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<u154ss> @chadmed did you get a chance to look at the Gentoo install problems ("XHCE timeout on event type 0...") we had last weekend?
<chadmed> i actually saw that occur on my studio today while debugging something else
<chadmed> i couldnt pinpoint it, but unplugging my usb-a DAC made it mostly go away
<chadmed> plugged it back in and havent seen it since though, so seems like a heisenbug
<chadmed> additionally it only ever happened if i stayed within u-boot/uefi for a longer than normal period
<u154ss> I tried the Gentoo install as per your (wiki) instructions a while ago. Still the same result. :(
<chadmed> what machine are you using?
<u154ss> M2-Mini (2023)
<chadmed> nothing plugged into usb-a?
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<u154ss> No, peripherals (keyboard, mouse etc.) running from the USB-C slot to a hub. Wrtting this text from that setup. Last weekend, I changed the mouse and keyboard over to USB-A, no difference, still the unendless XHCE timeout messages.
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<chadmed> how far do you get before you see them
<chadmed> because it really sounds like a more general u-boot bug than anything to do with gentoo
<u154ss> @chadmed, immediately after creates the Live Immage -> reboot -> Grub Screen with the Gentoo Live Image Entry, select this, then the fun starts.
<chadmed> can you get me a screenshot or something
<chadmed> because that is definitely a u-boot error
<u154ss> @Chadmed I can, but you will not see much.. Just those "XHCE timeout on event type 0..." scrolling by. Keyboard/mouse dead, tried switching to USB-A, no difference.
<chadmed> yeah thats def a u-boot bug then
<chadmed> no idea what could be causing it though
<u154ss> @chadmed fair enough, how do we go forward? I am using the same hardware with this Debian (kernel 6.9.5), u-boot asahi-v2024.04-1, M1N1 1.4.14.
<chadmed> i genuinely have no idea :p gentoo isnt doing anything special, we piggyback off the fedora kernel to boot into the livecd so this is happening _before_ that stage
<chadmed> its got nothing to do with the actual os
<chadmed> i would hazard a guess that u-boot just doesnt like one of your usb devices. its usb stack is kinda fucked...
<chadmed> it used to crash entirely with _both_ of my usb-c hubs for example
<u154ss> @chadmed even changing to a basic setup - no hub, USB-A slots serving mouse and keyboard makes no difference. No hiccup or extraneous messages on the screen, just the XHCE timeout stuff ad nauseum.
<chadmed> have you got a different mouse/kb combo you can try?
<u154ss> --+@chadmed Indeed, but I will have to setup things again, trying the USB-C/USB-A with the different hardware. What I am using at the moment is an old IBM SK-8815 and an even older IBM mouse which work and work and work... I will have to do this tomorrow. I will report back.
<j`ey> I guess try it without anything at all plugged in too
<u154ss> @chadmed I will have to select the Gentoo Live environment from th Grub menu however..
<u154ss> th = the
<j`ey> grub menu? Do you mean macOS boot picker?
<u154ss> That also. I select the minimum fedora from 1TR and then I get the black Grub menu with the Gentoo Live entry amongst others.
<chadmed> j`ey: no grub is right. the gentoo installer is an initramfs that gets loaded by the fedora kernel
<chadmed> ive been working on fixing this but gentoo's releng infrastructure is rubbish
<j`ey> chadmed: I got confused by "I will have to select the Gentoo Live environment from th Grub menu however..", u154ss meant he needs a keyboard to do that.. after uboot
<chadmed> yeah
<j`ey> (that was after me suggesting to just try boot with no USB plugged in at all)
<u154ss> @all correct, I need the keyboard to scroll down (down arrow key) to select the Gentoo Live entry. After that, read above...
<j`ey> but one test without is good to do
<u154ss> @Methinks the Grub Menu has other entries i.e. the minimum fedora AND Gentoo. I MUST select (scroll).
<u154ss> I woul agree however with starting with no USB stuff connected. The problem is what is automatically selected on the Grub screen. I am fairly it is NOT Gentoo, hence the scroll/select.
<u154ss> woul = would
<chadmed> im pretty sure theres some grub command that lets you specify a temporary default from userspce
<u154ss> That would have to happen building grub.cfg to bump things (Gentoo) up e.g. Gentoo being the first boot entry on the Grub screen.
