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<marcan> eiln: awesome! :D
<knedlik> Good morning peeps, since I didn't get a response yesterday (the channel wasn't very alive), are there any things I can help with programming-wise?
<marcan> eiln: I'll look at the PMGR stuff. 0x400 is APPLE_PMGR_DEV_DISABLE, I don't know what 0x1000 is. We can merge as-is for now anyway and deal with it later.
<marcan> knedlik: there's if you want to find stuff to do
<knedlik> Looked at that yesterday, I was thinking I might do the keyboard cleanup, but I'm not really sure what that task is about
<knedlik> Besides configuring keyboard layouts obviously
<marcan> I think we had someone interested in that recently but I forget who it was
<marcan> see the xkeyboard-config linked issue for details
<marcan> the problem is we need to treat Fn as a modifier, but we've run out of modifiers in Xorg-land, and this needs to work with XWayland somehow
<marcan> so there's an interesting problem to figure out how to solve there
<marcan> you'll want to talk with Daniel Stone about it
<knedlik> The issue mentions X11 allows 8 modifiers - I could count exactly 8 on my keyboard, assuming right and left are different
<knedlik> Also, what's the current "base" branch on github that is used as a reference for development? asahi-wip?
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<marcan> asahi-wip, but none of this has to do with the kernel really, just use `fnmode=0` for hid-apple to disable Fn handling on that side
<marcan> this is all about XKB layouts and possibly patching/improving XWayland
<marcan> X11 allows 8 modifiers, but those are effectively global - we're using all 8 *possible* modifiers already for 8 features, and now we need one more
<marcan> it gets weird when you intersect keyboard layouts and models and things like that
<marcan> XKB is complicated
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<marcan> ah, it got reverted
<marcan> knedlik: feel free to claim it then :)
<knedlik> I'll take a look how that works
<knedlik> Another thing I'm not sure if it's being worked on - I have a czech keyboard MacBook, but there's isn't an option for the Apple czech keyboard
<knedlik> Which is an area where Apple deviates from the standard by a lot
<chadmed> ok 15" air booted at 16:57, how quick can i get from here to gentoo to speakers
<jannau> I think you'll have to use the fedora installer to get a minimal system for bootstrap installed
<jannau> or you have to modify the installer_data.json and boot first via m1n1 proxy
<chadmed> thats ok i need to update the gentoo stuff to work with fedora now anyway :)
<chadmed> ooh interesting theyve gone even harder on the compressor than with the 14" pro
<chadmed> this thing actually sounds ass above like 35% volume lmfao wtf
<chadmed> lets fix that
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<marcan> knedlik: keyboard layouts in general need work, yes, that's related and we need as much help as we can get for Apple layouts
<marcan> in general the idea is you pick czech and then, when the keyboard model is one of the Apple Aluminum ones, that should adapt to the Apple-specific variations
<marcan> (as opposed to having an outright separate czech layout for Apple)
<marcan> or at least that's my understanding of how it should work
<knedlik> Right now you choose a language (Czech in my case) and then the layout
<marcan> yes
<knedlik> But the Apple one is missing or misnamed
<marcan> right, but AIUI the way it's *supposed* to work for these kinds of keyboards, since they use special models, is automatically
<knedlik> I can help with configuring it, but I'm not sure where or how that's done
<marcan> instead of having a layout variant for "apple", the apple-isms are applied as a result of having an apple *model* with czech layout
<marcan> but maybe confirm that with Daniel to make sure what I'm saying makes sense
<marcan> xkb has a bunch of complicated features to support this stuff
<knedlik> Is Daniel here on IRC, or should I contact him somehow else?
<dottedmag> knedlik: daniels here
<knedlik> daniels I assume?
<knedlik> Alright
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<eiln> marcan: if we're gonna merge, with some traces I can add more dt nodes + soc init data. p sure h13s share the same sensor, so little problem there. already added boilerplate for m2 resolution work too.
<_jannau__> eiln: the m1 pro/max macbook pros have a 1920x1080 sensor:
<eiln> jannau: I guess we'll have to support all of them :)
<eiln> lmk if anyone with a M1 Pro+ (laptop) (running m1n1) has some free time
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<chadmed> bah change of plans the gentoo livecd doesnt like the fedora kernel at all
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<knedlik> So before I claim the keyboard yak and embark on that little adventure, I got reminded of an issue that's been bugging me for quite a while
<knedlik> Are there currently any issues with the speaker stuff that don't require very niche knowledge of audio-stuff?
<knedlik> I see that chadmed talked something about speakers on an 15in air earlier today?
