ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630)
<steev> i'm kinda curious if it's actually ssd/nvme or if it's really ufs like the rest
<HdkR> ProX is NVMe. It's not the rest :P
<steev> i don't count the prox :P
<HdkR> Not a real snapdragon :D
<steev> nah, i just *really* hate the tablets that pretend to be computers
<steev> i'd make an exception for the folio just because someone would sponsor it for me if i were to get one :P
<steev> still the keyboard looks a wee bit better
<steev> than whatever the abomination that is the prox and galaxybook2 keyboard
<HdkR> Microsoft SAM to the rescue. It'll rescue your keyboard from working
<robclark> apparently you don't need a keyboard if you have a stylus and handwriting recognition :-P
<steev> i just hate flimsy keyboards that require you to have a flat surface to work on
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<macc24> PSA: connecting lazor to a wrong charger has the potential to break charging circuit on one side
<macc24> ask me how i found ,_,
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<hexdump0815> macc24: what does wrong charger here mean? shouldn't it be properly negotiated which voltages to use etc.?
<macc24> hexdump0815: apparently not
<macc24> i'll try resetting the ec later today...
<hexdump0815> macc24: so it was a well working usb-c power supply?
<macc24> hexdump0815: i plugged in the usbc cable that was charging my odroid go advance and plugged it into lazor
<macc24> then lazor started refusing to charge on that one port ,_,
<robclark> macc24: if you can still boot CrOS, then send a feedback report when it is in that wont-charge state..
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<macc24> robclark: my lazor doesn't run chromeos since 2 hours after i opened the box with it
<robclark> that's going to make it difficult to send a feedback report.. but I guess if you have suzyq you can get the EC log and send it to amstan
<macc24> robclark: if resetting ec fixed it is the log still worth getting?
<steev> blame amstan
<robclark> macc24: I think the log when it is in the bad state is probably the more useful thing.. but I'm not really an expert on the EC.. just trying to think of what would be useful to someone who actually knows about the EC end of things
<macc24> robclark: once i get access to the charger that crashed it i'll give logs... it's a car charger lol, worked with my phone and handheld but crashed lazor
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