ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<Dostoevsky> Hey, can anyone see me?
<Dostoevsky> I have a question about cursors...
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<bluetail> you are supposed to ask, and wait until somebody replies
<bluetail> please do not ask to ask, cause thats not how it works
<Dostoevsky> OK, sorry! Q: Is there a way Wayland might include something in the protocol that allows hiding a cursor after a set time without movement? On X11 there was a plugin that did this, but it doesn't like Wayland...
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<danieldg> that can be done by the compositor (sway has an option for it, for one)
<danieldg> an application can also do it by just making a transparent cursor
<Dostoevsky> So it's more of an implementation thing, and not a protocol thing?
<Dostoevsky> Ooh, transparent would work too...
<danieldg> if you do that, keep in mind that it's a usability problem for someone to ask "where's the cursor?"
<Dostoevsky> Ideally it would reappear on mouse movement. LOL
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<danieldg> that's also easy to do (just commit the normal cursor buffer again)
<Dostoevsky> So for a KDE user, I'd either need a compositor plugin/KWin script or a change in KWin itself?
<Dostoevsky> I'm trying to narrow down where I need to look for someone else willing to work on this...
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<danieldg> if you want it for all windows, do it in kwin (maybe as a script, dunno how it works internally)
<danieldg> and yeah, this kind of global thing belongs in the compositor not the application imo
<Dostoevsky> Alright. I'll look into KWin stuff, then. I just get annoyed by my cursor floating over the text I'm typing. I have typo issues - I need to see every letter...
<danieldg> sway has 'hide_cursor when-typing', maybe consider that?
<danieldg> vs a timeout that will often be short/long
<Dostoevsky> Well, sway is GNOME, right? I mean, if it works with KDE, cool, I'll try it...
<danieldg> no, sway is not gnome
<danieldg> it's i3 for wayland
<danieldg> tiling, based on wlroots
<Dostoevsky> Oh, oops. I've never used a TWM
<Dostoevsky> Looks neat, though...
<danieldg> tiling takes a bit to get used to
<Dostoevsky> Thanks for the help! I'll keep sway in mind, and go look at KWin's documentation. Maybe there's an easy API call I can make to hide things...
<Dostoevsky> Probably not, but I can always hope. :-)
<Dostoevsky> Have a good night!
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<swick[m]> JoshuaAshton_: it's still not clear what you're even arguing for. everyone acknowledges that some metadata coming from videos and windows games might be bad (to the point that if you clip at the MDCV you get banding) or not perfect (specifying a larger MDCV than necessary). should we drop it for everyone because some clients won't be able to use it? if there is a native wayland app which uses bt2020+pq for encoding but limits the color volume,
<swick[m]> why shouldn't it be able to give compositors that information? should we pass through all the metadata even if it might be bogus? what choices on how to handle the metadata do we have? if one has to assume the metadata is bogus, the only policy one can have is to ignore the metadata.
<swick[m]> so if you want bogus metadata in the compositor you can't at the same time argue that you want the compositor to be in control. if you don't want to ignore the metadata for proton and arbitrary videos, no one is stopping you, but how do you justify making native apps worse?
<pq> i509vcb, I would hope that compositor toolkit libraries like wlroots et al. would help the people wanting to write a custom WM to not need to understand everything.
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<swick[m]> JoshuaAshton_: and if you want to discuss this, you have to do your part as well and behave reasonable
<pq> haasn, too bad monitors do not advertise what gamut they support. Not in any standard way, anyway.
<JEEB> yea, that usually comes out of a monitor-side ICC profile
<JEEB> which was accrued through some sort of testing
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<pq> haasn, DemiMarie, the protocol allows for two fundamentally different ways to achieve color management: client-driven and compositor-driven.
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<pq> haasn, DemiMarie, and these two ways can actually co-exists simultaneously on different wl_surfaces.
<pq> just not on the same surface, obviously
<MrCooper> JoshuaAshton_: it makes little sense to build a Wayland protocol on the premise that the client-provided data may be bogus and the compositor may do whatever instead, since the result will inevitably be that clients *do* provide bogus data, and the compositors have to scramble to make it work acceptably for the user somehow; the end result is that the data passed over the protocol is mostly meaningless in practice. It's better to handle bogus
<MrCooper> metadata on the client side, instead of passing it on over the protocol
<pq> umm, is JoshuaAshton_ talking right now? The last I saw a message from him here was on Friday IIRC.
<pq> I feel the discussion around "smart" compositors is forgetting the end user here. I'm sure end users want to tune their screen image, and it so happens that many HDR displays simply do not offer many or even any knobs.
