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<wlb> weston Merge request !1277 merged \o/ (Be conservative about dirtying paint nodes
<wlb> weston Merge request !1279 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) backend-wayland: fix error path in wayland_backend_create
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1280 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) libweston: move weston_compositor_shutdown call out of backends
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1273 merged \o/ (libweston: prefer active, high refresh rate outputs during surface assignment
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * libweston: prefer active, high refresh rate outputs during surface assignment libweston/compositor.c
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<swick[m]> relative-pointer has unaccelerated pointer movements, the app can then just draw its own cursor
<swick[m]> inputfd is really for devices which are not covered by other wayland protocols (i.e. not pointers, touch, keyboards and drawing tablets)
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<pq> swick[m], where are we at with color-management, are you waiting for anything specific from me?
<wlb> weston Merge request !1281 opened by Daniel Stone (daniels) build: Run tests with leak-sanitizer suppressions [Testing]
<pq> swick[m], I want to concentrate on the Weston side a bit, and using libdisplay-info for color. I feel I need a break from *driving* protocol design.
<swick[m]> not waiting on anything right now
<pq> cool, as I've kinda lost track :-)
<swick[m]> still pondering the whole luminance anchoring stuff but that's basically everything
<pq> yeah
<swick[m]> the feedback mechanism can be added in version 2 easily
<swick[m]> clarification on the mastering display stuff is blocked
<swick[m]> from my pov everything is in a state that it could be implemented and potentially merged
<pq> I have the same feeling.
<pq> implemented yes, not sure about merging quite as is
<pq> The plan for weston is to copy the XML and prefix all interface names to avoid conflicts with the final form.
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<daniels> hmm, can someone remind me if attach/damage/commit -> damage/commit is supposed to provoke repaint with the same buffer? or do we need attach/damage/commit -> attach(same)/damage/commit?
<emersion> i'm not sure it's clearly defined
<emersion> in general front-buffer rendering is not clearly defined iirc
<emersion> wlroots will repaint in both cases
<emersion> i believe (haven't checked)
<emersion> hmmm
<emersion> except it might not invalidate the GL texture…
<emersion> (it will re-upload shm buffers though)
<emersion> the last time we discussed this was in the context of the tearing proto iirc
<pq> daniels, if the wl_buffer was released in between, the compositor cannot re-read it.
<pq> unless it is explicitly re-attached
<emersion> ah, so this isn't about front-buffer rendering?
* emersion jumped the gun a bit
<emersion> shm with early release?
<pq> it could be, if the compositor didn't release
<pq> yeah
<pq> both
<pq> but given that a compositor *might* release in between, any client using damage+commit without attach is provoking undefined behavior
<emersion> ^ for front-buffer rendering
<zubzub> if the compositor releases the buffer, then the surface has no buffer attached anymore and the surface is no longer painted no?
<pq> you can do front-buffer rendering "just fine" if you attach every commit, right? So front-buffer rendering is no excuse to not attach.
<pq> zubzub, no. If the compositor releases the buffer, it means the compositor retains the contents some other way. Like as a copy in a GL texture.
<zubzub> right
<pq> the contents are on the wl_surface, and whether the compositor needs to hold the wl_buffer is just a detail of it
<zubzub> yeah the compositor can't decide what the contents of a surface are
<emersion> pq, though front-buffer rendering without release violates the spec
<pq> yes, but clients can get away with it
<emersion> so it means the compositor is free to not update the surface contents in that case
<pq> hence the quotes around "just fine"
<emersion> okay, the meaning of the quotes were not clear to me
<emersion> :P
<emersion> i agree that attaching is a good thing to do anyways
<kennylevinsen> hmm, I really should at some point look at my "buffer/damage validation" server project again
<pq> daniels, me and emersion agree :-o
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<emersion> tbh i don't know how you get that idea that we always disagree from ;_;
<daniels> haha, so the conclusion is that attach is required?
