ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland Issue #391 opened by Karl Fleischmann (fleischie) Unable to set event queue
<jadahl> emersion: fwiw, been nagging flatpak maintainers for some input this week
<emersion> thanks!
<wlb> wayland Issue #391 closed \o/ (Unable to set event queue
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<cu-kai> hello, i have a very specific issue with wayland that my google-fu is failing to solve. i have a dual AMD GPU laptop (AMD Zephyrus G14, model GA402RK) and i am trying to run a SDL2 game (in this case, dhewm3) on the dedicated GPU in wayland mode. i use the following environment variables:
<cu-kai> DRI_PRIME=1 SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
<cu-kai> however, this causes a segfault. the backtrace suggests this is a wayland or EGL related problem as no matter the game, the backtrace always starts with the following:
<pq> I'm guessing libEGL is calling wl_proxy_get_version(NULL), so not Wayland's fault.
<pq> you'll need Mesa debug files to get a better backtrace
<cu-kai> i see. would you know the best place for me to go and report / ask aboutb this? it's a fairly new crash and this used to work at least to some extent around 2-3 months ago.
<pq> you'll need to refer to your distribution on how to get the debug information installed or downloaded
<pq> cu-kai, once you have function names listed in, you can file an issue with Mesa in
<cu-kai> thanks pq
<pq> cu-kai, since you know it used to work, if you are up to building Mesa yourself, you could git-bisect Mesa to find the change that broke it.
<pq> assuming it was a Mesa change
<cu-kai> looks like i'll need to build mesa myself anyway as arch doesn't provide a debug package, but i think trying to bisect or resolve this myself is a little beyond my ability
<cu-kai> anyway: that dll belongs to the mesa package
<pq> cu-kai, does help? I've never used arch.
<cu-kai> oh huh, that could help
<cu-kai> lol, i forgot this was a thing. thanks
<cu-kai> yeah, i was on that page before#
<cu-kai> this is a lot better
<pq> yup
<cu-kai> thanks for your help pq
<cu-kai> i think i'll report this on the mesa gitlab
<pq> you're welcome
<pq> make it a text paste, not a picture, please
<cu-kai> ofc, i just did not want to flood this channel
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1287 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Build view list for all outputs at once [libweston API]
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<wlb> weston Issue #766 opened by Link Mauve (linkmauve) Segfault when clicking on a fullscreen surface after coming back from another TTY
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #149 opened by Tait Hoyem (TTWNO) Accessibility Input Protocol (`a11y_input_v1`)
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1288 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) tests: Don't wait for frame callbacks when a surface is on no outputs [Testing]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1289 opened by Daniel Stone (daniels) Fix surface/view handling for test-surface [Testing]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1288 merged \o/ (tests: Don't wait for frame callbacks when a surface is on no outputs
<wlb> weston/main: Derek Foreman * tests: Don't wait for frame callbacks when a surface is on no outputs tests/ event-test.c weston-test-client-helper.c weston-test-client-helper.h
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<Max1> Quick question about Weston
<Max1> In weston_pointer_start_drag (, it seems ok for icon to be NULL
<Max1> As there's an if checking for it
<Max1> But later on, there's a call to weston_coord_surface(0, 0, icon), which will throw an assertion if icon is NULL
<Max1> So either icon mustn't be NULL, or that call shouldn't happen unconditionally
<daniels> ManMower: ^
<ManMower> ouch. yeah, nice
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<ManMower> that's definitely my bug
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<ManMower> I'll look into that a bit later, I don't have an off hand fix. may have to make base.offset into a pointer so it can be legitimately NULL
<ManMower> which is... kinda nasty
<Max1> Do we need it to be a weston_coord_surface?
<Max1> I think we only ever use the weston_coord member, can't we just make it that directly?
<ManMower> I guess that's a quick way out of this hole, but I think it really should be a surface coordinate
<ManMower> does that actually happen when icon is NULL? no icon view would exist?
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<daniels> Max1: maybe more to the point - do you have a testcase here?
<Max1> You should be able to trigger the assertion by running Chromium under Weston and trying to drag a tab out of a window
<ManMower> yeah that sounds like it'd do it. thanks
<Max1> I'm able to do so with Chromium 114
<Max1> I've changed it to use just weston_coord instead of weston_coord_surface and it looks like it'll do as a temporary fix for me
<ManMower> I'd have just // out the assert() if I was looking for a quick fix.
<ManMower> I'll try to fix this up properly soon though
<daniels> thanks both!
<Max1> Ah that'll work as well I guess
<Max1> Thanks for looking into a real fix :) happy to drop my temp fix in favour of that once it's available
<ManMower> Max1: I think you had the right answer all along though... < Max1> So either icon mustn't be NULL, or that call shouldn't happen unconditionally
<ManMower> I think the call should just be conditional :)
<daniels> if you've landed in ->committed() and thus configure() with a !weston_surface_has_content(), don't go remapping it or ... doing anything
<ManMower> :)
<Max1> That sounds sensible
<daniels> start_drag is silent on what should happen if a surface is subsequently unmapped, but is very clear that a drag surface doesn't need to be provided in the first place
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1290 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) data-device: Don't make a weston_coord with no valid space [libweston API]
<Max1> That was quick! Thanks, looks very good on my end
<ManMower> \o/
<Max1> I'm not too familiar with how weston handles releases, how long will it approximately take until this fix is in some 12.* branch?
* ManMower looks at his shoes quietly
<ManMower> in some branch will be really soon, but in an actual release could be a while.
<Max1> "in a branch" is good enough for me, I think
<Max1> Chromium has its own mirror of Weston, as long as the commit is somewhere in there it should be fine
<ManMower> nice
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<Max1> Weston has a test suite, right? Does it include DnD tests? If yes, should there be a test that doesn't use a drag surface?
<ManMower> yes, no :(, yes
<ManMower> I don't think the omission of DnD tests is intentional, just that nobody has had time to spend on it
<Max1> If I weren't busy fixing Chromium's tab dragging tests, I'd offer to help out :)
<ManMower> :)
<Max1> But I'll keep this in mind, maybe I get lucky and do find time to help out after I'm done with Chromium's tests
<ManMower> feel free to ping me directly for review
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<wlb> weston/main: Derek Foreman * data-device: Don't make a weston_coord with no valid space libweston/data-device.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1290 merged \o/ (data-device: Don't make a weston_coord with no valid space
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<daniels> Max1: ^ it's in main now, tagged for backport to 12.0.x so that will happen whenever the next stable release is; currently we have no firm date for that due to people being at conferences / on holiday / moving house / etc
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1291 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Allow overlapping outputs [libweston API], [GL renderer], [Pixman renderer], [VNC Backend], [DRM/KMS backend]
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