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<Halian|> chadmed: I did
<Halian|> Why needs it taken down? :(
<Halian|> IIRC it's better-found than other guides because the Asahi Linux GitHub wiki links to it
<chadmed> Halian|: it needs to be taken down because every single time someone follows it, they run into similar issues that magically go away when they reinstall following the official guide on the asahi linux wiki
<chadmed> we raised this with the author and his response was essentially *shrug*
<sam_> chadmed: maffblaster is one of the wiki admins and i've sent him your way
<sam_> i'll join in the discussion
<Halian|> Ahh
<Halian|> Sorry to bother you with those issues, then :c
<chadmed> not your fault! but if you have the time i would appreciate if you could try install again following my guide and see if your problems go away :)
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<Halian|> 20240622|203120 Halian|: IIRC it's better-found than other guides because the Asahi Linux GitHub wiki links to it ← I recall incorrectly; it's just SEO.
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<Halian|> chadmed: unfortunately, running ./ the first time did not result in a selectable Gentoo live environment upon reboot; I didn't even see a GRUB boot menu. I'm running it again right now.
<chadmed> fedora has deferred console takeover so you need to manually bring up the grub menu by mashing shift or arrow keys after u-boot has jumped to it
<Halian|> Ahhhh
<chadmed> its super annoying
<Halian|> Mashing isn't working for me ;.;
<Halian|> Is there a way to get to it from the stop-autoboot menu?
<chadmed> bootd will load grub, you can then mash arrow keys or whatever to bring up the grub menu
<chadmed> alternatively you can use grub-reboot from fedora to force it to boot into the gentoo livecd
<Halian|> I tried the first method, and no amount of mashing derailed the “boot Fedora” bullet train, so I'll try the second
<chadmed> i have to wash my stupid car but after that i might finally try and fix whatever catalyst issues are preventing me from making a livecd image once and for all
<chadmed> that way installing gentoo will be as simple as using the asahi installer to create the uefi stuf then booting from an imaged usb
<Halian|> Unfortunately I can't find a grub.cfg in the usual places and thus have no idea what menu entry to feed to grub2-reboot. Yay /s
<chadmed> boot/grub2/grub.cfg
* Halian| facepalm
<chadmed> heheh
<chadmed> you know that was what was delaying me porting genstrap to fedora for like 5 months
<Halian|> o
<Halian|> o_o*
<Halian|> OK now I'm in the live environment
<Halian|> Time to bust out my magnifying glass…
<Halian|> chadmed: um. I have no emerge. o_o
<Halian|> Oh wait I misread the guide lol
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<u154ss> @chadmed Attempted the Gentoo install again. See end of initial Gentoo installation (running from another Linux boy via SSH -
<chadmed> thats just genstrap finishing successfully?
<Halian|> BRB
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<u154ss> @chadmed. Yes. Whereas last week on reboot, I could see the Gentoo Live entry in the boot menu, this time not.. no sign of Gentoo anywhere, I had a look in grub.cfg and the Gentoo entries are indeed buried in there, Here is a screenshot of the /boot directory
<chadmed> can you please try using grub-reboot like i suggested to you last night
<u154ss> @chadmed Maybe you are confusing me with someone else?? I was not online last night. My local time here ate the moment is 07:16 (CET).
<u154ss> ate = at
<chadmed> [00:08] <chadmed> @u154ss grub-reboot(8)
<u154ss> @chadmed, you are correct. Just saw the grub-reboot advice now. Yesterday afternoon (my time), I was already offline. Will report back.
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<Halian> Back
<Halian> Ended up disconnecting my video game consoles for now while I wait for a cable management kit to arrive from Amazon @.@
<chadmed> hmmm maybe i just add grub-reboot to genstrap
<chadmed> since its a PITA to get to the grub menu on fedora
<Halian> Worth a shot /shrug
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<u154ss> @chadmed what would be your syntax for using grub2-reboot? Running grubby against the Gentoo entries in /boot results in ... "param not correct". If I run the command again, against one of the fedora vmlinuz... entries in /boot all goes well. Strange.
<chadmed> u154ss: grub-reboot is index-based or you can pass it the name of the menuentry. so grub-reboot 'Gentoo Live Install Environment' should do it
<u154ss> @chadmed, I am back on Debian now. I will try what you suggest later on and report back. Thanks for the information.
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<Halian> chadmed: OHHHHHHHHHH
<Halian> I thought you had to pass the index number ><
<Halian> Thankfully I guessed correctly the first time lol
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<mps> what are command in latest asahi u-boot to boot from usb
<cy8aer> env set boot_efi_bootmgr
<cy8aer> run bootcmd_usb0
<mps> cy8aer: there is no bootcmd_usb0
<cy8aer> oups in the new one?
<mps> yes
<mps> I tried it with your above example on first try
<chadmed> run bootcmd worked for me about 2 minutes ago
<mps> chadmed: not for me
<mps> well. it works but use nvme
<chadmed> leio: sam_: we now have a working bootable livecd!
<sam_> yay!!
<chadmed> let me build one with a more recent ::gentoo snapshot and ill push it to my web server
<mps> `setenv boot_targets "usb" ; setenv bootmeths "efi" ; boot` at least trying usb disk for now
<mps> for some strange reason it didn't finish
<mps> ah finally, got it by using different usb port
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<u154ss> @chadmed "gentoo snapshot and ill push it to my web server " I would appreciate the link/location when you are ready. Thanks.
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<Halian> chadmed: so now I'm following, but when it tries to emerge clang as part of, it just… doesn't. Nothing compiles and the `top` reports look just as though nothing of consequence was running.
<Halian> *is running
<Halian> The same happens when I try to `emerge -av1 asahi-meta` after removing the -audio USE flag.
<chadmed> it shouldnt be trying to emerge clang as part of unless something has busted USE flags
<Halian> Trying to remove -audio is the only change I've made to the USE flags o_o
<chaos_princess> chadmed: media-libs/mesa-24.2.0_pre20240527 requires sys-devel/clang:17
<chaos_princess> so it might pull clang too
<Halian> I emptied out /var/tmp/portage and now it's compiling clang
<Halian> (though I'm running `emerge -av1 asahi-meta` before ``)
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<chadmed_> urgh yeah thats right mesa needs clang/llvm
<chadmed_> will emerge asahi-meta for you so there was no real need to emerge it separately
<Halian> chadmed_: the instructions on that GitHub page say to remove the -audio USE flag and `emerge -1 asahi-meta` before emerging a DE/WM, so
<chadmed_> yeah typically youd want to finish the base handbook build and reboot into the system proper before doing anything like that
<chadmed_> mostly for safety, since the livecd root fs is loaded into ram and by the time youre emerging stuff on the rootfs it has been destroyed on disk
<chadmed_> so its best to get yourself a basic working system first
<Halian> oh ._.
<chadmed_> if someone with a spare few minutes could test that would be neat
<chadmed_> cc u154ss
<chadmed_> youd think id get my own website right :p
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<chadmed_> also obviously with my bumass residential connection i only get 20 mbps up so somewhere to host this would also be neato
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