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<\x> hey, why when I set different mac addresses on multiple APs on MT7612E, it wont bring up the APs? am I missing something?
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<f00b4r0> hmm I'm seeing something odd with fw4 on 24.10. it uses the wrong iface for pppoe wan: it uses the underlying ethernet in oifname/iifname statements instead of the ppp iface, resulting in broken rules
* f00b4r0 digs
<Piraty> hi. i have a router in kernel oops reboot loop which takes roughly 60s . i'd like to reflash factory image, i have serial access . i can't break into uboot shell, is this even uboot ?
<Piraty> ah, rapidly firing CTRL^C gives me bootloader shell
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<Piraty> it's open source. amazing.
<Piraty> but my CFE seems ancient and crippled, doesn't even seem to have 'help' command
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<Piraty> can CFE be used to flash over serial?
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<russell--> Piraty: not all CFE's are equal
<Piraty> some are more equal i conclude
<Piraty> i figured :p
<russell--> what is your device?
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<Piraty> wndr3700v3
<Piraty> i flashed it, board.json might need some work though
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<SlimeyX> your CFE is most likely fine
<SlimeyX> its the kernel or rootfs thats broke
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<russell--> SlimeyX: he's asking how to recover from cfe
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<SlimeyX> ah sorry
<SlimeyX> try tftp --help
<russell--> SlimeyX: "doesn't even seem to have 'help' command"
<SlimeyX> just tftp then or dump and look for strings
<SlimeyX> what device is it?
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<Piraty> yeah i used this exact guide in the end
<Piraty> tftpd worked in the end, but i considered pushing the image via serial (have done this before, but with a unix shell)
<Piraty> it was hacky
<Piraty> too bad
<russell--> i was going to suggest a metal shredder for broadcom devices, there are a selection of videos on youtube
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#23]( of `openwrt-24.10_lantiq/xrx200_legacy` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
<SlimeyX> heh
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<hauke> nbd: could you please have a look at this PR changing the ring buffer sizes for MTK devices:
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