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<PaulFertser> knedlik: is an interesting read. If you have the right skills and equipment to prepare FIRs and other configs for hardware that's not already in then it might help.
<knedlik> I see the 13in Pro isn't in the list, I'll take a look then
<knedlik> Interestingly enough, the M1 13in Pro isn't J31x... am I right to assume the notes still apply?
<knedlik> I'll just dump my two thoughts here I guess
<knedlik> 1) Is there a guide somewhere on properly building and installing the asahi kernel on the Fedora remix? Last time I tried, GRUB couldn't find it after a reboot
<knedlik> 2) Is there any info on how these configs (FIRs, what does it stand for?) work? How would I develop and test them while making sure my speakers survive?
<PaulFertser> knedlik: 2) not anyhow, that's dev-only stuff, if you do not know the answer you're not supposed to enable speakers at all for now.
<knedlik> Understandable, better to keep hands off and learn it another time
<knedlik> Now I remember why I didn't do the bass yak when it was still there hah
<knedlik> I'm mainly looking around what other stuff than the keyboard yak is available before I dive into that rabbit hole the keyboard seems to be
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<chadmed> knedlik: ive already done the 13" pros.... sorry :/
<chadmed> the 13" airs need doing though!
<chadmed> the 13" pro m1 is j293 which is in wip/j293
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<knedlik> chadmed: I see, I was on the master branch, that makes sense... should those configs be reasonably safe(tm) considering you evidently know your stuff?
<knedlik> Just asking how big of an idiotic move it would be to try them out, while keeping in ming any problems are on me.
<knedlik> *mind, sorry... I should really check for typos here where I can't edit my messages
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<chadmed_> the 13" ones will probably still suck tbh but the 14" _should_ be fine
<chadmed_> you need some downstream pipewire and wireplumber forks though
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<knedlik> Well, the sound being bad doesn't matter to me that much right now, as long as my speakers continue working after....
<chadmed> well yeah i dont think you can break the 13" pros
<chadmed> they dont have tweeters
<knedlik> Gotcha
<knedlik> Any specific forks of pipewire and wireplumber you have in mind?
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<eiln> why have I just seen the asahi-audio repo
<eiln> Kadomatsu is nice
<PaulFertser> knedlik: stuff in that repo is not about safety at all, there's another specifically for safety: . And you can see by README it's not ready yet.
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<chadmed> eiln: i have on the city shore in my collection, its one of my favourite albums :)
<chadmed> PaulFertser: they meant safe to use absent speakersafetyd. the official advice is that they are _not_ safe to use without speakersafetyd
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<sawyer> eiln: I have more time than sense and an M1 Pro 16 inch with a fresh Asahi Fedora install if I can be of any use
<knedlik> "More time than sense" is literally me
<sawyer> though I've admittedly had a bit of trouble standing up a dev env for kernel stuff so far (might need some time to get that working)
<PaulFertser> chadmed: you mean you tested it with all those filters in place on max loudness with the loudness war track and couldn't get anything to overheat, speakersafetyd didn't have any reason to act?
<chadmed> no i mean the offical advice is the opposite
<chadmed> whether or not i personally managed to not melt my tweeters is irrelevant
<PaulFertser> chadmed: the official advice is that sound shouldn't be enabled, that I know. I'm trying to understand your statement about "safe to use absent speakersafetyd".
<chadmed> im saying that knedlik was asking if the DSP stuff is safe to use without speakersafetyd
<chadmed> the answer to that question is _officially_ "no"
<knedlik> Actually I was asking if it was safe to use overall, and you configs *do* list it as a dependency
<knedlik> Although I'm not sure I'm gonna need those speakers again if I play them at the absolute max volume
<chadmed> they are "safe" to use in the sense that they dont expose your speakers to any more danger than just blasting sound through them raw
<chadmed> in fact it is objectively safer to run with the DSP
<chadmed> but im not going to make any absolute guarantees of safety, and no one should be using this stuff without speakersafetyd in the wild
<knedlik> My question was primarily aimed towards use with speakersafetyd, as I wasn't planning on using it without them
<PaulFertser> From Marcan's posts I had an impression that basically you can turn the volume all the way up safely for most "normal" sound streams but with certain content it becomes necessary to tone it down. DSP filters can make some of that contents safer but not all I guessed. Hence the confusion.
<knedlik> I usually have my volume at half in MacOS and even then sometimes turn it a bit down
<chadmed> after about halfway macos starts bringing in a very aggressive compressor which ruins the sound quality anyway
<PaulFertser> knedlik: speakersafetyd infers temperature of speakers and does it automatically whenever it becomes dangerously hot afaict.
