ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland Issue #425 opened by W olfick (wolfick) Monitor detection (multiple variable refresh rate monitors) causing AMDGPU crashes
<wlb> wayland Issue #425 closed \o/ (Monitor detection (multiple variable refresh rate monitors) causing AMDGPU crashes
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1404 opened by Loïc Molinari (molinari) API: Let multiple backends register the Windowed Output API
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<bluesee> Hey, anyone knows a live distro that includes bleeding edge wayland / libinput ? I want to test something on that before I report a bug
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<orowith2os[m]> reading up on the pointer constraints protocol so I can write a patch and I just came across this bit:
<orowith2os[m]> "It is up to the compositor to decide whether this requires some user interaction and if the pointer will warp to within the passed region if outside."
<orowith2os[m]> is this for if the client tries to constrain the pointer while it doesn't have focus?
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !263 opened by Dallas Strouse (orowith2os) Make pointer warping required behavior
<jadahl> orowith2os[m]: pointer focus is not necessarily enough; e.g. moving the mouse cursor over a window shouldn't necessarily lock/constrain it. in mutter it has to be "active" (e.g. clicked on)
<wlb> weston Merge request !1405 opened by Loïc Molinari (molinari) Speed up tests runtime
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1406 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) build: bump to version 13.0.0 for the official release
<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * build: bump to version 13.0.0 for the official release
<wlb> weston Merge request !1406 merged \o/ (build: bump to version 13.0.0 for the official release
<wlb> weston Merge request !1407 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) reopen main for regular development
<wlb> weston Merge request !1407 merged \o/ ( reopen main for regular development
<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * reopen main for regular development
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