
* hurricos rolls drums
<hurricos> "Satanic poo, too, lel."
<neggles> their newer stuff is *not* octeon anymore!
<hurricos> even though I've heard very good things about Palo Alto ...
<neggles> well, it is, but it's aarch64 octeon which is much less garbage
<hurricos> what do they use these days?
<hurricos> oh
<neggles> octeon TX2
<hurricos> yeah, octeontx
<neggles> which actually has decent mainline support
<neggles> sophos' XGS2100 appliance contains a ryzen embedded and a 16-core octeon tx2
<neggles> uses it for inline IPS/IDS/antivirus/SSL MITMing
<hurricos> "cavium octeon" = "vomit ocean cu"
<neggles> and incidentally also as the NIC
<neggles> cisco 5508 WLC = CN5230C + CN56something
<neggles> it's octeons all the way down, people
<hurricos> lol
<neggles> buncha meraki appliances are an atom/celeron/xeon and an assortment of octeons... older fortigates are custom octeons...
<Namidairo> you pressed space in u-boot? I'm blowing the secure-boot fuses.
<neggles> "excuse me while F%^@ YOU!" - Meraki, probably
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<neggles> apparently marvell have contracted an external developer to maintain/improve the MIPS octeon software stack and get things mainlined
<neggles> since a couple of chinese companies are putting significant effort into mainlining their mips64-adjacent stuff
<neggles> I have very low expectations.
<hurricos> neggles: that was their response when octeon-ethernet was dropped from staging
<hurricos> neggles: that was Feb 2020
<hurricos> 2 years ago
<hurricos> sorry, March
<neggles> there *have* been commits to improve things
<hurricos> the only updates since then on Octeon MIPS (I have been watching)
<hurricos> have been porting CN72XX stuff to U-boot
<neggles> but i imagine they're fixing things up for their closed source SDK first
<hurricos> that's been Aaron Williams
<neggles> my kingdom for a NAND controller driver...
<hurricos> nothing other than that
<hurricos> nothing in linux-mips
<hurricos> different sites like Rhino (who makes liquidio firmware) slowly dropping boards from their sit
<hurricos> different sites like Rhino (who makes liquidio firmware) slowly dropping boards from their sit
<hurricos> e*
<neggles> I thought I'd seen a smattering of patches on the mailing list
<hurricos> it's dead. it's deaaaaaaad
<hurricos> nah
<neggles> it's still listed on marvell's website as a product line :P
<neggles> i don't think they're interested in doing anything pre-Octeon III though
<hurricos> last liquidio fw was from '18
<neggles> to be fair, the liquidio firmware is just cse
<hurricos> not in this case :^)
<neggles> it's ~speshul~ cse but it's still just cse
<neggles> with automagic setup of the pretend-o-ethernet stuff - npi?
<hurricos> nah, it's a full shepherd kernel to run on one core and manage other little cse sheep
<neggles> forgot the name
<Namidairo> I'm still using kirkwood...
<neggles> hurricos: that's one of cse's standard operating modes though
<hurricos> Namidairo: <3
<neggles> "i boot on one core and then you yeet things at me to run on the others"
<hurricos> no, I mean
<hurricos> a Linux kernel
<neggles> the liquidio fw has a linux kernel in?
<hurricos> click the bugzilla link
<neggles> h-uh
<hurricos> the maintainers weren't happy about that one
<hurricos> no-o-o
<hurricos> no way
<neggles> interesting. lio_210sv.elf from latest has no kernel in it
<neggles> well .bin i renamed it
<neggles> or did i just strip out the cse elf and dump a kernel that was next to it...
<hurricos> it's tricky
<hurricos> it's .xz'd as well iirc
<hurricos> so
<hurricos> I found what I needed
<hurricos> (*kernel) ((bd_t *)of_flat_tree, 0, 0, EPAPR_MAGIC,
<hurricos> CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ, 0, 0);
<hurricos> yY
<hurricos> lib_ppc/bootm.c
<hurricos> So when you use a C macro to fill in a function definition
<hurricos> err, sorry, a function call
<hurricos> how does that end up expressed? Is it inlined into the stack of the calling function?
