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<chadmed> urgh bindgen depends on libclang, which means every livecd has to have clang and llvm...
<chadmed> no wonder its so big
<chadmed> actually no we can unmerge them once the kernel is built
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<u154ss> @chadmed et all as stated the other day, the Gentoo installer ISO when burnt to a USB stick works perfectly on my M1 Mini. Command sequence: setenv boot_targets "usb"; setenv bootmeths "efi"; boot. On the M2 Mini, repeating the same command sequence, again "XHCI timeout on event type 0..." appears endlessly. no way to interuppt etc. Any ideas?
<chadmed> u154ss: i told you to ignore them, its just u-boot
<chadmed> if you get to the livecd and are able to select a boot option in its grub then you can ignore those messages entirely
<chadmed> the initramfs will be loaded (it's big, it takes a while) and youll get into the livecd
<u154ss> @chadmed, no luck, do not get that far, just the endless "XHCI timeout on event type 0..." messages. No command line.
<chadmed> when do they start showing up
<u154ss> @chadmed changed to a port on my USB-C hub, now it is working...
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<chadmed> yes, because as i said a few times, u-boot's usb stack is awful
<chadmed> which is why i havent made bootable media a massive priority until now
<u154ss> @chadmed as per your documentation, I am not at step 4 in your documentation -
<u154ss> not = now
<chadmed> you can skip that since youve booted the livecd off a usb stick
<chadmed> that guide is for using fedora as a slingshot
<chadmed> youre basically already at step 5
<u154ss> @chadmed stupid question, what tools do I have to download stuff for a basic Gentoo install at this stage? openssh-server Gentoo Stage 3 etc.
<chadmed> you can basically just follow the handbook exactly
<u154ss> @chadmed the Gentoo x86 handbook?
<mps> yes, usb-c ports are quirky, I often have to try different ones even with different devices not only for u-boot
<chadmed> u154ss: yeah
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<u154ss> I am in the LiveCD already, how do I proceed fro here. The last time I installed a Gentoo system on an Intel box was about twenty years ago.
<u154ss> I have no emerge or utilities etc.
<chadmed> u154ss: the handbook will show you everything you need to do, step by step
<chadmed> some steps can be skipped by following the guide on the asahi wiki, since from asahi-gentoosupport will do those for you
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<u154ss> In the state I am in at the moment (virginal LiveCD), I have no git/clone commands etc.
<chadmed> follow the handbook
<chadmed> you dont do any of that stuff until you have prepared your rootfs
<u154ss> @chadmed, I still need to run
<chadmed> no
<chadmed> like i said when youre booted into the livecd youre already at step 5 in the guide
<chadmed> so from there just follow the handbook
<u154ss> The x86 handbook?
<u154ss> Maybe I need more coffee...
<chadmed> yes, the x86 handbook
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<leio> I'd go with amd64 handbook over x86
<leio> chadmed: I think the handbook is a collection of templates where each arch then includes the parts it wants, we should be able to make an asahi one out of it really too. I just don't understand how it's done, like e.g. IA64 has custom bootloader text, but the "Edit source" of it doesn't reveal me anything special, but we can ask gentoo wiki people.
<chadmed> leio: that would probably make sense given we have "real" install media now
<leio> so we can make the install media official through the upstreaming efforts of that, get that into a cron job and all, and make a asahi handbook and just avoid any of this "which guide you use" business and cross-referencing by just having a full on handbook
<chadmed> how do the stage/livecd builders work in that regard (if you knoiw)
<chadmed> because i have specfiles and a builder script that pulls in ::gentoo and ::asahi and builds the media so if we can call that on the builders then we dont have to rush to upstream fast-moving stuff
<leio> we need stuff from ::asahi for the livecd still?
<leio> and I don't really know
<chadmed> yeah we need a few things from ::asahi
<chadmed> mostly the kernel and the dracut modules to build the initramfs properly
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<leio> sounds like a good thing to upstream, overlay can have newer versions faster, while ::gentoo has what we end up with in livecd build
<leio> and the handbook could document adding asahi overlay as a step via eselect repository or similar, if it doesn't get added out of the box somehow
<chadmed> if the user runs then it gets added via eselect repo so that's all good
<chadmed> but yeah i agree. im flying to melbourne tomorrow morning and have the whole week off so ill get some of those upstreaming PRs done
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<leio> Hope sam_ can help, I'm completely backtracked and swamped and will need to handle backlog for weeks after I can get some gentoo time in
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<u154ss> @chadmed what do have have in your /etc/portage/ to make this all work... See screenshot
<chadmed> my /etc/portage is.... unconventional
<chadmed> it's best to just do as portage says. make a file like /etc/portage/package.use/asahi and put "dev-lang/rust-bin rustfmt rust-src" in it
<u154ss> I have these entries in my /etc/portage/package.use/asahi - GNU nano 8.0 /etc/portage/package.use/asahi # Remove '-audio' before emerging a DE metapackage or WM # Remove 'kernel' and '-sources' if you plan to replace the # dist-kernel with sys-kernel/asahi-sources sys-apps/asahi-meta kernel -sources -audio
<u154ss> For legibility -
<u154ss> I have not touched this file at all.
<u154ss> @chadmed and this -
<chaos_princess> just put the thing it wants into package.use, it will work fine
<u154ss> @chaos_princess /etc/portage/package.use is a directory. Does all of this stuff need to go here . /etc/portage/package.use/asahi?
<chaos_princess> yes, the specific file name inside there does not matter, personally i organize it by package name, (i.e dev-lang-rust), but you can do whatever you prefer
<chadmed> u154ss: it doesnt matter what you call the file inside package.use, as long as it has the package name (dev-lang/rust-bin) and the use flags portage asked for (rustfmt rust-src)
<u154ss> Just a sec...
<u154ss> @all this is my /etc/portage/package.use/asahi before running again..
<chaos_princess> i do not think lines 5 and following do what you want them to do, delete them
<u154ss> Running install gives me this - nvalid atom in /etc/portage/package.use/asahi-copy: sys-kernel/asahi-kernel-6.8.10_p2::asahi --- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.use/asahi-copy: sys-apps/asahi-meta-2-r8::asahi --- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.use/asahi-copy: sys-boot/m1n1-1.4.14::asahi
<u154ss> Syntax methinks.
<chadmed> dont put the version in the package name
<chadmed> literally just sys-kernel/asahi-kernel etc
<u154ss> @chadmed it would seem the install is progressing -
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<u154ss_> @all thanks for the assistance. I will have to abort the Gentoo installation at this time. I will come back later and report.
<leio> if you for some reason need a specific version, then = in front would make it valid, or ~ for any revision of that version, but for package.use that's usually not what you'd want
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<u154ss> @all Could someone please tell me I am doing WRONG here -
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<chaos_princess> `echo 'dev-lang/rust-bin rust-src rustfmt' >/etc/portage/package.use/dev-lang-rust-bin`
<chaos_princess> do this
<leio> sam_: would be neat to have profile mixins easier, and we could just add some asahi one on top
<leio> of the standard choice, without having to make some combinatorial explosion
<sam_> yeah
<sam_> starting to feel increasingly like this is importanr
<sam_> t
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