<pq> the compositor doesn't need to be smart, but I do think it needs to offer some knobs.
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<MrCooper> yep, e.g. for the SDR white point
<pq> Ever wondered why monitors and TVs have all these weird "movie mode" and "photo mode" and whatnot image settings? I think we're about to re-invent them, especially if we don't trust any "optional" metadata.
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<zamundaaa[m]> swick native apps are the problem though... There is no reason whatsoever for why native Vulkan apps would be any better at using metadata than all the existing games and applications on Windows
<zamundaaa[m]> So if Mesa has to do the filtering, it's almost guaranteed that we'll end up just not ever sending the primaries at all
<zamundaaa[m]> Considering that, shouldn't we just completely leave it out of the protocol for now?
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<MrCooper> that's still preventing correct clients from making use of the protocol, because there are broken clients
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<MrCooper> it's possible that Mesa can't make full use of the protocol as a first step, doesn't mean nothing else should be allowed to
<swick[m]> the whole color management thing is breaking existing clients left and right
<swick[m]> no matter what we do
<swick[m]> this has been known from the start and there is nothing we can do about it
<swick[m]> going from this free-for-all X11 model to a model where things are being enforced necessarily breaks things
<swick[m]> that's what wayland has been doing for everything
<swick[m]> so what's the point here. why should we not also enforce the metadata. we're going to break existing stuff anyway no matter what we do.
<swick[m]> do it once, do it properly
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<swick[m]> also, when there is a new protocol by definition we don't break any user of the protocol
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<zamundaaa[m]> MrCooper Which client would that be though? We have Vulkan, browsers, video players, gamescope, and not a single one of them can trust their inputs... We'll just end up with the same situation that either no client uses the metadata, or that some still get it wrong and compositors end up ignoring it anyways
<swick[m]> not a single one of them will necessarily be bug free
<swick[m]> this argument is ridiculous
<MrCooper> zamundaaa[m]: if they can't trust their input, they shouldn't use it for the protocol
<swick[m]> trust their inputs...
<swick[m]> ofc there are apps which can trust the mdcv
<swick[m]> some apps even generate it themselves
<zamundaaa[m]> MrCooper: that's my point though
<swick[m]> what's the point?
<swick[m]> that some apps deal with inputs that can't be trusted?
<MrCooper> why prevent clients with valid metadata from using it though?
<swick[m]> yes, some videos contain garbage
<swick[m]> some are masted badly and have banding
<swick[m]> some contain glitches
<swick[m]> what's the point here?
<zamundaaa[m]> I'm asking, which apps would be able to get correct metadata. Apps that use the protocol directly, mind you, because Mesa can't forward it
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<swick[m]> ofc mesa can forward it
<swick[m]> ofc apps can get input they trust
<swick[m]> ofc apps can generate the metadata themselves
<zamundaaa[m]> Not if you want metadata to be filtered
<zamundaaa[m]> Because native games
<swick[m]> none of them use the colorspace crap because it's not exposed yet
<swick[m]> if they start using it and they do it wrongly, they get wrong results
<zamundaaa[m]> The assumption that games are thoroughly tested after being ported to another OS with game engine help is sadly not true though
<swick[m]> I don't assume anything here
<swick[m]> if you run an app on another OS the behavior might be different
<swick[m]> I'm not going to make everything bug-comptabile with windows
<swick[m]> that's the job of translation layers
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<zamundaaa[m]> Mesa is the "translation" layer here...
<swick[m]> no it's not
<swick[m]> either someone runs it through wine/proton or someone compiled it for linux with the wayland wsi and must expect different behavior
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<swick[m]> there are things that vulkan guarantees between the different wsi's and how the MDCV is handled is not one of them
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<swick[m]> so you want us to implement something the same way as windows because you want windows games to work
<swick[m]> which were written for the windows wsi
<swick[m]> or dx stuff
<zamundaaa[m]> No, I want a request that's incredibly likely to be either not used at all, or worse, used wrongly, to be left out of v1 of the protocol
<swick[m]> because windows
<swick[m]> it's well defined and useful
<zamundaaa[m]> No, because apps and content are what they are. You can't ignore the real world
<swick[m]> you can stop saying that i'm ignoring the real world?
<swick[m]> there are apps that are not windows games
<swick[m]> getting payed by valve doesn't mean that suddenly the only thing that exists are windows games
<zamundaaa[m]> Like video players? Or browsers? That get tons of wrong metadata
<zamundaaa[m]> Can we at least agree that the description of the request should mention that clients are required to filter their inputs very carefully because a lot of content is wrong?
