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<HdkR> Anyone have any issues with UAS USB devices?
<HdkR> Seems to get stuck with a debug log of "Spinning up disk"
<HdkR> Then it throws a couple errors about `Read Capacity` failing
<HdkR> DWC3 quirk? Kernel configuration failure? SCSI and UAS is enabled
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<steev> depends on how much power the drive needs
<HdkR> It's an NVMe and doesn't work even with a powered hub
<HdkR> Hopefully something like 10w can be handled over my powered USB port
<steev> what adapter is it?
<HdkR> This one, which is using a JMS567
<HdkR> Works on an x86 machine and a Jetson, just not my HDK865
<steev> you could try something like usb-storage.quirks=174c:55aa:u replacing the 174c:55aa with the actual id of the adapter
<steev> can also try doing a firmware upgrade on it
<HdkR> reflashing kernel with quirk thrown in the command line
<steev> you could just edit the cmdline argument at boot to see if it works first?
<HdkR> I don't have the ability to modify cmdline at boot other than reflash sadly
<steev> disclaimer being i have nfi what the hdk865 is :D
<HdkR> Snapdragon 865 dev board
<steev> oh, right
<HdkR> quirk fixed it
<HdkR> weird
<HdkR> Now to make sure I can boot off of it
<HdkR> yep, that worked
<HdkR> Weird that the other devices didn't need it
<steev> good deal
<steev> i have to do that with one of mine here too
<HdkR> USB flash drives really don't like being used long term as the host os
<HdkR> Perf was just slowly degrading
<HdkR> and now rsync is bottlenecked by the gigabit ethernet on the board instead of the flash drive. So much better
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<shawnguo> steev: just forwarded the qrtr upgrade request to the right person, and will let you know when I get something back from him
<bamse> steev: is that with wifi enabled?
<bamse> steev: i figured out the missing pieces to get wifi working on primus, and it crashes within a few perhaps that's more tangible to try to debug...nothing suspicious on the uart though
<steev> yeah wifi is enabled
<bamse> that's wonderful
<bamse> but i wonder what i'm doing wrong...
<steev> well it's kind of the same, just longer time?
<steev> i also haven't done the mesa stuff yet, slacking off there, kinda waiting on jessica's tracking down that clk issue
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<steev> fwiw, not that anyone wants or needs, but i built an iso against bullseye since it came out yesterday - if anyone wants it. it uses my 5.12 kernel instead of the 5.11 (no, networking still won't work, it would need the userland stuff to run and i have no idea how to add services to an installer iso)
<steev> well, i say yesterday, but whenever it was
<bamse> steev: ahh, didn't read the part where you said that wifi stopped working
<bamse> steev: did you try just restarting it? might be the same issue...
<steev> i *think* i tried but it wouldn't come back up. in dmesg there are complaints about wifi thermals
<steev> also side note - my iso is *only* for c630
<steev> Aug 12 12:47:42 meatwad kernel: [ 2619.854096] ath10k_snoc 18800000.wifi: failed to synchronize thermal read
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