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<pq> JoshuaAshton, precisely that, yes.
<JoshuaAshton> pq: Yeah, very visually noticable in the darks/shadows.
<pq> good to know
<JEEB> :)
<JoshuaAshton> We tested this a bunch for Deck OLED and the way we want to show SDR/sRGB content on HDR
<pq> so what's the expected behaviour and according to whom?
<JoshuaAshton> We went with G2.2 as the EOTF to be consistent with the intent (given it is going to be mastered on a G2.2 display, also the ref display spec for sRGB calls for G2.2 curve), and what consumers have been seeing for the past 25 years or whatever
<pq> ok, so you believe that sRGB displays internally implement G2.2 even today? Has that been verified?
<JoshuaAshton> Every consumer desktop display these days is G2.2, yes.
<JoshuaAshton> Including your phone
<JEEB> so that's for display, but what if you then are taking in an sRGB image and need to convert it to something else? would you still utilize a different transfer than the one that was utilized to go from linear to sRGB?
<JoshuaAshton> Ie. sRGB -> PQ?
<JEEB> for example
<JEEB> I know there are some fun transfers like BT.709 which is BT.709 one way, and BT.1886 the other way. but is then sRGB considered one of those, too?
<JoshuaAshton> I would say only for the Display EOTF
<pq> JEEB, as it turns out, yes, it seems so.
<JoshuaAshton> I would use piecewise for all other operations
<JoshuaAshton> Another way to think of it is there's an implicit tonemapping that happens at the toe of the curve for display.
<JoshuaAshton> Another reason we went with this, is for example if you have one display that is HDR (HDR10 PQ), and another that is SDR (G2.2), you would want the SDR content to look the same on both displays.
<JEEB> also it's kind of hilarious that if it is considered such, then stuff like how iOS currently lets you passthrough values with sRGB transfer would not be correct
<pq> for BT.709, if you undo the spec defined encoding function, you have no idea what you get. What you get may not have even existed at all, if people have been tuning the encoded values directly to look fine on the reference display. That's display-referred in definition.
<JEEB> (and match the handling between macOS and iOS, for example)
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<pq> the applies to sRGB apparently, people pick hex color codes or equivalent tuning, and just see what looks best on their (supposedly) reference display.
<pq> *the same
<JEEB> since BT.709 transfer was implemented before BT.1886 existed in macOS, and iOS matches BT.1886 apparently. so the current way of "how to make video look the same between these two" is to utilize sRGB transfer :)
<JEEB> which seems to be passthrough on both
<JEEB> or at least handled the same
<JoshuaAshton> It's also worth noting that the Deck OLED screen's curve is G2.2 (as is Deck LCD and all the other handhelds), but we decided on G2.2 for SDR back when I was only focusing on external display and experimenting there and noticed these differences.
<pq> JEEB, but pass-through of sRGB encoded values *is* correct, because an sRGB display uses G2.2, not two-piece.
<JEEB> ok, so you are talking of display EOTF as well :)
<pq> yeah, in the end it's the light that matters
<JEEB> so as an application that needs to convert between linear and sRGB (say swscale or zimg), both ways should then utilize the sRGB knee'd version
<JoshuaAshton> Yeah, if you are not dealing with light/display, use the piecewise curve
<JoshuaAshton> And that is only to preserve intent of currently authored materials
<pq> the curve you need to pick for encoding depends on *how* you define your content
<pq> do you want to encode specific "original" colorimetry, or do you want to produce a specific displayed image, knowing that if you tag pixels as sRGB they will be decoded with G2.2.
<pq> display pipeline
<pq> do you want to be operating in the source or destination "linear" space
<JEEB> but yea I think this "specific to display EOTF" thing is what I wanted to earlier figure out if that was what you were limiting to, since it did not sound correct that sRGB signal that you just encoded then has to be linearized by G2.2 if you want to go back there.