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<swick[m]> bad content exists in various forms
<swick[m]> there are also videos which indicate the wrong color space
<MrCooper> zamundaaa[m]: you're demanding that Linux native clients must be prevented from making use of the metadata, because passing it through from Windows apps would give bad results; just don't pass it through from Windows apps then?
<swick[m]> should we just scrap the entire color management protocl because of that?
<swick[m]> it's ridiculous
<swick[m]> like, the worst thing that can happen is that some videos have a bit of clipping
<swick[m]> it's not like apps stop working and the world is falling apart
<swick[m]> and we do say that compositors should use the metadata which gives clients enough warning that setting the metadata actually does something instead of nothing
<swick[m]> disney want to use the protocol and they rely on clipping at the MDCV
<swick[m]> they enforce this on displays as well
<swick[m]> which also answers JoshuaAshton_ question about which monitors do that
<MrCooper> zamundaaa[m]: do we need to explain the "garbage in, garbage out" principle in every single protocol request?
<zamundaaa[m]> No, just in the ones where a very large amount of content out there is garbage
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<swick[m]> nothing forces anyone to set the metadata
<swick[m]> proton doesn't have to push through the metadata
<swick[m]> native games don't have to set the metadata in vulkan
<zamundaaa[m]> Again, I am not talking about apps running in Proton
<swick[m]> video players don't have to set the metadata
<swick[m]> I don't exclusively talk about proton either
<swick[m]> and even if they do it
<zamundaaa[m]> swick[m]: Don't "have to" and "won't" are entirely different things
<swick[m]> bugs exist
<swick[m]> there are monitors with exactly the behavior that we recommend compositors to implement
<swick[m]> and they are the "good" monitors
<swick[m]> and even if the data is bogus, it's not a big deal
<MrCooper> clients who choose to set the metadata get corresponding results; if they don't like them, they can stop setting the metadata
<swick[m]> the worst case scenario is worse image quality
<swick[m]> and you're also just repeating what JoshuaAshton_ already said with no new information whatsoever
<swick[m]> so I'm getting a bit pissed tbh
<zamundaaa[m]> There is no new information. Clients will provide bad metadata, that's just how it is.
<zamundaaa[m]> I get that you're trying to make the best out of a bad situation, and I don't disagree that filtering metadata on the client side would be nice. I just don't think it's realistic that client developers will actually adhere to that, and more importantly, that they'll catch the subtle hint of "compositors should apply the metadata" as a warning about blindly passing metadata through.
<YaLTeR[m]> i mean they will run their impl on a compositor and find out that it looks wrong
<zamundaaa[m]> I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things actually turn out. I hope that you're right
<MrCooper> some warning text in the protocol that just passing through metadata may lead to unexpected results might make sense
<haasn> pq: if you have no information about the monitor gamut then you can’t do gamut mapping on the compositor any better than a client could
<haasn> But it’s quite obvious wether a monitor supports, for example, bt.2020 signal or not, so provide that information to the client and make it their problem
<JEEB> yup
<pq> zamundaaa[m], Krita comes to mind as something that I'd expect to create correct metadata. Darktable too.
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<pq> zamundaaa[m], the purpose of the "compositors should use this to improve gamut mapping" is my hint to apps to not set garbage there.
<zamundaaa[m]> Good point. I would be surprised if those apps would leave mapping from their colorspace to the output up to the compositor though
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<zamundaaa[m]> pq: yes, but that's not a super obvious hint. Maybe I'm a bit pessimistic, but I have doubts that everyone's gonna analyze the details of the spec to figure these things out, especially when most of the clients using the protocol won't even be using it directly
<pq> zamundaaa[m], yeah, they may well decide to do it themselves. Or, they may offer a preview of what end users not using those apps would see on the compositor at hand. IOW, simple image viewers should simply forward all the metadata they can.
<pq> This should help image authors to avoid grave problems.
<pq> Correctly tagged imagery is better for everyone.
<pq> For the EGL and Vulkan case, after hearing all the arguments I suspect that Mesa is going to have to nerf the MDCV without an explicit "yes, really use it" option.
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<swick[m]> it's really an implementation detail of the wsi and I don't see why we shouldn't try to forward it always first
<pq> yeah, depends on how it'll work out.
<swick[m]> if windows apps are the biggest issue wine can just drop the info and then we can see how well it works for native stuff
<pq> certainly need to try with it first
<JEEB> the windows compositor just passes the info through as far as I can tell
<swick[m]> yes, big mistake
<JEEB> looking at my work with the relevant d3d11 APIs
<pq> JEEB, are you sure it still does?
