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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#116](https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/159/builds/116) of `openwrt-23.05_bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
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<quinq> Thanks slh, noted :)
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<hitech95> Ansuel, can you give me help on the patch refresh?
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<jeff___m> Hey Robimarko, thanks for your help earlier. I was looking at the ath11k board-2.bin and only saw about 5 possible board-id values, and was thinking of trying to brute force the correct value while I wait on Compex to fully respond. Can you help me understand what the entry should look like in my DTS? Also, Is there a way to attempt to try QSDK drivers? I have a hard time believing there's not
<jeff___m> a working driver out there for this board Compex is selling commercially!
<robimarko> jeff__m: Look at AX9000, its using board variant for ath11k on PCI
<robimarko> Of course, you PCI node will differ
<robimarko> You cannot use the propriatery driver as its closed source
<robimarko> Also, it would not have helped as it uses the same BDF as well
<PaulFertser> Aha, I told you it's not qcom,board-id for property name :)
<robimarko> There is no way to override the detected board-id, there was a long time ago but its really not needed
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<mrkiko> hi all!! Moving home, so not regularly at PC these days
<philipp64> Ansuel: what woudl be involved in adding CI/CD regressions for PR #13765?
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<Ansuel> philipp64 not a chance to have that in openwrt core... that is way i was thinking for a C tool... (as that would permit to move it in a separate repo and run test on it)
<Ansuel> or we can consider a meme repository with a single shell script ahahah
<philipp64> not following... you're saying there's no way it will make it in?
<Ansuel> no I was referring to introducing regression test for ipcal.sh
<philipp64> ah. I thought all of that was in a separate repo
<Ansuel> to do regression test we need to move the script to a separate repository
<philipp64> I guess all we really need is a sufficient sample using the old script, capture the output, then test the output of the new script and do a blind compare...
<philipp64> hm...
<Ansuel> philipp64 if we really want... an idea might be find an equivalent tool
<Ansuel> create a script for testing and compare the results
<Ansuel> of your shell script with the tool
<philipp64> well, the script that it replaces (in AWK) was the equivalent tool...
<philipp64> I suppose we could also write some perl tests with Net::IP or Net::CIDR::Lite
<Ansuel> i would love to test them also with something external
<Ansuel> for testing I would just check the feature we are implementing, abuse for loop and run it on everything by comparing the result of one script and the other
<philipp64> Uh... that's a lot of permutations
<philipp64> I also fixed a couple of misdesign features in the original script... like you can take any number of decimal numbers in a dotted quad... and the `start` parameter to ipcalc.sh isn't an integer offset but another [partial] dotted quad that gets added to `ipaddr`... sigh.
<philipp64> i.e. 4.0 and 1000 are the same...
<philipp64> that's anything but intuitive.
<Ansuel> yes that is why testing the new script with the old one might problematic
<Ansuel> (btw i'm checking the web and love how there are various version of ipcalc tool in every kind of language... but not a single good tool written in C)
<philipp64> well, if there was anyone who relied on the old brokenness we'd want to shake that out.
<philipp64> Ansuel: there's the one from Redhat: https://gitlab.com/ipcalc/ipcalc
<philipp64> the output is a bit harder to parse though, so whatever optimization we get from compiled code goes away with having to run awk or sed over it to mangle it...
<Ansuel> yes but i wanted something more simple
<Ansuel> also it's too big
<philipp64> no, I take that back, it does have a `env` output format...
<Ansuel> so the use would be call the command
<Ansuel> and get the output from ENV
<philipp64> yeah, they've integrated MaxMind geoip into it... that's new.
<philipp64> yeah, it's mostly mean to be used from init.d wrapper scripts.
<philipp64> Got the new version running on my sandbox router (the internet-purgatory I put my teenage kids into).
<philipp64> Who owns base-files these days? jow? nbd?
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<philipp64> Still holding my breath on PR #13530...
<mrkiko> philipp64: what does the sandbox router do ? Log stuff?
<philipp64> The kids have their own VLAN, Wifi SID, traffic shaping, public IP, and I point their nameserver at the Cisco family-safe stuff...
<philipp64> It's a router I can test stuff on without taking the whole house down. Both my wife and I work online.
<mrkiko> philipp64: thanks
<philipp64> It's implemented as an x86_64 VM on KVM...
<philipp64> which is why you'll never see me making a fuss about fitting stuff into a ridiculously small amount of DRAM...
<philipp64> At some point we need to gather the last WRT54G's and have a bonfire to cleanse our souls...
<Ansuel> :( the good old days
<Ansuel> anyway that ipcalc tool can be a good way to test your shell script
<Ansuel> still very tempted to create a c project and see how big it would be
<Ansuel> (having a c project = we can introduce test and fuzzing)
<mrkiko> well, I don't think it's such a simpler matter - oldhw phaseout and so on ... especially in those time when we start to get environmentally conscious. But the hw industry works that way
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<philipp64> mrkiko: well, it could be a figurative bonfire. I've already inhaled enough mercury and lead for one lifetime...
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<mrkiko> philipp64: don't worry, I think I understand your point of view and I kind agree. But then I sometimes realize how much some low-end hw is diffused and so ... I think it's a pity to let it go
<philipp64> the flip side is it's a pity to slow down or stop progress for that remaining 0.001% of the installed base...
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<jeff___m> robimarko: I see the example sent, but couldn't find the ath11k-calibration-variant field in the board-2.bin file and dont understand the lookup that takes place using cal variant given that field, hmm
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<jeff___m> I'm trying to understand the lookup to explore the dataset for potential variants that may be correct
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<mrkiko> philipp64: and what I disagree upon is exactly that percentage... :D
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<jeff___m> I found https://github.com/openwrt/firmware_qca-wireless/tree/main, which seems to be where the matching BDF files are, but I still don't understand the connection between ath11k's core.c where calibration variant is read, to what file it's actually searching for the BDF variants, and where those variants are actually stored
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<jeff___m> I'm waiting on Compex to hopefully give me a BDF file, but seriously - how do any of these vendors expect people to use their hardware with no driver compatibility, it's like they don't even test them. I don't understand. No flashed board IDs is clearly a widespread problem with ath11k devices