<poi333333[m]> anyone regards that henri said?...
<poi333333[m]> we together are working on the moto g60 port
<poi333333[m]> any ideas?
<poi333333[m]> maybe dts is not that complete that it boots
<poi333333[m]> like its missing things
<poi333333[m]> @andrisas:matrix.org can you look at the dts?
<poi333333[m]> if its correct
AndrasSebok[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
<AndrasSebok[m]> <poi333333[m]> "@andrisas:matrix.org can you..." <- Yes
<poi333333[m]> ok i pm you
<Justin[m]> How do I get pmOS onto the Pixel 4ra if it's not in pmbootstrap? 🤔
<funderscore> Justin[m]: it might not be upstreamed yet
<funderscore> but I think there's a generic wip port now
<Justin[m]> Oh
<Justin[m]> I thought being in testing meant it was available via pmbootstrap
<funderscore> It isn't even in upstream pmaports testing though, is it?
<funderscore> At least not yet
<fallenritemonk[m]> Justin: I also asked a few days ago about the pixel 4a. Adrian @gelbpunkt:matrix.org: is currently working on a generic port. Have a look at https://matrix.to/#/!IeSVTOYowpUldDcgJO:matrix.org/$VkuNlGBldBuxeLgG6Qck0TCzd6WqWwxr-xtPQ0uz-6s?via=matrix.org&via=tchncs.de&via=envs.net
<uvraj[m]> here's what the early boot screen looks like
<uvraj[m]> I'm just using the v6.11 branch of the mainline kernel
<uvraj[m]> And yeah, turns out that I have an FTS touchscreen. Changing that in the dts worked, touchscreen is fully functional now