robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<albsen[m]> <KieranBingham[m]> "Ok - rawhide image installed..." <- not sure if it's too late, but for the x13s - last I checked - it's recommended to make a windows install usb from within the windows that's running on the device apparently the regular windows iso's don't contain all the necessary drivers that ship with the custom windows installed on it. for example, I remove the original windows drive and replaced it before installing linux.
<travmurav[m]> afaik it's possible to get the recovery image from lenovo though?
<albsen[m]> maybe, idk
<albsen[m]> but someone in this group can certainly make one and distribute it
<albsen[m]> different topic, I'm struggling with debian grub-mkconfig not supporting devicetree anyone has the same issue and recommendations? somehow I have to set the devicetree in grub for the kernel to find it during boot. (I tried the dtb-(uname -a) it wasn't able to see it.
<travmurav[m]> if it's x13s then probably want to use the in-firmware dtb loader to make it easier?
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<steev> albsen[m]: if you cp it into the efi partition root, it'll use it and you don't have to pass it. that said, the patches for adding devicetree to the menu were never accepted by upstream, which is why it's not automatically done in debian
<steev> as long as you have the linux option enabled in the bios*
<albsen[m]> steev: I tried placing it, I have linux enabled in bios, for some reason adding the devicetree line in grub was the only way to make it work
<albsen[m]> it's not a terrible workaround, just annoying as I need to have to keep an eye on any thing that runs grub-mkconfig and update them
<steev> albsen[m]: did you copy it as is? should just be /boot/efi/sc8280xp-lenovo-thinkpad-x13s.dtb
<albsen[m]> steev: I had that before, somehow it didn't work. I'll try again sometime later. it would be better to have devicetree support in grub-mkconfig anyway, as (if I recall correctly) different kernels might need different dtb's. I have one for 6.5 one for both version of 6.7 (running a kernel based on ur repo and one based on jg's tree)
<steev> you can try to get the patches pushed upstream again :)
<albsen[m]> I can try, where's the patch?
<albsen[m]> alternatively, maybe we can do an overlay?
<steev> not sure if fedora carries it too, but afaik, it's in ubuntus
<steev> tbh, i keep the known working in /boot/efi and i manually type the others as i do my testing
<albsen[m]> i'm currently running testing with sid overlays in apt
<steev> kali is based on debian testing, so i'm equivalently debian testing
<steev> no overlays, at least, none device related
<albsen[m]> the overlays are really cool in debian, that u can have both repos sync'd and pick a package from sid is very powerful
<albsen[m]> similarly we can have the patched grub-mkconfig and just advice people to configure apt properly that could be used to make the install smoother as well
<albsen[m]> ie add this one line in apt, run update, upgrade and ur set
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<steev> yeah, could do that, but i'm not gonna volunteer to keep it all in sync :)
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<albsen[m]> +D
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<jhovold> Here's an updated wip branch for the X13s:
<jhovold> Changes include:
<jhovold> - usb dwc3 multiport v21
<jhovold> - johan_defconfig: enable BT_HIDP and BT_RFCOMM
<wiley[m]> <jhovold> "Here's an updated wip branch for..." <- How would you feel about enabling CONFIG_SECURITY_LANDLOCK? Found out it seems to be required for AppImage to work.
<wiley[m]> not strictly necessary for the hardware, though
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<\[m]> and whatever is needed for to get vpn with wireguard working?
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<rfs613> ... if we're making requests, how about CONFIG_FUSE_FS=m ;-)
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<jhovold> wiley[m]: I want to avoid enabling every lsm but landlock seems reasonable
<jhovold> \[m]: I'm using wireguard here, not using ipv6 though so perhaps something is missing for that
<jhovold> rfs613: I'll enable FUSE too
<\[m]> ah yeah I remember, I was disabling ipv6 throughout my network, I could revert to that I guess - not a big ipv6 fan anyway
<\[m]> but yeah probably making ipv6 work properly with vpn is a good thing for the kernel config
<jhovold> \[m]: figured out was missing for wireguard over ipv6
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<KieranBingham[m]> jhovold: Are you building the kernel on the x13s ? or cross compiling ? ... and just building the binrpm-pkg target to generate an rpm? or something else to handle the kernel installation in this setup ?
