robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<clee> robclark: oh awesome, thanks! I'll try that. has Qualcomm posted patches for cpufreq support or GPU acceleration yet?
<robclark> gpu patches are posted and I merged them into msm-next today.. I think dt bits will land in 6.11 as well.. and I saw patches for cpufreq on list
<clee> excellent.
<robclark> not sure if this will all land in 6.11, but ofc there are integration branches
<robclark> I kinda think the long pole will be per-device dts
<robclark> since there are a lot of devices and we don't just get things automagically because acpi
<robclark> if you just want to take $random_distro installer and have things work.. it is going to be a few months or more (depending on how bleeding edge your preferred $random_distro is)
<robclark> if you are comfortable building your own kernel and doing dts hacking, then join the party ;-)
<clee> well, I just finished building a custom rk3588 kernel to try to get my Rock5B working, but it panics 100% of the time when I rsync a 5+GB file to a local disk on it
<clee> so hopefully my luck will be better here
<robclark> I'd say it is defn still "rough".. if you aren't comfy installing a distro without an actual installer (or don't mind using windows+WSL for a bit) then wait
<robclark> but I expect things will move reasonably fast
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<clee> well, I have working netboot for all my _other_ arm64 machines here…
<clee> surely it can't be that hard to get this laptop to netboot too
<clee> all right, thanks for the pointers, I'll go play around and try some stuff and report back
<robclark> if I hit f12 at boot to bring up the boot selection menu, with a usb-eth plugged in, I see a pxe boot option.. I've not tried it
<robclark> cobbling together my own esp on thumb drive has been good enough for me so far
<robclark> for kernel branch with some hacky dts, if that helps
<robclark> I might try to clean up the yoga slim dts a bit, but I'm not really an acpi expert (and mostly want to get things to the point where I can start working on a7xx gallium, since until now I haven't had an a7xx device.. turnip/vk + zink is already usable but that is suboptimal when most things on linux are still using gl)
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<albsen[m]> I'm now about to connect 3 screens to my x13s! yay! on 6.10.rc3
<albsen[m]> s/about/able/
<clee> ooooh, very nice
<clee> I officially have gotten netboot working on the Yoga Slim 7X
<albsen[m]> nice
<clee> now I just need to build a newer kernel image with more hardware-enablement patches
<HdkR> albsen[m]: MST working now or something?
<clee> robclark: thanks so much for the tip about F12, I'd been using a SIM removal tool to push the tiny pinhole button on the bottom of the case to get into the BIOS and that suuuuucks
<albsen[m]> HdkR: multi screen? kernel 6.10.rc3 works for me. for wayland gdm needs v46 or v45.6 (i think). I'm currently booting into text mode and starting sway to get wayland to work.
<albsen[m]> one screen on DP out (usbc I belive), and one via HDMI from my satchi adapter
<HdkR> albsen[m]: Yea, displayport multi-stream transport. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to run three screens off two type-c ports :D
<clee> the built-in screen counts as 1!
<albsen[m]> I have 3 on now
<HdkR> "connecting" an internal screen is a bit of a weird statement
<HdkR> But I guess technically true if you've disconnected it :P
<albsen[m]> 1 internal, 2 external. 2.5k + 1080p
<albsen[m]> dont have a 4k screen, or 8k
<albsen[m]> not sure what the max supported is
<HdkR> 2-lanes of displayport from each type-C port, so 4k30 each. Until we can dynamically choose 4-lanes of DP anyway :)
<HdkR> Would be cool if the display controller on the X13s was good enough to run a tiled 8k display although. I tried it on Windows and it wasn't possible there
<albsen[m]> my 1080p asus is doing 144hz
<albsen[m]> HdkR: ok, so 1 internal + 2x 4k 30hz is the current max?