<swick[m]> even the people working on the windows compositor say that HDR is utterly broken right now
<JEEB> pq: I don't have any hardware sniffers to verify what goes over the cable to my 2016 samsung, but I'd expect the stuff you set on the d3d11 swap chain to be passed through if there are no other applications in view
<JEEB> if other applications are in view, the result gets more complex
<JEEB> but someone with sniffing access did test this stuff with mpv when I was hacking on this stuff at least.
<pq> JEEB, I recall JoshuaAshton_ posting a link to some Windows doc that at least recommended apps to not use such API, and do the work themselves for the monitor at hand instead.
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<pq> btw. for monitors that use BT.2100 signalling and simply clip the signal, I've been wondering if we can have a manual profling app: "draw a line where you no longer see a change in color".
<drakulix[m]> @pq, I mean the windows api to get the equivalent of our output image_description is literally "give me the EDID". So atleast games have no other option than to do everything themselves.
<pq> drakulix[m], yes they did: set HDR metadata
<pq> and pray the monitor uses it
<pq> we know the result :-/
<JEEB> this is what the d3d11 API is for getting the monitor info
<JEEB> which probably internally parses the EDID
<drakulix[m]> @pq Right, but that kinda expects, that windows will pass the metadata through. Otherwise the whole EDID is pointless.
<pq> drakulix[m], I think you're confusing things.
<JEEB> which basically outlines the two alternatives
<drakulix[m]> JEEB: hmm, I wonder why DXVK wants an EDID then. This data seems to be trivial to derive from the color-management protocol.
<drakulix[m]> Thanks for the links!
<JEEB> basically either floatie extended sRGB (which I use for wide gamut content in libplacebo), or BT.2020+PQ (which I use for HDR content in libplacebo)
<JEEB> latter being pass-through with the windows compositor
<JEEB> if your output is configured with that, of course
<JEEB> floatie might be pass-through as well, but the transfer function etc will be applied by compositor
<pq> I don't think those are choices I had in mind.
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<JEEB> and mapping of SDR to HDR graphics white with the floatie sRGB of course
<JEEB> 1.0 to 203 nits
<JEEB> (plus adjustment possibility in the windows display settings)
<pq> When you use a standardised signal like BT.2100 PQ, you still have two options: you set up metadata and render for the reference display, or you skip the metadata and render for the actual display.
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<zamundaaa[m]> drakulix: afaik many apps completely ignore the dxgi API and do parse the edid manually. So DXVK uses the EDID just because it already needs to be there
<drakulix[m]> 😩
<pq> Wayland compositors will be parsing EDID with libdisplay-info too, but they can also have more information about the display that an end user might want to provide or tune. It's not obvious such information can be relayed as EDID, but in Wayland we can.
<JEEB> pq: something like mpv without further display information would be doing the first (convert to BT.2020+PQ RGB, pass metadata on), and the examples in that MS article then go for the second one since they expect you to have your own rendering app and they have an example to calculate the MaxCLL for metadata to pass on
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<pq> right
<drakulix[m]> swick: while I agree that linux-native tools should be able to provide proper metadata, I feel like many cross-platform tools won't get the required amount of testing and might be tempted by the compatible interface to just pass the same (bogus) metadata they do on other platforms.
<pq> I think the only hints about HDR color gamut in EDID are some vendor extensions.
<drakulix[m]> While that means those apps are broken, I can see how we could quickly arise at a situation where no compositor trusts metadata, because 80% of clients use it wrong. Making it useless again.
<JEEB> I've thought of using that D3D11 API to get info and adjust the image accordingly (do some tone mapping already on application side), but the last time I tried that I just got way too much dimmer image :P
<drakulix[m]> So can we at least put a big warning on that method or try something to try and keep clients from doing this.
<pq> drakulix[m], we should really have that warning on all the methods of the parametric image description creator.
<drakulix[m]> Really? Do so many apps get color primaries wrong?
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<pq> I dunno, but it's equally important.
<drakulix[m]> Even if this is meant ironically, I feel the argument that they could provide bogus values everywhere isn't a good one, if it is much more likely from one type of data than for the rest.
<pq> and primaries were very unimportant in the SDR non-WCG days.
<pq> no irony, no sarcasm
<pq> color management is too painful even without them
<drakulix[m]> My thoughts are mostly with cross-platform apps, that do already use HDR-apis on other platforms. If this is compatible with the same data, I don't see many clients bothering providing different metadata.
<drakulix[m]> But no metadata might still be on the table, which might be the better option in a lot of cases.
<pq> drakulix[m], you can certainly propose a wording, but your audience would be people who actually read the spec. I think they would be puzzled why this piece is so much more important that the others.