<neggles> lio_210sv_nic.bin is not compressed at least, it's just the cse binary
<hurricos> oh yeah
<hurricos> not every liquidio is a Linux kernel
<hurricos> just the vsw one
<neggles> that makes sense since it's openvswitch
<hurricos> for cn23xx
<hurricos> yeah
<hurricos> I know, I know
<hurricos> lol
<neggles> anyway
<neggles> enough mips bs
<neggles> begone, foul SoC!
<hurricos> it's just wrong to compile a linux kernel and then give it to the linux-firmware maintainers and say "this is my work"
<hurricos> very, very wrong
<neggles> yeeeeeeeup
<neggles> to their credit they did fix it
<hurricos> it's bad enough that it set of major antivirus stuff all over the place upon next linux-firmware update
<hurricos> if you just throw the filepath of that firmware file and look up "security" you'll find the subsequent reports
<hurricos> err
<hurricos> anyways
<hurricos> that little snippet from lib_ppc/bootm.c
<hurricos> is what I need to fix
<neggles> I don't think that codepath in bootm.c ever gets called
<hurricos> why not?
<hurricos> it's booting via fdt
<neggles> the error string isn't in the binary
<neggles> though
<neggles> oh
<neggles> debug
<hurricos> debug :^)
<hurricos> big fan of that macro
<neggles> found the function
<hurricos> :O
<hurricos> what's the offset?
<neggles> wait no i'm one function off, hang on
<hurricos> the risk here is that the board becomes unbootable
<hurricos> because there's no md
<hurricos> or indeed any way to write to nor as far as I can tell
<stintel> oh dear that
<stintel> that's going to be a lot of backlog to read tomorrow :P
<hurricos> oh it's mostly just jokes and laughs and bickering and moaning
<hurricos> don't worry @stintel
<stintel> all the more reason to read it :D
<neggles> your favorite SoC vendor makes all too long of an appearance
<hurricos> we're very close to getting the bootmap big enough on the AP330 so we can boot uncompressed kernels :D
<hurricos> that are bigger than 16MiB
<hurricos> as they will inevitably be
<neggles> i found boot_body_linux
<neggles> boot_jump_linux can't be far away
<hurricos> I mean
<neggles> why does this binary have support for netbsd
<stintel> I was busy watching the new matrix movie and then an old nikita spinoff, point of no return
<hurricos> neggles: I mean it's u-boot
<neggles> yeah but c'mon guys turn off config options :P
<hurricos> but why
<neggles> save space
<hurricos> stintel: in the worst case, I'm going to have to write the Okli loader ppc32 assembly for mpc85xx
<hurricos> which will kill me :upside_down_face:
<stintel> :P
<neggles> or we build u-boot 2021.something for these...
<stintel> I am considering an attempt at aes in ppc asm :P
<stintel> because wtf my power8 box gets ~150MB/s max
<hurricos> neggles: It's one board per attempt
<hurricos> since openocd doesn't support mpc85xx jtag
<neggles> they cost $8
<hurricos> or at least p1020 jtag
<neggles> i'll take that risk
<hurricos> :grimacing:
<neggles> also i have a tsop56 nor programmer
<hurricos> :o
<hurricos> sned me the link :D
<hurricos> I'd like to purchase one
<stintel> so I have this 12xSAS3 hotswap power8 server with 4x10GbE but using encrypted storage would render all of the nice specs useless
<neggles> well technically i have a tsop56 breakout board and a raspberry pi, but, details
<hurricos> eh
<neggles> also
<hurricos> stintel: what the hell kind of power8
<neggles> this one has an empty footprint for a 16-pin spi nor
<hurricos> I noticed
<hurricos> as does the AP3825i. I have no idea how the bootrom works though
<hurricos> although
<stintel> hurricos: Tyan TN71-BP012 10core 8way smt
<neggles> and i bet segger have support for p1020 jtag
<hurricos> oh that thing
<hurricos> wait, so ...
<hurricos> 80 threads?
<stintel> yes
<hurricos> 8 way smt.
<hurricos> what the hell
<neggles> the definition of "core" / "thread" in POWER is a bit
<neggles> odd
<neggles> when you run smt8 you split *some* bits of the core in half
<hurricos> 150MB/s AES sounds sketchy
<stintel> remind me tomorrow and I'll drop cryptsetup benchmark output
<hurricos> I guess no vectorization
<hurricos> and no AES-NI or anything like that to cover
<stintel> not on the power8
<hurricos> right
<hurricos> duh
<stintel> iirc the qoriq stuff has that
<hurricos> no dedicated hardware at all to offload?
