russell--: not yet. There's a `-s` argument to use 19200 instead of 115200, but that's about it.
-s l o w ?
hi damo22. Yeah, s for slow.
so not like me then ;)
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mrnuke: how you been m8
Not at all.
damo22: I was training my liver for New Year's, but now that's over. I have no purpose :p
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oh man, do you have work at least?
Yeah. Plenty of work. I barely have any time for opensource stuff. "No time for fun" as the saying goes
yeah i can imagine, with your demonic skillset
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Neeeah, I just read hex a little better. (That's base 16 for someone reading this message into the future.
damo22: How have you been doing?
yeah pretty good, i gave up on firmware except to tinker with devices i need to use myself
work at the hospital is keeping me very busy
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it makes it easier that i can run the same version of OS on my laptop as the HPC at work
i usually experience any infra issues before we need to deal with it in prod
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mrnuke: do you get triggered when you see 4 or 8 light switches in a row?
damo22: nope. I just do a binary search to see which one controls the light I want. Makes it way easier when they are a power of two.
Here there are those switches that control outlets instead of lights. Want to see bugs in a programmer's algorithm? Just add a couple of those in the row...
turn off their entire workstation?
If I'm dumb enouh to plug my computer into one of those, I deserve it!
catch you later!
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mrnuke: ubus call poe info gives likely looking info
what's the command for toggling power on a port?