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<chadmed> >>> Unmerging (2 of 7) x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.13-r1...
<chadmed> after 40 years its finally over
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<leio> chadmed: huh, only now? I did that a couple years back on the old machine, though really still have it but for xfvb only (Xorg isn't build via USE flags)
<chadmed> ive had USE="-X" for ages but the plasma x11 session was an unconditional dependency in plasma-meta until the latest 6.1 beta (still masked)
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<leio> in GNOME I always kept away a direct xorg-server dep, as you could be using XDMCP or whatever
<leio> (even before wayland really existed)
<chadmed> that seemed sane. ik some people still insisted on using old versions of xfree86 and stuff too...
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