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obguy has joined #sm7150-mainline
<obguy> hey guys can I just copy github actions to make pmos on sweet at home or is it more complicated than doing that? thinking of doing this https://github.com/sm7150-mainline/nightly-builds/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml
obguy-pc has joined #sm7150-mainline
<obguy> same person as obguy-pc
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<f_> obguy-pc what are you thinking of doing?
<obguy-pc> f_ I'm thinking: take a linux install, set up pmbootstrap, pull pmaports for sm7150 and init pmbootstrap, then build with sweet.cfg
<f_> well you can do that
<obguy-pc> okay I suppose I'll give that a try whenever I get to it
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LukeET[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
<LukeET[m]> Hi I'm just here wondering why the official install guide for the mi 9t doesn't have a flashable image but instead makes you build it youself?
<LukeET[m]> I'm currently building it, how's the experience I'm excited to flash it!
<Adrian[m]> <LukeET[m]> "Hi I'm just here wondering why..." <- you can grab a prebuilt from https://images.postmarketos.org/bpo/edge/xiaomi-davinci/
<LukeET[m]> Ahhh nice, would be nice if the wiki mentioned that but oh well seems my custom build didn't work lol
<LukeET[m]> I'll flash the pre build images
<LukeET[m]> Very nice not as smooth as my oneplus 6 but runs very nicely
<LukeET[m]> Will do great for my usage thanks!
<LukeET[m]> Hi sorry one more thing is there a way to get a kernal with KVM support or is this not supported at all with postmartket os?
<Adrian[m]> It's impossible to get KVM working on unfused devices
<Adrian[m]> s/unfused/fused/
<Adrian[m]> and even on unfused ones near impossible
<LukeET[m]> Ahhh I'm not technical to that degree what is meant by fused?
<LukeET[m]> I checked my oneplus 6 and it seems to be supported I take it this is fused?
<Adrian[m]> your oneplus 6 has no KVM support
<Adrian[m]> fused = secure boot enabled
<Adrian[m]> there's no point in enabling it
<LukeET[m]> Ahhh I see so no way to get a VM running then :(
<LukeET[m]> I wanted to try and set up home assistant os in a VM but I suppose that's impossible thanks for your help
<Adrian[m]> use a container, that will work
<Adrian[m]> VM is not gonna work, no, at least not at reasonable speeds
<LukeET[m]> Yeah I have that I set up the home assistant supervised using this guide works really well actually:
<LukeET[m]> But I wanted to leave it running for my dad and was worried about things breaking as time goes on. So thought the os in a VM might work better.
<LukeET[m]> I don't think you can run the whole OS in a container right?
<Adrian[m]> sure you can
<Adrian[m]> but if you followed that guide then you're running it in a container already
<LukeET[m]> But not the os portion that's the issue you have to keep all component updated individually with the os in a VM it manages all the updates automatically
<LukeET[m]> Not sure it's too much of an issue though tbh