lemmi: thanks, but it's a bit pricey for my home use case ;)
just got 1G line at home and found out my ancient soho router only handles 300M on wan port
feels weird to upload at 30M/s from a home line
you'll get used to it ;)
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likely :)
efahl: could you double check if the luci app works with your rc implementation? I think it needs to be added before the stable releases to be picked up by the JS code
My initial implementation did that, your PR which I merged later did not
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old internet advice suggests only mt7621a has working hw offload support in openwrt, but that doesn't seem to be true anymore . is there a list? wiki is sparse on this
can i get the json dump of toh?
i was bitten once to often to rely on hw offload. if the thing can't do it in software, i'm usually not interesetd
ip r
and the mt7621a will do gigabit really only when offloaded. the moment anything firewally, traffic shaping, tunnels are involved you are down to a couple of 100mbps
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mt7621 has hw offloading working in -rc5 nevertheless only NAT44 and IPv6. NAT66 and NAT64 are currently about 300Mbits to my testing.
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so i just need a more capable cpu
Piraty: might be nice to move to an aarch64 device
Its time to forget about MT7621
wifi 7 on mt7621a
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Piraty: sadly i don't know anything that's cost wise below the rb5009 and still capable enough
maybe some of the friendlyelec nanopi are something
but i have no experience with them
or bananapi stuff (maybe the openwrt one is good enough?)
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how does openwrt1router perform in this regard?
i'm aware i can't buy one right now :p
like f00b4r0 said yesterday, WatchGuard Firebox M300 can do it, should be cheap 2nd hand, but might be noisy and big
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kinda big. at least it's red
hi, im unable to compile openwrt, it fails at libsepol-3.5
any idea what could went wrong please?
i'm getting these: undefined reference to `sepol_av_to_string'
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stintel those cards i can confirm they are 5V DC
Slimey: sorry not following
mini pice QCA9990 vs the mediatek card im lucky didnt burn up
so, non-standard minipcie?
apparently those cards require 5V DC cause they are high power or something, i found some note requiring the same about using a similar card in a desktop it needing 5v off the psu rail for it to work properly
explains why they run so hot and are built around a heatsink as the case
I remember ordering some 8devices qca stuff that took a year or so before they were delivered, they have external power connectors
so they're just sitting in a box
maybe I can use them to build a scarecrow
im determined to get that damn thing to work
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stintel: and it can do it without breaking a sweat, i.e. it's not cpu starved and it can easily handle other loads on the side. Very nice little red devil, even if we aren't making full use of the switch fabric ;)
I don't regret spending quite some time making them work in OpenWrt ;)
started in september 2020 apparently, and pushed it to master in december 2021 :P
and I've been running one as my main router since august 2021 iirc, replaced backup router by my 2nd m300 around the time I pushed support to master
so that's over 3 years that they've been serving me well!
hey there! I got very outdated firmware for BPI-R3 on NOR. By Sinovoip I guess, Its OpenWrt 21.02-SNAPSHOT unknown / LuCI openwrt-21.02 branch git-22.130.58625-78a8c67. I cant update via auc - it says "{WARNING: cannot determing currently running branch." and then invali argument
also unable to boot from sdcard - TTY shows some codes and then system halt. Tried different sdcard and images
Able to boot only from nor (all keys down). sdcard not booting (all keys up) - system halt. How i can update firmware?
efahl: ping?
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