f_ I'm thinking: take a linux install, set up pmbootstrap, pull pmaports for sm7150 and init pmbootstrap, then build with sweet.cfg
well you can do that
okay I suppose I'll give that a try whenever I get to it
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Hi I'm just here wondering why the official install guide for the mi 9t doesn't have a flashable image but instead makes you build it youself?
I'm currently building it, how's the experience I'm excited to flash it!
But I wanted to leave it running for my dad and was worried about things breaking as time goes on. So thought the os in a VM might work better.
I don't think you can run the whole OS in a container right?
sure you can
but if you followed that guide then you're running it in a container already
But not the os portion that's the issue you have to keep all component updated individually with the os in a VM it manages all the updates automatically
Not sure it's too much of an issue though tbh