ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !247 opened by Matthias Klumpp (mak) Draft: xdg-shell: Allow clients to suggest window placement
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<wlb> weston Issue #801 closed \o/ (Invalid protocol error when a client starts maximized
<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * desktop-shell: Branch out the set_maxime/unset_full desktop-shell/shell.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1347 merged \o/ (desktop-shell: Branch out the set_maximed/unset_full
<wlb> weston/12.0: Derek Foreman * toy-toolkit: Fix rotations clients/window.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1360 merged \o/ (toy-toolkit: Fix rotations
<wlb> weston Merge request !1361 merged \o/ (launcher: Remove launcher-logind
<wlb> weston/main: Derek Foreman * launcher: Remove launcher-logind .gitlab-ci.yml .gitlab-ci/ doc/sphinx/toc/running-weston.rst doc/sphinx/toc/test-suite.rst libweston/backend-drm/drm.c libweston/launcher-impl.h libweston/launcher-util.c libweston/ meson_options.txt libweston/launcher-l
<wlb> weston Issue #817 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) weston assert further improvements
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<wlb> weston/main: Pekka Paalanen * shared: add weston-assert shared/weston-assert.h tests/assert-test.c tests/
<wlb> weston/main: Leandro Ribeiro * linux-dmabuf: replace assert with the new weston-assert libweston/ backend-drm/state-propose.c compositor.c linux-dmabuf.c linux-dmabuf.h
<wlb> weston Merge request !891 merged \o/ (shared: add weston-assert
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<wlb> weston Issue #818 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) weston_surface_assign_output() should prefer primary-backend outputs as a tie-breaker
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<wlb> weston Issue #819 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) Surfaces should be reassigned to another output when their drm output goes to sleep
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<pq> micdini, Weston has not had the interface to change video mode in flight for a long time, and the relevant code is probably broken or deleted. But you could have code that disables the weston_output, reconfigures the mode, and enables it again. Libweston offers that API.
<pq> disable-reconfigure-enable cycle might be buggy though because it's not tested, but theoretically it should work
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<heeen> "zxdg_output_v1.done received on version 3 or newer, this is most likely a bug in the compositor"
<heeen> can someone hazard a guess why this is likely a bug
<pq> because wl_output.done superseded that event?
<pq> see the summary doc of zxdg_output_v1
<pq> also mentioned in zxdg_output_v1.done spec
<heeen> thanks!
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #159 opened by fredvs (fredvs) Make inlined methods accessible for other compilers than gcc or clang.
<pq> swick[m], remember when I said on Friday there is a diagram I should draw? It's here:
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<swick[m]> pq: adjusting the encoded signal... that's what vcgt does, and it works because it's based on measuring the encoded signal, but most adjustments you probably want to do before the encoding step
<pq> sure
<pq> that's why I tried to emphasize that this is a *conceptual* model
<pq> if I put those adjustments where they are actually likely implemented, it would be a lot messier pic
<swick[m]> yup, that's the big issue... it would break the nice clear boundary\
<pq> that boundary is really important
<pq> otherwise it would be difficult to explain what "output image description" is
<pq> the diagram is not how one would implement things, but it is mathematically equivalent
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<pq> I also left out everything color-representation
<swick[m]> true
<swick[m]> I think the diagram in its current form is more helpful than not
<pq> cool
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<pq> This is how I think everything would work. Alternatively compositor adjustments could be included in the output image description, but I'm not sure how that would work out.
<swick[m]> maybe it would help to have multiple diagrams. one showing the conceptual model, one showing the display calibration parts (vcgt, monitor adjustment), one showing the colorimetric adjustment (in the compositor before encoding, in the display after decoding)
<pq> My mind is a bit exhausted now, I don't know what else to draw.
<swick[m]> I'll give it a shot later
<pq> the "Convert" step could of course be split into finer details for a specific blending space
<pq> and "Decode" could show color-representation
<pq> go for it :-)
<pq> I'm almost surprised how similar this is to the traditional color management workflow.
<pq> but that's a good sign, IMO
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1362 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) fix up launcher-logind removal [launcher]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !578 merged \o/ (Multi-backend support
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1363 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Try harder to keep an active primary output for surfaces [Core compositor]
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