on some you have to add 5V on mini pcie pin 47 and 49, you can get a mini pcie to mini pcie adapter and just do the mod there
5V is easy on these things especially if it has a usb port, you can just tap onto a capacitor near usb power
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Hi, is someone working in getting the sysupgrade server running with -rc6?
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goetz: I have poked the appropriate party
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dwfreed: Thx
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GH seems unbearably slow when trying to open a PR against owrt/packages to a different branch than master. As in, I can't even complete the operation 🤔
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efahl: yea we need a different mechanism, the webhook thing doesn't work well after all
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[ 40.775458] ------------[ cut here ]------------
spotting [ 40.771866] ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware lacks feature flag indicating a retry limit of > 2 is OK, requested limit: 4
aparacar[m]: webhooks mostly work. I have an "attempt_update" thing that tries to fix things when that 400 happens, I'll do an RFC PR so you can see it
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efahl: what data does owut need from the overview.json file?
I grab upstream_url and all the branch info from that file
sure but do you need like "targets"?
I think auc used to need that
No, I don't think I use the targets, I get the target info from the device itself (ubus system board)
thinking of getting rid of it?
just reworking some stuff
to get rid of the web hooks
cool, grabbing upstream data on-demand?
I just hacked my local server to remove all that target info from the branches in 'update_meta_json' and my big owut test suite runs just fine without it
but auc fails as you suspected. on a 23.05 box, auc says "WARNING: cannot determing currently running branch." and errors out
efahl: please have a look, I think that's an okay'ish approach for now
we could also cache the http content and update it based on mod-time etc, but those optimization are really minor to the annoyance of frequent web hook failures