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<SeriousD> Hi, I'm still facing errors building a package from source. I followed some tutorials and was able to build a hello world package inside a docker openWRT enviroment. Now I want to build fluent bit from source. Following the quickstart instructions(https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit#build-from-scratch) I was able to build it on my host machine. I tried to mimic those commands in the makefile, but was told t
<SeriousD> ....the cmake package can handle that. But now I'm getting ninja errors. You can find all commands, error message and makefile here: https://gist.github.com/SeriousD/b1491de3abdf151813ad2b961f3eebfd Do you have any advice on debugging further the problem or any pointers to a solution?
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<PaulFertser> SeriousD: what's there on line 50?
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<xback> f00b4r0: Yeah, I think it's cosmetic, will test it today to be sure ;-)
<xback> f00b4r0: btw, all my rb912 boards contain a 25.000 crystal, not a 40.000 one :s
<f00b4r0> xback: it might be more than cosmetic in how ticks are counted, but the hardware should be unaffected :)
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<f00b4r0> xback: so it seems here we are with mikrotik being their usual selves and shipping random undistinguishable variations of their hardware ;P
<robimarko> You mean, their usual behaviour?
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<f00b4r0> robimarko: ;-)
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<xback> f00b4r0: yeah .. indeed .. sigh
<xback> robimarko: Purely for your fun :-) it's regarding this commit: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=a716ac55649707e8279de6f2ea66c7f6060c982c
<xback> I have 3 different hw version of rb912 laying around here, and they all have 25.000 xtal's iso 40.000 :-p
<robimarko> xback: Oh, yeah I saw those fun issues
<xback> So my boards are now tikking at the wrong rate :-p
<f00b4r0> xback: so I'd expect *your* board to have the wallclock run too *slow* now ;P
<xback> yup .. I see my GNSS code continously adjusting wall time now :-p
<robimarko> I mean, even TP-Link makes the revision obvious
<f00b4r0> xback: might be interesting to poke at the values exposed in /sys/firmware/mikrotik/hard_config to see if the variants have different revisions maybe?
<xback> very true, I've asked the warehouse guy here to actually bring over all rb912 boards in hoping to find one with 40.000 xtal
<xback> to readout the hw configs
<f00b4r0> robimarko: yeah, I've come to the conclusion that mikrotik are beyond retarded and I don't want to deal with their hw anymore :P
<robimarko> f00b4r0: For me, RB5009 cemented that
<f00b4r0> *nod*
<robimarko> As they had a genious idea to start using YAFFS again
<f00b4r0> yeah. That was really the proverbial last straw
<xback> f00b4r0: yeah .. we are also shifting to Wallystech now to avoid the issues, and a wallys ipq40x9 costs less than a rb922 these days
<robimarko> Oh man, I hope you are controlling Wallys
<robimarko> I had nothing but bad experiences with them
<f00b4r0> lol
<f00b4r0> i was about to ask how you came to select them
<xback> rb922 is used in our main products, but they were VERY hard to get last year
<robimarko> They are probably OK if you provide the desired HW configuration and then check them regularly
<xback> and our housing is made for the typical routerboard format
<robimarko> Otherwise components tend to get optional with Wallys
<xback> so we searched for a "clone" with the same physical specs
<xback> we ordered 100 boards .. and honestly .. they work fine
<robimarko> Then great if they managed to make all of them the same
<xback> I also requested (and received) a bootloader update to fix the 64MB nand on a 128MB SLC chip issue
<robimarko> Oh yeah, that as well
<xback> they used a 128MB SLC nand chip .. but the bootloader only handled 64MB partitions ...
<robimarko> I know, cause that is the default they ship on all
<robimarko> I think I have that fixed somewhere
<f00b4r0> robimarko: so what would you say is a good "no brainer" vendor for using openwrt? :)
<robimarko> Dont get me started on them not connecting SFP control signals and I2C at all
<xback> Our 100 boards are without the SFP :-p
<robimarko> f00b4r0: Edgecore/Alfa has been decent for me
<f00b4r0> good to know
<robimarko> They seem to keep the quality the same and dont make breaking changes
<robimarko> We have a lot of ECW5211 devices running for a client
<xback> any idea's from you guys how to properly handle the different xtal's on rb912? :-p
<robimarko> Is there a loader before OpenWrt other than RouterBoot?
