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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#57](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/35/builds/57) of `openwrt-24.10_octeon/generic` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
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<simzon[m]> hi folks,
<simzon[m]> we from freifunk berlin are suffering under DSA mac (un)learning bug which breaks roaming in few setups. https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/11650#issuecomment-2618438429
<simzon[m]> best simon
<simzon[m]> * which breaks wifi roaming in
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<f00b4r0> simzon[m]: out of curiosity, have you tried using a bridge-vlan style configuration instead? I'm using this and haven't seen the bug described here ever since.
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* russell-- noticed a mesh-point association regression on archer c7 (2.4GHz) somewhere between efc0c4666b5a and 730db6b89374 ... with 730db6b89374 same configuration doesn't connect to other devices on efc0c4666b5a
* russell-- is going to try to duplicate the problem under more controlled conditions
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<ukleinek> https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/ has 24.10.0-rc7 twice in the version dropdown box
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<simzon[m]> <f00b4r0> "simzon: out of curiosity, have..." <- I think i tried few months ago, without success. But maybe i have to try again. What bugs me on this is why this is the "default" setup in uci-defaults, if not well supported.
<simzon[m]> s/./:/
<simzon[m]> s/without/to/, s/success/have many vlan-uware bridges having the dot1q interfaces as members/, s/./:/
<SwedeMike> /win 2
<SwedeMike> oops
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<f00b4r0> simzon[m] not sure what "default setup" you're talking about. Using VLANs isn't a default setup in DSA configs.
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<f00b4r0> your snippet is missing "option vlan_filtering '1'" on the bridge device as well as the list of ports comprising that bridge. Not sure if it makes a difference but in the bridge-vlan sections, 'ports' is nominally a 'list' not an 'option'
<simzon[m]> By default i mean thats what the usual config looks like when a fresh openwrt boots up
<simzon[m]> Interesting points, i'll check that! Didnt consider this could be the culprit, cause everything works perfectly, except the roaming.
<f00b4r0> simzon[m]: https://pastebin.com/EbtctUB5 simplified example of what I use successfully on DSA-enabled mt7621 and filogic devices
<f00b4r0> with roaming between ports and ports/wireless working fine (AFAICT)
<f00b4r0> the default you quote isn't what a fresh openwrt install looks like on DSA hw, btw
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<aparcar[m]> efahl: we need a mechanism to tell people that the target is not (yet) available
<efahl> Absolutely.
<efahl> It's not like we haven't said "it's not released yet" about a million times...
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<efahl> diff the targets between the previous and new? I've been doing that to monitor progress for rc7, still 6 targets left to build right now
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<efahl> aparcar[m]: is it enough to keep the new versions out of .versions.json?
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<efahl> so, put a file in 24.10.0-rc7/.notreleased and have the script that builds the json ignore the dir
<efahl> then when Hauke or whoever is satisfied, simply delete that file
<efahl> I do this with my homemade backup scripts, just 'touch .nobackup' somewhere and that directory is ignored...
<efahl> we could use it to ignore old, unsupported versions, too
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<efahl> aparcar[m]: reminder to send me that script that generates the .versions file...
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#13](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/124/builds/13) of `openwrt-23.05_armsr/armv7` completed successfully.
<aparcar[m]> efahl: not sure this fully fixes the situation, the first build of a new release has no targets as reference
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<efahl> aparcar[m]: I'm thinking don't show any targets for a release until they all build, in fact, don't even show the release until then
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<aparcar[m]> firmware selector already shows only devices that are in fact available
<aparcar[m]> so what we could do is that the firmware search checks first .versions.json and if a new version is in there, check if a profile file exists for that version
<ukleinek> (and only show the release once)
<aparcar[m]> only then really susggest it
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<aparcar[m]> that requires minor rewrites of owut and luci
<aparcar[m]> but prevents people from seeing updates that arent there yet
<aparcar[m]> efahl: also I'm somewhat a fand of shifting away from the /json/v1 stuff, it's now all available upstream, it should always be used instead. that drops lots of legacy code form ASU
<aparcar[m]> efahl: would you be okay to do those code changes?
<efahl> sure. I need specifics, replace the json/v1/overview with .versions.json and some other things?
<efahl> The 'package_changes' is really the only data that's known only by the ASU server.
<aparcar[m]> exactly
<efahl> And there's some pretty scary stuff related to aggregating packages from indexes using that kernel version stuff for the kmods.
<aparcar[m]> what do you mean?
<aparcar[m]> the kernel verison is also part of the profiles.json
<efahl> Locating the feeds for the kmods requires knowing the kernel version, building the file names and all that.
<efahl> Only applies to snapshot builds, so you need to parse the version id, too, to know that.
<efahl> All that stuff I added in 'is_post_kmod_split' in util.py...
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<efahl> The two functions json_v1_target_index and json_v1_arch_index offload an awful lot of work from the clients.
<efahl> I'd be sad to see that go.
