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<bamse> steev: i have found the c630...but i haven't found the time to boot it
<steev> fair... i'm seeing hte same issue on the flex 5g; once i boot with rc6, wifi doesn't start, but, going back to rc4, where it did... it also doesn't?
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<steev> the remote procs are working though, because battery is charging when on a charger
<bamse> steev: on c630 it's remoteproc, which isn't used for battery...and on flex 5g, we have battery on remoteproc (adsp), but we have wifi on pcie
<steev> i thought flex5g used remote procs for wifi, that's interesting
<steev> okay, i can stop trying to restart the remote procs 50 billion times on flex i guess heh
<steev> and actually... my c630 may be kaput because at this point it's just... not exiting efi
<bamse> maybe i'm just wrong then
<bamse> steev: you do indeed seem to be right! we got both remoteproc_mpss and wifi...
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<bamse> steev: anything useful in the logs? or it just doesn't work?
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<gabertron> tobhe: when your 64GB t14s boots up, can you connect an ethernet dongle and connect to it somehow (like ping it or anything)? at some point I had that working but can't get that working again
<gwolf> steev: I might help test. Sorry, I haven't been following this channel with enough attention. Have you tagged the kernel tree for the C630 that has this wrong behavior? If so, I can try to upgrade later today...
<gwolf> (of course, I prefer smoothly running kernels to bad ones, but... one must do some things to help the ecosystem that powers them! 😉)
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<steev> gwolf: actually, assuming lumag's work got in, the unstable kernel *should* work on the c630
<steev> 6.11-rc6 though does not have any c630 specific patches needed anymore (woo) - i do have one that i never submitted for the slpi remote proc
<steev> i think the 6.11 rcs are still considered UNRELEASED though
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<bamse> if only someone would fix the boot issue on flex 5g...
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<steev> i don't hit it often enough to notice (i'll probably hit it here)
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<steev> remoteproc2 was unhappy about restarting
<steev> on flex
<bamse> anything interesting in the logs?
<steev> yeah, i'm rebooting nowand plugging in a wifi device
<steev> looks like glink or ucsi got pissed
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<steev> It’s when doing echo start > state in remoteproc2 , after doing echo stop > state
<steev> and now the machine is hard locked
<steev> apparently it didn't write the dmesg to a text file like i thought it would
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<JensGlathe[m]> HP X14 has WiFi now, almost spooky
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<steev> nice!
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<KieranBingham[m]> <JensGlathe[m]> "but it sometimes (? not sure..." <- Aha - thanks - Confirmed here too that it's a suspend / resume issue - not a kernel change ... I had 'just' done the kernel change when I noticed it but must have suspended without thinking about that ... so ... known issue ;-)
<JensGlathe[m]> and how do I fix this?
<KieranBingham[m]> I guess we start by investigating which drivers are responsible for the brightness controller and sprinkle in some debug prints to see why it's not reinitialising after suspend /resume ... but that's a first guess without looking in deeply.
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<SpieringsAE> I'm having some issues changing my default boot from windows boot manager to systemd-boot on my asus vivobook s15, when I run bootctl install plus some options it gives me the error: Failed to write 'LoaderSystemToken' EFI variable: No such file or directory
<SpieringsAE> I'm trying to dual boot with windows for now so I'm reusing the windows EFI partition
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<SpieringsAE> efibootmgr also gives the error: EFI variables are not supported on this system so I guess thats a good hint
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<travmurav[m]> probably need to allowlist qseecom for those devices
<SpieringsAE> aaah bugger
<travmurav[m]> otherwise it's pretty easy to add boot options via efi shell
<SpieringsAE> jep just looked up the source of the kernel I'm using and my laptop is not in there dangit
<SpieringsAE> okay looks like I will have to make a patch
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<SpieringsAE> okay uuuh, I've never made a kernel patch before, which repository do I base it on? jhovold's fork?
