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<LukeET[m]> Question how hard would it be to use this kernal and get it to work with Mobian on this device?
<Adrian[m]> ask mobian people
<Adrian[m]> /shrug
<LukeET[m]> Only curios sorry I'm new to playing with linux on mobile lol
<LukeET[m]> Sorry to spam questions I also have issues running sudo service sshd start
<LukeET[m]> Says service doesn't exist even though this is the recommended method on the postmarket wiki?
<LukeET[m]> doas: service: command not found
<Adrian[m]> you're using an image with systemd, not openrc
<LukeET[m]> Oh nice thanks man
fallenritemonk[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
<fallenritemonk[m]> Hy, I was able to boot on my google pixel 4a (google-sunfish) using the sm7150 mainline kernel, but my touchscreen is not working. I do not see any events using evtest nor using libinput debug-events. Any ideas on what to check, try or do?
<f_> I'm not an expert but maybe try identifying your panel
<f_> + digitizer
<f_> There might also be some clues in dmesg
<Adrian[m]> which particular kernel commit are you using? and please send a dmesg
<fallenritemonk[m]> <f_> "I'm not an expert but maybe..." <- how would i go about doing that?
<f_> dunno maybe looking at the cmdline?
<f_> Also do send dmesg
<fallenritemonk[m]> <Adrian[m]> "which particular kernel commit..." <- should be tag 6.13.2 as far as i understood but weardly uname -r reports kernel version 6.13.4
<fallenritemonk[m]> dmesg to come shortly
<Adrian[m]> <fallenritemonk[m]> "dmesg.txt" <- you're missing all firmware files, i suspect your device package is very broken
<Adrian[m]> also you might have to probe the touchscreen module manually for it to work (if the device ids aren't properly set in the driver)
<Adrian[m]> modprobe fts521
<fallenritemonk[m]> ok sounds like i should start over with the port. what woukd you recomend (considering im a total newbe): a) follow the normal porting guide but use the repo of the mainline kernel or b) try to directly use the mainline kernel in community/linux-postmarketos-qcom-sm7150 of the aport cache?
<Adrian[m]> I don't recommend starting a new port for a sm7150 device at the moment
<Adrian[m]> This is the way forward and I recommend using this for any new development
<fallenritemonk[m]> okey, so i will wait until thi MR is merged and then give it a new try 👍
<Adrian[m]> you can also use the pmaports branch from the MR
<Adrian[m]> it is mostly working
<Adrian[m]> but yeah you're coming at a very unfortunate time, in 2-3 days I imagine this will be mostly done
<fallenritemonk[m]> okey then ill just wait. since i dont have to much time anyways.
<fallenritemonk[m]> For the meantime if there is something you want me to test on my pixel 4a ill be happy to do so. just feel free to ask 👍
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