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<swalker> overriding the pkg build dir usually isn't needed
<swalker> it even builds when using the default build dir
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mpc85xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<ynezz> f00b4r0: CDN?
<ynezz> f00b4r0: there was similar report on #openwrt week ago, I was unable to reproduce it, resolved after a hour or two
<ynezz> f00b4r0: feel free to create a ticket with your findings, attaching the broken files, so anyone interested could see where the desync happened etc.
<ynezz> f00b4r0: IIRC interestingly enough it was for the same arch
<ynezz> f00b4r0: for host in downloads mirror-03.infra; do curl -s https://$host.openwrt.org/releases/23.05.3/packages/mipsel_24kc/packages/Packages | tee $host.packages | sha256sum; done
<ynezz> yields same e086a0c47ffa89f15535eaefc90afc97ba0ad2786f60a5808a91669379d02cf7 here
<ynezz> f00b4r0: https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/checking-cache might be useful
<ynezz> I just tried it from a two different datacenters in .fr and unable to reproduce
<ynezz> X-Served-By: cache-fra-etou8220116-FRA, cache-ams2100132-AMS and X-Served-By: cache-fra-etou8220116-FRA, cache-lcy-eglc8600064-LCY
<Habbie> f00b4r0, i'd be very curious to hear where your failing data is coming from
<Habbie> (in the next window in my client, people are debugging bitflips in an Amsterdam data center)
<Habbie> (might be entirely unrelated of course)
<ynezz> from the DO server in AMS I'm having the same "x-served-by: cache-fra-etou8220118-FRA"
<ynezz> ah, its different 116-FRA vs 118-FRA
<jow> maybe some cahce purge didn't went through
<ynezz> from helsinki x-served-by: cache-fra-etou8220116-FRA, cache-hel1410030-HEL, London: X-Served-By: cache-fra-etou8220116-FRA, cache-lcy-eglc8600078-LCY
<ynezz> so seems to be similar POPs
<ynezz> serving a valid content
<ynezz> its quite interesting, that they server most of the requests from france, even from .cz its cache-fra-etou8220095-FRA, cache-fra-eddf8230100-FRA
<dwfreed> FRA is not france, it's Frankfort, Germany
<dwfreed> s/fort/furt/
<ynezz> ah, ok
<dwfreed> FRA is the IATA code for the Frankfurt airport; EDDF is the ICAO code; ETOU is the ICAO code for an army airfield just outside of Frankfurt itself; this is used to differentiate which specific DC in regions that have several
<dwfreed> LCY is the IATA and EGLC is the ICAO code for London City Airport
<dwfreed> It's very common to use IATA and ICAO codes as location references for datacenters; they're generally pretty well-known
<dwfreed> unlike UN LOC codes
<Habbie> and germany is not a weird place to serve europe from at all
<dwfreed> Yeah, Frankfurt is an incredibly common location, given its relatively central position geographically
<ynezz> yep, it makes sense now, thanks for enlightening me
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<f00b4r0> ynezz: it resolved after about half a day. It affected only the packages feed signature
<f00b4r0> ynezz: could we have a buildbot feeding an invalid sig every now and then?
<f00b4r0> Habbie: I have unfortunately not track of the offending IPs but it happened over both v4 and v6
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<jow> f00b4r0: do you have a copy of the affected file?
<f00b4r0> jow: no because when the sig fails the system deletes the file anyway
<jow> ok. I believe a cache coherency issue is more likely than wrong generation on the buildbot side
<jow> Packages.sig and Packages.gz got likely cached at different times in the middle of an upload
<jow> afair there is supposed to be some cache purging call in the rsync post xfer hook, but maybe it is not reliable
<jow> or maybe it needs to be repeated later to give fastly's infrastructure time to propagate the file updates internally
<SnarlingFox> Morning all
<jow> not sure if all their caches pull from the origin or if there's some internal cache hierachy
<jow> conceptually this remains an unsolvable problem (maybe you remember our previous discussion wrt. to in-place rpo updates)
<jow> the client would need to become smarter and index files should gain some form of version indicator
<jow> e.g. Packages.$YYYYMMDDSSSS.sig
<Habbie> if you do $YYYYMM.. now, plus symlinks, at least the problem becomes easier to debug
<Habbie> (and then the client can become smarter later, optionally)
<jow> yeah
<jow> maybe also add a reference to the specific Packages.$YYYY... version in the Packages.sig freetext comment
<jow> then make the client download Packages.sig first, discover the related Packages.XXX from it, and proceed to fetch that
<jow> if client happens to fetch a stale Packages.sig, it will fetch the related old Packages.XXX version, if it happens to fetch the current Packages.sig, it'll fetch the current Packages.XXX that goes along with it
<jow> but it'll likely only defer the problem to the later .ipk download stage
<jow> when a stale Packages happen to reference .ipk which are not there anymore (although it would be less likely as not all .ipks vanish every time, and there's a chance that a cache serving stale Packages also servers stale .ipk files still)
<Habbie> ack
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#326](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/4/builds/326) of `master_mvebu/cortexa53` failed.
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<SnarlingFox> robimarko: Pretty satisfied latest rebuild of WSQ50 firmware with ct-full-htt is stable, 48 hours now of CCTV streaming and still going strong. Just making one minor tweak to the LED currents and will then do another force-push for review.
<robimarko> SnarlingFox: Great
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<SnarlingFox> robimarko: Pushed, it's a couple of days behind `main` but I don't think it'll cause a problem - link is here; https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/14028
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<robimarko> SnarlingFox: I will take a look later
<SnarlingFox> Thanks :)
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<Mangix> I should consider making some PRs.
<rsalvaterra> Is anyone having issues with qosify after the llvm update?
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<Ansuel> rmilecki ping ?
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#327](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/4/builds/327) of `master_mvebu/cortexa53` completed successfully.
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<robimarko> Ansuel: I have done some basic cleanup on the asus trx tool
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