<HdkR> I believe so
<albsen[m]> interesting, I guess I'm lucky that I use 2.5k with 60hz; really dont like working on below 60
<albsen[m]> this little machine (x13s) is a beast. its silent, can charge from my phone charger (lowest I used 5w to charge); runs all my apps at the same time (32gb ram), has super fast wifi speeds and a replace-able SSD. just need to get the webcam working (its supported but I didn't have time to put the correct pieces together on my debian install)
<albsen[m]> * replace-able SSD and powers 2 external screens. just
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<HdkR> It's almost perfect
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<strongtz[m]> hmm I think the upstram msm driver lacks DP MST support...
<strongtz[m]> *upstream
<clee> oh hey strongtz[m], got any tips for me getting my Yoga Slim 7X running Linux?
<strongtz[m]> clee: for now you'll have to build your rootfs on your own, and manually install the grub bootloader and rootfs to your nvme
<clee> already done that, just need a working kernel
<clee> currently cloning the msm repo
<clee> (also have netboot working, which is nice, lets me test different kernel versions much faster)
<strongtz[m]> clee then my repo with the correct kernel config should just work
<clee> link?
<clee> (also, what is the "correct" kernel config?)
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<robclark> clee, strongtz[m]: here are my minor fixups.. you need to copy zap fw from windows.. and MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=zink for now
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<robclark> bamse (or anyone in the know about dsp things): What is cdsp_dtb.mbn / adsp_dtb.mbn ? I don't see anything with "dtb" in the name from the win fw
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<robclark> abelvesa: ^^^
<bamse> robclark: those are exactly what it says, devicetree blobs for cdsp and adsp ;)
<bamse> robclark: that said, i don't know the answer to your question :(
<robclark> heh.. are they signed or can I just use the crd ones?
<bamse> they are supposed to be signed
<robclark> hmm
<bamse> robclark: does this imply that you got past your boot crash? or just circumvented it?
<robclark> yeah, deleting this udev file got me past that:
<robclark> idk why that was causing reboot
<robclark> maybe you have some idea.. I think it is stuff related to sd-card and compact-flash?
<bamse> my udev-parsing skillz are not the best, but i don't see how that would affect the situation
<robclark> ahh, ok, I think I found the dtb files.. they are *_dtbs.elf on windows.. idk if that means we need to extract them?
<bamse> efl == mbn
<bamse> elf*
<bamse> so i'd suggest that we just put .elf in the firmware-name in the dt then
<bamse> robclark: i see no sd-card support in the x1e.dtsi...must be something else happening
<bamse> robclark: that's a stock fedora image? which kernel are you working with upstream or something from linaro?
<robclark> yeah, I'm not sure why that particular udev file was causing problems.. but maybe someone could try to repro on crd?
<robclark> kernel was strongtz's... .. which is based on abelvesa's tree
<bamse> "just running this random tree i found on the internet" ;)
<robclark> heheh
<robclark> well I did look at strongtz's commits to make sure there was no hidden `rm -rf /` :-P
<bamse> would be nice to have some commit messages, to understand those hacks...but the delta ontop of abel's tree looks quite nice
<bamse> right, need to do that git log --author "Jia Tan" before you run the code
<robclark> if strongtz isn't interested in posting the yoga slim dts then I'll clean up the history and add commit msg when I get more things work.. otherwise he can take my fixups
<robclark> *working
<clee> hmmm, that x1e80100 defconfig sure does seem to be missing a lot of options when I run `make oldconfig` with the work/sakuramist-x1e80100 branch…
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<robclark> clee: I just catted the x1e defconfig to my existing config which had various distro things... and that seemed to work
<robclark> bamse: so.. how would I know if adsp/cdsp were working?
<JensGlathe[m]> Shouldn't it be the usual suspects like sound and battery moneitor?