<f00b4r0> robimarko: looks nice although I can't help but notice they provide no info on cpu/ram/flash :)
<robimarko> f00b4r0: Yeah, thats not advertised
<robimarko> But they dont change it once you pick a device unless you want
<f00b4r0> xback: to answer that question we must first know if there's a way to programmatically differentiate the boards. If there isn't... :P
<f00b4r0> robimarko: interesting, thanks
<f00b4r0> xback: I would expect there is, because surely routeros must be able to handle both
<xback> i'll first search for a board with a 40 xtal
<xback> then confirm with a scope
<f00b4r0> ask OP maybe?
<xback> and then readout the full hwconfig parts
<xback> robimarko: I asked Jason from Wallys to properly fix the SFP should there ever be a v05 ;-) (so that you can use them with a smile :-p)
<f00b4r0> i'd typically expect that either board type would show a "board_revision" sysfs file
<robimarko> xback: Yeah, I am not using their stuff anymore
<f00b4r0> the problem is I don't think that the clock speed can be adjusted post boot, so that's going to be a headache.
<robimarko> Unless they can provide me guarantess in writing that reference board from them wont be missing compoments they deem optional
<robimarko> Like USB and everything usable
<f00b4r0> lol
<robimarko> Yeah, and heatsink as well
<f00b4r0> s/clock speed/clock divider/
<xback> They do have nice ipq6xxx too :-p How is adding support going? (*hides!)
<robimarko> That is the reason I am not using them anymore
<robimarko> I have their CP01 and CP03 reference boards
<robimarko> That dont match the actual QCA reference boards
<robimarko> I mean, they "forgot" to includea the heatsinks
<robimarko> USB-C is not soldered, botches all over
<f00b4r0> screams "quality" ;P
<robimarko> Oh yeah
<xback> hahaha
<robimarko> And to top it of, they kept sending me emails to provide support for OpenWrt
<robimarko> Like every week but never wanted to provide HW
<xback> I received a full box of samples from every board they make :-p
<xback> rouhgly 10 different boards or so
<f00b4r0> xback: you must be someone special :->
<xback> no, they just sended it after merging dr40x9 support in master ..
<robimarko> They are just weird like that
<robimarko> Like, I had 3 different employes reply in 3 different ways on a single email
<robimarko> They kept offering random HW but with missing XYZ
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<aparcar> anyone else using macos and got problems mit the latest binutils version to compile? going back to 2.37 works fine, 2.40 and 2.41 fails
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* f00b4r0 uses macos but doesn't build openwrt on it 😅
<aparcar> f00b4r0: 😉
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<xback> f00b4r0: Feel free to drop your Reviewed-by / Acked-by. I'll update it then
<f00b4r0> I'm not sure I'm any authority but sure :)
<xback> basically, I want you to give me a stick to beat you if hell breaks loose :-p
<f00b4r0> lol
<xback> Seriously, always nice to provide credits to people spending their private time on this
<f00b4r0> i assume you have tested that the config change does use the performance governor, cause i'm not going to confirm this xD
<robimarko> BTW, as a side note the 3rd(And hopefully last) iteration of wired support for IPQ40xx should be sent upstream soon
<f00b4r0> wired == DSA?
<xback> f00b4r0: This commit has been running in the field for 3 weeks. I can confirm that Performance governor is actually used (y)
<f00b4r0> xback: lol good then ;)
<robimarko> f00b4r0: This time switchdev directly
<xback> Thanks guys :-)
<f00b4r0> i have just manually updated my hap-ac2. I wonder if I'll get MOAR INTERNET SPEED now ;)
<mrkiko> xback: relating to ath10k-ct - are there any important / big changes you get by switching from 6.2 to 6.4 version apart from the mac80211 syncrhonization ?
<mrkiko> xback: or, on other words, are there any noticeable difference you can observe?
* f00b4r0 reads up about switchdev, haven't been following
<robimarko> f00b4r0: DSA is abstraction on top of switchdev
<mrkiko> xback: this is just curiosity, I am absolutely happy about the PR and maybe I'm going to test it in a couple hours
<f00b4r0> ah righte
<robimarko> We are using it now, but upstream doesnt like the fact that tagger is pretty much tied to this SoC
<xback> mrkiko: not really tbh
<robimarko> As it depends on the ethernet controller doing a lot of work so the tagger is not portable
<robimarko> Hence the move to switchdev where you can do whatever you want
<f00b4r0> i see
<mrkiko> xback: thanks. Where the dmesg prints related to the queue flush been removed?
