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<mirko> is it defined how target/*/base-files/ and package's files override each other?
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<efahl> aparcar[m]: it's already there, see asu/config.py line 26
<aparcar[m]> sweet
<aparcar[m]> oh right it just doesn't work in the lci app
<efahl> I thought LuCI app handled 'package_changes' like auc and owut??? need to check
<efahl> oh, I guess not, another thing to fix.
<efahl> or maybe we should move the whole 'package_changes' thing into the asu/package_changes.py so all of them pick it up automatically
<efahl> aparcar[m]: where does the .versions.json come from? hand edit or is it generated?
<dwfreed> I suspect it's generated
<aparcar[m]> Generated, I’ll send you the script tomorrow
<efahl> more importantly, is the "upcoming_version" a permanent addition now (you probably saw my comments on your commit on it)
<efahl> and thanks, yes, I would like to see the script
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<KanjiMonster> mirko: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/blob/main/package/base-files/Makefile#L170-L185 - subtarget overrides target overrides generic/base-files overrides base-files package itself. "overrides" means can add/overwrite files, but not remove.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#57](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/135/builds/57) of `main_bcm27xx/bcm2710` completed successfully.
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<totkeks> oh the apk abi thing was fixed. cool, thanks. :-)
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<efahl> totkeks: the luci dependency on libuci thing?
<totkeks> the one I had yesterday. which also included libuci but block-mount
<efahl> got it
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<killgufo> Hello, I am setting up a nano pi r5c with openwrt 24.10-rc5, and it works pretty well. I am curious though as I can't find 3 packages which I am surprised to see gone: auc, quagga and luci-app-wireguard. Is it a matter of time for the packages to be compiled included or are they removed from the distro?
<totkeks> it seems to not be needed anymore maybe? I just checked, I have luci-proto-wireguard installed and get the wireguard submenu in luci
<killgufo> yes indeed, after reboot I can see the wireguard "new interface" option too, so maybe indeed it's not needed
<killgufo> for quagga there's frr as a replacement, I'll check it out.
<killgufo> auc is the last piece of the puzzle :)
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<totkeks> what is auc?
<efahl> auc = attended sysupgrade client for 23.05 and earlier, replaced by owut in 24.10 and later
<Habbie> oh, i thought owut was related to the opkg/apk change, but 24.10 has opkg and owut?
<efahl> correct
<Habbie> alright. hope to give it a shot some day :)
<killgufo> ah! thanks, I didn't know about owut
<efahl> let me know how it goes, owut has lots of "dev-friendly" options, like add/remove pkgs, options like download-only, etc
<killgufo> the plan is to go to production when 24.10 is released, so I can test as well an upgrade using owut
<Habbie> efahl, my shot won't be soon, but i'll be sure to report in here
<totkeks> funny names for those tools
<efahl> should work just fine, tested going from 24.10 -> snapshot and back, also will track the RCs until release, then onto release
<efahl> oh, wut?
<killgufo> :)
<killgufo> thanks efahl
<efahl> oh, if you install owut and run 'owut check' it might tell you about quagga and luci-app-wireguard
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<efahl> it looks in https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/faillogs-24.10/ and if something is just broken, it lets you know
<killgufo> so cool.
<Habbie> clever
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<efahl> oops, you need to add the packages of interest, 'owut check --add quagga,luci-app-wireguard'
<efahl> looks like both of those are gone (testing on x86, are they platform-specific?)
<killgufo> they are gone for aarch64_generic too
<killgufo> luci-app-wireguard might not be needed, I'll now shortly® when I'll configure VPNs
<killgufo> tried an upgrade using owut, it worked well, I was surprised /etc/frr got preserved even if not part of /etc/sysupgrade.conf
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<efahl> 👍
<totkeks> owut is like sysupgrade with my current packages in the image?
<efahl> yes, are you familiar with firmware selector?
<efahl> All of Firmware Selector, auc, owut and the LuCI Attended Sysupgrade app are clients of the ASU server (sysupgrade.openwrt.org)
<efahl> The device based clients (all but FS), grab the package list you've got installed on the device, send that to the ASU server to create a new image
<Habbie> owut uses ASU?
<efahl> the new image contains all of your installed packages, client then does 'sysupgrade firmware.bin' keeping config, so zoom, off to the races
<efahl> Yes, ASU server is the underlying tool for all of them
<Habbie> ack
<efahl> if you've got owut installed, you can do 'owut blob' and see exactly the json blob that goes to the ASU server for the build request
<efahl> devs like that sort of thing :0
<Habbie> i do!
<killgufo> not just devs
<killgufo> ;-)
<Habbie> :)
<totkeks> yeah got it. makes sense. and that's good for people that change stuff live
<efahl> if you really, really, really like details in json format try 'owut dump -v -v'
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<efahl> killgufo: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/202091/31 looks like luci-app-wireguard is now luci-proto-wireguard
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