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<kallisti> What's the worst thing that can happen if I add 14" MBP to and it's respective IPSW version, and try to run the installer on 14" MBP in expert mode?
<tpw_rules> it erases your hard disk and you have to DFU restore from another machine
<tpw_rules> and you lose all your data
<kallisti> Hmm yeah, if I was smart perhaps I could make a backup and then risk it.
<tpw_rules> i mean i suspect it just won't work. you'd need a device tree and things
<kallisti> Ahh right, I dumped one of those before, but never made next steps (for a tablet)
<kallisti> Not sure how one would be created from scratch. That was android.
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<nicolas17> I don't understand, isn't 14" MBP already in that list?
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<chadmed> yes
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<ydalton> i assume the only thing you can do regarding linux is to install m1n1, but that's not very useful to an end user
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<chadmed> huh? no those laptops are supported fully afaik
<chadmed> the reason the M2* _desktops_ arent is because of the DCP/dptext/dcpext/whatever mess
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<jannau> bcm4388 is not supported, asahi alarm images are too old for 13.5 OS FW or not yet marked as 13.5 compatible, devices are expert mode only. at least on the m2 pro/fedora there's a strange issue with gpu's uat_handoff reserved memory
<jannau> so the devices work to some extend but are not officially supported
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<jannau> maz: would you take a simple openscad based tray "case" for the cs-hw repo?
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<eiln> 5am, you know it's something good
<eiln> avd has given a frame :)
<eiln> now to RE those ~200 magic registers (they're actually dma'd *to* the registers from iova space).. per codec..
<opticron> congrats! great work!
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<iaguis> awesome!
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<amarioguy> btw what is "rc" supposed to be in the apple devicetrees? is that just a bespoke mechanism of apple's pcie thing or is that actually in the standard?
<amarioguy> (for the pcie node)
<amarioguy> and i'm almost scared to ask...but if apple hw is ecam compliant, a bit curious why we needed to roll our own passthrough driver? just DART/MSI stuff ig?
<amarioguy> (the "pcie-apple" stuff in u-boot/linux)
<amarioguy> ditto the rc question for "port1", etc, does each P2P bridge have it's own ECAM region?
<roxfan2> region count?
<roxfan2> (no idea actually)
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<eiln> fyi it cannot be stateless as I'd hoped. we need a basic syntax parser to generate a 4K ish header. so far I've figured out height/width/stride. we also need to un-tile the output, and I'm really not sure if we want to do that in the kernel.
<eiln> neither bit is in the moronic m3 blob, so we have to do it regardless
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<nicolas17> eiln: what will be the userland API to access it?
<jannau> eiln: we can't recreate the header from the stateless structs? what information is in that header
<jannau> nicolas17: v4l2
<nicolas17> I suspect Apple accesses it from something with a lot more codec awareness
<jannau> I don't follow. the v4l2 stateless decoder api requires quite a bit of codec knowledge from the API user
<nicolas17> hm looks like AppleAVD.kext has H264 parsing (and it has lead to CVE-2022-22675)
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<eiln> jannau: I slightly misunderstood. the headers *are* chained (the second & onward headers do much less than the first), but it might be just an optimization. either way I can only decode one frame right now.
<nicolas17> so we get hardware-accelerated decoding of HEIF photos? :3
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<jannau> eiln: if you have questions regarding video bitstreams feel free to ask
<jannau> assuming you're looking at h264, the picture parameter set is usually much smaller than the sequence parameter set
<sven> amarioguy: it’s ecam plus some config space for each port for irqs, clocks, etc.
<sven> s/config space/apple (or more likely apple+synopsys) MMIO region/
<sven> and iirc some global MMIO that just needs some tunables applied
<sven> there’s also some region for the PHY but I believe m1n1 takes care of that
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<kallisti> nicolas17: chadmed : No, the MBP 14" M2 variant is not supported. The installer returns `This device is not supported yet! Please check out the Asahi Linux Blog for updates on device support:` and the device is not in the list...
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<chadmed> kallisti: yeah forgot about the wifi chipset and gpu carveout...
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<eiln> jannau: thanks :D
<eiln> I started with h264 but there was some funny SPS/PPS stuff, like you mentioned. also scaling. I'm doing vp9 rn
<eiln> I am really not the best person for this
<kallisti> I could try to get by with a ethwernet adapter but assume that the display doesn't work and I don't follow how an install can happen without the device listed in . Furthermore, someone mentioned there is no device tree
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<jannau> kallisti: it is listed there but this conversation seems off-topic here. support for device is not ready yet
<kallisti> jannau: Sorry about that.
<jannau> eiln: I would be a good person for avd/ave but I have my hands full with dcp
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<eiln> oh wait no it's something with the reference frame
<ydalton> eiln: wow, i did not expect this
<ydalton> what's up with that 0xb7000 big structure that is referenced by the mailbox messages?
<ydalton> i remember i ran R's tracer script and i saw that
<sven> jannau: just die what alyssa did and find a poor volunteer who takes over :D
<sven> s/die/do/ (wtf iPhone autocorrect)
<ydalton> i'd like to help but i know jack about anything :P
<ydalton> eiln: did you use your own tracer script?
<Guest328> that’s one of the indirection layers
<Guest328> the last one iirc, it contains the pointers to actual video data
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<Guest328> it’s big because it has some arrays of structs e.g. per-slice within a frame
<amarioguy> sven: ah got it, thanks for the info
<ydalton> R called it the frame params
<ydalton> both the mailbox and the frame params contain the frame number of the stream
<ydalton> i don't have my notes at hand
<ydalton> but why apple, why the indirection
<eiln> ydalton: in dart stream 1?
<eiln> "tracer" it just mon.poll()'s periodically
<ydalton> i mean like didn't you run the hypervisor and use some kind of tracer script?
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<ydalton> i'm assuming that avd_dma_tunables_stages0 is that shit the macOS driver spams in MMIO
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<ydalton> Guest328: is this jamie?
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<ChaosPrincess> eiln: w.r.t ave_log.cfg, either that didnt end up working, or i have no idea where exactly to look for output. And im not sure how that even was supposed to work, since the scanf format that they are using is "LOG_ID_%d=%d%c"
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<eiln> echo "1 2 hello" > /tmp/ave_log.cfg
<eiln> > VTEncoderXPCService: (AppleVideoEncoder) 4319867810 64 AVE WARN: used log config file is at /tmp/ave_log.cfg 1694906712191446
<eiln> > VTEncoderXPCService: (AppleVideoEncoder) 4319906591 46 AVE VERB: H264FrameRec: insert slice_size 823 slice_size_fig 819 slice # 0 &p_in[0] 0x1000000
<eiln> ChaosPrincess: spits out the fw struct in 13.5. or were you already getting those?
<ChaosPrincess> Ok, where are you seeing those?
<ChaosPrincess> i might be missing something stupidly simple
<eiln> good ol 'log show --last 1m --info --debug --color=always'
<ChaosPrincess> Yea, the --info and --debug are probably what im missing
<Guest328> ydalton: yeah
<ChaosPrincess> Thanks, that should be easier than visually diffing huge structures at m1n1 level
<Guest328> (i’m on matrix, idk what i’m showing up as on iirc sorry)
<Guest328> s/iirc/irc/
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<nicolas17> Guest328: Guest 328
<Guest328> ah lol