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<chadmed> with eas, do we want to do measurements and values on a per-device basis or per-soc
<chadmed> i feel like per-device makes more sense given the per-device throttling and power envelope behaviour
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<marcan> chadmed: per-soc should be fine I think. only the fanless models should throttle and I don't think that behavior is going to be very usefully encoded in the EAS data anyway
<marcan> since there are many more variables (e.g. GPU usage)
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<chadmed> marcan: makes sense, i have been doing it that way so far. just wanted to double-check
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<marcan> jannau: done
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<pb17> jannau: Regarding your comment on my PR #184. Would it be possible for you to gather some logs on your M1 Mac Mini? I can try to guess what goes wrong over the weekend
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<jannau> pb17: access point mode itself seems to work. works without encryption. WPA2 PSK doesn't work
<jannau> no, even that seems to work now. maybe it was just missing dependencies for network sharing. testing now with link local addresses
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<pb17> I did my tests on j316s mostly with link local addresses. That seemed to work fine
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<jannau> pb17: everthing works here. the connection sharing issue was unrelated but due the errors in the kernel log I didn't check NetworkManager's log
<pb17> jannau: Great, thanks for testing!
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<jannau> thanks for looking into it. not sure if I'll ever need it but there were a few users asking for it
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<pb17> Same for me but you never know. I'll try to fix p2p next
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