<KieranBingham[m]> Interseting, I haven't built the binrpm-pkg target before, (and I'm on ubuntu here) but a 'sudo apt install rpm' and the target seems to be building in my cross build environment. So should be 'easy' ;-)
<jhovold> KieranBingham[m]: I'm cross compiling unless I'm travelling, and I don't use rpms
<kbingham> Is the installation method into this uefi system documented? Is that a standard thing somehow?
<kbingham> I guess it's just somehow telling grub there's a new kernel image/initramfs etc...
<jhovold> just general knowledge I guess
<jhovold> I have a custom setup that works for me
<abby> it's pretty standard, many ways to do it
<jhovold> I guess the distros have their preferred way of installing kernels
<kbingham> I still can't find uboot on this arm device ;-)
<travmurav[m]> Id assume installing the kernel would boil down to putting kernel image/dtb into the correct place in esp for bootloader to pick it and placing the respective modules into the system, could probably even make install it from kernel checkout, if you want to do "live" development :D
* travmurav[m] is spoiled by pmOS tooling that allows him one-click "kernel git tree to installing package over ssh" workflow
<jglathe_> that's basically how I do. sudo make -j8 install
<abby> generally it's not in the ESP unless it's a UKI
<abby> kernel in /boot, modules in /lib/modules, generate an initramfs that also goes in /boot
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<rfs613> jhovold: thanks, that saves me a step (which I always forget, resulting in compiling/installing twice)
<\[m]> jhovold how did you figure it?
<jhovold> \[m]: I booted with ipv6 enabled to verify that wq-quick was failing, compared the netfilter options with what I has enabled for wg for ipv4, and then used google for the third option when wg-quick still failed with an error message
<jhovold> The following options where missing: CONFIG_IP6_NF_MANGLE, CONFIG_IP6_NF_RAW, CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES
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<danielt> kbingham: IIRC Fedora and friends (almost) use so grub finds the kernel by using the files in /boot/loader/entries
<danielt> kbingham: That said, rawhide might be transitioning to the next big thing ;-)
<kbingham> danielt, Aha, thanks - documentation is exactly what I wanted ;-)
<kbingham> Err ... what's the next big thing ;-) Anyway, I guess this is more about the uefi boot loader right ?
<danielt> In this particular case the next big thing is:
<danielt> kbingham: The "next big thing" involves getting rid of grub (and systemd-boot) and doing everything using EFI variables.
<danielt> (but I think it's opt-in for now)
<kbingham> danielt, Thanks, I'll read up on those. And I've got a kernel branch from Bryan now with his camera work to build on, so I can soon dogfood the camera development there.
<\[m]> will you add in next wip branch?
<\[m]> thanks btw 🙂
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<jhovold> \[m]: yes, it'll be in the next wip branch, thanks for reporting it
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<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Can you give me a hint, please? With the new Quaalcom laptops coming out. Will the intensity of development for the adaptation of x13s decrease? Unfortunately, I am just a user, and I am not able to participate in the adaptation.
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> * the adaptation. Is it realistic to get a full experience of using linux with full functionality on x13s?
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<HdkR> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]: It's inevitable that people will eventually move off an older platform and start working on newer ones. Luckily X13s is in a pretty good place
<jglathe_x13s> give us more data
<HdkR> I saw some patches on the ML for USB-C orientation landing. Does that mean 6.9/10 will finally have orientation detection on X13s?
<jglathe_x13s> that would be nice
<steev> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]: fwiw... i'm also just a user... i had no idea what i was doing with the bluetooth stuff until i did it
<steev> HdkR: 6.10 maybe
<HdkR> Nice
<steev> though, i just tried v2 of srini's dp audio, and if i have my adapter plugged in it just crashes when gdm starts
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<steev> not when coming back from suspend though, so that's good
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