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<tobhe[m]> nope actually broken
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<tobhe[m]> fixed now, copying the new mesa with proper versions to ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu-asahi
<tobhe[m]> kaazoo: btw there is which is incredibly useful sometimes
<tobhe[m]> allows you to do stuff like copy-package -b --from ppa:ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu/mesa --to ppa:ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu/ubuntu-asahi -s oracular mesa
<tobhe[m]> but also ./copy-package --from ubuntu --to ppa:ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu/ubuntu-asahi -s plucky --to-suite oracular $package
<tobhe[m]> to get something from the official archive into your ppa
<tobhe[m]> can even do debian
kaazoo has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<kaazoo> Hi tobhe, OK, I'm building a new muvm package with that Gnome fix. Locally, I think I worked around this by excuting "xhost +" once.
<tobhe[m]> new mesa has also landed if you want to have that in your rootfs!
<kaazoo> Yes, thanks. I'm doing that ;)
<kaazoo> There is muvm - 0.2.0-1asahi2.24.04 now, which includes the fix. muvm - 0.2.0-1asahi2.24.10 will soon follow.
<kaazoo> This bug still occurs:
<tobhe[m]> I also saw sporadic steam crashes
<kaazoo> vkcube and vulkaninfo also still fail with segmentation fault.
<tobhe[m]> not sure why that was
<kaazoo> I wonder if we may need to rebuild
<tobhe[m]> possibly
<tobhe_> i'll see if I can find out more
<kaazoo> also mentions that a new Vulkan loader version is required to expose Vulkan 1.4 functionality. But it didn't say that the existing loader version would break.
<kaazoo> $ VK_LOADER_DEBUG=debug vulkaninfo
<kaazoo> fails at "DEBUG | LAYER: Loading layer library"
<kaazoo> OK, there is a problem with one of the other Vulkan drivers.
<kaazoo> If works with "VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_DISABLE=* VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_SELECT=*asahi* VK_LOADER_DEBUG=error,warn,driver vulkaninfo"
<kaazoo> The problem seems to be caused by the virtio Vulkan driver.
<kaazoo> "VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_DISABLE=*virtio* VK_LOADER_DEBUG=error,warn,driver vulkaninfo" works
<tobhe[m]> so, we need a kernel update?
<kaazoo> In muvm, the asahi driver is used. Not the virtio driver. So I can just delete /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/virtio_icd.* or set VK_LOADER_DRIVERS_SELECT=*asahi* in /etc/profile of the rootfs or just in the Stream wrapper.
<kaazoo> On the host /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/virtio_icd.* doesn't exist. So it seems the virtio Vulkan driver was only built for amd64 and i386 builds of mesa.
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<kaazoo> Deletion of those 2 files was the easier way. I've updated
<tobhe[m]> the one i just downloaded still had those two files
<tobhe[m]> deleting them fixes the segfaults i've been seeing
<tobhe[m]> and my whole system sometimes hangs
<tobhe[m]> is that thre xshm issue?
<kaazoo> Can you download it again and check?
<kaazoo> I installed the updated libxshmfence packages both locally and in the fex root fs.
<tobhe[m]> sha1sum says still the same tarball. hash starts with 1561529200
<kaazoo> Yes, I have the same file hash
<tobhe[m]> oh might be my fault
<tobhe[m]> let me test...
<kaazoo> "tar tvzf rootfs_dir/Stage2_ubuntu-base-24.10-base-amd64.tar.gz | grep icd.d" doesn't show any virtio
<tobhe[m]> tar -tzf shiw no virtio yep
<kaazoo> So Portal is working for you?
<tobhe[m]> yes, works
<kaazoo> Did you install the updated libxshmfence packages locally?
<tobhe[m]> not yet
<kaazoo> Did you also test the newer muvm builds?
<tobhe[m]> muvm 0.2.0-1asahi2.24.10
<tobhe[m]> previous one didn't work at all
<tobhe[m]> libxshmfence 1.3.2-1asahi1.24.10
<tobhe[m]> interestingly it seems to utilize only half of the cpu cores
<tobhe[m]> portal 2 works too. interesting because I think it didn't on my Qualcomm X Elite
<kaazoo> OK, cool
<tobhe[m]> no sound though. wasn't there some trick for that too?
<kaazoo> I had that a couple of times as well. But on the next run of muvm the sound worked again.
<tobhe[m]> oh maybe I just need to restart it then
<kaazoo> I've pushed my packaging changes to .
<kaazoo> Shall we move those repos over to ?
<tobhe[m]> yeah that sounds like a good idea
<tobhe[m]> I can copy them over and give you access there. I think we might want to clean everything up a bit but the most important thing is that it works (and it does) 🙂
<kaazoo> OK, will check that branch
<kaazoo> Yes, I would prefer all packages to come from the ubuntu-asahi PPA only.
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