ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<riteo> well, I'll go. I'll check the logs the next day if someone wants to answer me
<riteo> bye!
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<pq> riteo, depends on the global. wl_compositor would never go away for what clients care. wl_seat and wl_output can and do come and go dynamically. A headless compositor as a RDP/VNC server could very well do that.
<pq> It would be logical for each RDP/VNC viewer connection to exhibit its own wl_output and wl_seat. If no viewer is connected, no output or seats would exist. If multiple can connect simultaneously, it would be the natural thing to do.
<pq> That could apply with head-ful compositors too. Then remote input does not get confused with local input, and remote output can repaint on its own pace.
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<any1> The transient-seat protocol does this for wl_seat. It's almost past the finishing line. Only needs 1 ack, afaik. :)
<emersion> any1: if you have time, can you address the typo?
<wlb> weston Issue #158 closed \o/ (drm_pending_state_apply_atomic: plane_add_prop() calls break amdgpu atomic modesetting
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<emersion> pq, this made me chuckle a bit
<kennylevinsen> emersion: that person has finally found the sole and primary use-case for HDR
<any1> emersion: I thought I did already. Maybe I forgot to push. I'll check after gym
<any1> also changed some words wrt resource management.
<pq> guess I'm too deep in it to see the joke, and I'm also somewhat aware of the W3C work to bring HDR to the web canvas and CSS.
<emersion> nothing more than a creative use of HDR
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<MrCooper> I wonder if such a QR code could be a health hazard
<mceier> it's not limited to QR codes; imagine an ad, using HDR to blind people ;)
<pq> yes, and I get as soon as it starts working, it will be abused
<pq> *bet
<pq> so W3C or someone needs to invent some browser guidelines or something to save people from it
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1272 merged \o/ (Rework 2D coordinate handling part 6
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !216 opened by Anna Figueiredo Gomes (navi_desu) [RFC] Add action binder protocol
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<riteo> hi! It's me again; I've read the logs and I've just seen that somebody answered me
<emersion> pekka has
<riteo> pq: yeah, seats and outputs are definitely hotpluggable by design
<riteo> but there's no guarantee of what is and what isn't, that's the annoying thing
<riteo> I've heard multiple times the idea of using globals for a permission system (which would be really nice actually). Right now the spec allows this sort of thing but this pretty much means that almost any global might suddenly disappear as far as the client's concerned
<danieldg> I'd say that 'suddenly appear' is more likely than disappear
<riteo> mh yeah
<riteo> perhaps the spec could guarantee no destruction for most globals?
<riteo> this would still allow the permission system thing
<danieldg> I would think that instead of disappearing, the server would choose to reject requests that are no longer allowed
<riteo> isn't this already current behaviour?
<danieldg> (and that this should be added to protocols that don't already support it)
<danieldg> for some protocols, maybe
<riteo> I'm pretty sure that if a global gets deleted all requests to its proxy will be rejected
<emersion> i think it's fine if a global is removed, but that removal is not handled by the client
<emersion> this is a situation that needs to be supported anyways because of races
<danieldg> right. The server can't rely on that happening anyway, so might as well just make it harmless
<riteo> yeah I'm pretty sure that the core spec already covers this part
<emersion> a compositor which wants to update wl_shm formats could remove and re-create the wl_shm global
<emersion> old clients continue to use the old global, new clients will use the new one
<riteo> wouldn't this make the old global useless?
<danieldg> that would mean the server still has to support all the old formats forever (though maybe they're inefficient)
<riteo> the spec says explicitly: The object remains valid and requests to the object will be ignored until the client destroys it, to avoid races between the global going away and a client sending a request to it.
<danieldg> but is that ignoring transitive?
<danieldg> (for shm: would it apply to attaching buffers)
<riteo> that's actually a good question
<riteo> I assume no for the most part
<danieldg> and does it invalidate existing buffers that haven't changed recently (say, cursors or subsurfaces that are static)
<riteo> because most stuff would require some requests to be done, no?