<knedlik> Makes sense
<knedlik> Now I need to find how the hell I build the kernel in release since debug ain't fitting onto the boot partition
<j`ey> the default is release
<knedlik> huh
<knedlik> Why is it like 20 gigs then?
<j`ey> o_O
<chadmed> h-huh?
<chadmed> vmlinuz is 20 gb?
<j`ey> what bit is 20G?
<knedlik> Well the complete result from the build is 20 including driers
<chadmed> oh right no you run make install
<chadmed> and it installs the kernel binary to /boot
<knedlik> I did run make install, yes
<chadmed> yeah you dont need the whole tree on /boot
<knedlik> And it said not enough space
<chadmed> oh?
<chadmed> thats interesting
<knedlik> My boot part is 1 gig
<eiln> sawyer: do you mind running booting into macos
<eiln> open/close the photobooth app, then run this command
<eiln> log show --last 1d --info --debug | grep -iF camera
<sawyer> eiln: fresh boot? I'm already in macos at the moment
<eiln> sawyer: yes
<knedlik> And now I can't reboot because I would have to reinstall Linux completely
<knedlik> As GRUB would look for a kernel image that's not there (couldn'ŧ write because space)
<j`ey> grub hasnt been updated though, so it should still use the old kernel?
<knedlik> I tried this two times already, seems it updates the grub config *before* the image is written
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<knedlik> Since it's bricked rn anyway, I'll try deleting the old boot files
<knedlik> That should be loaded in memory anyway, right?
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<sawyer> alright my log is a bit too big for or pastebin, what uploader do y'all prefer?
<knedlik> I think gist.github works for larger files too... doesn't hurt to try at the very least
<knedlik> Okay, I don't think I can solve this on my own...
<knedlik> Make install throws 'error writing '/boot/initramfs-6.4.0-asahi+.img': No space left on device'
<knedlik> /boot has 645MB free
<knedlik> I swear it has to be debug symbols
<eiln> sawyer: got it, thank you! that's the 1080p model I was looking for
<sawyer> eiln: awesome, let me know if theres anything else I can do
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<eiln> m2 air & m1 pro pro have the identical camera, lmao
<iaguis> nice :D
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<marcan> eiln: I guess for the new chassis design they upgraded it
<marcan> not terribly surprising
<marcan> the m1 air/pro and m2 pro are ancient case designs, they probably kept whatever old cameras those always had
<marcan> and only bothered to upgrade all the new chassis variants
<knedlik> I'm out of idead now. No matter what I do, I always get error writing '/boot/initramfs-6.4.0-asahi+.img': No space left on device
<knedlik> Somehow the dev kernel doesn't fit into those 750MB
<jannau> knedlik: build with out (full) debug symbols
<knedlik> The thing is I'm not sure how to force it to do that
<knedlik> I tried CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO, but that didn't work out apparently
<jannau> set that to DEBUG_INFO_NONE
<knedlik> As in set thhe CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO env var to that, or set DEBUG_INFO_NONE to y?
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<knedlik> Found some stuff on google... how can I verify the debug symbols are missing?
<knedlik> Normally I would check the executable, but this is the kernel we're talking about...
<PaulFertser> For Linux it's normal to have at least some debug symbols to get meaningful backtraces, that alone certainly doesn't bloat the modules much. So you're not supposed to be aiming for full elimination of debug sections in ELF files there.
<PaulFertser> knedlik: why do not you use mkinitramfs manually with debug switch to see what exactly it's trying to pack in, and what files are there taking that much space really? You also can store it somewhere outside /boot while researching.
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<knedlik> Last time I used this stuff was when I last tried installing pure Arch on my x64 desktop
<knedlik> I don't really remember the tools, but I'll take a look at what you're saying
<knedlik> Btw, is my configuration wrong, or is there some missing piece that's the reason why my keyboard isn't backlit?
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<knedlik> This is weird... the initramfs built by Dracut is 964 107 222 Bytes, which obviously doesn't fit
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<knedlik> I wonder if I can symlink it into /boot and count on it working
<PaulFertser> lol
<jannau> no, you can't. the bootloader has no idea that it has to mount a second partition nor how to mount it so that your symlink resolves
<PaulFertser> It was a joke right, no need to give a serious answer?
