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<rmilecki> Ansuel: pong
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<mrkiko> I am not able to find the nmap package - am I missing something? Using opkg
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<mrkiko> I mean, I can not find a lot of packages i expected to be there
<mrkiko> so I guess I am doing something wrong
<mrkiko> uh - even procps utils are missing
<mrkiko> seems fixed now
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<f00b4r0> mrkiko: didn't opkg report errors downloading the packages feed?
<f00b4r0> mrkiko: which arch?
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<stefanct> after i found out why there is no webserver in the default config (it has been a few years since i build openwrt :), i enabled luci and a bunch of other stuff i actually want to use and end up in a failed build
<stefanct> libqmi is not building because qrtr-glib is not found/built
<robimarko> That should not be possible because libqrtr-glib is set as dependency if LIBQMI_WITH_QRTR_GLIB option is set
<robimarko> And its on by default
<stefanct> at the very beginning of the build it prints a number of warnings like "Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/modemmanager/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libqrtr-glib', which does not exist" (with various other packages as dependencies too)
<stefanct> there is no mentioning of "qrtr" in the (restarted) V=sc build log
<robimarko> Then you have an issue with installing the feed
<stefanct> the default selection for my target device did build fine though last weekend
<stefanct> any hints on how to find out more?
<robimarko> Post the whole log on pastebin on somewhere
<robimarko> But if its complaing that its missing then the feed wasnt fully cloned or some weird stuff
<stefanct> i just read about these warnings on the forum pretty much the same thing with a possible cause of having parts of an old checkout out of sync
<stefanct> and my repo resides in a directory named lede... ;)
<stefanct> git doesnt really help as there are no submodules and git status is clean too... is there an easy way to find out what's out of date/clean it up?
<robimarko> ./scripts/feeds update -a for starters
<stefanct> that i did according to the build guide at the beginning. but that's not necessary after just changing the build config, right?
<robimarko> Yes, that is rigth
<stefanct> but maybe i changed the branch afterwards. i cant rule that out atm... it's hard when you only work on stuff intermittently due to daywork stuff :(
<stefanct> thank you
<robimarko> But did ./scripts/feeds install -a suceed?
<stefanct> running it atm
<stefanct> the update did a bunch of things, and the install finished, but not without warnings
<robimarko> Can you post them somewhere?
<stefanct> sure
<robimarko> Those warnings should be extinguished now that the feed actually installed those
<robimarko> But you have a dirty tree
<robimarko> As those core package warnings are not normal
<robimarko> So most likely mixed differnt core repo and feeds
<stefanct> does the url of the origin play any role? i just noticed its also pointing to lede still while feeds.conf.default points to openwrt.org
<robimarko> LEDE should just redirect you to the current URL
<robimarko> But, you probably want to update that
<stefanct> both true :) but could that actually be relevant to my problem(s)?
<robimarko> No idea, but you clearly have mixed stuff
<robimarko> Personal advice, make distclean and start over
<stefanct> i know that's the sanest thing to do :(
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#291](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/217/builds/291) of `master_bcm47xx/generic` failed.
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<Mangix> is this installed to staging_dir?>
<Mangix> oh this is a bash script...
<Mangix> this is so fascinating
<Mangix> So miniupnpd was updated to 2.3.6 by Signed-off-by: Self Hosting Group <155233284+Self-Hosting-Group@users.noreply.github.com>
<Mangix> Now I think that person privately emailed me to update to 2.3.7. Email was sent to spam
<robimarko> Now that is awesome
<Mangix> /s/sent/placed
<robimarko> Mangix: do we have bash on buildbots?
<Mangix> it uses /bin/sh. nm.
<Mangix> nvm
<Mangix> I have no idea why it fails. It doesn't locally
<Mangix> I think I'll try building in a Debian container to see if I can reproduce
<Mangix> ERROR: tools/flock failed to build.
<Mangix> rofl
<robimarko> First thing that builds :(
<Mangix> local commit was the issue
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<Mangix> robimarko: nope. debian container builds it fine
<Mangix> I'm guessing the SDK on the build bot is outdated
<robimarko> It could be it
<robimarko> aarch64 SDK was pushed like 4 hours ago
<robimarko> Its even weirder that it only failed for A76
<Mangix> oh you're right
<Mangix> I'm building mipsel
<schmars[m]> Signature check failed - known issue?
<schmars[m]> * check failed from opkg feed - known
<schmars[m]> (sorry about the edit, i try to avoid them but sometimes muscle memory is stronger)
<schmars[m]> but only for some package archs, hm
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<schmars[m]> jow f00b4r0 i still have failing signatures, for example https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/aarch64_generic/base/Packages.sig using IB right now
<Mangix> aaaand a76 builds
<Mangix> i'm ignoring CI
<robimarko> Probably outdated SDK
<robimarko> Give it a day
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<schmars[m]> ok got it, thanks
<f00b4r0> schmars[m]: save a copy of the file please
* f00b4r0 heads off to catch some zzzs
<schmars[m]> i saved it, and will go through the other 85 targets that my little machine is building with IB right now
<schmars[m]> frankfurt btw
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