<xback> mrkiko: No, that is still present. I've also encountered them 3 weeks ago for the first time when using WDS/4-addr mode in a specific project
<xback> mrkiko: I noticed there is a patch proposal for that, but have not tested it yet
<xback> mrkiko: I do have 1 more nice change awaiting offshore long-distance testing here: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/staging/xback.git;a=commit;h=3cf9a9119e3b8f3ad06495b2cfeeabb8e80dfa4b
<mrkiko> xback: well, I see lots of them using the deviceas homerouter, however they are not annoying me, even tough they may "hide" important messages in the long term
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<mrkiko> xback: nice work. Never tried such things
<xback> I can confirm that Wave2 VHT80 on a 24km link is awesome :-)
<xback> easily >200Mbps
<f00b4r0> o_O
<Ansuel> o.O
<mrkiko> xback: did you choose ath10k due to it's stability? Or where there other considerations ?
<Ansuel> how you....
<mrkiko> xback: yeah, awesome indeed
<xback> mrkiko: We use ath10k purely for speed. ath9k VHT40 was getting too slow for clients
<xback> especially offshore where Starlink is competing nwo
<xback> now*
<f00b4r0> xback: i assume this uses targeted beams (highly directional antennas)?
<xback> correct
<f00b4r0> this could have interesting applications for near-shore passenger boats :)
<xback> Radio-Space means that a routerboard fits in into the enclosure
<f00b4r0> neat
<xback> We used the 23dB model 10 by 10 degrees
<xback> From scottish coast to a new-build offshore high-voltage station
<xback> They use that link for provisioning until the fiber cable under the seabed are in use months later
<xback> This way all IT people can install/configure all equipment months ahead
<robimarko> Nice, years ago I did some long range WiFi links as part of work
<robimarko> But it was all UBNT AC gear
<robimarko> And nowhere near those speeds at those lengths
<xback> The longest range we have achieved was roughly 2 years ago. 83km with ath9k HT20 and dynack
<f00b4r0> amazing
<xback> speed was roughly 11Mbps on that link
<xback> no so fast, but enough for the client to do his business
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<Mangix> f00b4r0: pinv
<Mangix> ping
<f00b4r0> Mangix: pong
<Mangix> You mentioned my panel would give a French electrician horror. What you mean by that?
<f00b4r0> errr
<f00b4r0> you're gonna have to jog my memory
<Mangix> seems fine to me
<f00b4r0> looks like a horror movie to me ;)
<Mangix> gonna have to elaborate :)
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<f00b4r0> well setting aside the questionable ghetto colouring of some cables, my biggest concern would be the two large cables on each side: are these live? AIUI this is fine by US standards, but from a EU/FR point of view there are a lot of wrong things, starting with the practically illegible "ON" position, multiple switches and calibers on various parts of the breaker, and general lack of identification of breaker purpose and cables
<f00b4r0> the various exposed cable connections are also a big no-no
<Habbie> what fresh hell is this
<Habbie> (source: am european)
<f00b4r0> ^ that, exactly :)
<f00b4r0> Habbie: typical "nice" US power cabling
<Habbie> yeah
<Habbie> is that a metal box
<f00b4r0> i wonder how many of these are cause for fires
<f00b4r0> it is.
<Habbie> some north american insurance companies now hand out arc detection devices for free
<Habbie> they are not cheap devices
<f00b4r0> so that if by a stuck of luck the ground connection fails, you can expect a nice jolt
<Habbie> but it appears to be worth it
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<f00b4r0> stroke*
<f00b4r0> i know electrical conduits in the US are typically metal, which is another mind boggler for an european resident
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<jakllsch> f00b4r0: fwiw, that box would normally be closed
<jakllsch> leaving only the top of the breakers exposed
<f00b4r0> sure. It would nevertheless be a death trap
<jakllsch> have you seen out outlets?
<jakllsch> :P
<f00b4r0> yeah. I got electrocuted twice while in the US
<f00b4r0> because of the stupid prongs
<f00b4r0> and lack of recess
<jakllsch> yeah, well, this is the price you pay for being first
<f00b4r0> no. that's the price you pay for never upgrading code.
<jakllsch> that would be a disaster..
<jakllsch> everyone would need adapters for new devices
<f00b4r0> no.
<jakllsch> well how do you do it without replacing everyone's receptacles all at once at not-their-own-expense
<f00b4r0> example: 50s style FR male plug https://www.ebay.fr/itm/385661036171 - 70s style: https://www.ebay.fr/itm/204085120120
<f00b4r0> can you spot the difference? ;P
<f00b4r0> well, differenceS even
<jakllsch> yes..