<pq> the choice depends on what you're doing
<pq> if you're editing an sRGB image, and need to temporarily decode and then re-encode it, then re-encode function should be the exact inverse of the decode function you choose
<JoshuaAshton> ye
<JEEB> yup
<pq> and for that, you have the choice: two-piece or G2.2
<pq> so you want to operate in the hypothetical source colorimetry, or in the reference display colorimetry
<pq> *do you
<JEEB> so this is higher level decision making than definition of EOTF/OETF for a specific thing. as a library you make both G2.2 and the sRGB transfers available and you pick what is applicable to your use case in the application logic
<pq> yes
<JEEB> the thing I had issue with was that encode(transfer=sRGB).decode(transfer=sRGB) would not lead to the same linear image, but thankfully that's not what you're advocating for at all :) it was just all mentioned as "EOTF"
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<JoshuaAshton> I mean the very physical sense of EOTF :frog:
<JoshuaAshton> Literal zappy zappy -> photon :P
<JEEB> (since that is already true for the BT.709 transfer already in various libraries, but since that's actually explicitly mentioned in the specs that's just something you deal with as part of "it's old" - and then point at something that is generally supported and round-trips like sRGB transfer if someone wants to generate new content)
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<JEEB> well, round trips in the sense that if you have an sRGB image and you encode it with BT.709, that image will be slightly different when you then play that in a player following BT.1886 :)
<pq> yeah, I think we need to dedicate "sRGB" to mean two-piece, and G2.2 to mean G2.2, and the protocol carries the content *encoding* convention, leaving the compositor to figure out the correct display decoding convention which for sRGB input is G2.2.
<JoshuaAshton> There's also *a lot* of games that also tag themselves as sRGB but are also delivering G2.2 to be displayed as G2.2
<JoshuaAshton> I guess it's less about them tagging themselves, a lot of them pre-date any form of ColorSpace tagging stuff, but just knew what they were targeting hehe
<pq> JoshuaAshton, that sounds like a problem.
<JoshuaAshton> It isn't *really* given we are displaying them as G2.2
<JoshuaAshton> The problem ends up cancelling itself out
<JoshuaAshton> Either way the artistic/mastering intent is preserved
<JEEB> and untagged windows surfaces I would expect get handled exactly the same when the windows desktop is in PQ mode
<JoshuaAshton> Windows uses sRGB piecewise for everything sRGB or untagged
<JEEB> yea
<JoshuaAshton> It looks really 'off'
<JoshuaAshton> Lots of people complain about Windows' HDR given it tries to be as close to spec as possible, but without realising that violates the artistic intent of all previously authored media given the G2.2 thing and that people generally don't like their SDR content being limited to 709
<JEEB> at least they do the SDR graphics white to 203 nit boosting
<pq> you're right, it does cancel out, because a compositor would decode claimed-sRGB with G2.2 before converting to e.g. PQ.
<JoshuaAshton> Yep
<JEEB> oofff, so a pipe line of a video player would for a sRGB PNG look like: G2.2 and then output transfer encoding?
<JoshuaAshton> Yeah, that would match how stuff has b
<JoshuaAshton> *stuff has been displayed for 25 years
<JEEB> ouch
<JoshuaAshton> Why ouch?
<JEEB> since I'd say most software currently treats sRGB tagged content as sRGB transfer, linearizes and then outputs PQ for example
<JoshuaAshton> Yeah, I mean even Windows is doing that right now, and it just looks really off compared to putting displays in SDR mode where they act as G2.2
<pq> *bzzzt* :-D
<JEEB> or at least most stuff that I've been around, such as zimg or mpv or libplacebo. if you say your input is sRGB and output is PQ, you're not going to get G2.2 in the middle
<pq> with Troy's reply included, sounds like we have an answer I can go write up in color-and-hdr
<JoshuaAshton> Who is Troy?