<u154ss> @all I will report back on the morrow.
<chadmed> @u154ss grub-reboot(8)
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<Halian> I installed Gentoo on my M1 MBA, and now is happening to me; however, I can't find a way to fix it, only this workaround. How can I fix this so I don't need a magical incantation to boot into Gentoo on my laptop?
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<Halian> Also, I have no sound
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<chaos_princess> for magical incantation - systemd or openrc?
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<Halian> chaos_princess: systemd, regrettably
<chaos_princess> fdisk /dev/nvme0n1, use t to change partition type of your root paritition and set it to "Linux root (ARM-64)"
<Halian> Will do when it's done updating
<chaos_princess> also, make sure that your systemd use flags look somewhat like this: "sys-apps/systemd boot kernel-install cryptsetup" and if they are not, fix it and regenerate initramfs
<Halian> After U-Boot, it's using GRUB instead of systemd-boot, though, if that matters
<chaos_princess> iirc its cryptsetup that is the important one, that way it builds systemd-cryptsetup that does the unlock
<Halian> Alright
<chaos_princess> whats it with gentoo users and their dislike of systemd? :P
<Halian> Gentoo used to use OpenRC for the longest time, and that was still in my mental picture of the framework of Gentoo
<Halian> Also I just don't like how it arrogates so much for itself :/
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<Halian> …the heck. My MBA just crashed in the middle of `emerge -auvDN @world`. Sadly, I wasn't watching it like a hawk, so I didn't see what might have caused it.
<Halian> chadmed: dracut-initqueue is still timing out, unfortunately
<chaos_princess> full system crash? and do you have a 8gb model
<chaos_princess> cause 8gb model can't emerge i.e. llvm and rust on -j8
<Halian> chaos_princess: yes; I was watching YouTube when suddenly *BONG!*. I have the 8 GB model, but set it to -j2 because it was seizing up with a load average in the 20s when trying to compile llvm with -j4.
<chaos_princess> try pulling logs from that boot with journalctl, it might give a hint on what happened
<Halian> How do I do that? ._.;
<Halian> Nevermind; I misremembered and thought that for some reason `journalctl` would only show logs from this boot
<chaos_princess> journalctl -b -1 if it happened one boot ago, -2 if 2 and so on
<Halian> Thanks
<Halian> No journal boot entry found from the specified boot offset (or any prior one)
<chaos_princess> try with sudo?
<Halian> Everything shows as one continuous log
<Halian> Unfortunately, the journal stop after reaching target Switch Root on the last boot
<chaos_princess> are you running journalctl as your normal user or as root
<Halian> User
* Halian checks as root
<Halian> Same results as root
<chaos_princess> uhh, have you messed with kernel configs?
<Halian> No
<chaos_princess> thats a weird failure mode then
<Halian> chaos_princess++
<Halian> …oops, I wasn't scrolling far back enough ^^;
<Halian> Halian--
<Halian> I don't see anything that suggests a crash, just a bunch of networking info
* Halian shrug
<Halian> Maybe it was a failed attempt to hibernate or something idk
<Halian> Worse is that, after rebooting, not only has the Wi-Fi quit working again, but the stuff we tried in libera#gentoo to get it working won't work anymore :(
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<chadmed> Halian: did you use jared's guide to install?
<chadmed> sam_, leio: i think maybe we need to forcibly take this guide down
<sam_> there's wiki rules on user pages being "sovereign territory" but let me see what we can do
<chadmed> mostly disappointed he ignored me on the discussion page and seems to have no interest in taking ownership of the guide or engaging with the community
<sam_> thanks, reading it now
<sam_> it's hard because people are obviously free to do whatever, but at the same time, people *keep finding it*
<sam_> like, this problem doesn't exist for "install guide for rando thinkpad"
<sam_> (of which there's plenty
<sam_> )
<chadmed> yeah, the gentoo wiki must be SEOed better than github :p
<chadmed> like i said i dont even think the guide is particularly bad but clearly something in there is tripping up new users and if hes not going to engage with us or the new users then please just go away
<sam_> I was about to say "this reminds me a lot of Sakaki", and then I see he actually links to Sakaki's stuff
<chadmed> :p
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