<emersion> from my pov, we agree more often than we disagree
<pq> attach is required if a client wants it to work
<daniels> (the context for this is doing a bunch of dirty tracking etc within Weston, not working on some wild exotic new protocol everyone's going to love)
<daniels> kk
<daniels> btw, is a pretty trivial QoL improvement if anyone's interested - unfortunately there is still a race-induced leak in drm-smoke - we can try to tear down with page_flip_pending and don't wait around long enough for the destroy, in which case we leak the output
<pH5> daniels: wl_surface::damage(_buffer) both explicitly refer to the "pending buffer" and wl_surface::attach states that there is no pending buffer after commit. so expecting wl_surface::commit to applying damage to the already committed buffer instead of the non-existent pending buffer seems wrong, even if the behaviour in that case is not well defined.
<daniels> leandrohrb5: ^ did you have something which fixed that or was that stuck behind other stuff?
<daniels> pH5: wow, someone who reads the spec more thoroughly than pq :) that sounds very clear to me, thanks!
<pq> emersion, negative things are easier to remember so there is that bias. Also if you don't say that you agree to something I've argued, I won't know that you agree.
<emersion> yeah, true
<pq> ...I hope I say when I agree.
<emersion> pH5: maybe there should be a protocol error for damaging without attaching a new buffer then…
<emersion> i should try to speak up more when i do agree
<daniels> pq: damn, all this time I've been assuming that you completely agree with me when you say nothing :(
<daniels> (for clarity, the above is a joke)
<ManMower> an especially useful paradigm when pq is on vacation
<emersion> :D
<daniels> can't wait to re-do colour management in a couple of weeks then
<pq> Usually silence from me means: I can't bother to study enough to make my mind, or I don't want to get involved. Or maybe I never noticed the question.
<pq> four weeks!
<pq> you'll have free reign after four weeks, for three weeks :-)
<pq> emersion, a protocol error for damage without attach is a good idea, but I fear it might require a version bump, because of course someone is doing it.
<emersion> yea
<emersion> let's just record that idea for now
<pq> Once a year I think of a "nag" protocol extension. It should be a conduit for compositors to post their complaints to application logs, without crashing the app like protocol errors do.
<ManMower> if there's no pending buffer, damage without attach should technically unmap the surface and reset any xdg-shell state, just like attaching a null buffer, shouldn't it? ;)
<wlb> wayland Issue #388 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) Add a protocol error when a surface is damaged without a new buffer [Protocol]
<pq> ManMower, I suspect I may have written protocol wording to stop that.
<pq> because commits can happen without damage, they must be ok without damage, and I don't recall special-casing damage
<ManMower> yeah, I think there's a clear distincting between no pending buffer, and attaching a NULL pending buffer.
<ManMower> *distinction
<pH5> emersion: sounds good, that would have certainly stopped us from wondering.
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<leandrohrb5> daniels: do you mean the MR that fixes the behavior to leak the output on purpose?
<daniels> leandrohrb5: right, but I mean was there an MR which let us hang around to not leak the output?
<daniels> looks like it just needs some tiny reworks if you have half an hour - since we've turned leak checking on in CI, this does occasionally break innocent MRs
<leandrohrb5> sure, I'll take a look
<leandrohrb5> for some reason that I don't remember I was not being able to test output hot-plugging (even without this series)
<jadahl> pq: a "shame" protocol maybe, where compositors do http post requests whining about situations where it wanted to error out clients to some public website
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<daniels> leandrohrb5: ahh, thanks
<daniels> another fun spec question: what's the expected interaction between wl_subsurface.set_position(child, x1, y1), and wl_surface.commit(x2, y2) on the child?
<daniels> for example, if you do wl_subsurface.set_position(child, 1, 1); wl_surface.commit(); wl_surface@child.offset(20, 20); wl_surface.commit(); wl_subsurface.set_position(child, 3, 3);
<kennylevinsen> I assume you mean wl_surface.offset(x2, y2)?
<daniels> yeah
<kennylevinsen> hmm, offset only really made sense in the scope of a toplevel
<daniels> in Weston atm, the child's relative pos (assuming no positions) will be (1,1) at the first commit, (21,21) at the second commit, and (3,3) at the second commit
<daniels> *at the third commit
<kennylevinsen> for some broken definition of "sense"
<daniels> yeah, I'd be happy with a conclusion of 'don't offset subsurfs'
<daniels> just wondering what others do - do you apply the offset but then stomp it with the next set_pos like we do? retain the offset separately from the set_pos? ignore offset?