<hurricos> stintel: well, you could always just iSCSI ...
<hurricos> to something that can encrypt :D
<neggles> there is a crypto accelerator apparently
<neggles> no clue if there's drivers
<hurricos> I mean I imagine that box will do fine with parallelizeable workloads
<hurricos> then again
<neggles> also i got it backwards, smt8 is full core smt4 is quasi-split cores
<hurricos> I worry e.g. postgresql would have weird endianness issues
<stintel> guess I have some extra research to do
<hurricos> pgbench
<hurricos> pgbench!
<stintel> but really I need to sleep :P
<hurricos> aw.
<stintel> 4:44
<hurricos> do that :^)
<stintel> interesting
<stintel> maybe just not implemented in linux ?
<neggles> github repo looks pretty promising
<neggles> hurricos: found do_bootm for vxworks and rtems...
<neggles> aha
<neggles> 0xeff96464 - 0xeff80000 = do_bootm_linux
<neggles> i... think
<neggles> maybe too many args
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<scappylappy> me at 02:44 - whats that pinging?? answer - stintel really needs some sleep :P
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<hgl> I'm writing a package for a go program. The package lives at <SDK>/package/foo. I want to imitate other go packages by using "include ../../lang/golang/golang-package.mk", but in my case the golang package lives at <SDK>/package/feeds/packages/golang, so the include directive fails. Should I change the include path or put my package somewhere else to make the path work?
<hgl> actually, <SDK>/package/feeds/packages/golang doesn't contain the mk file, only <SDK>/feeds/packages/lang/golang contains it, should I temporarily use $(TOPDIR)/feeds/packages/lang/golang/golang-package.mk, and change it back when submit the package to github.com/openwrt/packages?
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<rsalvaterra> stintel: Couldn't find the documentation on IBM's site. However… https://dtsheet.com/doc/1801603/pdf
<rsalvaterra> It's upstream. It's called vmx-crypto.
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<rsalvaterra> Using it, however…
<rsalvaterra> … is going to be painful. I don't know exactly how much those calls (preempt_{disable,enable}, pagefault_{disable,enable}, {enable,disable}_kernel_vsx) cost, but they look *expensive*.
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<blocktrron1> nbd: we're facing a problem with ath10k and block-acks since some weeks, where the ath10k AP sends out a block of frames which the STA never acknowledges until the AP sends a block-ack request.
<blocktrron1> I have a pcap from the situation, but only when it is already broken, not from the moment it breaks. This is very spurious, you can be connected for hours before it kicking in, but it also might happen within 30 minutes
<blocktrron1> I'm mentioning you, as you pushed 15d8c7a and a1a71a71 and might have an idea if they can be related to our issue
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<nbd> blocktrron1: those commits can't be related
<nbd> blocktrron1: ath10k handles agg setup/teardown (including sending action frames) in firmware
<blocktrron1> nbd: thanks, i'm not sure in which extend the handling of a block-ack session is offloaded
<nbd> it's completely offloaded
<blocktrron1> nbd: may i send you the pcap anyhow, and you can have a quick look at what is wrong at the state of the client session?
<nbd> yes
<blocktrron1> I don't want to rule out that is is a problem with the client (Only reported with intel 9260 / ax200 on 5.15), but the mac80211 bump happened around the same time.
<blocktrron1> Awesome, I'll upload it and send you a link
<rsalvaterra> blocktrron1: I'd really love to have good things to say about iwlwifi in general… :P
<rsalvaterra> … but then again, ath10k…
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<enyc> rsalvaterra: funny you stould say that I was just asking about wifi firmawres and safety in #openwrt
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<hgl> is there a make command that builds a host tool specifically, like make host/golang/compile ?
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<hgl> i should've RTFM, it's there.
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<wulfy23> nbd: 0b753722754ae66067408e15835e1d66161dcb41 @ 21.02.1 any chance of a capabilty check or similar
<wulfy23> seems to break wifi on limited chips
<wulfy23> thankyou!
