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<NoidUbuM2> Hi all
<tobhe[m]> hey NoidUbuM2
<NoidUbuM2> There is any asahi distro (ubuntu , fedora-gnome, fedore-kde) which is capable to use GPU from a MacbookAir M2 from 2022 ? I can't make it work in nor of theses systems ... :-/
<NoidUbuM2> Hello tobhe[m] !
<NoidUbuM2> I'm not able to use the GPU ,, and I would like to use it for "blender , tensorflow , ollama , openwebui , comfy" , is that posible ?
<tobhe[m]> yes, all of them should work
<tobhe[m]> you might have to install mesa-opencl-icd to get opencl for gpu compute
<tobhe[m]> how did you determine it doesn't work?
<NoidUbuM2> blender is terribly slow , openwebui does not recognise any gpu when boots
<tobhe[m]> how did you install blender?
<NoidUbuM2> ok mesa-opencl-icd is not installed , and not availble from dnf repos
<tobhe[m]> I don't know how fedora packages mesa, that is the Ubuntu package name
<NoidUbuM2> I'm lot more used to debian/ubuntu systems , but I installed fedora cause it promised gpu support .. but it don't neither
<NoidUbuM2> sudo dnf install blender
<tobhe[m]> ok, no idea then. I was thinking flatpack or snap might have problems with the local mesa but anything coming from system packages should not have any problems with that
<tobhe[m]> in general Ubuntu Asahi and Fedora are relatively close in terms of features, we are using the same kernel and mesa
<NoidUbuM2> ok , if you confirm that I can make ubuntu-asahi use the GPU with mesa-opencl-icd , I'll re-install and give another try ... I don't feel comfortable with fedora-gnome
<tobhe[m]> well I can confirm that without that you wouldn't have opencl but I can't guarantee that there isn't another issue
<NoidUbuM2> what other issue could be from an absolutelly fresh install ?
<NoidUbuM2> thanks so much tobhe for your tips !
<tobhe[m]> idk, some apps might assume nvidia/amd/intel are the only gpus in existence ๐Ÿ™‚
<tobhe[m]> I installed blender and it renders just fine
<NoidUbuM2> asahi-ubuntu + blender ?รง
<tobhe[m]> yes