Question how hard would it be to use this kernal and get it to work with Mobian on this device?
ask mobian people
Only curios sorry I'm new to playing with linux on mobile lol
Sorry to spam questions I also have issues running sudo service sshd start
Says service doesn't exist even though this is the recommended method on the postmarket wiki?
doas: service: command not found
you're using an image with systemd, not openrc
Oh nice thanks man
fallenritemonk[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
Hy, I was able to boot on my google pixel 4a (google-sunfish) using the sm7150 mainline kernel, but my touchscreen is not working. I do not see any events using evtest nor using libinput debug-events. Any ideas on what to check, try or do?
I'm not an expert but maybe try identifying your panel
+ digitizer
There might also be some clues in dmesg
which particular kernel commit are you using? and please send a dmesg
<f_> "I'm not an expert but maybe..." <- how would i go about doing that?
dunno maybe looking at the cmdline?
Also do send dmesg
<Adrian[m]> "which particular kernel commit..." <- should be tag 6.13.2 as far as i understood but weardly uname -r reports kernel version 6.13.4
<fallenritemonk[m]> "dmesg.txt" <- you're missing all firmware files, i suspect your device package is very broken
also you might have to probe the touchscreen module manually for it to work (if the device ids aren't properly set in the driver)
modprobe fts521
ok sounds like i should start over with the port. what woukd you recomend (considering im a total newbe): a) follow the normal porting guide but use the repo of the mainline kernel or b) try to directly use the mainline kernel in community/linux-postmarketos-qcom-sm7150 of the aport cache?
I don't recommend starting a new port for a sm7150 device at the moment