ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<swick[m]> pushing all the gamescope hacks into wayland protocols...
<swick[m]> ah well
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<ifreund> why does libwayland use wl_display_get_serial() instead of wl_display_next_serial() for the serial passed to the callback from wl_display.sync?
<pq> that serial stuff is totally bogus altogether, I think
<pq> left-overs from the pre 1.0 days
<ifreund> do you feel the same way about validating input event serials for stuff like setting the primary selection?
<pq> no
<ifreund> I've discovered a client that passes the serial from the wl_callback from wl_display_sync() instead of the input event serial to set_selection :/
<pq> Validating input events serials is a necessary concept to solve some race conditions. Only wl_display_*_serial() is totally questionable if it's ever the right answer.
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<pq> ifreund, that sounds like the client is trying to bypass the input serial checks intentionally.
<pq> like if you would write a command line tool for accessing clipboard contents, or something
<ifreund> it's a terminal emulator :/ (kitty)
<pq> which is meant to be impossible for a basic Wayland app
<pq> sounds like a bug
<ifreund> yeah, I'll report it in a minute
<pq> most that I remember of the input serial design is that it is intended to stop clients from doing things when the user has already moved on to do something else and no longer expects the client do stuff
<pq> but I don't think I've ever known how exactly compositors are supposed to manage the serials to make that work correctly
<pq> I have a vague recollection that the wl_display_*_serial() API was supposed to help, but in practice found to be lacking because you'd need many different valid serials at the same time for different things.
<pq> maybe even many different serial counters, I'm not sure
<ifreund> wlroots has a ring buffer of recent serials and does best-effort validation that seems quite effective in practice
<pq> that's nice
<ifreund> and only input event serials are stored in the ring buffer
<ifreund> it was certainly effective enough to catch kitty's bug here
<pq> given a compositor likely needs to keep track of multiple valid serials, passing any serial in the wl_display.sync reply is utterly useless.
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<pq> besides, if clients could use wl_display.sync to get the latest valid serial any time, that would thwart the whole idea why input serials exist.
<ifreund> yeah, it's asking for misuse
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<pq> so at the very minimum, we should make it clear that input serials are not in any way related to sync serials
<pq> even better would be to actually document how serials are supposed to work both sides
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<Guest5651> pq: Serial numbers aren’t access tokens as the entropy is too low. I don’t see a problem with being able to get the latest valid serial, but often the answer should be that no such serial exists.
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