ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland Issue #420 opened by chad-cao (chad-cao) How to bind a wanylandsink in gstreamer with wayland Windows in FLTK?
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<pq> kchibisov, I think X11 also clips all child windows to its parent? wl_subsurface does not.
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<MrCooper> indeed
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<swick[m]> > On Deck/SteamOS we are breaking nobody with our protocol implementation
<swick[m]> yes, tell that to all the apps which produce non-sRGB content
<swick[m]> so done with this
<swick[m]> you're either dishonest on purpose or because you just don't know any better
<psykose> give it a rest already
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<swick[m]> why should I? he accuses me of breaking things on purpose
<swick[m]> every time something doesn't go his way he becomes personal
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<swick[m]> he says he's not okay with breaking clients while he breaks clients
<psykose> sure, but is it required to constantly reply to old messages from 'yesterday' every single day to bring it up and talk in the same conversation loop with nothing new added, yet again
<psykose> i feel like it's the opposite of "so done with this"
<swick[m]> he keeps saying more and more ridiculous things
<kennylevinsen> the response is somewhat disproportionate
<swick[m]> so it's okay for him to accuse me of breaking things on purpose?
<swick[m]> it's okay for him to imply I, myself, chose to break things without the knowledge of others?
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<swick[m]> it's okay for him to say that his implementation doesn't break things, when it does?
<pq> swick[m], you're beyond the point of helping anyone, everyone else than Joshua has heard you. It would be good to step away from that topic for a while.
<pq> you're only hurting yourself at this point - I know from experience
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<daniels> swick[m]: it's not ridiculous. you have one perspective and direction you want to go, based on building new things for well-informed things. he has a laser-sharp focus on enabling existing clients, who do things differently to that. there is a path forward, but repeatedly butting heads and telling the other that they're wrong or broken or whatever isn't it. just leave it alone.
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<zamundaaa[m]> There's really no need to allow the app to stop the drag when esc is pressed
<zamundaaa[m]> The compositor can just do that (and KWin at least does do that)
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<pq> Did someone forget to identify with OFTC again?
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<emersion> no, the channel is not +M atm
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<zzag> emersion: well Xaver seems has responded to someone about dnd
<zzag> but the messages prior to that on the irc side are about color management
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<emersion> matrix bridge as reliable as ever
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<davidre> If youd drop but noone accepted you should receive a dropped and a cancel event
<davidre> Which compositor?
<davidre> The user performed the drop action. This event does not indicate acceptance, wl_data_source.cancelled may still be emitted afterwards if the drop destination does not accept any mime type.
<davidre> Afaiu if ESC is pressed mid dragged you would receive a cancel event
<davidre> Yes
<davidre> The description of dnd_drop_performed says
<davidre> I fixed KWin so it always sends dropped on drop
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<pq> Someone's matrix bridge to irc is not working.
<davidre> Max but isnt that what you want?
<davidre> If the compositor cancels the drag and drop you dont get the event
<davidre> if an actually drop happens you get it
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1385 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) vnc: Remove scanout plane optimization [VNC Backend]
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<bwidawsk> Has there been any discussion around drm leasing of planes rather than connectors?
<emersion> planes can be leased too
<emersion> alongside CRTCs and connectors
<emersion> not sure overlays can
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<emersion> but primary and cursor, sure
<JoshuaAshton> it'd be cool to lease overlay planes for platforms that have N overlay planes for each head
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