<pq> Troy Sobotka, commenting in the Gitlab issue, also
<pq> the author of
<JoshuaAshton> Cool
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<JoshuaAshton> pq: thanks didnt know about that site hahaha
<pq> it's a link in the color-and-hdr learning page. Maybe I'll add Cinematic Color too, once I manage to have a look.
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<JoshuaAshton> The articles are quite funny :)
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<JoshuaAshton> Oh wow, someone made a fix for Win11 using piecewise for SDR content:
<JoshuaAshton> Some good images on that that show the comparison really well
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<JoshuaAshton> Matches my experience exactly testing this stuff out in dark scenes in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion too
<JoshuaAshton> Sorry for posting something Windows (gross) in here also hehehe ;P
<pq> no, that's a good link
<pq> I need to find a place to stash it in color-and-hdr
* emersion puts gloves on and clicks
<pq> on my 12-yo HP display it's hard to see the difference between the two example images, but on my 17-yo Samsung I see the difference.
<pq> probably my HP is somewhat miscalibrated, black level too high maybe
<pq> also I'm in a brightly lit office
<JEEB> JoshuaAshton: it's OK, generally it's a good example of one case
<JEEB> I also link MSDN HDR related docs to explain how MS seems to want colorspace stuff to be handled
<JEEB> (or macOS)
<JEEB> since it makes sense to see how other systems have handled this stuff
<JoshuaAshton> (I was not being serious about posting something Windows lol)
<JEEB> :)
<JoshuaAshton> but ye I linked MSDN a few times too
<JoshuaAshton> even though... they get scene-referred and display-referred wrong a lot :S
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1388 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) backend-x11: Fix error shutdown path for x11 [Nested X11 backend]
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<Company> so, I have a problem
<Company> GTK now does dmabuf offloading via subsurfaces - potentially by putting them below the main surface and leaving the main surface transparent
<Company> so far, that's all great
<Company> but yesterday I turned on fractional scaling and got this:
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<emersion> why do that instead of putting it above?
<Company> there's a pink line going through my app now
<Company> emersion: so I can draw stuff on top - we put it above if we don't
<emersion> yes, that's a known limitation of the fractional scaling protocol
<Company> so what do I do in that case? Not offload?
<emersion> hm, rather
<Company> get somebody to define stuff properly?
<emersion> subsurfaces can only be placed at logical coords
<Company> yeah
<Company> and then they get snapped by the compositor
<emersion> so it may be that someone got the rounding wrong
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<Company> there might be rounding issues that make this more visible than it should be, but the problem does exist - compositors snap surfaces to the pixel grid
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<Company> I also used 125% because that's more visible than 150% would be
<Company> but it means if I use a coordinate that's not a multiple of 4, the compositor will adjust the subsurface position somehow
<Company> if I know how it adjusts, I can of course prepare for that in advance and punch the hold accordingly
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<Company> *the hole
<Company> it's also slightly relevant because of opaque regions, though I'm not sure how compositors handle that
<Company> but I need to punch the hole into the opaque region, too and I want the (fully opaque) subsurface to fit it exactly
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<kennylevinsen> Currently, the only way to handle subsurface rounding errors is to have more compliant geometries - e.g., rather than a hole, having a black background so any rounding still just reveals black.
<Company> yeah, but that doesn't work
<Company> because I need to punch a hole as long as the subsurface is below the surface
<kennylevinsen> the only way to handle this with logical coords in a stable manner is somewhat complex rounding rules, and fractional-scaling-v1 ended up leaving it undefined. Solutions for this is what v2 discussions are about.