<emersion> i think we ignore it in wlr, but not sure
<emersion> vyivel might know more
<daniels> jadahl: ?
<kennylevinsen> I touched that a loooong time ago in sway, too long to remember
<kennylevinsen> but I have a tingling feeling that sway also explicitly ignored it as it did foo things
<emersion> the offset is a delta, i don't think it ever makes sense to replace the position with the offset for any role
<jadahl> daniels: good question, i have no recollection of how subsurfaces consumes the dx/dy
<daniels> emersion: right, the offset accumulates into the position - but then the next position is a reset which removes any accumulated offset
<emersion> right
<emersion> mind, the position is part of the parent state
<emersion> so i'd be wary of updating the position as part of a child commit
<daniels> 'Sub-surfaces also have another kind of state, which is managed by wl_subsurface requests, as opposed to wl_surface requests. This state includes the sub-surface position relative to the parent surface (wl_subsurface.set_position), [...]'
<daniels> so that would imply that we should probably just ignore it?
<jadahl> looks like it ignores dx/dy for subsurfaces, at least since the transaction infrastructure was introduced
<vyivel> emersion: wlroots ignores the surface offset for subsurfaces yeah
<emersion> ty
<daniels> cool, I'd be inclined to introduce an error for trying
<emersion> yeah…
<jadahl> errors make me nervous
<MrCooper> one issue with ignoring the offset for sub-surfaces is that there's no way to atomically change the size and position of unsynchronized sub-surfaces, since sub-surface position changes are always applied only when the parent is committed
<emersion> or at least document _something_ in the spec
<daniels> MrCooper: that's literally why the synchronised mode exists tho
<emersion> daniels: he means size of the sub-surface
<daniels> jadahl: better than it displaying wrong?
<MrCooper> it's for consistency with the parent, not self-consistency?
<jadahl> daniels: my concerns with introducing new errors is that buggy clients that glitched ever so slightly now will crash
<emersion> basically, resize a sub-surface from the top-left corner, without having the parent involved
<daniels> yeah, it's the last 5 words that I object to :P
<jadahl> there are a couple of places with "this will crash [some toolkit] if we're strict, so lets not" because of it
<daniels> the point of sync mode is that you flip it into sync mode, wait for the child to come with a newly-sized buffer, then commit on the parent with set_position as well
<emersion> daniels, the use-case would be to resize in desync mode
<emersion> yeah, in sync mode, it doesn't make sense
<MrCooper> daniels: the parent is irrelevant for what I described, it's about the position & size of the sub-surface always being consistent with each other
<daniels> MrCooper: I understand, I'm just saying that trying to do parent-unaware resize + reposition is never really going to work
<MrCooper> "every frame is perfect" and all that
<jadahl> every frame is only perfect if you use subsurfaces in sync mode
<daniels> and in fact in mutter trying that with a top-left resize is just going to result in your window acting as if it were being resized from the bottom right
<emersion> i think we should document that it's ignored given all current impls, and decide whether MrCooper's use-case is enough to warrant version bump + new behavior
<emersion> if not, version bump + new error
<daniels> what would the new behaviour be?
<emersion> allow offset in desync mode
<emersion> i don't even know if there are users of desync mode
<wlb> wayland Issue #389 opened by Daniel Stone (daniels) How should wl_surface.offset interact with subsurfaces? [Protocol]
<MrCooper> there's weston-subsurfaces :)
<daniels> GSt uses desync in the way it was intended
<daniels> specifically, that you start in synchronised mode until you've got everything set up, commit and flip into desync for the duration you're running in steady state, then when you need to resize flip briefly back to sync mode
<daniels> that's why you can change it dynamically with requests, as opposed to the mode being immutable
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<emersion> there are niche use-cases where i think offset+desync can be used while being frame-perfect
<jadahl> emersion: gtk3 popups goes desync
<emersion> for instance, let's say my sub-surface is a spinner which moves back and forth between two points
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<jadahl> or popovers, rather
<jadahl> (they don't use offsets though, iirc)
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<daniels> emersion: sure - how much code do you want to write to make that possible though? :)
<emersion> yeah, then there's the question of whether we care about the niche use-case or not
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<MrCooper> I'd be surprised if took a lot of code to make that work in mutter, I just missed this in !1880
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<daniels> MrCooper: it's not much code at all for us, just a matter of making sure it actually continues to usefully work, and also how much more complicated we really want our subsurface code to be :P
<daniels> (bearing in mind that offset co-ords are in subsurf co-ord space whereas set_pos is in parent co-ord space ...)
