ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1357 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) Consolidate finish_frame timing of timer driven backends [Backend-PipeWire], [Nested X11 backend], [RDP backend], [VNC Backend]
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<soreau> using a weston-egl-like client that resizes itself but using swap interval 0, it 'spams' wl_egl_window_resize() calls and eventually fails (window destroyed) on the client side with "request could not be marshaled: can't send file descriptor \n Error sending request: Broken pipe" and on the server side with "libwayland: error in client communication (pid xxxxxxx)"
<soreau> is this expected?
<soreau> weston-simple-egl-like*
<soreau> hm, this only happens while using zink
<soreau> I guess it's a mesa issue
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<pq> soreau, sounds like it maybe reached the limit of allowed open fds per process?
<soreau> pq: yea, some limit, but where is the difference between radeonsi and zink?
<pq> I wouldn't know. Maybe one of them holds on to dmabuf fds or sync fds longer.
<pq> Since it's a resize spam, it's kind of a nasty case. Resizes reaally should be throttled, because if they consume a huge number of fds, they probably also consume a huge amount of memory due to things being aallocated faster than torn down.
<pq> hard to guess if Mesa is already doing all it should to mitigate thaata
<soreau> it isn't
<soreau> to get simple-egl to even run with zink, I have to use a special unmerged branch and for resizes to not crash, a patch I made on top of this
<soreau> this led me to hook up swap interval on zink so at least it's throttled in the 'dumb app' case that doesn't listen for frame events
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1358 opened by Loïc Molinari (molinari) gl-renderer: Remove clip_simple() from clipper
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