ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
<Company> Sachiel: interesting, it doesn't do that here
<Company> but I'm on F38 which has Mesa 23.1 - maybe it gained that since then
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<ascent12> It was a relatively recent change. I think it was added in mesa/demos 9.0.0.
<Company> that solves my problem at least
<Company> I can use glxinfo until I get a newer eglinfo
<Company> great, I got my new renderer running on the rpi - it infloops in the shader compiler
<Company> guess I'll need a new eglinfo sooner rather than later
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<Waylandia> Hmm.
<Waylandia> I was very recently forced to move from XFCE due to serious bugs, so I went for the only thinkable alternative: KDE Plasma. However, the Wayland version of it has such extreme bugs that I was forced to use the X11 edition of KDE Plasma anyway. Which is a shame since the Wayland version was infinitely better performing. I was really surprised by how fast it made unrelated stuff feel/run.
<Waylandia> But when both Vivaldi and Firefox stopped responding to any kind of input within them, and no amount of killing their processes and relaunching them resolved the issue, that was the final straw for me.
<Waylandia> I have an NVIDIA graphics card but cannot use the closed-source drivers from NVIDIA due to my machine freezing frequently if I do. So I use the open source MESA drivers (Debian).
<kchibisov> Waylandia: move your complains to the plasma/kde related channels, this room is for wayland protocol.
<Waylandia> kchibisov: #kde on Libera is a ghost-town, so I thought I should report this here.
<kchibisov> wayland is a protocol, like http.
<Waylandia> Apparently a much faster one than X11.
<Waylandia> (But also not compatible at all.)
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<q234rty[m][m]> I believe firefox stable (by default) uses Xwayland, try setting MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1
<q234rty> I believe firefox stable (by default) uses Xwayland, try setting MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1
<q234rty> assume what you're talking about is a Xwayland bug, that is, since vivaldi also uses Xwayland unless you pass ozone-platform
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<Waylandia> q234rty: Well, both Vivaldi and Firefox worked at first, but *then started* not responding. This indicates to me that it was not a fundamental error with my setup, but rather some evil fragility deep inside Wayland/Plasma in Wayland mode.
<q234rty[m][m]> Waylandia: it might still be specific to Xwayland apps so I still suggest trying MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1
<Waylandia> q234rty[m][m]: Where is that even set? Also, I rarely use Firefox and primarily Vivaldi.
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<q234rty> MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 could be set globally in e.g. /etc/environment
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<q234rty> as for vivaldi, you could edit it's .desktop file to pass --ozone-platform-hint=auto
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<kennylevinsen> Waylandia: again, note that you are using kwin (from KDE) as your Wayland server, and Firefox and Vivaldi are the clients you are testing. Wayland is a protocol specification - a bunch of documents
<kennylevinsen> making sure your clients are actually Wayland and not X11 clients is a good start, but if your Wayland server has issues with multiple clients, consider reporting this to KDE
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<Waylandia> I've sadly found that I tend to give up on trying to report things more and more frequently to any project, because I don't think that any bug I've ever filed has ever been fixed.
<Waylandia> So I'm being "steered" toward the only possible solution when things break. So I'm forced to use X11 instead of Wayland even though Wayland would be much nicer for me if it worked right.
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<kennylevinsen> Waylandia: you do you, just telling you that this is not the appropriate forum for assistance/to report the issue :)
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<Waylandia> kennylevinsen: I'm told that "this is the wrong place for X" anywhere I go.
<Waylandia> People don't like answering questions or discussing things.
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<psykose> the place to report kde bugs is
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<psykose> nobody here has any idea why 'something doesnt work on kde', where do you expect this magic knowledge to come from?
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<Waylandia> Sigh...
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