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Hi all
hey NoidUbuM2
There is any asahi distro (ubuntu , fedora-gnome, fedore-kde) which is capable to use GPU from a MacbookAir M2 from 2022 ? I can't make it work in nor of theses systems ... :-/
Hello tobhe[m] !
I'm not able to use the GPU ,, and I would like to use it for "blender , tensorflow , ollama , openwebui , comfy" , is that posible ?
yes, all of them should work
you might have to install mesa-opencl-icd to get opencl for gpu compute
how did you determine it doesn't work?
blender is terribly slow , openwebui does not recognise any gpu when boots
how did you install blender?
ok mesa-opencl-icd is not installed , and not availble from dnf repos
I don't know how fedora packages mesa, that is the Ubuntu package name
I'm lot more used to debian/ubuntu systems , but I installed fedora cause it promised gpu support .. but it don't neither
sudo dnf install blender
ok, no idea then. I was thinking flatpack or snap might have problems with the local mesa but anything coming from system packages should not have any problems with that
in general Ubuntu Asahi and Fedora are relatively close in terms of features, we are using the same kernel and mesa
ok , if you confirm that I can make ubuntu-asahi use the GPU with mesa-opencl-icd , I'll re-install and give another try ... I don't feel comfortable with fedora-gnome
well I can confirm that without that you wouldn't have opencl but I can't guarantee that there isn't another issue
what other issue could be from an absolutelly fresh install ?
thanks so much tobhe for your tips !
idk, some apps might assume nvidia/amd/intel are the only gpus in existence ๐
I installed blender and it renders just fine