<efahl> The overview, branches and profiles, though, are really just repackaging, so they can be migrated out pretty easily.
<efahl> If we were to create one new call that put package_changes, arch index and target index all in one call, that would be nice.
<efahl> In owut I just get the arch and target indexes and smash them together in one big list right away anyhow...
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#58](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/35/builds/58) of `openwrt-24.10_octeon/generic` completed successfully.
<aparcar[m]> i don't even thing we need the targets.json, we just need to check for a new version via .versions.json and then verify that an image does exists at /targets/ profiles.json
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<schmars[m]> i think i'm dealing in a similar problem space at the moment? overhauling our autoupdater here - i have only have a "vendorname,devicename" string to work with, and try to find a matching image from profiles.json
<schmars[m]> i've had our buildbot combine the profiles.json of all targets into one big root profiles.json, because strictly speaking i dont know which target i should peek into
<schmars[m]> (otherwise it wouldn't work if a target changes name (e.g. qualcommax) or device is moved to a different target (e.g. ath79/tiny))
<schmars[m]> but thankfully i dont need to also find feed urls and stuff like that :-)
<aparcar[m]> schmars: can't we merge the autoupdater and asu efforts?
<schmars[m]> probably, eventually
<schmars[m]> right now i'm dealing with hundreds of 19.07 and 21.02 nodes :D
<schmars[m]> well, we're already building all our own images for everything
<schmars[m]> dont know if asu helps us
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#59](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/81/builds/59) of `openwrt-24.10_bmips/bcm6358` completed successfully.
<aparcar[m]> we could add another "distro" for that
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<efahl> schmars[m]: is your giant profiles.json publicly accessible?
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<schmars[m]> yeah that, and my quick proof of concept is this ;) `search="avm,fritzbox-4040" ; curl -s https://firmware.berlin.freifunk.net/unstable/1.4.0-snapshot/notunnel/profiles.json | jq '.[] as $t | $t.profiles | keys[] as $p | $t.profiles[$p] | .supported_devices[] | select(. == "'"$search"'") | {target: $t.target, arch: $t.arch_packages, profile: $p}'`
<schmars[m]> efahl: ah no that's just the autoupdater manifest, all the device info will be removed from it. the profiles.json is per release variant, e.g. https://firmware.berlin.freifunk.net/unstable/snapshot/notunnel/profiles.json
<efahl> Got it, found them in the various tunnel/notunnel dirs...
<schmars[m]> yeah the variants will be a thing of the past soon, too ;) much legacy has accumulated
<efahl> some of the profile names I deal with are duplicated in a bunch of profiles, mostly "generic" in x86, armsr, loongarch...
<schmars[m]> yeah and "Default"
<schmars[m]> i noticed that Default and generic don't ever appear in a profile's supported_devices, i think
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<efahl> right, it's only the name of the section inside "profiles"
<efahl> and on some devices the ubus call system board "board_name" is that section name, and on others it's one of the "supported_devices"
<efahl> (just had another pr on that topic today: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/17758)
<schmars[m]> and then there's the x86 devices, which have the generic image but board name is the actual name, e.g. lenovo-10rs002age here at home
<efahl> yeah, in 'owut' I just say "x86? you are 'generic', whether you like it or not"
<schmars[m]> sounds good :)
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<efahl> does ubus system board always return a good value for release.target on your ports?
<schmars[m]> i have to check out all the new stuff happening now. do the autoupgrade of these 19.07 and 21.02 nodes, then i'm free
<schmars[m]> my device ports? cant say i have any
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<schmars[m]> output of ubus call system board looks good on that lenovo device if thats what you mean
<efahl> I'm assuming that your updater looks at that and compares with the "target" value in the giant profiles.json, then uses the profile name in the list...
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<schmars[m]> even prints the correct CPU in the "system" field
<schmars[m]> ah. i wanted to look at /tmp/sysinfo/board_name
<efahl> so there shouldn't be any collisions, just those 3-4 special cases of the "generic" ones.
<schmars[m]> then find the matching target in profiles.json, and make a download URL from that
<schmars[m]> yeah, those will be finde
<schmars[m]> yeah and use the profile name, which is the key in the profiles object
<schmars[m]> only using the board_name for lookup
<efahl> yes, exactly, here's where owut does all the special cases, in case you're curious https://github.com/efahl/owut/blob/main/files/owut#L1139
<schmars[m]> i salute the ucode writing. wanna do more of it too :)
<schmars[m]> that's helpful, thanks
<efahl> having owut in ucode is really nice. I've told users that have issues "edit this file, change this line and tell me what you see"
<schmars[m]> yeah i love it!
<schmars[m]> super nice upgrade tool too
<schmars[m]> i figure it'll be easy to integrate the config manifest thing that john has been tinkering with
<efahl> thanks, yeah for those of us who live on the command line
<efahl> the LuCI users sort of get left behind
<schmars[m]> same here, our mesh network setup can't be fully displayed in luci because network namespaces
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