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<stek> How would I go about extracting the fw bin for j414s from macos?
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<jannau> stek: no need to extract from macOS, see and the source files should be available in /boot/efi/asahi/all_firmware.tar.gz
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<jannau> please paste from the installer log (/boot/efi/asahi/installer.log) the segment handling fw extraction. starting with "StubInstaller.collect_firmware()" to "Making fallback firmware archive"
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<stek> Here is the log
<jannau> stek: it's extracted. "apple/tpmtfw-j414s.bin", please check that it is included in /boot/efi/vendorfw/firmware.tar
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<jannau> is this a stock fedora-asahi / asahilinux (alarm) install?
<stek> Hm, strange, it is there.
<stek> jannau: What do you define as a stock install? Aside from getting it to install I didn't change anything else, it is a default alarm arch install
<jannau> mostly modifying anything related to the boot process (except updating u-boot)
<stek> I didn't change anything in the boot process but update u-boot for the keyboard to work
<jannau> does tpmtfw-j414s.bin exists in /lib/firmware/vendor
<stek> No, it's an empty folder as far as i can tell
<stek> So that might be problematic
<jannau> is tpmtfw-j414s.bin in /boot/efi/vendorfw/firmware.cpio ? use lsinitrd to check
<stek> lsinitrd?
<jannau> yes
<jannau> lsinitcpio on alarm
<stek> yes, it is there: vendorfw/apple/tpmtfw-j414s.bin
<jannau> does `tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition ` output the correct partuuid of your ESP?
<stek> There is not such file,
<stek> only iboot,kblang, m1n1, osfw,systemfw
<jannau> what did you do exactly to get it installed? the first level m1n1 need to set that, see tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition
<jannau> you have a broken install support for that is not on-topic in #asahi-dev
<stek> jannau: I added the macos version and nothing else to the install script
<jannau> please upload your whole installer.log
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<stek> pastebin found offensive words lol
<jannau> how did you update m1n1/boot.bin? see what update-m1n1 does. I would bet you didn't compress u-boot-nodtb.bin
<stek> This is the output it gives
<stek> and to how I updated it, I followed the wiki page in asahi docs for u boot
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<stek> jannau: yes, I used that
<stek> itÅs broken?
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<stek> Then how can I go about updating u-boot the correct way?
<jannau> see what update-m1n1 does. it is a shell script
<jannau> I fixed the wiki page
<stek> Okay, one minú
<stek> Reading m1n1 config from /etc/m1n1.conf:
<stek> System ESP not identified in device tree, using /boot/efi
<stek> Mounted System ESP /dev/nvme0n1p4 at /run/.system-efi
<stek> m1n1 updated at /run/.system-efi/m1n1/boot.bin
<stek> oof, i wanted to post that in one message
<jannau> why post that at all? it has no information
<stek> Sorry, brain went to sleep
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<stek> Okay, did it with the gzip line, and lo and behold it now works! Thank you!
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<sven> 00003dc0: 4849 5044 2830 0420 d042 0420 5c00 0420 HIPD(0. .B. \..
<sven> 00003dd0: 4449 5343 c91a 0420 2143 4d44 424f 4f54 DISC... !CMDBOOT
<sven> hah
<sven> this is incredibly janky but kinda works now :D
<sven> i have to keep it in reset and send the read commands N times manually because it sometimes just refuses to reply
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<sven> 0002a5c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4344 3332 ............CD32
<sven> 0002a5d0: 3137 2020 2048 5720 2020 2020 4657 3030 17 HW FW00
<sven> 0002a5e0: 302e 3030 302e 3030 205a 4143 4532 2d41 0.000.00 ZACE2-A
<sven> alright, let me dump it again to make sure there are no errors now
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<sven> hrm, a bunch of flipped bits. i guess i'll just dump it a few times and then just live with that
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<PaulFertser> Nice thing it has SWD working under reset. Not all MCU manufacturers did it right with cortex-m even though the specs require it iirc.
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<sven> it's much more stable under reset in my crappy setup even. maybe it doesn't like that I only connected a single GND ball or maybe I'm missing some other important connection 🤷‍♂️
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<sven> 00029c00: 4d45 4d72 973e 0200 4d45 4d77 973e 0200 MEMr.>..MEMw.>.. that looks like a hidden memory/read write command. wonder if that just works
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<chadmed> did anyone end up testing the hwmon driver? writing up a commit message
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<povik> jannau: yeah, re "detected mic" it's as you say
<_jannau_> yes, I looked into the code. I was convinced that headsets were announced as "headset" or similar
<_jannau_> there are a few users for which pipewire apparently doesn't pick the ucm config up although alsaucm reports no issues
<_jannau_> btw I have two pull requests for the our ucm config. would be nice to merge them before we start copying the mistakes to configs for m2 based devices
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<sven> lol, I guess that's the reason why google used to suggest the tps6598x chips when you searched for cd3218 even before that was well known :D
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<sven> huh, there's also hpmdiagnose which seems to just print all regs of those chips when running macos. how did I miss that one before
<povik> _jannau_: ah haven't seen those, should sign for notifications there
<povik> _jannau_: tagged v2
<_jannau_> thanks, not sure if those fixes are urgent enough for releasing them before we add support for more devices
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<marcan> kernel rebased on 6.5, kernel&m1n1 updates pushed to asahi-dev.
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<cy8aer> Sorry, but change 2dc7e1e94502d makes problems for me. I am only able to compile 6.5-2 with reverting it. Tried with rustc 0.68.2/bindgen 0.56.0 (bindgen does not know --blocklist-type) and rustc 1.72.0/0.66.1 (compile error later). Without 2dc7e1e94502d everything compiles fine.
<cy8aer> I am not able to compile without reverting it, sorry
<cy8aer> I need to revert the patch. Now it is complete confusing..
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<cy8aer> ok, you really need a new bindgen. With patch it compiles with 1.72.0/0.68.1, but not with older bindgens...
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<leio> my Mac Studio M2 Ultra has arrived, in case there's updates on what I need to dirty my hands with, presumably first :)
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<marcan> cy8aer: next kernel will require a new bindgen anyway, none of us have been using that old bindgen for a long time now.
<cy8aer> marcan: no problem, I have only been put off by the kernel compilation message warning against newer versions.
<axboe> asahi-6.5-2 throws a lot of unsigned vs u64 errors for me, rust side
<axboe> known?
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<axboe> bindgen 0.60.1 fwiw
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<axboe> in case it isn't known:
<axboe> well maybe that was just noise, works with bindgen 0.66.1
<axboe> yep all good with updated bindgen, and boots/works too
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<axboe> about to travel, and everybody knows you should update your system and kernel right before that
<j`ey> :-)
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