<jakllsch> but europlug had larger pins to begin with..
<jakllsch> that were then insulated
<jakllsch> without exceeding the original dimensions
<f00b4r0> that's been an upgrade. Both plugs shown above can still work today
<jakllsch> doing it with standard 15 or 20A NEMA plugs would significantly impair their mechanical stability
<f00b4r0> receptacles used to be flush and had no shutters. New style are recessed and have shutters to prevent objects/fingers insertion. Perfectly backward compatible
<jakllsch> our electrical boxes aren't deep enough for that..
<f00b4r0> so i believe it would be perfectly possible to upgrade US plugs in a similar fashion.
<f00b4r0> I'm baffled that US prongs aren't sleeved over say the first 1/3rd or half for instance
<f00b4r0> this is completely retarded
<f00b4r0> especially considering how type B has no guard to prevent fingers slipping forward
<f00b4r0> anyhow, dinner time here and we're totally off topic :)
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<Mangix> f00b4r0: the two wires top are two 120V phases
<Mangix> thick because...120V
<Mangix> haha bon etat
<f00b4r0> Mangix: that's exactly what I suspect and it gives me shivers. I'm not sure where to begin with this abomination ;)
<Mangix> coloring standard here is black/red for phase, while for neutral, and green or bare(mostly) for ground
<Mangix> europe can keep its red yellow brown w/e for phase
<jakllsch> well, black and red are hot or switched..
<jakllsch> but they could be different hots
<Mangix> aren't they always?
<jakllsch> no
<Mangix> in my picture both the breakers have two phases on them, so 240V
<f00b4r0> Mangix: https://www.manomano.fr/conseil/disjoncteur-d-abonne-comment-choisir-4682 pictures of typical household utility main breaker. Notice the last one, wiith the connections masked behind protections
<jakllsch> if you have, particularly lighting, circuits with more than one switch, it's common to to find red or black or even white being used for hot
<f00b4r0> and the very clear operation mechanism, that can be used by a blind person (that's part of the specs)
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<Mangix> to be fair, this thing is probably from the 70s. It's an old house.
<f00b4r0> anyhow, Europe routinely imports most american garbage (junk food, tv series, etc), I'm very glad we made an exception for electrical appliances :D
<Mangix> well
<Mangix> I counter that with our GFCI being better than Europe
<f00b4r0> not sure how
<Mangix> Here, it trips at 120V 5mA. Europe is 230V 30mA
<f00b4r0> https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=20/48/ea72.jpg <- 60s breaker. Notice how everything is still protected and there's only one big knob :)
<f00b4r0> it's 5mA per plug
<f00b4r0> 5mA would be unuseable at the circuit level
<Mangix> still smaller :)
<f00b4r0> it also means that the circuit prior to the plug isn't protected by that 5mA RCD
<f00b4r0> so any fault prior to the plug, or a defective RCD at the plug, will not be protected for
<Mangix> standard here is that the first plug downstream from the breaker gets GFCI
<Mangix> except kitchens
<jakllsch> if not a special breaker that has it integrated
<Mangix> every plug is GFCI
<f00b4r0> every circuit is GFCI here
<f00b4r0> so I say > US :)
<jakllsch> but seriously, exposed wires aren't a thing in electrical panels here
<f00b4r0> typically, the main utility breaker is 500mA RCD, and sub panels are 30mA each
<Mangix> yes they're hidden
<jakllsch> you're expected to have knowledge of electricity if you take the cover off
<f00b4r0> that's a bold assumption ;D
<f00b4r0> Mangix: btw kitchens typically have AC+DC RCD protection here
<jakllsch> DC?
<f00b4r0> yes, to account for rectified currents
<Mangix> one difference I've noticed is grounding here is taken way more seriously. Probably to deal with bad plug design.
<f00b4r0> lol
<Mangix> My uncle who wired my apartment in Europe told me there's no ground on any of the outlets
<Mangix> cause uhhh, yolo engineering
<f00b4r0> that wouldn't pass code here
<f00b4r0> (here == FR)
<Mangix> there == BG for me
<f00b4r0> lol
<f00b4r0> yeah well...
<f00b4r0> I'll refrain from snide remarks xD
<Mangix> :)
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<Mangix> oh cool. fix for ath79 dsa
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