<JensGlathe[m]> s/moneitor/monitor/
<robclark> I meant from console
<jhovold> robclark: I have a minimal defconfig that I use for x1e here:
<robclark> hmm, `libinput list-devices` shows nothing.. which is I guess why keyboard/trackpad don't work in guy
<robclark> *gui
<jhovold> Just a few options on top of the X13s config, possibly missing something for audio which I haven't got around to verify yet
<robclark> btw, in crd dts... this probably isn't right: sound-name-prefix = "TwitterLeft";
<robclark> :-P
<jhovold> heh
<robclark> hmm, ok, if I manually `modprobe evdev` then I get a keyboard.. touchpad doesn't seem to work yet
<robclark> ok, echoing "start" to remoteproc state files gets cdsp started.. adsp has some msg about pmic_glink.altmode.0
<robclark> not seeing battery status in ui
<robclark> any idea what I need for wifi.. that would actually be a useful thing at this point
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<abelvesa> robclark: which kernel tree/branch are you on? still strongtz's ?
<bluerise> kettenis_: does anything hang off that extra xhci?
<robclark> abelvesa: basically, with some local changes
<robclark> got touchpad now at least
<clee> jhovold: don't suppose you have any notion of how different the X13s and Yoga Slim 7X are internally?
<clee> (how much of your X13s work can I copy, basically? :)
<robclark> not directly answering the question, the diff btwn asus and slim acpi tables isn't all that much
<bluerise> I think the keyboard or touchpad is on a different I2C bus
<robclark> yeah
<agl> clover[m]: I have again problems with the grafik under x13s and EndeavourOS ARM.
<agl> After an Upgrade.
<steev> check that the firmwares exist
<agl> steev: I have once more updatet the x13s-firmware, but it does not work
<steev> in what way? black screen at boot? gdm not starting?
<agl> steev: The kernel starts and I can per SSH a login. I have at this moment not seen the Console output. gdm does not start and the Xorg proces does also not start.
<agl> dmesg have the folowin output:[ 11.999361] arm-smmu 3da0000.iommu: deferred probe timeout, ignoring dependency
<agl> [ 11.999368] arm-smmu 3da0000.iommu: probe with driver arm-smmu failed with error -110
<agl> [ 11.999481] adreno 3d00000.gpu: deferred probe timeout, ignoring dependency
<agl> [ 11.999483] adreno 3d00000.gpu: iommu configuration for device failed with -ETIMEDOUT
<agl> [ 11.999564] msm-mdss ae00000.display-subsystem: deferred probe timeout, ignoring dependency
<agl> [ 11.999566] msm-mdss ae00000.display-subsystem: probe with driver msm-mdss failed with error -110
<steev> cat /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred
<steev> and which kernel version is this (uname -a)
<agl> steev:[ag@EOS-x13s ~]$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred
<agl> [ag@EOS-x13s ~]$ uname -a
<agl> Linux EOS-x13s 6.9.5-0-x13s-g8d929363ddb8 #4 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 28 20:52:33 CEST 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<agl> [ag@EOS-x13s ~]$
<steev> can you pastebin all of `dmesg | grep -v wlan`
<steev> that should keep your mac addr and bssid out of the paste
<steev> ls /lib/firmware/{qca,qcom/sc8280xp/LENOVO/21BX/*}
<steev> pastebin it otherwise it'll be too much
<steev> actually the qca aprt doesn't matter
<steev> but it'll still be too much, i meant to do {qcom*,qcom/sc8280xp/LENOVO/21BX/*}
<agl> steev: and
<robclark> abelvesa: hmm, building kernel on the x1e yoga... it got the fans to come on, but also appears to have locked the thing up
<abelvesa> robclark: hm..
<abelvesa> any logs?
<steev> agl: and lastly, are you sure you're using the correct dtb?
<frozen_cheese[m]> fwiw, I have a kernel that at least starts to load on the Yoga 7x. Kernel 6.9.6 built from source, handmade EFI boot from USB. But after about a page of boot messages and penguin graphics, the screen goes black and doesn't come back. Might be the dtb as I'm using the CRD image.
