ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<nitro> Hey
<nitro> I'm kind of new to this stuff, I have Hyprland on Asahi linux. Do I have AUR, Ach User Repository? What is the best way to download apps, say Google Chrome
<j`ey> what distro did you install?
<nitro> KDE Plasma
<j`ey> Fedora?
<nitro> Yea
<j`ey> then no AUR
<j`ey> there's COPR, which isn't really the same, but is 3rd party
<j`ey> also rpmfusion
<nitro> Ok. Is best way to download apps via discover app?
<nitro> Ok ill look into those
<j`ey> yes discover is the best way I think
<nitro> Better than RPMFusion?
<j`ey> rpmfusion is just for 3rd party stuff
<nitro> Alright, thanks
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<zerdox> hi! my hyprland detects touchpad as a mouse. that's the reason why it is not gets disabled when i am typing. anyone encountered same issue?
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