noemdespertis[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
ungeskriptet_ has joined #sm7150-mainline
ungeskriptet has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
<poi333333[m]> hi
<poi333333[m]> could someone help me?
<poi333333[m]> i need to mainline this
<poi333333[m]> Motorola Moto G60
<ungeskriptet[m]> What do you need help with?
<f_> poi333333[m]: sure, where are you stuck
Henri[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
<Adrian[m]> disable tlmm and dispcc
<Adrian[m]> you don't need tlmm to see stuff on the framebuffer so if you think your reserved gpios are wrong, just disable it
<Adrian[m]> + dispcc tends to interfere with framebuffer
<Adrian[m]> and don't worry about the mainline xbl_mem regions and so on, they are just split up more fine grained
<Henri[m]> okay, thank you very much