<frozen_cheese[m]> Also, in case anybody didn't know, at least on the Yoga 7x, F2 will open the "BIOS" screen
<robclark> abelvesa: not sure yet
<robclark> frozen_cheese[m]: you probably don't want to use crd dtb.. but fwiw I was hitting a reboot on the yoga which I traced to /lib/udev/rules.d/80-drivers.rules
<robclark> (this was on a kernel that is a bit closer to linux-next)
<frozen_cheese[m]> yeah, was trying to find a better dtb, but was not successful thusfar
<agl> steev: The right .dtb comes with the kernel 6.9.5 from clover
<steev> not sure a better one exists yet frozen_cheese[m] :(
<steev> oh wait
<steev> srinik submitted one earlier
<robclark> abelvesa: hmm, this isn't what I was expecting:
<robclark> maybe $random_next_issue ?
<frozen_cheese[m]> :o I'll check that out
<agl> steev: I have the sc8280xp-lenovo-x13s...dtb from clover which comes with the linux kernel package 6.9.5
<steev> can you pastebin `grep 8280 <kernelconfig>` wherever the package installs the kernel config used to? i don't have any idea where it may be
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<colemickens> robclark: seems like you're hacking on the yoga, do you have your own tree with that patch, or are you collabing with strongz on that x1e branch?
<robclark> just this fixup on top of strongtz's branch (plus some unrelated things I was working on)
<robclark> abelvesa: ok 2nd time from scratch kernel build succeeded without fireworks... for same config, on x13s it was 33m21s.. on x1 yoga (x1e78100) it was 8m59s
<Jasper[m]> robclark: Hahaha nice speed bump
<abelvesa> robclark: good to hear
<robclark> yeah, no kidding
<JosDehaes[m]> I have a yoga slim coming in 2 weeks, sounds like by then it will mostly work 😁
<abelvesa> robclark: so what still doesn't work then?
<Jasper[m]> Someone I know compiled edk2/mu on their devkit and now on a surface. Went from a 10min build to less than a minute
<abelvesa> robclark: do you have gpu working?
<abelvesa> Jasper[m]: less than a minute? from scratch? highly doubt it.
<Jasper[m]> abelvesa: Pretty sure it was yeah
<Jasper[m]> devkit being the one with sc8280xp, not the new one
<abelvesa> with sc8280xp even less possible? what kernel config was the guy using?
<abelvesa> ... with sc8280xp even less possible!
<Jasper[m]> abelvesa: Nah not kernel, Mu/EDK2
<abelvesa> oh, I see
<abelvesa> no idea how to compare then
<JensGlathe[m]> my kernel (6.10.0-rc5 for pop / ubuntu with the ubuntu-mainline build scripts) builds 33m+ on sc8280xp devkit, and 17m+ cross on a 12 core / 24 thr vm on a R9-3950x. x1e appears to be pretty fast.
<srinik> robclark: i do build kernel on these laptop for day-to-day dev, it builds in less than 2-3 mins with johan_defconfig.
<srinik> robclark: thanks for the review, will sendout a v2 with touchpad, which is working with the suggested changes
* colemickens can't contain his excitement
* colemickens has 11 days left til receiving the Yoga 7x :D
<agl> steev: Sorry here is it raining, and I'am at home now. I have a look to my x13s: The screen is black and I can not switch to any console. But I can make a login per SSH from an another Notebook.
<agl> Here the pastbin of "grep 8280 config":
<steev> okay the config options are there. i've no idea, and i'll leave it to clover whenever he's back around
<agl> ok
<agl> Thank you
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<robclark> yeah, my kernel config is closer to distro config with everything enabled, no doubt a minimal kernel would just be a couple of minutes
<robclark> abelvesa: yeah, gpu working (with the hack for chip-id)
<robclark> abelvesa: I don't think wifi is working.. or at least I'm not sure what I'm missing (maybe some firmware?)
<steev> ath12k firmware should be needed, maybe this is another case of the windows board id not showing up, and make you could force it like we used to the x13s?
