ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<daniels> swick[m]: he's off atm, yeah; not sure if he's back this week or next
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<swick[m]> daniels: alright, thanks
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<emersion> > Full disclosure: I'm looking at per-surface-buffer-release stuff without syncobj
<emersion> ohhh
<emersion> daniels: do you have a client where this would be useful?
* emersion would love to unlock this…
<daniels> emersion: not one I can discuss :\
<emersion> :/
<daniels> yeah ...
<emersion> imho it should be released as soon as the compositor doesn't need it anymore
<daniels> basically though, it's media frames coming out of a codec which need to be attached to a live output on one output, and a preview window on another output, both of which are separate surfaces
<emersion> yeah
<emersion> is it gst or not?
<daniels> yeah, it is gst
<emersion> pretty sure per-attach-release would be useful for gst but couldn't wrap my head around it last time i tried
<daniels> haha, it's been refactored to be a bit better recently, so maybe it's easier now ...
<daniels> but yeah, there are also non-gst paths for not-particularly-good reasons
<daniels> anyway, I'm with you: the release should only occur when the buffer is removed or replaced from that surface
<daniels> and when that state has fully become live in the compositor, i.e. it's not blocked by parent subsurface updates or something
<daniels> would it help any if I turned it into a generic surface-buffer-release protocol which happened to have syncobj on the side? or would that just derail something that's actually quite close to landing? :P
<emersion> hm, wdym?
<daniels> !
<daniels> I didn't even see that
<daniels> apparently I reviewed it two years ago. brilliant.
<emersion> :D
<emersion> wlroots-as-a-client needs it, so that's why i submitted this
<daniels> I'm trying to think of a way in which returning a new named object (rather than the wl_callback) would be insufficient, e.g. to make it more clear for syncobj to latch on, and completely failing ... I think it sounds completely fine to have a get_release that sends a wl_callback with implicit sync semantics, and for syncobj to be something separate for explicit sync
<daniels> so yeah, I think I'll try to implement !137 for Weston first followed by !90, but not sure if I'll be able to get a GSt implementation as well
<daniels> (the client in question is using GSt to drive the codecs, but does all the presentation itself after being handled dmabufs, because of *mumble* toolkit)
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<emersion> daniels: hm actually i can't see where in gst the situation where the same buffer is submitted to multiple wayland sinks is handled…
<emersion> gst_buffer_get_wl_buffer() does not do any checks
<emersion> AFAIU it just overwrites GstWlBufferPrivate.current_gstbuffer?
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<vyivel> when a wl_output is destroyed, should compositors send wl_surface.leave right before that?
<emersion> there was a wayland issue about that iirc…
<vyivel> can't find it
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<Company> GTK will do the wrong thing without leave event, too
<Company> though barely anyone uses monitors with GTK (including GTK itself) because monitor APIs are meh
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<pq> swick[m], I've been off sick since Friday, will not be back this week.
<emersion> ow :( hope you get better soon!
<pq> just the seasonal flu, I guess
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