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<SpieringsAE> travmurav[m]: unfortunately my boot image doesn't seem to have a efi shell option
<travmurav[m]> SpieringsAE: you'd usually test your patch against whatever tree you use and then rebase either on linux-next or your target maintainer's tree before submitting it to the lists
<travmurav[m]> this should explain the "sending" part quite well
<SpieringsAE> thanks! ill give it a read
<travmurav[m]> SpieringsAE: and your patch would be pretty simple, see an example here:
<SpieringsAE> I do intend to eventually submit a backlight driver I wrote so this will be a good initial practice run
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<jhovold> KieranBingham[m], JensGlathe[m]: backlight control on the X13s works fine after suspend here, and this is the first time I'm hearing about anyone having such issues
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<KieranBingham[m]> jhovold: that keeps you safely in the "can't reproduce, can't investigate" category then :-) if I get time in the week I'll take a glance at it
<KieranBingham[m]> Do we have any kind of community issue tracker at all here?
<jhovold> no, but I keep a track of confirmed issues here:
<KieranBingham[m]> Or maybe on my train ride today
<KieranBingham[m]> jhovold: will you be in Vienna this/next week?
<KieranBingham[m]> (Oss/elc/LPC ... Or otherwise?)
<jhovold> KieranBingham[m]: yeah, I'll be there for lpc
<jhovold> heard you guys were getting there early
<KieranBingham[m]> Yeah I'm headed there tonight. Catch you somewhere in Austria hopefully then!
<jhovold> see you there, safe travels!
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<KieranBingham[m]> Well after a big dig through the code ... i now realise it's nothing to do with the kernel ... looks like it could be a gnome issue perhaps. After suspend, indeed the brightness control in fedora rawhide (gnome) stops working or being controllable. ... but I wrote a little test script to dig - which manually sets /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness and that works!
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<SpieringsAE> travmurav[m]: managed to patch my kernel with the change you suggested and it works, now systemd-boot is the default boot option, thanks for the help. Have not yet made a patch, that process is going to require some more fiddlling I expect
<travmurav[m]> it should be pretty trivial assuming you have a sane mail server/provider with just a few more steps if you don't and have to use the submission endpoint, but regardless, nice that it works!
<robclark> travmurav[m]: presumably if x1e crd works, we should add all the x1e laptops to the qseecom allowlist?
<travmurav[m]> except the samsung one maybe as iirc it uses ufs so dunno if there is tz-owned spi flash
<travmurav[m]> I guess we could even just drop he allowlist completely since on re-entrant platforms with no tz-owned storage the only broken thing is that changes aren't persisted after the reboot, but this would probably be very confusing to people
<travmurav[m]> compared to just saying "it's not supported"
<travmurav[m]> allegedly someone was working on implementing the qsee storage in mainline but dunno what's the state on that
<travmurav[m]> as in, for re-entrant platforms that need rpmb/whatever and not have tz owned spi flash
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<bluerise_> JensGlathe[m]: oh nice
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<steev> i wish i was going to lpc :(
<steev> and it definitely looks like those ath11k patches don't actually help with the wmi tlv / htc rx insufficient length :( getting them again today
<JensGlathe[m]> Yay Vienna ❤️
<JosDehaes[m]> I'm going to Vienna for EuroRUST in October (not a kernel dev), anyone else?
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<JensGlathe[m]> Hmm shellaa64.efi (newest from @pbatard) gives working keyboard (internal and external) on the HP X14
<JensGlathe[m]> as opposed to grub (2.12/2.13) with no working keyboard
<JensGlathe[m]> Oh well, startup.nsh will need to do the boot
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<JensGlathe[m]> Question is i fthis is also odd uefi memory map or actually a grub issue
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<steev> Knowing what I know about hardware vendors, I’d be more inclined to believe it’s the former
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<robclark> JensGlathe[m]: fwiw a (semi-old Shell.efi.. plus f40 grub, has no working internal kb for me on yoga 7x.. but external usb kb works... haven't tried other grub or shell.efi builds..)
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<nirik> also FWIW, rawhide grub2 ( grub2-2.12-4.fc41 ) does have working internal kb for me on 7x. :)
<robclark> maybe I should try upgrading to rawhide grub
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