<robclark> hmm, idk much about wifi.. IIRC I had to install some userspace stuff on the x13s, not sure if that is still needed
<steev> you'd need pd-mapper, probably
<steev> wait, no
<robclark> right, but I think the in-kernel one is part of the branch I'm using
<steev> oh, then you shouldn't need pd-mapper :D just the jsn files, and the firmware file(s)
<steev> if it complains about not finding a board id or some such... something like this but for ath12k and proper bits
<robclark> `dmesg | grep -i board` doesn't show anything interesting
<steev> can i see a dmesg output?
<robclark> ahh, it is missing some fw... amss.bin
<steev> i might have finally licked the performance issue
<steev> oh nice
<robclark> (sry, don't have irc on new laptop yet, so can't easily cut/paste... but I guess I have an idea what is missing now)
<steev> it's all good :D
<steev> i use pastebinit for these situations
<steev> or wgetpaste, when i'm feeling fiesty
<robclark> anyone know where I can get these firmware(s)? Or what the names are in windows?
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<anonymix007[m]> robclark: ath12k firmware should be already upstream
<anonymix007[m]> It somewhat works for me on x86 laptop with wcn7851, but the general experience isn't good
<robclark> hmm, if that is recent maybe f40 firmware isn't new enough?
<robclark> hmm, not very recent
<anonymix007[m]> It could be, you may just install it manually:
<robclark> yeah, I could do that as a fallback.. just trying to figure out if there is some fw rpm I'm missing
<robclark> oh, nm, I have it already.. maybe that msg was just from prior to rootfs getting mounted
<robclark> or maybe I need to have it in my initrd
<anonymix007[m]> Once you get it working, can you try to reproduce ?
<steev> robclark: yeah should be upstream already, but the files are named the same on windows iirc
<robclark> hmm, g-s crashed in in .. that is kinda terrifying that the compositor has codecs linked against it
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<clee> hmmm. I must be building something wrong, because I just keep getting kernel panics
<clee> I did grab the x1e80100-yoga.dtb from arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom and pass it in and got further along, but still panic after the 12 penguins show up
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<robclark> clee: maybe you can catch the panic on camera?
<steev> what command line arguments are you using
<robclark> steev: ok, getting further with ath12k built as module:
<steev> okay yeah, it doesn't have the board id
<clee> steev: linux /arm64/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/nfs rootwait ip=dhcp nfsroot= coherent_pool=2M earlycon=efifb keep_bootcon
<clee> (booting grub2 via PXE)
<steev> clee: try adding arm64.nopauth
<clee> will do
<robclark> so where does this board id come from?
<steev> it's based on that data, if the board-2 file doesn't have it, it doesn't have the calibration data for it
<anonymix007[m]> robclark: had the same error. You'll need to patch the firmware files
<steev> patch the firmware, or patch the driver to force a board id like we did before we got x13s firmware
<steev> bus=pci,vendor=17cb,device=1107,subsystem-vendor=17aa,subsystem-device=e0e9,qmi-chip-id=2,qmi-board-id=255
<steev> it's basically looking for that string in there
<clee> robclark: the screen is like a damn mirror, lol. every time I try to record video it's impossible to see any text
<steev> at least ath12k seems to be able to do it :( the ath11k wasn't
<steev> clee: dark room if you cann
<steev> but this is why i adore matte displays
<clee> not available until a few hours from now
<steev> RIP
<clee> the display looks great to my eyes and I have no trouble reading text on it directly… my iPhone camera otoh
<clee> (I do generally prefer matte too, though)
<robclark> well if disabling pointer auth fixes it no need for a picture
<robclark> steev: where did you patch it in the driver?
<clee> no luck with that unfortunately. seems to panic even earlier. but then the screen turns off so I have a hard time reading anything.