<wulfy23> (brcmfcrap ~43455 maybe some usb dongles)
<nbd> i'll make hostapd ignore the error
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<wulfy23> cheers
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<hauke> nbd: I see the same problem in master
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<hauke> brcmfmac does not use mac80211 and it does not support qos_map_set
<hauke> hostapd should check the driver capabilities first
<hauke> or our script should check it
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<ynezz> hauke: BTW I've prepared 4.14.259 kernel bump https://git.openwrt.org/3553d01898ec68b987e001cafff2086a4e95e59a but the testing builds for ipq40xx/mvebu failed in kernel config stage due to upstream commit 48c2461f28fe ("ARM: 8800/1: use choice for kernel unwinders"), so I needed to adjust affected kernel configs, can you please check if I took correct approach?
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<hurricos> neggles
<hurricos> so guess what
<hurricos> I found what bootm go actually releases the cpu at
<hurricos> cpu/mpc85xx/release.S#L268:lisr7,(64*1024*1024)@h
<hurricos> sorry, that's the IMA, not "where" it releases it.
<hurricos> 64MiB!
<hurricos> so it's the boot map size, nothing more or less
<hurricos> err
<hurricos> sorry, if `cpu release` is used, that is
<hurricos> hmmm, now I wonder
<hurricos> maybe I can use cpu release insead of ....?
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<mrkiko> Hello all! Anyone experiencing ipq4xx00 build failure in HEAD?
<mrkiko> oh, is it my fault again ? :D :D
<ynezz> mrkiko: if in doubt, check buildbot https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#/builders/22
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<mrkiko> my fault
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<hauke> ynezz: looks good
<hauke> why do you take care of 19.07 now?
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<nbd> hauke: fixed the qos map issue in master and 21.02
<nbd> wulfy23: ^
<wulfy23> thanking you
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<castiel652> nbd: hi I am trying to add HW TX AMSDU for MT7615 by reading the proprietary driver. Is there a proper way to verify if it's working?
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* enyc meeps
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<neggles> rsalvaterra: https://github.com/noloader/POWER8-crypto/blob/master/power8-crypto.pdf may be of interest - I don’t know why the kernel is disabling all that stuff just to run what’s essentially an AltiVec extension…
<neggles> is that necessary for all altivec invocations in ppc linux???
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<rsalvaterra> neggles: There must be a valid reason. Nobody sane would disable preemption and page faults lightheartedly. :/
<hurricos> neggles: I've tried everything short of building a RAMBOOTable U-boot image
<hurricos> I also checked that lzma / bzip2 / lzo are not actually implemented on the AP330
<hurricos> Last shot is going to be to try a rootfs in a separate image
<hurricos> I imagine a lot of boards' sysupgrade processes are going to stop being "boot initramfs, sysupgrade" and start being "boot kernel + rootfs, sysupgrade"
<hurricos> due to kernel growth
<hurricos> if the only PL2303 I have left at home weren't fake I'd be testing every board I have in arm's reach after e.g. 5.10 enablement for ath79
<hurricos> since this is going to become a very common problem
<hurricos> since a lot of nice boards have enough resources, but painful / trivial bootloader restrictions
<neggles> hurricos: you’re right, only the gzip code path exists
<hurricos> Yeah, it's in the source too, I just didn't really think to use my brain
<hurricos> u-boot configuration management has changed a lot since ever
<neggles> yeah, menuconfig u-boot has spoiled me :P
<hurricos> fwiw this is all notwithstanding okli-loader ports
<hurricos> actually
<hurricos> uh
<neggles> lack of self-decompressing ppc kernel images is annoying
<hurricos> Do you know whether the lzma-loader is self-contained? I guess you package the whole image with lzma-loader ....
<neggles> it is, afaik
<neggles> but I think implementation is per-target/arch?
<hurricos> It is
<hurricos> For sure, it involves an arch-specific head.S plus some C code
<neggles> assembly is not my forte by any means
<hurricos> I just am struggling to visualize how lzma-loader is actually told what to load
<hurricos> I guess if the bootm's target address is passed through to it, it could go and find itself pre-relocation to 0
<hurricos> but that assumes one is not using NAND
<hurricos> oh, wait, never mind
<hurricos> that's not a problem, just have u-boot relocate to RAM first
<neggles> i think it relies on itself being loaded to ram first?