<pq> other-platform app developers will never even see our spec, I bet
<pq> yes, not setting MDCV is always an option.
<drakulix[m]> Right and I don't expect that this will reach a lot devs either. But I can't help but feel like we should at least try.
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<pq> sure, so propose a wording
<pq> maybe not so much as "don't put garbage here" but "beware that existing applications on other platforms have a high possibility of telling this wrong".
<drakulix[m]> I don't think it would be a good attempt given my humble knowledge on the subject, but sure I'll try to make a PR. 👍️
<pq> I'm satisfied with the current wording, and you're not, so.
<pq> drakulix[m], the point is to propose something, and then the others can chime in. It didn't sound likely any of them would file a MR.
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<pq> Re: why is the window moving under a pointer not the same as pointer motion; it just happened on Firefox with some web form on a page that likes to dynamically re-layout itself, and simply clicking a point selected a large amount of text unintended. Yes, it's not the window moving, but cleaarly toolkits should have the same concept too.
<pq> ...if we ignore the elephant in the room that is poor web page UI design
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<pq> thank you swick[m] and leandrohrb5 !
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<kchibisov> Does anyone know what is the x11 alternative for wl_subsurface and embeding media players type of things?
<i509vcb> XEmbed?
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<kchibisov> I think it's a bit different, no?
<MrCooper> kchibisov: any X window can be the child of any other one, even from another client
<kchibisov> can you manipulate Z order?
<MrCooper> sure
<kchibisov> Like if I want my window be split into 4 tiles like I can easily with wl_subsurfaces, you just create child windows?
<d_ed[m]> Yeah. It used to be the case that every single button or label was it's own "window"
<kchibisov> thx.
<MrCooper> yes, though note that in contrast to Wayland, X has no mechanism for making atomic updates to all child windows
<MrCooper> s/all/multiple/
<kchibisov> The end goal is to whether I can have "bad subsurfaces".
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<kchibisov> Can I place wl_subsurface below the top-level surface, so underneach the window?
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<kchibisov> Because the wording on place_below is "see above" and see above says that changing subsurface tree, etc, but it's a bit unclear whether the client can put something below main surface and expect it to work.
<vyivel> yes, it's allowed
<vyivel> you can play with wleird-subsurfaces to check
<kchibisov> vyivel: I'm mostly researching, since some systems don't allow placing subsurface below main view.
<vyivel> which ones?
<kchibisov> macOS disallow it.
<vyivel> i see
<kchibisov> I wonder whether you can put X11 child window, below, but I think you can...
<kchibisov> It's not like it's impossible to do on macOS a thing like that though at all, it's just requires tricks.
<kchibisov> Like you need to swap main view and subview.
<MrCooper> AFAICT X child windows are always above their parents; Z order can only be changed between siblings, i.e. children of the same parent
<kchibisov> I think it's the same for everything other than wayland here.
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1383 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) build: bump to version 12.0.93 for the RC1 release
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<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * build: bump to version 12.0.93 for the RC1 release
<wlb> weston Merge request !1383 merged \o/ (build: bump to version 12.0.93 for the RC1 release
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1384 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Fix cursors with overlapping outputs [Core compositor], [DRM/KMS backend], [libweston API], [VNC Backend]
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<JoshuaAshton> drakulix[m]: The reason DXVK wants the EDID is because DXVK is PE and thus needs to work on Windows. To use a Wayland protocol, Gamescope or Proton is going to have to manufacture an EDID to give to apps.
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<JoshuaAshton> On Windows, some games also don't use DXGI and do just read the EDID directly
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<wlb> Merge request !69 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) releases: add weston 12.0.93 release
<wlb> Marius Vlad * releases: add weston 12.0.93 release releases/weston-12.0.93.tar.xz releases/weston-12.0.93.tar.xz.sig releases.html
<wlb> Merge request !69 merged \o/ (releases: add weston 12.0.93 release
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<JoshuaAshton> > <swick[m]> the whole color management thing is breaking existing clients left and right
<JoshuaAshton> What? On Deck/SteamOS we are breaking nobody with our protocol implementation...
<JoshuaAshton> *our protocol and implementation
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<JoshuaAshton> Breaking existing clients and content seems like your perogative here... I don't think other compositor vendors are in the same boat with you there either. We certainly are not.
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<swick[m]> ah yes, continuing to escalate
<swick[m]> if you can't have a normal conversation that's it
<swick[m]> I always give you the benefit of the doubt even though your behavior is the same every time
<swick[m]> but I'm done
<JoshuaAshton> ok?
<swick[m]> I'll just ignore literally everything you say
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