ungeskriptet has joined #sm7150-mainline
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ungeskriptet has joined #sm7150-mainline
ungeskriptet has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
ungeskriptet has joined #sm7150-mainline
uvraj[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
<Henri[m]> Hello, so to provide an update on g60 progress: reflashed dtbo with empty dtbo, because erase doesn't work on this device, also disabled tlmm and dispcc as offered. flashed vbmeta just on case. Unfortunately, it doesn't... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/Ac_dHceWV68zwVhe7OEqshcp14LjgHlANk8XaF4tAaov80Tx2RqJf5rHAsxgOCEb0XOw1-GHPxngTjEciZQq-bBCeVugaVcQAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvcG15cGZPUGh4S3luZWVBamRGbHB3SFRj>)
f_ is now known as funderscore
funderscore is now known as f_
f_ is now known as funderscore