<neggles> yeah
<hurricos> right.
<neggles> u-boot “boots” lzma-loader
<hurricos> OK, so right, the two paths *are* okli or kernel+rootfs
<hurricos> (paths on the way to handling the problem of "initramfs kernel is too large to boot")
<neggles> i guess now we know why they have a separate initramfs partition
<hurricos> err, for okli targets?
<hurricos> fwiw, okli is really rare as far as I've seen
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<neggles> oh no I mean the OEM AP330
<hurricos> Ah, I think that's just convention
<neggles> initramfs is stored separately to kernel
<hurricos> the whole idea of storing things conveniently together is not something I've seen outside of OpenWrt
<hurricos> and mind you it is very convenient
<neggles> it does reduce how much it needs to uncompress tho
<hurricos> right
<neggles> and I guess that’s what FIT images are for these days?
<hurricos> right!
<hurricos> well, they were for* in 2012 and later
<hurricos> WS-AP3710i supports FIT after all
<hurricos> and 3715 and 3815
<neggles> also q: aren’t gpl tarballs meant to contain code that actually builds and runs along with at least a config file?
<hurricos> there's a README in there somewhere :^)
<hurricos> isn't that enough?
<hurricos> cough.
<neggles> this uboot tarball is missing a bunch of stuff that they keep out of tree…
<neggles> Including several headers and at least one makefile fragment
<neggles> the code is not buildable
<hurricos> I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and looking at it
<hurricos> and I realized that I have at most 25000 days left to live
<neggles> you can see said out of tree file paths in the two patches
<neggles> >:(
<hurricos> and if I spend another one trying to fight the way one vendor does one thing, and forget to look for the patterns between all vendors that can be used for gain
<hurricos> I won't forgive myself
<neggles> that’s entirely fair
<hurricos> life's too short to not learn powerpc assembly as stintel has learned
<hurricos> :6)
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<neggles> is “making lzma-loader or okli work on ppc32 would be useful for all of mpc85xx” where you’re going with this 😝
<neggles> probably useful for a few others too
<hurricos> it would! but not today lol
<hurricos> well, so
<hurricos> it'd rescue WDR4900
<hurricos> as an exampe
<hurricos> Oh
<hurricos> and I'll add
<hurricos> wait, let me try something
<hurricos> you can run a qemu ppce500v2 pretty easily
<hurricos> e.g. `qemu-system-ppc -nographic -machine ppce500` -- the support is good and there
<neggles> i think qemu has a p1020rdb profile in there even
<neggles> not that peripherals or anything are important
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<hurricos> there may be some cpu specific stuff
<hurricos> is what I was going to say, but I get the sense that mpc85xx means mpc85xx
<hurricos> I have seen nothing short of a deep and lasting backwards compat from these boards
<neggles> yeah, they don’t seem to be particularly picky
<hurricos> I was reading about how to hit the wdt from a guide for a completely different generation of CPU
<hurricos> (mpc5xx)
<neggles> is it exactly the same
<hurricos> exactly the same
* enyc purrs
<neggles> also wow nxp’s latest qoriq SDK still supports these chips
<hurricos> Yep
<hurricos> every day that goes by I think to myself
<enyc> hurricos: hrrm how well can you at least boot most openwrt images, mips, arm, etc even if they fail to initialize all sorts of hardware, I wonder ?
<hurricos> what are we doing living in a world where vendors throw away chips that will never die
<neggles> enyc: if we make it to the kernel trying to initialize devices, that’s success
<hurricos> enyc: huh?
<hurricos> yeah, that's the goal
<hurricos> device drivers are another realm and they have other beasts
<neggles> just need to make the kernel loader work, whether it’s okli or lzma-loader
<hurricos> okli *IS* lzma-loader
<neggles> right
<hurricos> okli is just the OpenWrt specific fork of it I think
<neggles> ah ok
<hurricos> in other news, update from gitlab ce v13.2.6 -> v14.0.5 -> v14.5.2 is done now
<hurricos> no more random people mining monero on my server :)
<enyc> hurricos: I was thinknig/meaning.. with qemu emulation
<hurricos> enyc: ah right
<hurricos> well mips has malta target
<hurricos> arm has armvirt
<hurricos> mpc85xx may not need its own virtualization target
<hurricos> because it's so well supported
<hurricos> but you won't get the whole system running
<hurricos> emulation just makes things easier to run-test
<neggles> yeah, saves a bunch of slow expect script shenanigans 😝
<hurricos> :shudders:
<hurricos> even though I haven't yet figured out how to package u-boot from flash so that qemu-system-ppc will actually run it
<hurricos> u-boot wants an ELF
<hurricos> e.g. /usr/share/qemu/u-boot.e500
<neggles> oh you can just feed it `u-boot` instead of u-boot.bin
<hurricos> no
<hurricos> I mean
<\x> i managed to get into my ont and get root, dual realtek radios, hisilicon fiber thing, broadcom cpu.