<MrCooper> you mean if they use different scaling?
<emersion> it's a delta, so doesn't matter in what space
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<daniels> yeah you're right, scale/xform only apply to buffer->surface, so the offset would still move in logical pixels anyway
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<KALT> Hi, is transparency broken?
<kennylevinsen> KALT: no, transparency is not broken. If you are asking about a specific application, wayland server or desktop environment that you see being broken, you should ask in their respective forums
<KALT> Odd, I'm having difficulty setting up transparency using Vulkan & Wayland. My test application works fine under X11. Under Wayland I've tested various conditions Gnome/KDE/Winit/GLFW/Nvidia(dedicated)/AMD(integrated) with the same result.
<kennylevinsen> what does your test application do?
<KALT> Render 3 white squares, on the top left corner, overlapping.
<KALT> With a transparent swapchain.
<kennylevinsen> what about the rest of the window?
<KALT> Nothing, but, I also tried using vkCmdClearColorImage to clear the swapchain to no avail.
<KALT> There is some interesting behavior, when using GLFW passing a smaller resolution with a higher resolution swapchain causes expected transparency for the part outside of the GLFW resolution.
<kennylevinsen> run your program with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 set and share the output in a pastebin
<kennylevinsen> that'll show what your program is doing on the wire to Wayland
<kennylevinsen> it won't show the buffer content, but it'll show what it requests
<KALT> I've got a program Vulkan program with transparency that does work and I've taken the logs of both.
<KALT> My test program:
<KALT> Vulkan program with working transparency:
<KALT> I noticed that "wl_surface@7.frame(new id wl_callback@18)" is missing in my log. What does wl_surface@frame do?
<kennylevinsen> it asks the server for a notification next time the server thinks that this surface (window) should start to draw again
<kennylevinsen> btw, it's always best to share full logs instead of snippets when getting help
<kennylevinsen> for example, I can see that your program invalidates a region that is 1024x1024, but without the rest I have no idea if that is the whole buffer, and if not, if the rest ever got invalidated correctly
<bl4ckb0ne> have you tried other compositors?
<KALT> Sorry logs were long,
<KALT> I've tried both Gnome & Wayland.
<KALT> Then again, this is probably not a Wayland issue as there is a working Vulkan demo with transparency.
<KALT> Gnome & KDE*
<KALT> On Wayland.
<kennylevinsen> wayland logs seem good, 1024x1024 surface with 3 GPU buffers and full damage on each commit. I wonder if this could be a gpu quirk if the rest of the buffer hasn't been rendered properly, not super familiar with Vulkan.
<KALT> Then it's most likely, me having inproperly set-up Vulkan, thanks for your help.
<bl4ckb0ne> seems like alpha composing issue
<kennylevinsen> KALT: oh!
<KALT> ?
<kennylevinsen> You have an opaque region that covers the entire surface
<KALT> That's in the logs?
<kennylevinsen> yeah, an opaque region with MAX_INT32 dimensions
<kennylevinsen> that tells the Wayland server that you will not have any transparency whatsoever so that it can jump corners on compositing
<kennylevinsen> which, well, glitches things out if you then actually need it
<KALT> Awesome, thanks kennylevinsen. This also explains the behavior or mismatching window & swapchain resolutions.
<kennylevinsen> MAX_INT32 is perfectly valid as dimensions on the wire, it just gets capped to the actual surface size
<kennylevinsen> but something makes your Vulkan WSI set that opaque region up which you don't want
<kennylevinsen> this bit for reference: > wl_region@32.add(0, 0, 2147483647, 2147483647) \n -> wl_surface@26.set_opaque_region(wl_region@32) \n
<KALT> Yes! I guess it's window handling library bug.
<KALT> I just removed that line and it works.
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<KALT> Again thanks for your help kennylevinsen.
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<kennylevinsen> maybe you just need to set that
<KALT> I've already set it to true.
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