<jannau> how large are you installed modules (or vmlinuz / Image.gz in the case you've built everything in)
<knedlik> It wasn't really a joke, more like thinking out loud, before realizing it makes 0 sense
<knedlik> vmlinuz is 48.3MB
<jannau> my modules (`du -sch /lib/modules/6.4.0-asahi-9-arm64`) are 34M, less modules than a distro built but not really disabled everything I don't need
<knedlik> My currently installed modules is what was installed with 'make modules_install'
<knedlik> I need to go for a bit, I'll read anything that was sent in the meantime then
<jannau> my vmlinuz (uncompressed) and initrd (gzipped) are each less than 25M
<PaulFertser> knedlik: so how big are your new modules in /lib/modules if you remove the build/ and source/ symlinks from there (or probably use du -D to skip dereferencing symlinks)?
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<knedlik> PaulFertser: Seems to be over 5 gigs, for no apparent reason
<knedlik> Indeed, 4.3 gigs of drivers!
<jannau> that is a build with debug symbols
<knedlik> Well I did enable the DEBUG_INFO_NONE option
<PaulFertser> knedlik: without source and build symlinks?
<knedlik> Unless the -D option of du is disfunctional, it's without symlinks
<PaulFertser> knedlik: what about "du -sh /lib/modules/<version>/*" ? I mean you should see where this all space goes for real. I'm not sure about -D option.
<knedlik> I did look with GNOME disk analyzer and as I said, over 4 gigs went into the drivers
<jannau> are that maybe leftovers because kernel module compression method was changed
<knedlik> I can try cleaning it out and running the 'modules_install' again
<jannau> find /lib/modules/$KRNEL_VER -name 'apple_dcp.ko*'
<jannau> and than report how large that it
<ah-> eiln: i'd love to help getting the camera to work on j316. here's the mac os log and the device tree. i tried putting together the dbt changes yesterday but just saw you updated something in the MR for t6000, would it be worth trying that?
<knedlik> jannau it's 3 740 065 Bytes
<jannau> 55k zstd compressed / 250k uncompressed here
<jannau> what does file report on it?
<ah-> err here's the log and device tree:
<knedlik> One sec, I'm trying an option I found in the config
<knedlik> Uhhh is a release build noticeable in compile time?
<jannau> a full kernel (re-)build takes a few minutes
<knedlik> Yes, but it seems a bit faster after I changed the config
<eiln> ah-: awesome. I'm assuming you have a m1n1 setup from the dts?
<ah-> eiln: looks like some of the dtb addresses are a bit different, i'm on a j316c t6001, and I'm getting isp_dart: iommu@1860E8000 rather than iommu@2860e8000 in your branch. i guess you did it for j316s t6000?
<eiln> if so do you mind running this trace
<ah-> i don't have a m1n1 proxyclient setup yet, i got the dt from the img4 tool. if it's helpful I can give that a go though
<eiln> ah-: yeah, the only way to know is through a trace. the dt isn't much use for this one, they dont even describe the power domains. it's all hardcoded throughout the kext
<jannau> dart-isp0 should be at 0x3_860E_8000 for both t6000 and t6001
<eiln> it's the m1n1 addr | 2 right?
<jannau> the 0x1_860E_8000 from the adt is offsetted by 0x2_0000_0000 through the ranges property
<ah-> ok cool, i'll try running the trace. how do I do that best? with
<ah-> I think i used to have a m1n1 proxyclient setup and can that to work again, but I'm not sure how to run your script and then boot osx to trace it
<knedlik> jannau: new config shows 1MB on the file you told me and 'file' shows with debug symbols
<eiln> ah-: the hypervisor setup (needed to trace macos) is a bit tricky, sadly. you'll need a new macos install, an icloud account to get the kdks, install m1n1 yourself in recovery, etc. if you're familiar with kernel stuff you could test with a simple tethered boot setup (enable expert mode in installer).
<marcan> no need for a KDK, you can just run the retail kernel
<ah-> ok I think i roughly found what I need to do, so I get the m1n1 proxy setup, then run your tracing script, then boot osx via and that should give me the log?
<ah-> i'll give it a go
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<eiln> maybe I shouldn't have pushed the last one? it was more of a "jot down my notes from dumps"
<eiln> thankfully it won't do much without an iommu
<knedlik> Finally managed a non-debug build that takes up only 306MB
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<knedlik> It boots!
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<knedlik> I can't have a while where everything works... of course the GPU stopped working after the kernel update
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<knedlik> Will the arch release stay as a viable option for Asahi dev? I'm seriously considering deleting Fedora and going back to the Arch fork
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<ah-> i had to open photobooth twice, the first time it took a few seconds and then it said there was no available camera, on the second attempt it worked and I saw the camera image
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