<robclark> fwiw, I have: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd1,gpt2)/vmlinuz-6.10.0-rc3-next-20240613+ dtb=/x1e80100-yoga.dtb root=/dev/nvme0n1p3 ro rootflags=subvol=root console=tty0 clk_ignore_unused pd_ignore_unused arm64.nopauth efi=novamap norhgb
<robclark> I think the novamap bit is also still needed?
<steev> robclark: in ath11k/qmi.c looks like could possibly apply to ath12k's qmi.c around line 2480
<robclark> sg
<steev> but i'd go anonymix007[m] route if it works, it's easier
<robclark> hmm, but kernel patch I can carry until I don't need it.. hacked fw gets blown away whenever the linux-firmware stuff is update ;-)
<steev> true
<anonymix007[m]> steev: Well, it works. But ath12k itself is sub par imho. The manufacturer even told me to use qcacld3
<steev> to do what
<clee> okay, neat, now it just hangs waiting for the network device… I must not have built the right USB ethernet driver into the initrd
<anonymix007[m]> @steev Sent bugzilla link earlier. In short, wifi dies when uploading files
<anonymix007[m]> * steev: Sent bugzilla link earlier. In short, wifi dies when uploading files
<steev> i meant, what do you mean by use qcacld3
<steev> ugh
<steev> i'm going to my sister's place to watch their dog for the night and need to take like 5 laptops with me :(
<anonymix007[m]> steev: I meant in place of ath12k
<steev> uhh is that a driver? they mean replace the actual hardware?
<anonymix007[m]> Yes, it is the driver
<steev> the downstream kernels are not exactly a bastion of quality coding
<anonymix007[m]> Neither is upstream. Qualcomm does not recommend using ath12k. At least this is what the manufacturer said
<steev> they also don't recommend linux :P
<steev> i take their recommendations with a HUGE grain of salt
<HdkR> I'll take the salt block please
<anonymix007[m]> I mean... qcacld3 driver is used in Android and works without that issue.
<steev> you will never convince me that "it works in android" means something is good
<Jasper[m]> anonymix007[m]: ... he says when the average Snapdragon android phone cannot handle trying to connect to an AP using the wrong password 4 times in a row
<Jasper[m]> after which it crashes
<anonymix007[m]> Jasper[m]: Define average
<Jasper[m]> anonymix007[m]: I often run into this bug (though not because a wrong password) in my sm8250 device
<anonymix007[m]> Jasper[m]: Just tried on sm8550 (same wcn785x, which is why I even referred to Android here) and it didn't crash
<Jasper[m]> Ok, just saying it isn't flawless
<robclark> android drivers tend to.. at least sometimes.. work well with android.. kinda beaten into shape.. but fall over when they encounter different userspace that doesn't do things exactly like android
<anonymix007[m]> Jasper[m]: It obviously isn't. Whatever the qcacld3 version the manufacturer sent me doesn't even compile with a modern enough kernel
<clee> right, I don't need NFS boot, I can PXE boot to a local disk too. but, uh, that doesn't seem to work either… using the same UUID that the NVMe disk's grub2 has, looks like my kernel built from strongtz[m]'s branch can't find the NVMe disk
<clee> booting with `/arm64/vmlinuz ro root=UUID=0cfa01bd-36a2-44c0-bd3e-3ca432e3d07d coherent_pool=2M earlycon=efifb clk_ignore_unused pd_ignore_unused arm64.nopauth efi=novamap` now
<clee> well, I don't know why it worked the second time, but I've got a shell, and `lsusb` returns nothing, which explains why the network device is missing
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<robclark> I've had problems with using uuid but seems fine if I use root=/dev/nvme0n1p3 .. idk what is going on there
<robclark> also have to manually modprobe evdev and the r1852 (or whatever it is) module for USB eth (also not sure why that isn't happening automatically)
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<robclark> yeah
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<colemickens> Are folks still composing firmware manually? Is there any interest in having a common repo up somewhere?
<colemickens> (or are folks too nervous about redist to do that?)
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<steev> someone usually throws one up
<steev> qcom hasn't (afaik) ever sent a cease and desist