<riteo> I'm not really sure about wl_buffers creted by wl_shm but other globals would be probably affected
<danieldg> this feels like the spec was only concerned with seat/output removals, where the objects don't make sense to use
<riteo> yeah
<danieldg> I could see things like dmabuf being unusable upon removal, though
<riteo> they're pretty much event handlers
<danieldg> say it's attached to a hot-unpluggable GPU
<riteo> indeed, most other objects depend on being able to send messages so I presume that they would be unusable
<riteo> I really feel like there's some implicit distinction between globals that's not clearly defined by the spec
<emersion> i think there are two kinds indeed
<riteo> I think we haven't stumbled on this before as much because there weren't as many extension protocols
<emersion> one kind advertises support for a feature, there can be either 0 or 1 such globals
<emersion> the other kind reflects the presence of a resource, there can be any number
<riteo> but now with pointer constraints, relative pointers and tablet support I have to handle a lot of cases as they are pretty much just seat extensions
<riteo> so I have to iterate in all my seat state struct to clear/populate depending on which global got removed/added
<emersion> just ignore remove if you're not interested in it
<riteo> emersion: regarding the distinction I'd also consider practically that the feature globals are very likely to just pop into existence and not be destroyed at all after
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<emersion> e.g. no need to handle remove for relative-pointer
<riteo> although that could break some very very niche cases
<riteo> emersion: are you sure? If a seat pops up it's gonna ask the now "empty" relative pointer global for a relative pointer
<riteo> what happens then?
<emersion> it creates an inert object
<riteo> oh nice
<emersion> that's the only non-racy way to implement it
<riteo> that would probably make the code I'm working on more maintainable
<riteo> a tiny bit
<riteo> oh there's also another thing
<riteo> like, is there some implied order of global creation?
<emersion> no
<riteo> wouldn't it make sense to create extension globals before actual globals or would it be too messy?
<emersion> there's no such guarantee
<riteo> fair
<emersion> e.g. i have zwp_pointer_gestures_v1 coming after wl_seat, for instance
<emersion> on my current machine
<riteo> the reasoning was that rn I have to populate the seat's state both from the global handling code for the seat and for the extensions
<emersion> yeah, it's a pain to handle correctly in client code
<emersion> but that ship has sailed
<emersion> maybe something to add in the wayland-next thread
<dottedmag> At least there is an indication "no more globals for now" at startup.
<riteo> rn on godot I have to handle seat extensions in the seat add/destroy event, in the extensions add/destroy event and in the actual application destructor
<riteo> wayland-next?
<dottedmag> riteo: ideas for incompatible Wayland 2
<emersion> just a list of mistakes basically
<riteo> oh that's an interesting idea to have "already" at this stage
<emersion> well, we aren't planning anything, fwiw
<riteo> do you have a link for said list of mistakes?
<emersion> just trying to document stuff
<riteo> yeah it'd be a mess to plan but interesting nonetheless
<danieldg> some of them might be possible to 'backport' to wayland 1, which would end up being useful
<riteo> oh look at it
<emersion> aha yeah
<emersion> just found that one
<riteo> I had no idea it was a wayland-next thing, I stumbled on this before too if you notice the logs
<emersion> well, anyways, docs for it would be welcome
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<riteo> what docs?
<emersion> explain what the two kinds of globals are, and spell out which kind is each interface
<emersion> btw, we don't even consistently document which interfaces are globals
<riteo> well that wouldn't still be guaranteed by the spec
<riteo> or do you mean like documenting the "mistake" better?
<emersion> no
<riteo> I'm not really sure why we would document something that's not guaranteed by the spec.
<riteo> is it because of inert objects
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<riteo> well, gtg, it's been a pleasure
<riteo> bye!
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1276 opened by Daniel Stone (daniels) Add helper for moving views on and off layers [libweston API], [Desktop shell], [kiosk-shell]
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<any1> emersion: I remembered correctly. The typo is already addressed, unless there is another one that I don't know about.
<emersion> cool
<wlb> weston Merge request !1275 merged \o/ (CI: Add Debian 12 (bookworm) jobs
<any1> emersion: I also changed some wording to address what we discussed:
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1230 merged \o/ (wet_process: Fully split wet_process and wl_client
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<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * backend-vnc: use weston_region_global_to_output libweston/backend-vnc/vnc.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1274 merged \o/ (backend-vnc: use weston_region_global_to_output
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1277 opened by Daniel Stone (daniels) Be conservative about dirtying paint nodes [Core compositor]