<Company> I mean, it's kinda trivial to turn off the offloading for fractional scales
<Company> but that's of course unfortunate
<kennylevinsen> indeed
<Company> fwiw, it's also somewhat sad that I can't position at 0.5 on 200%
<Company> because everything uses logical coords
<kennylevinsen> yeah, that's also part of what v2 discusses
<Company> I guess I should comment on the relevant issues/mrs that GTK implements this stuff now
<Company> so that it moves from theoretical issues to practical problems
<kennylevinsen> It was always practical, it was just also hard with no one agreeing on a solution :)
<kennylevinsen> but please do comment - the original discussions made it sound like Gtk support would not happen anytime soon
<zamundaaa[m]> Company: the problems are already practical; with some panel sizes and scale factors, we get a line between the panel and maximized apps for example
<Company> oh
<Company> yeah, that makes sense
<zamundaaa[m]> If we can get a more complex client implementation going, I'd be glad to update the KWin implementation and push the protocol forward again. I haven't seen a big reason to so far because implementing the protocol in Qt takes more time than I had for this problem lately
<Company> kennylevinsen: when the original discussions happened, nobody had any clue how to make anything like this happen in GTK
<kennylevinsen> that's fair
<Company> kennylevinsen: there were like 3-5 pretty fundamental ideas that happened in the last few months
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<pq> JoshuaAshton, do you have a account? I'd like to mention you in a Khronos issue about sRGB.
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<zamundaaa[m]> about the sRGB stuff, the conclusion there is to use gamma2.2 as inverse EOTF and as EOTF, but only when targeting a display, right?
<zamundaaa[m]> So, what about screenshots?
<zamundaaa[m]> I guess because (with sufficient resolution) it's an identity transform in total it's ok?
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<pq> I think screenshots should be true to their (parametric) image description. They are still pictures intended to be displayed, so displaying them should happen by the usual rules. So you have to pick the TF in the image description such that the re-display is the same as original display.
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<pq> Presumably an sRGB display would be characterized as using gamma 2.2 EOTF, because that's what it does by definition.
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<pq> I say "presumably" because ICC practises are... inconsistent about that.
<JEEB> so the CICP value should be sRGB, which then for the display would get passed through on a G2.2 display
<zamundaaa[m]> well, currently screenshots don't have an explicit image description
<zamundaaa[m]> If I encode them in gamma2.2 and image viewer software assumes it's sRGB, then sRGB content shown in that screenshot will look correct
<pq> anyway, if you characterize your screenshot images as sRGB, then decoding them with gamma 2.2 should produce the correct image. The same effect if you tag it with gamma 2.2 instead.
<zamundaaa[m]> But PQ content shown in that screenshot will not look correct because of the implicit change of the response curve
<pq> JEEB, yes, sRGB encoded data is meant to be passed as-is to a gamma 2.2 display by sRGB spec.
<pq> zamundaaa[m], your screenshot "target buffer" is just another display with its own image description. Do all the usual color management instead of scraping some real output's framebuffer with a different image description.
<pq> that gives you the freedom to arbitrarily pick the screenshot image description
<zamundaaa[m]> I suppose we could and should do that for screenshots, yeah
<zamundaaa[m]> For screen casts though that might be a bit resource intensive
<zamundaaa[m]> I guess the real solution is to plumb image descriptions through the screenshot and screencast infrastructure anyways
<pq> if you want anything non-sRGB through, yeah :-)
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<clamps> i've never been able to find a clear answer on when it's appropriate to use the straight power 2.2 function vs. the more complex function with the linear piece at the bottom end
<clamps> ooh, thanks
<pq> Libraries and other systems that insist on the piecewise function might force things onto you, though.
<pq> You have to make sure to "apply the discrepancy" exactly once.
<pq> so depending on what you are interfacing with, you might need to lie or mangle your pixels
<pq> so in general, there is no other answer than "know what the stuff actually does" - but this write-up at least explains what the goal should be
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<wlb> weston Issue #842 opened by VehementHam (VehementHam) Weston (Kiosk Mode) Launches Black Screen in X11
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<kchibisov> Does kwin advertive multiple wl_output globals? We bind both, but then it decides that we bound invalid global.
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<kchibisov> Though, the question is what client should do with multiple globals for the same interface.
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<emersion> clients should bind each wl_output global they find
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