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<bamse> not interesting enough, it was just better at hiding
<steev> ah dang
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<steev> i do have a very odd issue with the flex 5g that i have absolutely no idea how to track down - the first time logging in, i'm always shoved into Xorg... but if i log out and back in, i'm properly on wayland
<steev> bamse: there's definitely something up with wifi on the flex though, doing something like running "apt update" where it downloads ~70MB of files and doing something as simple as moving the cursor becomes a bit of a struggle
<bamse> i see that sometimes with usb ethernet as i suspect it could be storage related
<bamse> steev:
<steev> i wasn't sure if it was storage or not, it could be there too
<bamse> perhaps worth doing some io benchmarking and see if that shows the problem as well?
<robclark> there has been some recent work around smmu unmap optimizations on sc7180 (which seem to benefit wlan, emmc, etc)..
<bamse> robclark: don't see the same thing on i don't think it's related to that...this time
<bamse> robclark: but that work certainly seems interesting
<robclark> there were a couple different fixes.. one related to compute dsp (which might have been a coreboot change) might be sc7180 specific.. the wait-for-safe dpu change probably isn't
<robclark> but I think they are all somehow related to the hw wait-for-safe thing
<bamse> ahh, forgot about that thing
<bamse> on 845 the wait for safe issue caused a 1000 fold slowdown in ufs performance, making it impossible to use the board
<robclark> it looks like `drm/msm/disp/dpu1: add safe lut config in dpu driver` is a thing that could also be helping 845..
<steev> i do have that pulled in on my c630 kernels
<steev> bamse: fwiw, the reason i think/thought wifi over IO is that i can do things like build mesa/libdrm and don't see the issues at all
<bamse> steev: ahh, you're right
<bamse> same here
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