<neggles> the one without an extension is uboot as an elf with debug info, no?
<\x> what a weird setup
<hurricos> a copy of a uImage from flash
<hurricos> a u-boot uimage from /dev/mtd10 fron an Aerohive HiveAP 330
<neggles> right
<hurricos> ....
<neggles> i found a tool that turns uimages into elfs to shove into ghidra a while back
<hurricos> !
<neggles> it should work now
<neggles> issue is still open but it parses enough of the header, and you can manually pass the load address etc if it won’t parse
<neggles> it’s meant for kernels but should work on uboot if uboot is also a uimage
<hurricos> nah
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<hurricos> it looks for a Linux kernel version string :^)
<hurricos> oh
<hurricos> no, no, I've seen this thread
<hurricos> Unfortunately Qemu is really opaque about how it actually starts executables
<neggles> ah
<hurricos> it all boils down to that qemu isn't meant to run baremetal bootloaders
<hurricos> but with mpc85xx I'm really tempted to try harder to see if I can get something working
<hurricos> considering how well supported they are
<hurricos> :S
<hurricos> Yeah, this doesn't look like it's going to work with a u-boot uImage
<hurricos> I say uImage, I don't mean a Linux kernel that U-boot is intending to boot
<hurricos> I mean the raw u-boot partition itself which `file`s as a uImage
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<scappylappy> I've been using mpc85xx for a while now on a WG T30
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<scappylappy> In the end I left uboot unchanged, both the initramfs can be copied as uImage (as long as the uImage_t30 is not overwritten)
<scappylappy> also I manually dd the root.ext4 to the appropraite partition according to uboot printenv and copied the kernel.bin to uImage
<scappylappy> both methods work. Not sure if that helps
<scappylappy> I overwrite the boot args at runtime from the kernel config as needed rather than saveenv in uboot
<scappylappy> this means I can return device to OEM my just replacing SDCard with original watchguard one (and running a WG upgrade for good measure)
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<blocktrron1> hurricos: re mpc85xx - the far better solution would be to build a U-Boot without low level init code and use that as a second stage
<blocktrron1> It is all upstream for mpc85xx and well documented
<blocktrron1> The OpenWrt Kernel loader code is well if your interest is to circumvent broken decompression or can access the ROM within the memory map
<blocktrron1> OTOH, the question is if it is worth the work, especially if you can fix it by rewriting U-Boot env which can be done as part of the sysupgrade routine
<blocktrron1> Not now, but you can establish a baseline to execute a script in the tared archive which automatically updates the uenv
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<hurricos> I need to boot from RAM, but I haven't been able to actually figure out how to properly pass symbols. The documentation is from '13 and hasn't been substantially changed since then
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<hurricos> but in '13, U-boot could only be compiled with GCC4
<hurricos> (so my toolchain just breaks)
<hurricos> whereas today, the documentation is incoherent
<hurricos> there is no such thing as a symbol matching .*RAMBOOT.*
<hurricos> potentially because it's obviated
<hurricos> I don't know what low-level init code u-boot actually performs
<hurricos> neggles: I figured out the qemu thing
<hurricos> it was just the u-image header having only magic
<hurricos> it was completely garbage otherwise
<hurricos> first 4 bytes (magic) correct, then it's missing 0x16 bytes of real data. fills them in instead with text.
<hurricos> in any case, I don't think this is meant to be booted as such in any case
<hurricos> though qemu will do it if you give it a u-image: https://github.com/qemu/qemu/blob/master/hw/core/loader.c#L652
<hurricos> blockttron1: rewriting u-boot env seems an esay shot to make really